The Fan

The Fan

I know that it clearly took a lot of time to stage, prepare, and do the photo shoots in order to make this game as mentally disturbing as it is. But the game is too short and has very little replay value, and as such, it is not really worth the asking price of 5.99 USD. I played through the game 5 times, to see all of the possible ending details, and they pretty much repeat themselves, only two major outcomes available. Subsequent play-throughs felt laborious due to the continuous need to click all of the places that you know how to click. My last play-through lasted about 5 minutes I think. Just felt tedious so I could see that last ending that I had yet to see.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

The Fan is a very short point-and-click adventure game that uses photographs to tell its story instead of drawings or FMV. You play the obsessed serial killer, so the subject matter and especially the point of view of the game can make this a bit of a disturbing experience. If you think you can stomach that, I do recommend playing The Fan, but definitely don’t buy it for €5,99 as it’ll take you not much longer than half an hour to complete.


In the prologue, you learn that women are being kidnapped, raped and murdered by a psychopath who obsesses over his victims for a long time, stalking them and learning about their private lives, which has earned him the nickname ‘The Fan’. Guess what, you play this psychopath and you’ve just kidnapped your latest victim. Now it’s time to start the ritual…

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

The Fan on Steam



I honestly didn’t think there would be a game that I’d hate more than Crying is not Enough , but The Quiet Man did it. It broke me. It broke me as a gamer and as a human being. I just…I can’t even understand how a game this bad got made. Who greenlit this? How did thousands of dollars get poured into something so incredibly insulting to deaf people and gamers alike? Almost every single design decision that went into this absolute dumpster fire of a brawler was BAD. There’s absolutely nothing redeeming about any of it. ANY OF IT!!

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Cinematic Games.

I get what they were trying to do but it’s… not quite there.

The game is essentially a late night B-movie with some playable scenes. Then they want you to experience the feeling of being deaf while this goes on because the main character is deaf. The thing is: these two things aren’t mixed very well. First off, the main character (Dane) seems capable of communicating, so he can at least hear a little or read lips. In fact, he even speaks and the other characters understand him. Several times already I watched him have a back and forth dialogue. However, we are not given subtitles even during these scenes. Everyone that knows him talks to him casually and he seems to be picking it all up, so we’re not experiencing the world through him… he’s doing a much better job than we are. Also, there are cut scenes we are given to watch without Dane around, so why can’t we even hear those? So it’s not so much experiencing a deaf main character but more so that we as the observing audience are deaf and trying to watch a movie not intended for deaf people. If such was actually the case, we’d do what I imagine any deaf person watching a movie would do… turn the subtitles on. I tried to do this and was even prompted at the beginning that they would provide subtitles when necessary, but I haven’t seen a single one since the first guy ranting in the first scene and no combination of making little neon signs light up in the settings menu has changed that. So apparently the only dialogue I needed to hear was some lowlife describing how a non-story female was once catcalled.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game


Visitor2 / 来访者2

Visitor2 / 来访者2

Just like the first game, this one continues the story of the 3 goofy detectives, solving a Agatha Christie-like murder case. The story is, again, awesome, intereting and clever. The music and the humour are also a very welcome addition.

BUT, the progression system (basically match-clues-together) is very unforgiving and counter intuitive. I found the game really hard at times, and approximately at the middle of the story, I used a walkthrough just to progress. Most of the times it feels like you are trying to find what the developers had in mind, and not what is going on in the game. The English translation is horrific just like the first one.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

DEAR DEVELOPERS: Please, fix the bug with loading the game from save file, where once you load the game, the UI is broken. You are unable to browse the clues or play the movies once you load the game. You are basically FORCED to finish the game in one sitting. This never happened in previous game! Please, fix it so it can be more playable. I beg you.

Now for the review:

From the previous game, there has been a lot of improvement. Not only with the budget, where the location is not an appartment but the whole hotel but also actors didn’t feel like out of place. They were more natural depending the situation, which is great! This was indeed one of the more enjoyable FMV detective games I played.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Visitor2 / 来访者2 on Steam



Oy…so this game… I was really excited for it because I actually really dig FMV games and this one was going to get super involved and elaborate and the inner conspiracy theorist was super excited to tackle this. The game starts out okay enough with an interesting premise not unlike some “lost phone games” (similar to Simulacra) but this game misses a lot of marks.

