Internet Court

Internet Court

I have to admit I found Internet Court really funny. It does have a lot of silly moments that make you go what but I loved it from beginning to end. You can beat this within 2 hours but it is really fun to get through. I love the acting being silly but worth it to make a good comedy. The Judge always makes me laugh at every turn. I love the silly ending that connects all 4 cases and my favourite case was the first one. I may not be a fan of the music in the game but love the credits song at the end.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Funny Games.

Great writing, including fun dialogue when you make bad decisions (intentionally or otherwise). Clear video and audio with acting by Gamecola staff emeritus.

The judge once said, “I’m going to let you try again, but first I’m going to give you a strike!” giving me my third strike and ejecting me from the courtroom. I might have gotten carried away exploring dialogue options.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Internet Court on Steam

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro is a FMV comedy-thriller game, where the player intervene in radio hosts' adventures in six episode. The game is playing in the same universe like The Shapeshifting Detective from the same developer.

I bought the game at the first place, because I really liked The Shapeshifting Detective.

Sound and music is most likely the brightest part of the game. Especially the main menu theme, but all of the songs are really good. Other sound and voices are really good in the game, has good quality in my opinion. In the last episodes, one of the actress voice was low, but that’s all really.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Choices Matter Games.

The Infectious, Shapeshifting Madness of D’Avekki Studios!

(The infectious madness I’m currently enduring is that of COVID symptomatology, so please forgive anything that doesn’t quite make sense!)

I think I love it.

The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker had a huge impact on me. A fact poor D’Avekki Studios will have already been well exposed to if they caught any glimpse of my Shapeshifting Detective review. Where it really separated itself from all other FMV games then and since is that it was effectively one-on-one campfire storytelling. Patients were constricted to lounging on a central sofa as they beguiled you with outlandish stories against a superbly crafted atmosphere. Your imagination was put to work, but with the FMV visuals lending it all more credibility. Nothing else is quite like it and thus quite matches it (the closest perhaps being Her Story). I’ve been eargerly awaiting anything D’Avekki ever since.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Dark Nights with Poe and Munro on Steam

The Dark Side of the Moon: An Interactive FMV Thriller

The Dark Side of the Moon: An Interactive FMV Thriller

Well what I can say. I am one of those who backed Tayanna Studios for a long time and knew he would have a brilliant project to come out and I got to say.

You play as Dean Hamilton who has had his kids Ruby and Andy kipnapped and you have to find them and bring them back home but you find out it is not that simple. Dean Hamilton is played by Darren Hall who is an auteur for this project and got to give him real credit and super love on this.

This is a really good game with a great story. It mixes FMV gameplay and point & click gameplay really well. The game is really basic which could turn off people but I think it is needed especially with this story as the main focus is on the gameplay and acting.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Aliens Games.

It was a boring Friday night …

I could find nothing to watch on TV.

A friend told me about this so I peeked and then purchased.

I launched it only to make sure it ran properly :-) – it did. Then I looked up, it was two hours later, I was almost halfway through. I was hooked and quite immersed in the story.

Your children are missing:

What would you do and who would you trust?

The game page description is accurate so I won’t repeat it.


This reminded me of Carol Reed games, but instead of conventional movement you easily click a box to move.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

The Dark Side of the Moon: An Interactive FMV Thriller on Steam

Motesolo : No Girlfriend Since Birth

Motesolo : No Girlfriend Since Birth

Very funny game. Lovable characters. Had a watch party with friends and it was a blast! Still hoping for better Suna ending tho.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Motesolo was a lot of good clean fun. I cared about the characters, laughed out loud, and genuinely enjoyed sitting down to a playthrough. The interface is slick and design decisions support the style of game well. Game feels very professional, easy to get into, and rewards paying attention in a way that doesn’t feel difficult.

