Player’s Eleven

Player’s Eleven

update 28/07: dev kicked me from his discrod server for giving him a bad review…I wouldn’t recommend to buy this game anymore.

If you are interested in an oldschool soccer manager, this could your game. But…

There is still some devleopment, but mostly balance.

There is no more development on the technical side. The dev states that there will be a new game, which will have also some technical improvements.

So my advise is: wait for the second part

Real player with 33.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Football Soccer Games.

Since I Have over 100 or so games purchased on STEAM, I feel qualified to give an accurate analysis on any game I have purchased ! This developer has made one of the BEST SOCCER game I could ever buy !!!! I cannot believe that someone could even think that This Is not worth $5 I am a 76 yr old guy who been around and have purchased so many games in my life that I know have been not worth it at all ! Saying that this game is not worth the price is an insult to the inventor of this game. I hope that he will ignore the complaints, because he has a GREAT GAME that a lot of people will find out ! I do not know the inventor of this game, so this is not a fanboy response !!! As to my age, I would like to throw out a challenge to anyone on this forum to tell me who ALF was !!! He was a character on TV in the 70s !!!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Player's Eleven on Steam

Pro Strategy Football 2022

Pro Strategy Football 2022

I came into this series last year with Pro Strategy Football 2021. A game which, for an old time gamer sparked a lot of nostalgia in the way it was presented. There were things missing like game keeping records for head to head etc I fixed that little itch with a spreadsheet and small things like not being able to navigate to a players career stats from any screen. Still the game was a little gem.

Those things have been addressed with this addition along with numerous other improvements and continued optimizations as the game feels tighter and slicker when loading if that makes sense.

Real player with 798.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Football Moddable Games.

A tremendous effort by a lone indie developer with a day job. This game was created with love and passion for the game. Know what you are buying first, because it won’t be for everybody. Please read the description and feel free to ask things in the game forum first if you wish. The developer (Kerry) is very honest, open, and transparent - and very consumer friendly and a great guy! (plus it is a really terrific community too).

The game’s strength is the on-field gameplay - and in that department, it is unheralded, producing an accurate, realistic simulation of the game. You will not be controlling the players with a gamepad - it is focused on coaching, or if chosen, spectating games. In the coaching department there are thousands of plays that can be designed on the fly. This year many new formations (both classic and modern) were added and entire leagues (or individual teams) can be tailored to utilise them in ways that create their own characteristics or flavor (and there are mods done by really talented mod authors covering almost the entire NFL, USFL, and various other leagues too –- including fantasy leagues and teams).

Real player with 355.6 hrs in game

Pro Strategy Football 2022 on Steam

90 Minute Fever - Football (Soccer) Manager MMO

90 Minute Fever - Football (Soccer) Manager MMO

90MF is (still) a text-based MMO Football-Manager-Sim.

1. What are you doing in this game?

You choose your team name, dress colours, emblem (easy to import) and the time of the day/night at which you wanna play. (For example Late evening Football association = LEFA = 8pm-10pm UTC) Then you should be online at this time if possible. If you miss a match you still have 24 hours to play it, if the opponent is there tho and requests to play, the match starts without you. Then you miss the chance to make substitutions and/or tactical adjustments.

Real player with 5133.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Football Soccer Games.

[EDIT] As of Oct 2nd 2020 I’ve given the game a second chance given the “massive” overhaul that was announced by the game devs. The game is actually in a worse shape than when I left. The match engine is still not up to par and even MORE features are now locked behind the subscription paywall, like being able to upload your club’s logo or have access to the whole “manager skills” RPG nonsense.

If you want to be even remotely competitive in this “competitive” game you NEED to have an active paid subscription. This is NOT a free-to-play game by any mean. [END OF EDIT]

Real player with 5118.3 hrs in game

90 Minute Fever - Football (Soccer) Manager MMO on Steam

Axis Football 2017

Axis Football 2017

Having so much fun with this game… as far as non-NFL, non-Madden games go, this is top notch. I’ve been turned off of Madden for a long time, so this game has been awesome to see progress to the point it is at now.

