Axis Football 2017

Axis Football 2017

Having so much fun with this game… as far as non-NFL, non-Madden games go, this is top notch. I’ve been turned off of Madden for a long time, so this game has been awesome to see progress to the point it is at now.

It’s not perfect, but it’s fun and that’s all that really matters. Gameplay is fast and smooth - it reminds me a bit of Tecmo Bowl back in the day. The aimed passing is a lot of fun, I still have to get around to setting up my controller with joy2key so I can combine controller movement with mouse aimed passing… then I think I will have the perfect set up.

Real player with 189.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Football Management Games.

This is the only cheap American football game on the market as of now. When I saw it, I was ecstatic! I wanted a football game for the PC so badly. While it’s nice to have a game that can compete with Madden in some form or another, I have to admit: This game is nowhere close to Madden as far as animation quality, lack of bugs, AI quality, etc. You can do far more in Madden than in this game. It’s insanely buggy, and the AI is not on the same level as Madden. If you want to decide your own defensive plays, expect to see safeties and CBs just giving up on recievers. Even IF they keep with their target reciever, you will never see an interception… EVER. At least when it’s your safeties. You’ll get picked off over and over and over again. Juking and power plays are lackluster, and rarely work. If you decide to simulate a season (which you can do, and I’m so glad you can), and if the team you chose doesn’t reach the playoffs, there is no way to simulate past that point. You have to delete that Franchise Mode save, and start over.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Axis Football 2017 on Steam

Front Office Football Seven

Front Office Football Seven

Man, I absolutely play the hell out of this game. There are a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is multi player functionality. Testing my team building and game planning wits against 31 other actual human owners in a league has been one of my favorite things to do since the first game in the front office football series allowed it, back in 2004. For over 10 years now, I have been playing armchair GM in several leagues, and the reason is because this game is the best American Football management simulation on the market.

Real player with 14153.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Football Management Games.

Update. Changing to recommending it. I decided to try calling my team’s plays each game instead of simulating through them, ie-not participating in the game at all and FOF7 finished in a few seconds for all teams that week. So trying calling the plays makes me enjoy the game a lot more. I become more familiar with my players, their strengths and weakness become more aparent. I also have to strategize which is interesting. Games can be frustrating and rewarding both. The below cons are still a problem, but less so when you’re not simulating a year fast. The spread sheets still could be more accessible, moving your mouse over abbreviations so you’d get little tips explaining what the abbreviations mean would be very useful, and locked players not changing when you click recommend positions for all players would be nice.

Real player with 6344.4 hrs in game

Front Office Football Seven on Steam

Front Page Sports Football

Front Page Sports Football

Worth every penny. 3D Works. I updated my Windows drivers and I recently randomly gave the 3D mode a shot and it worked! Update your Windows Drivers and then give the 3D a shot. My rig is a Windows 10 Surface outputted to a 60 inch TV display. I took offscreen screen shots with my Iphone and uploaded the shots to my Artwork section if you want to see them! The 3D looks very good actually! I noticed some after effects and HDR that I did not know this game even had. Just update your Windows drivers for your video card and take another look. As far as the rest of the game goes - I figured out what worked and what didnt work. I was able to build a winning team built on the Run Game and Defense. I figured out that you can actually sign Free Agents after the first week of Pre Season games. I was able to replenish my roster every season to more then 53 players. I didnt have to sign my draft picks. I just abused the FA after that first pre-season game and then built my roster that way. My winning strategy was Pro Set balanced attack offense with Weekly Meetings held with my best HB every week - that gave him bonuses going into the games. My HB would have 275 yard rushing games. My defense was a Multiple Formation Set and built on balance and held 3 Scrimmages every week on all defensive formations. I beat the number one offensive team in the Championship game. The old adage - Defense wins championships holds true again! Fun game. Its not stupid Madden. I would highly recommend this game for those of you looking to GM and Strategize your way to building a winner! Check my Public Artwork in My Profile to see my Screenshots proving that I did in fact play this game and did this.