Pros: It gets pretty meta. You’re puzzles are neat and you’re going to have to dig around to figure stuff out. Using a mix between surfing your web browser for “real” websites and using the videos and documents in game to figure out the story.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Summary: A Rusty Muscle Car

As someone who loved Simulacra, upton reading it had the same basic premise, i dropped everything and bought this. i wish i could say i was perfectly satisfied, but im not. i think this game has done some things well and some things bad but over all is a nice game.

Premise: you are someone who comes across a missing persons case that is very quickly explained to be of the supernatural. you navigate a computer with files pertaining to the case and try to figure out what happened.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Daemon_9 on Steam

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie

I liked Late Shift and I bought this game as it’s similar to that game, I finished my first play within 45 minutes and got a good ending don’t know if it’s best, this game has various choices to select like Late Shift but it’s shorter than Late Shift, when I started my play the game mentioned to play it twice to reveal more of the story.

As for the story it’s so fast players will be confused when they start the game as it progress they will get to know what is happening and what was this all about. There are around 15 achievements and I only managed to get 5 on my first time playing the game.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

“She Sees Red” is a short, well-produced interactive movie that can take radically different turns depending on your choices.

The story is standard thriller material with murders in a nightclub, drugs, two detectives on an investigation, and some allusions to organized crime. The narrative is interesting and mysterious, particularly because you play both the detective and the killer. While you take moment-to-moment decisions like “fight or flee”, the motives of these characters remain unknown at first. But as you replay the game and discover more endings, secrets about each main character are revealed, until you understand the full picture.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie on Steam



At first glance, this game looks awful. It’s easy to dismiss it as just another zany product of the failed FMV phase of video games, especially with the game proudly and shamelessly wearing its exploitation label like a medal. “The goriest game of all time!” It says, sometimes coupled with screenshots that appear to show more gore-for-the-sake-of-gore. This is just the most obvious basis one can use to write Harvester off, but if you’re willing to venture beyond that, you’ll find many more.

It’s pretty meta, because Harvester throws the player off constantly. This in itself is one of the entire points of the game. The bizarre characters, the seemingly unclear satire on violence in video games, it’s all there for a reason, and it took me several playthroughs to get the full meaning. The first time through it’s just plain-old bizarre and enjoyable, though I recalled being intensely disappointed by the final act, especially the endings. Up to that point I had loved it in a purely “interactive B-movie” sense, but the game decided to throw even that away at its conclusion. Bundled with the atrocious combat system, it seemed like a wasted opportunity.

Real player with 65.5 hrs in game

Before I start this review please be aware that this game features cannibalism, suicide, senicide, pedophilia, child abuse, molestation & all sorts of other fucked up subjects so if your sensitive, squeamish or a curious minor please keep your eyes/fingers off this game. (I might SPOIL some parts of the game or more so don’t read if you hate spoilers)

The best way I can describe Harvester in my opinion is the perfect serial killer simulator because of the bizarre atmosphere of the town of Harvest, the unsettling NPCs of this small town like Mr. Pottsham (obsessed with meat) who is a molester & a pervert who likes watching Stephanie 24/7 (I don’t blame him Stephanie has nice cur…… errr let’s continue) or Steve’s “mother” who is an extreme BDSM enthusiast (That bitch has all sorts of other issues which I won’t mention) & don’t forget the stages of a serial killer which you can read here if you wish.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Harvester on Steam

Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time

Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time

I have a lot of history with this game and it is excellent. Today the 3D environment combined with the flip-book-esq character models seem comical and dated, but at the time the game’s design was impressive and detailed. The decision to render the people who populate the game as images instead of 3D polygons meant that they avoided the uncanny valley to a large extent. Even if the character models still seem to stutter and move strangely, it comes off mostly as charming, like Smether’s eyebrow and Vlad’s little grin. The ship was well-researched enough to feature in documentaries and in museums as a 3D model.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

This game is an absolute treasure. If you’re interested in playing some classic retro PC games then this one should definitely be on your list. Especially if you’re someone who is interested in the Titanic.

