

At first glance, this game looks awful. It’s easy to dismiss it as just another zany product of the failed FMV phase of video games, especially with the game proudly and shamelessly wearing its exploitation label like a medal. “The goriest game of all time!” It says, sometimes coupled with screenshots that appear to show more gore-for-the-sake-of-gore. This is just the most obvious basis one can use to write Harvester off, but if you’re willing to venture beyond that, you’ll find many more.

It’s pretty meta, because Harvester throws the player off constantly. This in itself is one of the entire points of the game. The bizarre characters, the seemingly unclear satire on violence in video games, it’s all there for a reason, and it took me several playthroughs to get the full meaning. The first time through it’s just plain-old bizarre and enjoyable, though I recalled being intensely disappointed by the final act, especially the endings. Up to that point I had loved it in a purely “interactive B-movie” sense, but the game decided to throw even that away at its conclusion. Bundled with the atrocious combat system, it seemed like a wasted opportunity.

Real player with 65.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Horror Games.

Before I start this review please be aware that this game features cannibalism, suicide, senicide, pedophilia, child abuse, molestation & all sorts of other fucked up subjects so if your sensitive, squeamish or a curious minor please keep your eyes/fingers off this game. (I might SPOIL some parts of the game or more so don’t read if you hate spoilers)

The best way I can describe Harvester in my opinion is the perfect serial killer simulator because of the bizarre atmosphere of the town of Harvest, the unsettling NPCs of this small town like Mr. Pottsham (obsessed with meat) who is a molester & a pervert who likes watching Stephanie 24/7 (I don’t blame him Stephanie has nice cur…… errr let’s continue) or Steve’s “mother” who is an extreme BDSM enthusiast (That bitch has all sorts of other issues which I won’t mention) & don’t forget the stages of a serial killer which you can read here http://www.criminalmindsfanwiki.com/page/Psychological+Phases if you wish.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game

Harvester on Steam

Not For Broadcast: Prologue

Not For Broadcast: Prologue

Wow! This game has some of the best potential I’ve seen in a game for a while now. I think this is coming from a standpoint that I have experienced working a tri-caster in college, but so far, its a really great story.

I think one thing I would like to see is being able to sabotage the broadcast a bit more than just losing viewers. Like for example, I would like to see some sort of scandal be released the next day or mission because we the player decided to show off some of the colorful behavior the actor shows to the his staff and the TV studio staff. I would also find it funny that during the press conference, that when you go to camera 1 where the staff is gathered watching, it would be funny if there was some sort of reaction.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Politics Games.

“Papers Please 2 : Media Control”

seriously. similar premise. do “boring-workstuff” in an “oppressive” place. reminds me instantly of that. But the good news is, this game is feels pretty fresh. Mainly because of the animations and better pixels, in comparison to the game I mentioned.

ok so since this is just a demo, i guess it’s better to write a feedback than reviewing the good points. But i’ll do both anyways.

(+) First, the gameplay is actually pretty interesting (read=multitasking-challenge). There’s quite a few mechanics in here, and even though this is just the demo I really got the pressure I thought I would. It might even be slightly more pressure than I expected. Guess I’ll explain what you DO, at least, in the demo:

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Not For Broadcast: Prologue on Steam