

“Тунстрак” - классический представитель почившего ныне жанра point&click, популярность которого пришлась на девяностые годы. От прочих представителей жанра данную игру отличает наличие оцифрованного актера, которым мы управляем и которому мы помогаем решать головоломки и продвигаться по сюжету. И актер не какой бы там, а сам Кристофер Ллойд, который подарил нам ярких и запоминающихся героев фантастических фильмов - судья Дум (“Кто подставил кролика Роджера”), Эмметт Браун (трилогия “Назад в будущее”), Фестер Аддамс (дилогия “Семейка Аддамс”). Ллойд играет художника-аниматора, который волею судьбы оказался в придуманном им мире, в окружении нарисованных им же персонажей. Над королевством Кьютопия нависла опасность в лице графа Нефариуса и местный король просит нас помочь в борьбе с негодяем, чем мы и будем заниматься на протяжении десятка часов. Игра очень простая и выполнена в рисованной 2D-стилистике, мы перемещаемся от одного экрана к другому, беседуем с персонажами, собираем хлам в инвентарь и ищем, куда это барахло применить, получаем новые вещи, попадаем в новые локации и т.д. Все это действо сопровождается отменным юмором, будто смотришь очередной мультфильм Луни Тьюнс. К сожалению, слабая рекламная компания и зарождающаяся в те времена мода на 3D, сыграли с игрой злую шутку, ее не спасло даже наличие на озвучке, помимо Ллойда, Дэна Кастелланеты и Тима Карри. Очень жаль, ведь в финале был жирнейший намек на продолжение.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Funny Games.

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Toonstruck | Arcade Theory

Close your eyes and imagine a world where animated characters interact with live action individuals. If you’re thinking about the classic film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, you’re on the right track. Picture the movie’s antagonist, the sinister Judge Doom. Now imagine him surrounded by a bulldog that sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger, a robot that sounds like Christopher Walken, an effeminate scarecrow, and dominatrix cows. If you’re confused, don’t be. This is just a fraction of Virgin Entertainment’s point-and-click animated adventure known as Toonstruck. Released in 1996, this game combines live action characters in animated environments to create a unique experience that could be seen to some as visually overwhelming, but challenging and fun to play for everyone.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Toonstruck on Steam

Howdy, Jacob!

Howdy, Jacob!

This was a visual trip, it’s kinda like Where’s Waldo but with psychedelics. It has a very interesting approach to storytelling which I like and the music is fun and upbeat. It gave me some nostalgic vibes. I was reminded of the video overlays in one of the Police Quest games for the storytelling and the levels have a sort of wondrous mystique to them that you don’t experience much in games these days. There’s a totally dark vibe to the story without being too scary.

If I had to list one criticism it would be that I struggled to find the exit button during a level, but it all worked out of course. Overall it was worth the $10 for sure.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best FMV Hidden Object Games.

Disclosure: I was on the video capture and performance team for the game, but did not have anything to do with gameplay, art, or design.

Howdy, Jacob! shines brightest in its rich world and great writing. The characters are interesting and diverse, and curious players are always rewarded with a little bit of content wherever they look. It is a world that feels much, much bigger than the game, and fascinating!

The other high point is the art! The images are very vivid and unique, and the style sticks with you!

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Howdy, Jacob! on Steam

VR shooting cute balloons

VR shooting cute balloons

This is a VR casual shooting game. Players can wear a helmet, immerse themselves in the virtual reality scene created by the game, and experience shooting interactive games. When entering the game, the player can choose the language mode of the game, and then enter an open field with colorful balloons floating in the air. The player needs to operate the handle to shoot, and can walk around at will. Every time a balloon is broken, a girl will drop. Players need to be close to the girl to catch and score points. If you can’t catch it, points will be deducted. Players need to collect 40 points to end the game.

Read More: Best FMV 3D Platformer Games.

VR shooting cute balloons on Steam



When I saw this game appear on Steam, a long forgotten memory came back to me! This is actually my very fist video game! I remember when my parents bought me my first PC, this “new game” was delivered with the PC. I didn’t like it because it was too difficult (for a 9 year old). The cutscenes are excellent, beautiful cartoony style, but the gameplay itself is a very bland railshooter … which is fine, I guess … but if you don’t care to play this game (which is a challenge if approached without nostalgia glasses), then just watch the cutscenes on YouTube.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Wetlands on Steam

Mystic Midway: Rest in Pieces

Mystic Midway: Rest in Pieces

First of all I’ve played a lot more than 2 hours.. I owned Mystic Midway back when it was on the Phillips CD-I and honestly I can tell you that its one of the best shooting galleries there is.. between levels Doctor Derth taunts you and you’ll find yourself coming back from time to time to challenge the Mystic Midway over again! Basically, it’s a lot of fun!

