

Oh man oh man. What can I say about this game?

Overall, I would say this is the Dark Souls of horror escape room games, with their well thought out game design and intent. Each checkpoint gets harder and harder, as it becomes more demanding of your attention and memory (and patience too). Every time you die, you will become frustrated, and may be tempted to rage quit, and yet you find yourself wanting to just try it “one more time” to beat this hellish game. But you will become better and better at it (whether it’s avoiding those doll-obsessed zombies or rolling doctors who turn into logs), and ultimately, when you finally finish it, you will feel a deep satisfaction.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Foreign Indie Games.

One of the most, original, challenging and fun games I have played in a long time.

DEDstress is a very fast paced single player game with very high energy. Having to solve puzzles and use my brain while being chased by some crazed nurse is something I have not felt playing anything else. It isn’t horror, but it comes close to a panic attack simulator.

This game has given me heart problems.

69/10 would panic spray again.


☐ It’s free!

☑ Worth the price

☐ If u have some spare money left

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

DEDstress on Steam



please note that the showcased items above are running on a temporary lighting and scene building system and that the final game is subject to graphical enhancement



Welcome to Installation Jade. A megastructure and machine managed by an illusive and authoritarian Director. Nobody knows who built it. Nobody knows it’s age. Nobody’s around to ask.

You are an Operator. An artificial consciousness implanted within a preserved human body from long ago. Your tasks are simple. The Director’s orders firm. You are to be activated, assist in the standard operating procedure of the installation and do it with a smile. And so is the Operator after you, and after it, the system is to be kept alive until the end of time. But maybe it isn’t that simple. Maybe the Operator isn’t as mechanical as the system around it.

OPERATOR is a hard to define game about humanity’s struggle against an ancient inhuman odyssey of entirely human origin. About overcoming an inefficient machine entirely focused on self-preservation and either a liberation into the great unknown or a spiteful revolution of mutual destruction. Or maybe it’s just a game about manipulating a mysterious machine in a desperate attempt to end the Director’s mad cycle. Who knows?

In OPERATOR the player has agency over the installation and it’s warped reality, using the Installation’s Operating System to overcome the hostile machine’s many dangers and evade it’s pacification forces by manipulating the worldspace itself.

This is the first game developed by Australian indie solo-developer Cooper Braun and his studio Virtual Edition.

Read More: Best Foreign Futuristic Games.


Wonhon: Prologue

Wonhon: Prologue

Like stealth games? Try this.


You play a vengeful spirit that’s been allowed to return. It plays out as an isometric puzzle game that requires a tactical approach. The only way you can fight is to possess the bodies of your enemies, but you have limited spirit energy to maintain either possession or a ghost form that lets you move through objects. If you get spotted in your fragile reanimated human body, you die quickly.

This was the first teaser demo and they’ve also released a longer demo with a few more missions (and additional story). The full game launches July 2021.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Foreign Female Protagonist Games.

Feels awesome. Can’t wait to see more.

Perhaps more camera controls like (zooming/panning) wouldn’t hurt.

What I really hope to see in the final release is fast saves/load anytime and insanely hard levels.

Really great works folks!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Wonhon: Prologue on Steam

Operation: Pinkeye

Operation: Pinkeye

Operation: Pinkeye is a first-person shooter throwing back to shooters from the 90s by the likes of Rareware and Free Radical Design.

Set in an alternate Universe where the Acts of Union in 1707 never happened, Scotland and England remain independent and tensions between the 2 remain very high.

A journalist has been killed in a hotel in London near a political rally, his room was ransacked, as if their murderers were looking for something. It was believed that he held important documents containing plans by the English to invade Scotland. Fearing that this is the case, The Scottish Secret Service (The SSS) assign their best agent, Ken Maxwell, to obtain the stolen documents, and find out exactly what they’re planning.

Traverse through 15 levels of high-octane spy action, with music from the composer of Planet X3, and FMV cutscenes filmed in Scots!


  • Relive memories of ’90s era shooters without the annoying bits

  • Faithful old-school graphics

  • Multiple language support, including Scots and Gaelic!

  • Customisable mechanics and controls!

  • Music from the composer of Planet X3 and Half-Life: Dark Matter

Operation: Pinkeye on Steam

Desert Mystery

Desert Mystery

[0.1] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0] Sound & Music

[0.1] Graphics

[0] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Stars received: 0.3/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: some garbage asset flip from a gameguru engine

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game


Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Desert Mystery on Steam

Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

Okay, so it’d be easy enough to describe this as a “budget” version of Outlast 2 meets Through the Woods. It would be also be appallingly LAZY to do so. This game is deserving of a much more thorough appraisal than that. So let’s get down to it, shall we?

It’s usually a good sign when I’m saying to myself, “Hey, this looks pretty good, actually” by the five-minute mark. Better still when I’m saying, “Hey, this looks like it’s gonna be REALLY good, actually” by the ten-minute mark. Luckily, this game didn’t disappoint me, and only got better from there on in.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

“The abyss awaits. Through the midst…In the deep, where they watch. There you find the other side…” – Tormented Tree, Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

Developed and published by Angry Demon Studio, Unforgiving, is a First-Person, Horror-Adventure title, steeped in Scandinavian folklore, unfolds the dark journey of Linn, the game’s protagonist.


Those familiar with this particular genre will know more or less what to expect. Unforgiving doesn’t go out of its way to surprise the player from a raw mechanics perspective. That said, the mechanics that are present are well designed and fittingly placed.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn on Steam