Miracle Calamity Homeostasis

Miracle Calamity Homeostasis


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Foreign Story Rich Games.

Нет, это не обзор на этот шедевр 2015 года! Это обзор возможно на шедевр 2019 года, дез стрендинг! Вау жэсть Кадзима Гений скажите? А что если все эти мемы оказались правдивы? В плане сюжета пока убедиться не могу, так как игру до конца не прошёл, да и не скоро пройду) я люблю там дополнительные заказы брать, нагружать так свой рюкзачок после школки, ууу ее). Но в плане геймплея, музыки, это игра гения без шуток, там кайфовать от простого передвижение по траве, я ни в какой игре такого не получал. просто ТОП! сиросли! Сначала собираешь шмот, вешаешь грузы туды сюды, прокладываешь маршрут на карте, берёшь с собой спрей, гранаты, крюки, лестницы и так далее. Вот проходишь мимо невидимых тварей, оринтируясь только на датчик на спине(:hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts: как эта хрень называется) потом закидываешь всех гранатами, прошёл уже дохрена такой, видишь последний спуск с ГОРЫ и вот цель достигнута, и начинает играть музыка из трейлера! И тогда я просто охерел, от графона, от атмосферы, от музыки… Плюс уже судя по началу и завязке игра поднимает очень большую тему, которые другие AAA проекты и в жизни бы не воплотили, тему одиночества, раздробленности общества, тему воссоединение. Пока что 8 из 10(Минус 2 балла за плагиат Rain World(((), рофл ну рял

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Miracle Calamity Homeostasis on Steam



First of all, this game is absolutely worth playing if you are into oldschool PvP MMOs. No other game allows such in-depth character customization. Sandbox elements are present but are not annoying to the end of being “chop trees to gather lumber”. “Sandbox” here is actually building cities and demolishing your enemies' cities in sieges, hiring AI mercenaries to craft items which is another good part of this game, crafting isn’t about gathering 10 dragon scales and 1 mummy dust by repetitively killing monsters, it’s more about having mercenaries of right races placed in your forges and having resources from right zones in general, even city building (if you happen to own / manage one) is as simple as placing the building on the city grid and waiting several hours for it to go up in one click.

Real player with 1573.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Foreign Open World Games.

Overall an exceptionally poor experience.

So why do I have so many hours you ask? 1) nostalgia and 2) I played with friends, but neither of those points are positives to the game in particular. And also do not be mistaken, for an RPG 80% of this playtime was sitting afk while leeching experience from macro-bots which is what everyone uses.

So this game is mislabeled as a PVP title. It isn’t. It’s actually a zerg v zerg title and those battles are decided by sheer numbers. If it was a pvp game, you’d have skills which synergize with each other to allow for good and creative builds. Builds which later you can learn to play and get better as you get more accustomed to playing your toon. Not the case here. At first glance you have SO many races, professions and disciplines to combine that the options eem endless…until you realize that every profession has no more than 2 ways to build it if you want to be in any way viable. Yes, you CAN be a minotaur that uses unarmed fighting, except due to weapon skill restrictions (built into the races) and stat caps you’ll never be more than 20% of the strength of a proper polearm minotaur.

Real player with 1121.8 hrs in game

Shadowbane on Steam



Combine Aegis’s strength and speed with your skill to fight robot armies and change the course of history!

• A unique and mysterious heroine

As Paris burns and bleeds during the Revolution, you are Aegis, an automaton masterpiece made by Vaucanson, an engineer in the service of the Clockwork King. Make the most of your mechanical prowess to adapt Aegis to your style of play and become a fearsome warrior, a deadly dancer or a virtuoso of elemental arts.

• Dynamic and challenging gameplay

Engage in ruthless and intense fights against technological marvels that are as complex as they are unforgiving. Your nerves and skills will be tested to their limits at every moment spent battling these relentless enemies and epic bosses.

• Paris is your playground

The City of Light has been plunged into darkness and is in need of you. Use your energy, flexibility and tools to navigate the streets, rooftops, neighbourhoods and castles of Paris and reveal hidden secrets.

• A fascinating story rooted in history

Delve into an enthralling alternate history filled with formidable mechanical enemies and potential allies with questionable motives. You are the only one you can count on to untangle the knots of history and ensure the Revolution succeeds!

Read More: Best Foreign Character Action Game Games.

Steelrising on Steam