

When I saw this game appear on Steam, a long forgotten memory came back to me! This is actually my very fist video game! I remember when my parents bought me my first PC, this “new game” was delivered with the PC. I didn’t like it because it was too difficult (for a 9 year old). The cutscenes are excellent, beautiful cartoony style, but the gameplay itself is a very bland railshooter … which is fine, I guess … but if you don’t care to play this game (which is a challenge if approached without nostalgia glasses), then just watch the cutscenes on YouTube. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2536351711

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV On-Rails Shooter Games.

Wetlands on Steam

Kingdom: The Far Reaches

Kingdom: The Far Reaches

very decent despite the fact that is is an old game. A very rich storyline too. It’s a shame that the manual is not included. Also there does not seem to be the sequal, Kingdom Shadoan. Hopefully, it could be released here

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Choices Matter Games.

Kingdom: The Far Reaches on Steam

Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money

Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money

This game is a life changer. Before this I was always sad. Then I heard the Whiteboyz were making a game. This game saved my life. I cannot thank you enough Whiteboyz. Thank you for this hidden gem that got thrown under all of the triple A trash. I love you Whiteboyz. You are now my favorite music group. I can now gladly say that Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money is now my favorite game of all time. 3

Edit: I have been playing this game for months now. I have been loving this game so much. It is extremely flawless-from the uncapped framerate, stunning visuals, incredible dancing from the “Whiteboyz Wit Attitude.” I can confirm that this game is a one of a kind story with an amazing story. It really makes you feel like you are the “Whiteboyz Wit Attitude.” I would recommend this game 10 times over and I feel like everyone should play this in their life at some point. I love the “Whiteboyz Wit Attitude” and I can officially say I am in love with them. I have wrote over 23.5281 fanfictions about them. I can only imagine the amount of girls these 2 beautiful men can pull. I wish they would just pull me instead. ♥ :3

Real player with 1024.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Realistic Games.

This game changed the way I view the world.

Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money, the first real 10/10 game of our generation.

Long Review

When I play the game, Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money, I don’t feel sad, or mad anymore, I just feel immense happiness that can only be experience by playing this very game. Everyday I wake up and play Whiteboyz Wit Attitude, and feel like everything’s going to be okay. Once you listen to “Wear The Purp” you get to learn the hippest dance ever, and I mean EVER, this song is a masterpiece among songs now of days, where they’re not equally as great. Dare I say “Wear The Purp” alone puts, Queen to shame. Then when you’re thinking, “There can’t be anything greater than “Wear The Purp”, They hit you with Mt. Vernon, Illinois, honestly you have to listen to it for yourself, or you can’t understand why this album is so great, and why, Whiteboyz Wit Attitude, are the physical embodiment of masterful music, and why they’ll be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Finally, the last song of this masterful album, “Moneyz in the Bank (For Real) its great song, but the thing that puts this on top, is the gameplay, I haven’t been talking about the gameplay, because if I were to, then this review would be to long, but I have to talk about the gameplay for, “Moneyz in the Bank (For Real), because it just TOO skillful, and polished, for instance how the people in the back dance to the beat, which gave it more depth, and I really felt like I was there, as a DJ or sorts, and it shows how great, Whiteboyz Wit Attitude are at making games, which this game probably took, 5-15 years, and that’s just creating the music. Don’t get me started on gameplay, which to be honest is so new and “hippy” that there can’t be anything like it, Whiteboyz Wit Attitude created their own style of game, and as you can see it rival, the new Triple-A games. People may be wait for the new GTA, but true men know the thing to wait for is the new, Whiteboyz Wit Attitude, Game/Album, which will in turn BRAKE the internet. The game is a 10/10 game, and if I could, it would be more, but a more accurate rating would be 100/10 in the very least.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money on Steam



“Тунстрак” - классический представитель почившего ныне жанра point&click, популярность которого пришлась на девяностые годы. От прочих представителей жанра данную игру отличает наличие оцифрованного актера, которым мы управляем и которому мы помогаем решать головоломки и продвигаться по сюжету. И актер не какой бы там, а сам Кристофер Ллойд, который подарил нам ярких и запоминающихся героев фантастических фильмов - судья Дум (“Кто подставил кролика Роджера”), Эмметт Браун (трилогия “Назад в будущее”), Фестер Аддамс (дилогия “Семейка Аддамс”). Ллойд играет художника-аниматора, который волею судьбы оказался в придуманном им мире, в окружении нарисованных им же персонажей. Над королевством Кьютопия нависла опасность в лице графа Нефариуса и местный король просит нас помочь в борьбе с негодяем, чем мы и будем заниматься на протяжении десятка часов. Игра очень простая и выполнена в рисованной 2D-стилистике, мы перемещаемся от одного экрана к другому, беседуем с персонажами, собираем хлам в инвентарь и ищем, куда это барахло применить, получаем новые вещи, попадаем в новые локации и т.д. Все это действо сопровождается отменным юмором, будто смотришь очередной мультфильм Луни Тьюнс. К сожалению, слабая рекламная компания и зарождающаяся в те времена мода на 3D, сыграли с игрой злую шутку, ее не спасло даже наличие на озвучке, помимо Ллойда, Дэна Кастелланеты и Тима Карри. Очень жаль, ведь в финале был жирнейший намек на продолжение.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

