Not For Broadcast: Prologue
Wow! This game has some of the best potential I’ve seen in a game for a while now. I think this is coming from a standpoint that I have experienced working a tri-caster in college, but so far, its a really great story.
I think one thing I would like to see is being able to sabotage the broadcast a bit more than just losing viewers. Like for example, I would like to see some sort of scandal be released the next day or mission because we the player decided to show off some of the colorful behavior the actor shows to the his staff and the TV studio staff. I would also find it funny that during the press conference, that when you go to camera 1 where the staff is gathered watching, it would be funny if there was some sort of reaction.
– Real player with 1.2 hrs in game
Read More: Best FMV Politics Games.
“Papers Please 2 : Media Control”
seriously. similar premise. do “boring-workstuff” in an “oppressive” place. reminds me instantly of that. But the good news is, this game is feels pretty fresh. Mainly because of the animations and better pixels, in comparison to the game I mentioned.
ok so since this is just a demo, i guess it’s better to write a feedback than reviewing the good points. But i’ll do both anyways.
(+) First, the gameplay is actually pretty interesting (read=multitasking-challenge). There’s quite a few mechanics in here, and even though this is just the demo I really got the pressure I thought I would. It might even be slightly more pressure than I expected. Guess I’ll explain what you DO, at least, in the demo:
– Real player with 1.0 hrs in game
Recontact London: Cyber Puzzle
The Technology points are out of proportion, to win each puzzle. It costs to do Satellite, you need at least extend view (5 pts) and 360 degree view (15 pts)…. to solve each sat tracker puzzle. The win technology points are most of the time 0 (zero) gain it rewards box, before pressing Start. It takes a long time to gain points in decipher at 1 point every 9 minutes. This makes it unplayable, til you get enought to buy – Extended/360 views. Have played 31 hours so far, and I’m Not Impressed with game as it now stands —- Sorry Devs, back to drawing board at this point.
– Real player with 31.8 hrs in game
Read More: Best FMV Simulation Games.
I really, really wanted to like this game. I love FMVs, I love investigation type stuff, this is right up my alley. The early parts of the game looked great.
But then you get to a point where you realize that (at least in its current state) the game is just a big mess.
Progression seems to be based on an attribute called “sense” that you increase by correctly playing minigames. You have to find specific people in video footage, like Where’s Waldo but with moving video. You have to track things moving across the city. You have to uncover a pattern hidden in static. You can control a drone looking for things in homes or buildings. But where the trouble comes in is that by messing up in the games, you can lose sense instead of gaining it.
– Real player with 3.5 hrs in game
Not For Broadcast
I never write reviews, however I had quite a few thoughts on this one. I hope the devs can read and maybe respond.
I really recommend this game, even if you don’t think you are interested in the genre. It’s just the right amount of challenge for me, the actors are personable, funny, and similar to real life, and there are many realistic features. I also like the fact that you can replay any past broadcast you’ve done as if you are a viewer, and it’s satisfying to pull off some great shots. I also like the political side of the game, and the amount little details are crazy (e.g. what people say off shot in the ‘rushes’, which are the four camera feeds you can choose from to broadcast)
– Real player with 14.5 hrs in game
Read More: Best FMV Simulation Games.
I really enjoy this game’s mechanics and pace. However there are some issues with the content that make playing it kind of a bummer.
The narrative’s reliance on hacky, sometimes offensive comedy tropes weakens what could be a really groundbreaking experience. I think these tropes also hinder the game’s message, so far as one can be discerned (as the game tends toward ridiculing whoever it can). In the first three game segments, we have:
1. A group of stereotypical theater kids. Included are a preening, flamboyant young man, a vapid, self-obsessed blonde, an over-eager social justice warrior type, and an intellectually disabled young man whose inability to navigate a sleeve is played for cheap laughs.
– Real player with 12.8 hrs in game
After too long in front of the computer screen, it’s time to switch on the VR and refurb the neck with PT+. I can really tell how much this helps. Are you people with “cell phone posture” listening?
– Real player with 12.4 hrs in game
This is an incredibly simple, yet effective application to help you stretch your neck. Perfect for anyone spending long periods of time at a computer.
Note: Not to be confused with a similarly named reboot of a dead franchise.
– Real player with 0.7 hrs in game