My only complaint was that the english translation had a number of typos that could be easily addressed by an editor. It wasn’t enough to interfere with my understanding but seems like good low-hanging fruit to fix in a future update.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Motesolo : No Girlfriend Since Birth on Steam



A strange experience, if you’re interested at all I’d recommend not reading much more about this

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

This is a “game” much in the same way a walking simulator or a VN is, so just fair warning.

I am currently on Day 4 and will update again when I get to Day 7.

I will not spoil specifics.

The “game” is best experienced as intended: do each day without changing clocks or anything. Do Day 1, and then do Day 2 the following day when it unlocks. Complete all exercises with honest intent, to include the writing prompts and meditation exercises.

There is a narrative and character and background amidst what feels like real mindfulness concepts. The blend between the real and fictional is intriguing and keeps me coming back each day. The layout of the exercises feels intended, with the motivational video leading into the discussions/lectures by KARE, then a meditation/breathing exercises that inevitably lead you to ruminating about what KARE just talked about, a writing prompt that sometimes gives you pause about wanting to be completely truthful, and a final checklist of items that you’re more than likely just going to click through without actually implementing.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

UnearthU on Steam



When I saw this game appear on Steam, a long forgotten memory came back to me! This is actually my very fist video game! I remember when my parents bought me my first PC, this “new game” was delivered with the PC. I didn’t like it because it was too difficult (for a 9 year old). The cutscenes are excellent, beautiful cartoony style, but the gameplay itself is a very bland railshooter … which is fine, I guess … but if you don’t care to play this game (which is a challenge if approached without nostalgia glasses), then just watch the cutscenes on YouTube.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Wetlands on Steam

Attentat 1942

Attentat 1942

I am certainly partial to games that tell a story. However, games that pass down important and historical information are even better. A game that can entertain and teach possesses a special power. Not only can the game effectively deliver important information that the player is more likely to retain than they would sitting in a history class, but it also engages them in such a way that the information becomes relevant and memorable. I know I’ll never forget how my hands sweat when the gestapo knocked on the door and I had to quickly find a way to nervously delay them. I was impressed with the mechanics during that mini game, and I think that games like this should be made available, and perhaps even replace, outdated teaching techniques in school.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Attentat 1942 is a FMV game, where you want to know, what happened with your father and mother in Prague at the Second World War.

What I really liked in the game, is how it looks. Now, the videos has all right quality, however the older cutscenes are made with comic styled, but more like newspaper version of that, and those cutscenes looked amazing. Everything is understandable from them and looked really nice.

About the story, I liked it really much. Reminds me of older stories from the same time, which I heard from my grandparents. It showed the war from a different perspective, which is not cover in history books or in TV properly. Most of the choices you can do in the game makes sense and bring the story forward. Characters have their motives and own story is really nice, however I need to mention, that these stories happened and that gives a whole new depth to it.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Attentat 1942 on Steam

Death Come True

Death Come True

Coming from the same creator of Danganronpa, Death Come True is a marvelous FMV with a very interesting and genius gameplay. You play as a person who woke up in a hotel room with no memories of what brought him to this place. He’ll meet people who’ll tell him what is his identity, or what they thought he is. I’m not going to give away much about the story because it’ll be more fun for you to discover it yourself.

It has multiple endings, and the most interesting part that if you die, the game will restart but the main character will still have a memory of whatever event happened and the people he met. This will give you a chance to take different choices and decisions.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

