

Splinter is a first-person movie/video game hybrid where the player explores the warehouse of a transhumanist hacker collective, watching full motion video clips that answer the question: What happened to Mason?

Splinter is an experiment with a new style of storytelling. A full playthrough is approximately 2 hours long, similar to a feature film.

Read More: Best FMV Transhumanism Games.

Splinter on Steam



A strange experience, if you’re interested at all I’d recommend not reading much more about this

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Cinematic Games.

This is a “game” much in the same way a walking simulator or a VN is, so just fair warning.

I am currently on Day 4 and will update again when I get to Day 7.

I will not spoil specifics.

The “game” is best experienced as intended: do each day without changing clocks or anything. Do Day 1, and then do Day 2 the following day when it unlocks. Complete all exercises with honest intent, to include the writing prompts and meditation exercises.

There is a narrative and character and background amidst what feels like real mindfulness concepts. The blend between the real and fictional is intriguing and keeps me coming back each day. The layout of the exercises feels intended, with the motivational video leading into the discussions/lectures by KARE, then a meditation/breathing exercises that inevitably lead you to ruminating about what KARE just talked about, a writing prompt that sometimes gives you pause about wanting to be completely truthful, and a final checklist of items that you’re more than likely just going to click through without actually implementing.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

UnearthU on Steam

Universe Generator: The Golden Sword

Universe Generator: The Golden Sword

A fever dream set within the world of Yeli Orog once again.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Nature Games.

Bizarre experience in the best way possible. This game left me with a lot of thoughts and curiosity about things that would get me weird looks if I brought them up at a party. Very short game which I count as a positive since we all have a limited time being alive on this earth, and no one wants their time to be wasted.

5/5, whatever this studio decides to do next, I’m here for the ride.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Universe Generator: The Golden Sword on Steam

MADE : Interactive Movie – 01. Run away!

MADE : Interactive Movie – 01. Run away!

This is a review for people that speak English that don’t speak Korean wondering if they should try this out.

Short Answer (There’s a long answer at the end)

Yes (that’s what the big blue thumbs up is for, right?)

It does take a little bit of effort to play it in English though.

First off, the main menu is in Korean. You can change it to English

옵션 - Options

텍스트언어 - Text Language

영어 - English

Yes, it’s changing it so it has subtitles as well and the puzzles will be in English. They didn’t dub this and I’m glad because dubbed live anything is absolutely cringe worthy. None of the credits will be in English, but almost everything else will.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

playing it for 4 hours solely because:

► i enjoyed it eventhough i never got into Korean movies or drama tbh

► the acting is pretty good and enjoyable

► eventhough some choices kinda give the same result but some of it DO have different results

► The devs are kind enough to let people post 1 ending for 1 channel at least for streamer/youtuber

because mostly will just tell them to not stream it at all or copyright strike them instantly

so cheers for that and thanks for a quick response for this

► i’m curious since this has 01 on the title, will we get a sequel ?

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

MADE : Interactive Movie – 01. Run away! on Steam

Motesolo : No Girlfriend Since Birth

Motesolo : No Girlfriend Since Birth

Very funny game. Lovable characters. Had a watch party with friends and it was a blast! Still hoping for better Suna ending tho.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Motesolo was a lot of good clean fun. I cared about the characters, laughed out loud, and genuinely enjoyed sitting down to a playthrough. The interface is slick and design decisions support the style of game well. Game feels very professional, easy to get into, and rewards paying attention in a way that doesn’t feel difficult.

My only complaint was that the english translation had a number of typos that could be easily addressed by an editor. It wasn’t enough to interfere with my understanding but seems like good low-hanging fruit to fix in a future update.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Motesolo : No Girlfriend Since Birth on Steam

好久不见 - Long Time No See

好久不见 - Long Time No See

I think there’s a bug? I can’t get my bad ending 2 and 3?

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Nice mystery and for a good price too! The actors/actresses did a great job acting out their roles. The story plot was really interesting and I love how you can use the flowchart to change your decisions rather than having to restart the game from the very beginning. If you are a fan of mystery games, point & click, and loves a good story, I would recommend giving this game a try.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

好久不见 - Long Time No See on Steam

Bloody Service

Bloody Service

First of all i want to thank CASE for giving me a free key for their game.