It’s not perfect, but it’s fun and that’s all that really matters. Gameplay is fast and smooth - it reminds me a bit of Tecmo Bowl back in the day. The aimed passing is a lot of fun, I still have to get around to setting up my controller with joy2key so I can combine controller movement with mouse aimed passing… then I think I will have the perfect set up.

Real player with 189.3 hrs in game

This is the only cheap American football game on the market as of now. When I saw it, I was ecstatic! I wanted a football game for the PC so badly. While it’s nice to have a game that can compete with Madden in some form or another, I have to admit: This game is nowhere close to Madden as far as animation quality, lack of bugs, AI quality, etc. You can do far more in Madden than in this game. It’s insanely buggy, and the AI is not on the same level as Madden. If you want to decide your own defensive plays, expect to see safeties and CBs just giving up on recievers. Even IF they keep with their target reciever, you will never see an interception… EVER. At least when it’s your safeties. You’ll get picked off over and over and over again. Juking and power plays are lackluster, and rarely work. If you decide to simulate a season (which you can do, and I’m so glad you can), and if the team you chose doesn’t reach the playoffs, there is no way to simulate past that point. You have to delete that Franchise Mode save, and start over.

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Axis Football 2017 on Steam

Soccer Manager 2021

Soccer Manager 2021

This Game is incredible! It cheats your team to perform much worse than it would, just to trick you into pay to win. Or can you imagine any scenario were a team from first league loses against a tam from 5th league while the ratings are almost twice as good?

Another example… after one season of playing for your team (who just won the national cup, the national championships and a euro cup, one of your best players suddenly loses his form because he wants to play in a “more succesful team”… no matter what you try, that will ruin his mood and his shape. Then finally, you give in and grant him his wish, putting him on the transfer list. The reaction is… the player is UPSET because you put him on the transfer list! LOL.

Real player with 383.4 hrs in game

General gameplay is ok, especially for a free game, but then after my first mid-season transfer window one of the new players I bought just disappeared. After grieving my lost hours I decided to start a new campaign, only to see that the manager I created already started with the level of experience I left off with. I couldn’t see any way to start a new manager, so here I am uninstalling the whole thing. Now I probably just won’t download it again. All because Football Manager is not available in my country…..

Real player with 140.6 hrs in game

Soccer Manager 2021 on Steam

Front Office Football Eight

Front Office Football Eight

Your best outside linebacker is holding out.

Sam has been good for your team in his three seasons, since you drafted him out of Florida State in the second round of the rookie draft. You thought he’d develop into a solid pass rusher – and that came true. 6 sacks last season was third best on the team. But as training camp approaches, and your roster is starting to gel – he thinks he’s worth a raise. You look over his performance – pass rush great, but he’s only been so-so in coverage. You’ve got another guy who could play in the role, but Sam is better – and he’s better than anyone who you could find in free agency. But you have some gameplan ideas that might help use him effectively and limit his liabilities. He wants to be making $3 million a year – and if you give him that money (with guaranteed bonuses) it might squeeze out your cap space to re-sign your game-changing tight end next year. You make the call… it might hurt to pay him this much, but he’ll be angry if you don’t pony up.

Real player with 23742.4 hrs in game

Too add to the list of negatives, this game is basically run by the people who manage the MP leagues, who are in fact horrible. Rude, sarcastic, generally unhelpful old men. There are roughly 5 leagues or so total that have a full 32 members, and it’s basically all the same people in each one. I played this version for about 8 months and never once saw a new league form. All the stuff about how bad the defense/AI are is 100% true. The developer wrote a letter 4-5 months ago stating he was no longer going to be updating this version (less than a year after it’s release), and posted it on FoF central.. one day later he removed it, and there hasn’t been a word from him after that.

