Next Space Rebels

Next Space Rebels

There are many aspects of this game that are good, and their are many things about this game that are not so good. There are also some things that are infuriating. I will try to to break things down into the good the bad and the ugly as I love classic films and it is simple to follow.


The acting by the FMV actors is amazing. Rocket girl is extremely animated and emotive to the point where you forget they are an actor. Every actor gives a passionate performance that is both enjoyable and at time amazing. Not gonna lie 3 Rocket girl.

Real player with 117.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Simulation Games.

Honestly, I was surprised by this game, in a good way.

Way more in depth than I originally thought it would be, already have 50 hours in and I haven’t even made it past 180 kms in space.

The acting is actually not too shabby, I was expecting some cringe worthy content, but I haven’t cringed yet at any of the acting, though some of the lines they use are sketchy at best.

They love making fun of youtube, like, LOVE making fun of it, which i guess is some political moves from humble games, but at least everything they make fun of is legit an issue with youtube. This can also help show the effects youtube will have on the future if google continues to grow and continues to literally censor everything.

Real player with 56.1 hrs in game

Next Space Rebels on Steam

The Light Remake

The Light Remake

I enjoyed this game. You start in an abandoned Russian facility that is in a state of crumbling disrepair. You explore the various floors and learn about what happened through a series of notes found along the way. Played from a first person perspective, part of the game is above ground and part is an especially dark maze-like underground bunker. You have the option of a flashlight and/or a lighter to guide you and your choice will have an effect on the ending you experience. The sound track enhances the feeling of being alone and, in the bunker, the sounds increased my sense of stress and panic as I kept circling in the dark.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Walking Simulator Games.

Nice walking sim, with a much deeper story and message than expected.

Short, but at the price, it feels worth it tome. On sale? Yeah, grab it if you like walking sims with very good visuals, moody and appropriate music and game audio, and a few relatively easy puzzles.

Take screenshots, or notes, you have no way to review notes you already read to see the clues they may offer. Puzzle solutions are not so in-your-face that they are totally obvious, many ore in notes or on walls.

Ran well enough on my MSI GS75 Stealth laptop (i7 9750/2070 RTX MaxQ/ 16 GB DDR4), though it did make the fans run up a wee bit. I expect the game will run slightly better on my desktop. No major issues, just a few visual artifacts here and there (some clipping and visible seams if I tried to find them), and the claw game was a bit of a PITa trying to pick up the item that drops from it (pushed the item away from the game machine, and had to pause the game and continue from the main menu to get the game to let me pick it up). So a few minor issues, no major bugs or glitches in my first playthrough.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

The Light Remake on Steam

Zombie Dinos from Planet Zeltoid

Zombie Dinos from Planet Zeltoid

It’s cheaper than smoking crack!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Dinosaurs Games.

Zombie Dinos from Planet Zeltoid on Steam



After too long in front of the computer screen, it’s time to switch on the VR and refurb the neck with PT+. I can really tell how much this helps. Are you people with “cell phone posture” listening?

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

This is an incredibly simple, yet effective application to help you stretch your neck. Perfect for anyone spending long periods of time at a computer.

Note: Not to be confused with a similarly named reboot of a dead franchise.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

PT+ on Steam