Riven: The Sequel to MYST
Riven is a sequel to Myst, an old school click adventure game that revolves solving intricate puzzles and exploring surreal worlds created from linking books.
First off let me tell you that Riven is not revised for modern hardware, as such, some feature set is very archaic. The save menu operates like a word document save menu. The resolution is stuck at a piddly 640x480 resolution, this makes playing the game on modern monitors an absolutely awful visual experience. To makes matter worst, the game cannot be set to windowed mode without some major .exe hex coding voodoo. That set aside, the game is still worth playing. After all with the limitation of Riven’s game engine, which is essentially one huge powerpoint slide, it’s not too strange that the game is limited in resolution. The game is a little over 3 gigabytes and it’s 33% of 1080p. Keep in mind that this game was created in 1997, which equates to a 5 CD game. Had this game release at 1080p, it would’ve been around 15 CD’s. Have fun switching and keeping track of that many disk while playing!
– Real player with 105.9 hrs in game
Read More: Best FMV Classic Games.
First of all, I recommend you beat this game WITHOUT looking up a walkthough, I will explain later in the review.
This is one of my favorite games of all time. This is one of the best (and one of the only) examples of a puzzle game done right. sure there are other puzzle games out there that are great like The Witness and… uh… well The Witness doesn’t even count because that is a more logic puzzle game and I consider that a different sub-genre. I honestly can’t find a good comparison to this game other than Myst 1 (and even that has major differences).
– Real player with 32.5 hrs in game
Myst: Masterpiece Edition
I played and solved Myst many years ago, when it first came out. A friend of mine who had also played it a bit was looking for something to do while stuck at home and suggested playing Myst again. So we both bought it off Steam.
I was a bit shocked at how blocky and awful the graphics looked. I remembered it as a gorgeous, gorgeous game. But most of the puzzles hold up well and are still fun to solve. It’s still a nice point and click puzzle game, and I’m glad to have gone thru it again, but there are a few problems.
– Real player with 23.6 hrs in game
Read More: Best FMV Classic Games.
IMPORTANT! This, along with Riven, have been updated to use ScummVM. They now run excellently on modern computers, despite the lack of upgraded visuals. With this update, I fully recommend picking this up if you are so inclined.
In the pantheon of video games, few will stand as tall and defiant as Myst. The Miller brothers, Rand and Robyn, along with their development team Cyan Worlds (then known as just Cyan), created a truly remarkable game that has sent countless reverberations throughout the game-o-sphere (or whatever the hell you want to call it). Up their with the greats, monolithic and unsurpassable, Myst truly is out there and here to stay.
– Real player with 11.1 hrs in game
Tragedy of Prince Rupert
I love this game. I like the look of it, and the soothing music, and the difficulty curve…everything is fantastic. I already bought it for one friend, and I’ll probably buy it a few more times in the near future to give to other friends as gifts. Go get Tragedy of Prince Rupert, for yourself; you won’t regret it.
– Real player with 25.3 hrs in game
Read More: Best FMV Underwater Games.
EDIT: I said that the extra crew members were just cosmetic. Well, after reading a post from developer, those actually have an impact on the gameplay (they give you more HP, slow enemy bullets, etc.). But them again how can you blame me for thinking those were just cosmetic, if the game doesn’t give you ANY information?
When you first start up this game, it feels like just another Twin Stick shooter with unique art style. But actually it’s got more depth than most Twin Sticks I’ve played. You play as Prince Rupert, who’s flying a Montgolfière, that has the fastest shooting cannon in the world. You’re on your quest to prove yourself to be worthy groom for some princess and everybody else who wants to marry her is after you. And your balloon is capable of flying into space and dive 20 000 leagues under the sea. That in itself is the most awesome concept for a game I’ve seen in a while.
– Real player with 19.4 hrs in game
Ratten Reich
Ratten Reich is a grim and unforgiving world, where war has continued for many years. The war is fought between rats, mice, roaches and lizards alike. Slum like cities, burnt corpses, steam tanks, soldiers in imperial uniforms and armor. And the soil, the mother of all, full of bomb craters and battle scars. Millions upon millions of fates, dreams — nothing more than ashes from the fires now.
This is the story we are trying to tell in an RTS game with interesting and unusual mechanics.
The Tzar army of roaches, monitor lizards, dozens of mice led countries under the flags of the great Franx and Angul will clash against the might of the Ratten Reich in an alliance with the lizards, who live in the land of the rising sun. This is Ratten Reich.
*** Destruction of the surrounding world**
*** Technique customization**
*** Units**
Rainbow Reactor: Fusion
Clock in to the Rainbow Reactor, a fast-moving VR adventure that fuses story-driven exploration with frantic color-matching gameplay. Explore a sprawling, forgotten factory that produced the cleanest energy around (probably…) Once operated by the eccentric Alfred Luzian von Hoffenhasselbrock, the Reactor is filled with clues, secrets and grumpy robots! Can you clean up this mess, solve the mystery of Alfred’s disappearance and bring the color back to the Rainbow Reactor?