Real player with 3063.3 hrs in game

Front Office Football Eight on Steam

Front Office Football Seven

Front Office Football Seven

Man, I absolutely play the hell out of this game. There are a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is multi player functionality. Testing my team building and game planning wits against 31 other actual human owners in a league has been one of my favorite things to do since the first game in the front office football series allowed it, back in 2004. For over 10 years now, I have been playing armchair GM in several leagues, and the reason is because this game is the best American Football management simulation on the market.

Real player with 14153.5 hrs in game

Update. Changing to recommending it. I decided to try calling my team’s plays each game instead of simulating through them, ie-not participating in the game at all and FOF7 finished in a few seconds for all teams that week. So trying calling the plays makes me enjoy the game a lot more. I become more familiar with my players, their strengths and weakness become more aparent. I also have to strategize which is interesting. Games can be frustrating and rewarding both. The below cons are still a problem, but less so when you’re not simulating a year fast. The spread sheets still could be more accessible, moving your mouse over abbreviations so you’d get little tips explaining what the abbreviations mean would be very useful, and locked players not changing when you click recommend positions for all players would be nice.

Real player with 6344.4 hrs in game

Front Office Football Seven on Steam

Football Manager 2022

Football Manager 2022

I’ve enjoyed playing the game for the last 2 weeks, not a lot has changed from last years release but i wasn’t expecting much change, i just enjoy the updated teams and player improvements.

1 thing i am NOT happy with is the in game editor has almost DOUBLED in price, company greed makes me sick. in my opinion this isn’t aimed at new comers as i truly believe they wont even know about the in game editor at first, nooo this is aimed at us lot, the loyal fan base who return year after year. 50p increase, fine… but an almost 50% increase is filth. This isn’t about the price as the IGE is still quite cheap, but nothing new has been added to it, nothing has changed from the last decade, so why that much of a price jump .. imagine next years release, and the full game costs £72, would we be happy with that?

Real player with 662.3 hrs in game

After 292 hours in game, I can say that this doesn’t worth the money. I enjoyed FM21 a lot but FM22 is a major downgrade and makes it a frustrating experience. Even if there was a bet launched before and a lot of bugs and shortcommings were reported, none was solved until the actual launch of the game, which is odd because there isn’t a major update compared with FM21 where all these things worked smooth.

There are major bugs/glitches in the engine like endless passing between defenders, wrong animation at free kicks. unrealistic long headers or shots from players lacking the respective skill

Real player with 340.4 hrs in game

Football Manager 2022 on Steam

Football Manager 2021 Touch

Football Manager 2021 Touch

Credit where credit is due, I was enjoying this game until I encountered a game breaking bug so I wrote a negative review that detailed the bug to warn potential purchasers .

Skip forward less than 2 weeks and not only did they fix the bug but a member of the dev team replied to my review to let me know it had been fixed, I had kept the save and so I tried it and sure enough everything seems back on track and I am more than happy to recommend this game, And now I know we have a Dev team that listen, well makes it 2 thumbs up from me

Real player with 750.9 hrs in game

I have been playing FM and FM Touch for 9 years and have put in thousands of hours. I think that this is probably the best version I have played. It is fair to the human manager in that it doesn’t give too much advantage to the AI. The injuries and the player demands are reasonable. So all around , it is an enjoyable game to play.

There are two things that, if fixed, would make the next version even better. They both deal with the game engine and how it plays out throw-ins. First, if your team has a throw-in very near your own end line, the player to whom it is thrown puts the ball back to the throw-in taker and it almost always ends up as an offside. That is not how the game really works.

Real player with 577.2 hrs in game

Football Manager 2021 Touch on Steam

Torchance 6

Torchance 6

I own Club Manager 2015, which is an ancestor of this. It is really very good and I bought it for on sale for a pittance, something like $3. Nearly all of the gameplay is exactly the same so I’d check out the reviews there for in-depth discussion of those features. I wrote one that was very good. I was impressed.

Anyway, this game is 5 years newer, 3 releases later, and the price of a AAA management game. Yet it is almost entirely the same as CM2015 except:

A very simplistic 2d match display which just shows you the location of the ball.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

this is literally just a reskinned club manager 2017

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Torchance 6 on Steam