Real player with 1675.1 hrs in game

I had fun playing this game even though sometimes it makes it really hard to enjoy your time spent on the game. With the new update the game runs much smoother and it actually will run well. That is why I am recommending this game because it is a great idea they just need to refine the game. For instance, I have a quarterback with decent running ability but he will never scramble he will just set and throw. It is either he gets sacked or he throws the ball. This stinks because if that would be added a whole new element to the game would open up.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Front Page Sports Football on Steam

Bowl Bound College Football

Bowl Bound College Football

First let me say I am huge fan of many “text based” sims – from OOTP series to FM Manager. This game doesn’t have nearly the bells and whistles of a AAA title like OOTP or FM series but it compares favorably in many ways and in some ways falls quite a bit short.

The biggest annoyance by far is the frequent crashing and lack of hyperlink based navigation. The game seems to have a memory leak and will freeze every other season or so. This would be a huge deal if it had auto save feature and/or didn’t require a entire system reboot in order to come back. Luckily I have learned to frequently save and the game does always load after a reboot – haven’t lost a single save yet (knock on wood).

Real player with 4003.9 hrs in game

Ther is so much about this game I love. At first, about 3 seasons, I had the computer run alomst all operations of the game, I only played the weekly games as coach. This worked fairly well, but soon I wanted to learn more. I watched a few videos showing how to play the game (can be found by clicking the link found i the User Guide [?] at the top of the menu).

I started to take control of the Recuiting. It has now become my favorite part of the game. One warning, it’s very heart breaking to recruit a player who in the last moment goes elsewhere. My first season of recruiting was not very success. I could bearly get anyone who was Average. The second year I picked up 2 Five Stars and about 4 Four Star players. I went from having about 109th Recruiting Rating to (4 seasons later) being 39th. I rarely play (manually) more than 3 series of play before I Exit the game and let the Sim game take over.

Real player with 2927.3 hrs in game

Bowl Bound College Football on Steam

Axis Football 2021

Axis Football 2021

*** Play it Your Way ***

I have been placing the Axis Football series on my wish list for a while now. This year, I decided to check it out. I’m glad I did. It fits my play style and my creative thinking perfectly.

My way of playing this type of game is like owning my own team, and being the coach. You can play it normally, play call and watch in coach mode, spectate, or simulate if you wish. I prefer coach mode personally. I also like to spectate the other teams games in a week because I find it interesting. I’m never really in a rush, either.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

BLUF (Bottom Line Up front)

If you like to manage a team in franchise mode (Like a GM), spectate games, customize/create uniforms Axis Football 2021 is solid and i highly recommend. If you are still playing 2004-2008 version football games by a “cough cough” developer, and enjoyed that versions franchise play, this one does many things better, some things so so and some still need work. The things it improves on outweighs the bugs in my opinion (may not be for everyone)

NOTE: dont let the number of “-” scare you, i am just trying to give the best feedback in hopes the DEVs will take it and make the improvements i am looking for. It just shows you how much i do enjoy the game and took time to write this out.

Real player with 102.6 hrs in game

Axis Football 2021 on Steam

Axis Football 2015

Axis Football 2015

Ok I’m fully supporting these devs because this is really the only way that we are likely to get a good football sim on the PC. EA has exclusive deals with NFL and NCAA and will never port to the PC. MS is trying to make make exclusive deals with 2K so that they can have sports games exclusive to xb1 and MS10. In addition It looks like MS is trying to start yet again their own distribution network for the PC that will only run on xb1 and MS10.

I don’t like this environment where you are being forced to buy a console or upgrade an OS just so you can play games. If you are like me and don’t like the way this is going then you need to support indie developers like this who are really trying to make a difference.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

First off I would like to say that I think the passing mechanic is the best innovation to the football genre in over a decade. I just wish that the rest of the game was as well fleshed out. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had fun with the game, but it feels like it should be in early access or a promotional tool to get a kick-stater going and not something being sold as a finished retail product. Also, it’s awesome that this game supports Xbox One controllers.

For me it just has too many issues to recommend it at $20, which puts it in the same class of competition as games like Rocket League and SuperMega Baseball. But at a discount it is worth checking out but bear in mind it does have a few glitches and bugs here and there.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Axis Football 2015 on Steam

Axis Football 2020

Axis Football 2020

I’ve been searching for a good coaching/front office football game for quite a while.