I recommend this game, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t leave me disappointed. Death Come True comes to us from the developer of the Danganronpa series and is a FMV mystery title. As the story plays out, the game will occasionally prompt you to make a choice where you then witness the outcome of your decision; like a Choose Your Own Adventure novel. However, that’s where my primary criticism of the game comes in. Despite the illusion of choice, DCT is actually very linear. Usually you are left with deciding between one of two paths, but making the “incorrect” decision often leads to a quick Game Over and the option to continue the game at the last branch in the story line, so you can make the other choice and advance. It doesn’t always play out like this, but in the interest of avoiding spoilers, I’ll ease up on getting more specific. Also, this game is a lot shorter than I was expecting. In 3.4 hours, I earned all the achievements and witnessed all the branching outcomes. Granted, there is a fast-forward option that I used to bypass scenes that had already played out in a previous playthrough, but I still wanted a little more meat on this bone. So, why do I recommend it? Because it’s not a bad game. The story is interesting, albeit not as mind-blowing as I was hoping. Just know that you’re getting a bite-sized, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch-esque experience and not much else. With experience in the Zero Escape and Danganronpa series' prior to playing this game, it’s conceivable my expectations were too high. Nevertheless, I look forward to the seeing what Too Kyo Games comes up with next. But as it concerns DCT, I recommend waiting for a sale.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Death Come True on Steam

Squadron 51

Squadron 51

Warning! Extraterrestrials from outer space arrived in our planet bringing promises of a bright new future for the earthlings. However, this intergalactic partnership soon reveals its darker side as the VEGA CORPORATION, the alien enterprise led by the hideous DIRECTOR ZAROG, is imposing its predatory politics on the human kind. In the midst of this oppression, the rebel group Squadron 51 rises as a response against the violent acts spread by these inhuman beings. Will the brave pilots of Squadron 51 and their aircrafts stand a chance against the Zarog’s diabolic fleet of flying saucers?

Join the rebel cause as LIEUTENANT KAYA, facing flying saucers, alien fighters and monsters in the skies of the 1950’s! Remember: the future of the Earth is in your hands!


Classic gameplay

Squadron 51 is a SHOOT ‘EM UP! game with four different aircrafts to play and set up with special weapons.

Cinematic experience

Glorious black-and-white aesthetics, live-action FMV sequences and dubbed voices will tell the story of the battle between the Squadron 51 and Director Zarog’s alien supremacy.

11 levels

Fight against enemy ships and bosses in many different environments - snowy mountains, forests, cityscapes and many others.

Dynamic difficulty

No matter you are a rookie or a veteran shooting star, Squadron 51 supports dynamic difficulty which allows every pilot to enjoy.


Feeling lonely against Aliens? Invite a friend! A second player can enter a level any time. Earn points with your friend and unlock together new special weapons and upgrades.

Squadron 51 on Steam



I honestly didn’t think there would be a game that I’d hate more than Crying is not Enough , but The Quiet Man did it. It broke me. It broke me as a gamer and as a human being. I just…I can’t even understand how a game this bad got made. Who greenlit this? How did thousands of dollars get poured into something so incredibly insulting to deaf people and gamers alike? Almost every single design decision that went into this absolute dumpster fire of a brawler was BAD. There’s absolutely nothing redeeming about any of it. ANY OF IT!!

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

I get what they were trying to do but it’s… not quite there.

The game is essentially a late night B-movie with some playable scenes. Then they want you to experience the feeling of being deaf while this goes on because the main character is deaf. The thing is: these two things aren’t mixed very well. First off, the main character (Dane) seems capable of communicating, so he can at least hear a little or read lips. In fact, he even speaks and the other characters understand him. Several times already I watched him have a back and forth dialogue. However, we are not given subtitles even during these scenes. Everyone that knows him talks to him casually and he seems to be picking it all up, so we’re not experiencing the world through him… he’s doing a much better job than we are. Also, there are cut scenes we are given to watch without Dane around, so why can’t we even hear those? So it’s not so much experiencing a deaf main character but more so that we as the observing audience are deaf and trying to watch a movie not intended for deaf people. If such was actually the case, we’d do what I imagine any deaf person watching a movie would do… turn the subtitles on. I tried to do this and was even prompted at the beginning that they would provide subtitles when necessary, but I haven’t seen a single one since the first guy ranting in the first scene and no combination of making little neon signs light up in the settings menu has changed that. So apparently the only dialogue I needed to hear was some lowlife describing how a non-story female was once catcalled.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game