You play as a British secret agent aboard the Titanic during the night of the sinking. You’re pretty much the James Bond of 1912. The game is mostly point and click with little action. You’ll find that the graphics and gameplay style are quite dated and some of the puzzles are awfully difficult. However, the non-linear story and exploration of the ship are still very enjoyable. There’s no autosave and it’s possible to get a “game over” so you should save somewhat often. You can succeed or fail at objectives, and the game turns into a race against time to make it onto a lifeboat. The better your performance before the iceberg, the easier it is to succeed during the sinking. There’s one “good” ending and a few “bad” endings based on what items you manage to leave the ship with. That is, if you manage to leave the ship alive at all.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time on Steam

A Trip to Yugoslavia: Director’s Cut

A Trip to Yugoslavia: Director’s Cut

The main trouble with A Trip to Yugoslavia: Director’s Cut is that the cast is absolutely unfortunate. It does not correspond to the story that they are trying to tell us. All the guys are young, but they are trying to get used to the images, so to speak, of hardened warriors, desperate marauders, nice guys and just daredevils. But everything collapses when before the eyes, well, a maximum of an average thesis project of student directors. Five for the idea, for the scene, too, but the rest … On one enthusiasm it turns out to leave very rarely and even with an incredible level of luck. And here, again, unfortunately, due to the above reasons, serious faces make you smile, the depth of the story is not felt for the same reasons, and it is also a rewind function that nullifies all the efforts of the young guys, because you will definitely start to fast forward to those moments when you just need to make a decision in which direction the hero will move on. FMV is relevant not only on the wave of universal love for everything ancient, but simply because a lot of changes have also occurred in the world of cinema, and taking them into account, you can create something new, like an interactive series, for example. Only for this you need not only talent and enthusiasm, but also a properly composed script, well-chosen actors and sets. It is quite possible that the next project of developer Piotr Bunkowski will be much more serious, it will be launched through Kickstarter and become a full-fledged Adam for the only one at the moment Eve (Her Story). And you can motivate the creator of the game because its price is only 29 rubles. Despite such a negative view, I would recommend you A Trip to Yugoslavia: Director’s Cut. Maybe the criticism will allow the author Piotr Bunkowski to approach his next project, taking into account the shortcomings that were identified in the first attempt at writing. I really hope that the developer will not despair and will continue to improve and it’s not scary that the first pancake is lumpy.

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

An interesting FMV game with QTE’s and some Point-and-click elements that has a lot of replay value; this replay value is implied in the achievements, which are a proof that a lot of effort was put in those. I love that, but I have to admit that some achievements were a bit nasty and confusing. This made me replay the FMV too many times actually. There is a Fastforward option, but it goes about x2 the normal speed - which I do understand, development/optimization wise.

Thankfully the director & developer of this game are very nice & supportive and have shared several hints via the Community to help us out; it was needed!

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

A Trip to Yugoslavia: Director's Cut on Steam

Visitor 来访者

Visitor 来访者

I really enjoyed this game. It’s a really pared down, simple interface and a nice use of FMV. The acting is great, it’s very tongue-in-cheek and stars the developer who’s cast himself, not as the hero, but as a gross, schlubby goon, which gives you some idea of the sense of humour behind it. Looking forward to seeing what the studio makes next!

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

If you like FMV games this is a must buy. The amount of quality content you get for a small price is outstanding, the actors have some loveable traits and as far as connecting the dots is concerned the main game mechanic is very similar to “Contradiction” in that you combine witness statements that contradict each other or that contradict evidence. And even if you have no prior experience with games of this kind you’ll figure out how it’s supposed to work within the first couple of steps. But beware, even small details can become important later on, so don’t blame your lack of attention on the game. This is very well made and a wholly deserved recommendation!

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Visitor 来访者 on Steam

The Stranger: Interactive Film

The Stranger: Interactive Film

This game has many options.

Almost all of them lead to you instantly dying by getting hit in the face. I still haven’t figured out how to save so I have to restart from the very beginning.

The first text the game shows you is, “5 YERS AGO”.


Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Occasionally an interesting and diversified title emerges from the rest of the mass.

I was curious to try this interactive thriller adventure and I was surprised.

The game is fun, I did short sessions.

We are dealing with an independent game, so special effects are not at Hollywood levels, of course, but in the end they are not the important thing.

The story is simple, but I have to say that it works, and there are several alternatives based on the choices that apply.

If you like B-movies, it’s for you, don’t be disappointed!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The Stranger: Interactive Film on Steam