Bloody Service is a visual novel inspired by horror movies. But it’s a bit different, because not only different choices mean different endings, but also different inventory management can give unexpected reactions and dialogues, giving the sensation of living the experience deeply. The main character is a guy working for a catering service and now he’s been called for a job in the exclusive Hilltop Tennis Club, where nothing is like it seems, and where there’s the shadow of two twin conjoined brothers, Arthur and Cole. The game is short but it’s all very well condensed and there are a bunch of gory and violent scenes which are pretty shocking.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #71 [/url] -- [i]New review every Sunday[/i]

Bloody Service (BS) is CASE’s first of hopefully many 80s throwback horror projects. The Argentina-based studio has been in the biz for ages but as it turns out, has been holding out on us! BIG TIME!! What lulled me into the bloodlust was firstly its brand; a slasher-FMV-VN title and right then and there, I knew I had to join in on the fun!! Ironically, I’ve never played any games with full on senseless, evading a killer type (guess the closest is Until Dawn) but I watched like hundreds of those, so it’s long overdue :P

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Bloody Service on Steam

Her Story

Her Story

My rating: 8+/10

Based on: one thorough 100% investigation

Check out my other reviews

TL;DR: An interactive police procedural movie with purposely outdated mechanics, brilliantly written and well-acted, a slow burn and a time sink that offers an engaging story to be discovered bit by bit, an immersive, nostalgic experience of the times gone by, truly worthy of the awards it’s received.


(+) a slow-paced, but enthralling open-ended story as told by Hannah Smith whose husband went missing, served up in a series of interviews with this unreliable narrator conducted by police detectives

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Her Story is a little bit of an oddity. It’s a FMV game where the player has access to a police database and needs to find out what happened.

It’s actually rather good. The whole game is limited to an old-style interface where you’re able to type in words and search for records. I’ve seen a few games that try to emulate old OSes and they lack a feeling of being a working interface. Her Story feels like a proper old computer you’re viewing. Though I immediately turned off the glare filter, it has a great old charm to the aesthetics with it on..

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Her Story on Steam



Ease into your chair and prepare yourself for this continuation of the SIMULACRA universe. In this iteration, you will have new advanced tools and a mosaic of widely branching narratives spread across 2 characters that are continually altered by your choices. You will have the choice of playing as a junior detective or a reporter who is recruited by a special department at police headquarters. With only one piece of evidence, you must find the truth of how a young woman & interweb influencer ends up dead on a case that is already closed. Lives and livelihoods are on the line, there is no room for mistakes.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Let me be clear, I really liked the first game. I think it did most things right and while I wasn’t a fan of the jumpscares and it definitely looked like an indie game production wise.

This game is a perfect example of how sometimes, less is more.

Let me start with my biggest pet peeve of this game, and that’s the extreme slowness of it all. The entire plot is not that long, I actually think it might be around the same length as the first game, but it is padded out by how extremely slow it all is. Be it conversations or the extreme amount of stuff you need to click through and scan gets annoying on the second playthrough, if not first.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

SIMULACRA 2 on Steam

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie

I liked Late Shift and I bought this game as it’s similar to that game, I finished my first play within 45 minutes and got a good ending don’t know if it’s best, this game has various choices to select like Late Shift but it’s shorter than Late Shift, when I started my play the game mentioned to play it twice to reveal more of the story.

As for the story it’s so fast players will be confused when they start the game as it progress they will get to know what is happening and what was this all about. There are around 15 achievements and I only managed to get 5 on my first time playing the game.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

“She Sees Red” is a short, well-produced interactive movie that can take radically different turns depending on your choices.

The story is standard thriller material with murders in a nightclub, drugs, two detectives on an investigation, and some allusions to organized crime. The narrative is interesting and mysterious, particularly because you play both the detective and the killer. While you take moment-to-moment decisions like “fight or flee”, the motives of these characters remain unknown at first. But as you replay the game and discover more endings, secrets about each main character are revealed, until you understand the full picture.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

She Sees Red - Interactive Movie on Steam