This review is an excerpt. To view the full review, go [url]here on our website.[/url]

Visit our Steam curator page [url]here. [/url]

Toonstruck | Arcade Theory

Close your eyes and imagine a world where animated characters interact with live action individuals. If you’re thinking about the classic film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, you’re on the right track. Picture the movie’s antagonist, the sinister Judge Doom. Now imagine him surrounded by a bulldog that sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger, a robot that sounds like Christopher Walken, an effeminate scarecrow, and dominatrix cows. If you’re confused, don’t be. This is just a fraction of Virgin Entertainment’s point-and-click animated adventure known as Toonstruck. Released in 1996, this game combines live action characters in animated environments to create a unique experience that could be seen to some as visually overwhelming, but challenging and fun to play for everyone.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Toonstruck on Steam

The Sych story

The Sych story

This game is fucking incredible.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Sych story on Steam

Hyper Treasure - Macaronic Labyrinth

Hyper Treasure - Macaronic Labyrinth

Treasure hunters, Noracam and Macarsha were returning from an exploration of a ruin. Suddenly, a mysterious hole appeared in the air, and they’ve been sucked in !!

Beyond that, they arrived at a mysterious world …… Can Noracam and Macarsha meet again, and go home save and sound?

This is a Point & Click “mystery game”

Only the mouse is needed

When you click on something on the screen, something will happen

Repeat the clicks and find the hidden items and your friend

All actions have an animation. When something is happening, just watch silently

Sometimes there are things that will hurt you. Pay attention to the remaining life

Keep making the best decisions and escape from this weird world

Hyper Treasure - Macaronic Labyrinth on Steam

My Silly Life

My Silly Life

very nice , good story .

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

I enjoyed the game. It has nice graphics and music. The story is interesting and gets better as you keep reading. It has a heartwarming ending. It’s a nice game, about 1.4 hours long but I read pretty quickly. I would buy it especially on sale. It’s a fun, short game. I like the characters especially the main character. It was very peaceful.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

My Silly Life on Steam

Neko Beach

Neko Beach


| (Adult) Content | (F) nudity. |

| Censorship? | No. Woot! Woot! |

| Hours of Gameplay | Thirty minutes. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | No, not necessary. |

Neko Beach is a lewd slider-puzzle game with a neko and beach theme!

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Neko Beach is a peaceful beach-based puzzle game presenting cute moving Neko girls in different actions. We have a total of 12 short puzzles to solve and each puzzle offers 3 different achievements.

The characters are on all the puzzles in swimsuits, often with a swimming ring, sunglasses, or a beach umbrella.

The art style is cute, the movements added on them may be good and do accent the

artworks a good bit but for my taste rather extreme for some parts, especially body-based.

We are accompanied by a piece of very peaceful piano music, I little too peaceful because I felt like sleeping in while solving the puzzles but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Neko Beach on Steam

Yummy Girl

Yummy Girl

I’m not that good at puzzles but I got through it. Pretty challenging game with some cute girls, and some girls who are not so cute. This 3D anime lewd art style that’s common with games like this was always pretty hit or miss for me though.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

A sliding puzzle girl themed around girls and food, there are 12 levels in total. Difficulties vary but you can reset if you get stuck, and none should take too long.

Achievements are tied to solving the puzzle and watching the images after completing.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Yummy Girl on Steam

Anime Zodiac

Anime Zodiac

It looks fun , I just wish it worked. Only half the tiles on the first puzzle work making it impossible to solve.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game


  • this review may contain spoilers, if you don´t mind go ahead.

Summary: A simple puzzle game with anime content. Features free 18+ patch, great artwork.


  • Story/gameplay: There is no plot; the game consists of rotating puzzles and find the right angle to complete the picture. By completing the picture, you will get some info/ details about how that zodiac is (something that u can just find on google).

  • VA: not present. BUT an opening vocal sound is available

  • Artwork: great, with free 18+ patch. They’re no interchangeable, so if you wish to play 18+, download first, otherwise will start from zero. Once you complete the puzzle, the art is animated.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Anime Zodiac on Steam