I know a lot of people buy this to play Madden style, controlling the players in the field but that’s not me. So bear that in mind. There are a few good games that allow you build a dynasty from the front office, but they don’t have any in game graphics and most players just sim their games quickly. There are other games that look almost like a game on TV, but the franchise aspects of play are disappointing. Can Axis football straddle the gap and do things well on both sides of the fence. I think so.

Real player with 123.5 hrs in game

This is now the sixth edition of the series (I have purchased all of them except the first 2015 edition) and needs to be reviewed accordingly (the free grace/free pass period is over). If this was the 2017 edition, I am sure most would be extremely excited about the game’s future - however, it is not. It is now 2020. So where are we at then?

Cut to the chase:

I play coach-mode and spectate (I don’t control players on-field) - I like to play as a strategy game (coach & GM) and enjoy also being part of a living, breathing league (so I like to watch other teams' games as well throughout the season) - and my review will be from this point of view.

Real player with 110.9 hrs in game

Axis Football 2020 on Steam

Crazy Soccer: Football Stars

Crazy Soccer: Football Stars

Crazy Soccer is a game fot those who got tired of ‘serious’ football. Do you want to overcome you opponents by number? Sure, just send aliens to abduct their players.

Game is too boring? What about cows that move chaotically and have no idea that they playing football.

Plus, you’ll be surprised to find a lot of humour in all the ingame texts.

My decision: 10 out of 10 crazy cows.

Would definitely recommend this game.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Great little game. Funny graphics and verry well made. Multiplayer mode isn’t working like it should anymore. You can find opponents and play against them, but the tournamentsetup is kinda broken.

But if you like a different approach to a mainly singleplayer soccer game with weird weapons en destructions, this is your game. For a little multiplayer fun with friends and stranger you can keep hanging around. But after zeven hours of fun, the real fun was over for me.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Crazy Soccer: Football Stars on Steam

cross board soccer

cross board soccer

Cross Board Soccer is essentially 2 opposing teams with goals, similar to soccer, on an oversized checkerboard like checkers or chess, with predetermined placement of 14 pieces spread in groupings of 4 and 3 on the defending sides. What makes this game so exciting and strategic is that while only one piece is being moved each turn, the evolution of the board makes keeping up and remembering where lines of safety are. The planning ahead and the fear of your goal being scored on from any angle is what makes the strategy of this game feel akin to chess. In short you must preserve the safety of your goal but also at the same time set yourself to jump one of your pieces turn by turn, and hopefully get to a position to where the opposing team has left it open for you to score and win!

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game


Real player with 0.0 hrs in game

cross board soccer on Steam

Draft Day Sports: College Football 2021

Draft Day Sports: College Football 2021

This game is almost great. I guess if you do not pay attention to what happens during the game it would be fine. Calling plays and watching what happens almost ruins the whole game. An example of the absurd simulation. My star wide out got a broken skull on a false start play. The sim just does not run football plays at times stupid things happen all the time.. I think the game shines in recruiting and if you just sim the games without calling plays etc…. A very timid thumbs up for me.

Real player with 877.3 hrs in game

There are a lot of good ideas here, but there also doesn’t seem to be a lot of forward progress on issues that have bogged down games of a similar nature for the past 2+ decades. Recruiting is cumbersome and time consuming, but entirely formulaic and un-fun, if you’re attempting to take control of it for yourself (which you will have to do in order to guard against the randomness of the AI’s signings). Program prestige seems to move too quickly for non-Power 5’s and at a glacial pace for Power 5 schools who don’t reach the national title game. (I seriously booked 4 consecutive 10-win seasons, 3 of which came when my boosters weren’t expecting them, and the program prestige never budged). Game simulations appear to be much too balanced, allowing for a wide degree of randomness to creep in to overall seasons and hosts of 2- and 3-loss conference champions. Being able to take in-game control of which offensive and defensive plays are called is a boost, but there’s not enough information given to make meaningful in-game adjustments, nor is there a way to substitute players on the fly in the game outside of your pre-set package configurations and depth charts. Ultimately though, the game play problem here is the same as with all other football games to date – certain plays simply work consistently better than others and, once identified, can be employed and overused without apparent penalty or meaningful reaction from the opposition. And if you’re a rankings watcher, I assure you the top 25 bounces around in this game to the same annoying level it does in so many other college football sims.

Real player with 83.8 hrs in game

Draft Day Sports: College Football 2021 on Steam