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Brings back memories of the old Phillips CDi and this is a great time waster which actually plays better on PC because of the mouse controls. Be aware that the trailer footage is taken from the CDi and this MS Dos version is considerably more pixelated as you’d probably expect. Glad to see Pixel Games UK releasing some of these old school retro gems at a decent price. #ItsShowtime

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Mystic Midway: Rest in Pieces on Steam

What The Dub?!

What The Dub?!

Overall, my gaming group loves it as an addition to the Jackbox stuff.

It is very well done and fun! You can make it as clean or as dirty as you like which means everyone can play. The clips are weird and esoteric enough that most people won’t know where they’re from and that is perfect. I hope they add more.

I do have some minor suggestions, though.

Something more for the audience to do. Maybe they could throw out suggestions on screen or something. Just a thought. Being in the audience can be boring at times. I know more players would mean more repeating clips, but maybe have the game know when there are more than 6 and only use short clips for that game so it doesn’t get too monotonous.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

As an English teacher during this seemingly never-ending pandemic, thank you for this game! It’s so simple to set up and incorporate What the Dub into online lessons via Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc that I’d recommend it to any and all ESL teachers.

The included video clips manage to be both humorous in their dubbing potential whilst also being relatively simple in terms of their language that it allows students who are A2 level and above to reliably produce clever, funny or appropriately wacky sentences. Moreover, the simplicity of the game makes it suitable for everyone over the age of 10 and the price is very fair for what’s offered.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

What The Dub?! on Steam




After the invention and uncontrolled use of nuclear weapons at the end of World War II, humanity almost destroyed itself in endless conflicts. Dust eclipsed the sun, and global warming caused all the glaciers to melt. The remnants of the scarred land turned the ocean into a muddy slush, in which the evolutionary process began under the influence of radiation. In the poisonous water, a parasite appeared that mutated almost all living things. But there were people who managed to survive in this nightmare and adapt. In the vast expanses of the Black Ocean, they built many platforms where they worked and survived. What used to be used for war has become a bulwark of life. Ships and submarines became the main travel arteries. The main character of the game — the last survivor on his platform, he is seriously ill, but decides to leave his station, and go on a submarine to other platforms, along the way trying to help other survivors and find the way to salvation and healing.


The game is a 2d platformer in which you need to overcome various obstacles, swim under water, search for weapons and supplies, and destroy merciless monsters. The hero will have to move between platforms on a large submarine from the Second World War. The player will also have the opportunity to personally control a small submarine. Collecting various trash, you can create items on the workbench necessary for survival. The genetic material of the killed creatures can help cure the hero of the disease, which will affect the end of the game.

Game features

  • dark mysterious atmosphere

  • hand-drawn graphics

  • animated and CG cutscenes

  • dynamic gameplay and battles with dangerous monsters

  • submarines and water locations

  • multiple endings, three difficulty levels

  • themed dark soundtrack

Unlife on Steam



It’s a text-based alien world game.

Need to advance the game through your various choices

Otherworld selection game if you choose wrong you die if you choose right you can defeat BOOS

The general plot

You woke up in an otherworldly room

The goddess doesn’t seem to remember that the demon king has been released

The goddess of the other world gives you a maid

The task of defeating the rampaging Slime was arranged

However, after defeating the Slime ………………

异世界无厘头生活2 on Steam



I’ll have to downvote this because of the LONGNESS of the first two challenges, either you encourage to replay or you make it utterly painful, sheesh.

The characters, the idea and the mystery are pretty decent tho.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

The game is a series of puzzles followed by character dialogue until the ending which is something else. Any mistake during the puzzle section is fatal for one character who is then permanently absent for the rest of that playthrough. Every dialogue segment is unique for every combination of surviving characters.

I have mixed feelings about the puzzles. I liked them on my first playthrough, but they do not have any replay value and you will likely have to replay them multiple times to unlock extra story content. My favorite part of the game is the dialogue which feels intriguingly offbeat. I also just love the survival-puzzle game idea which I haven’t seen before.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game


Smile For Me

Smile For Me

What a delightful and unique game! You visit the Habitat - a retreat run by the elusive Dr. Habit and populated with sad people. You are a flower delivery guy and you soon find yourself tasked with cheering up 22 residents. Each sad person has a quest (some simple and some complicated) for you to complete.

The game is divided into 24 hour days but is complicated by a nightly curfew. If you are not back in your room on time, you lose half of the next day. So, time is of the essence.

There is no voice acting and the characters are 2D, place within a 3D environment. The art style, the written dialog, and the original music make this a very interesting adventure.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

I got this game for my girlfriend recently after she had expressed interest in it. I am now writing this review not long after my birthday ended, where she had gifted me a copy of the game too.

Smile For Me is very much first taste of a game that isn’t an MMO in a very long time. As a big fan of MMOs, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I played this a few hours ago, at the time of writing.

Frankly, I was blown away by the quality here. I was impressed by how cleanly the game runs, and the quality of the gameplay. It is inspired, in my opinion, to use mouse movements to interact with NPCs such as in this game. In a world where selecting a text dialogue option is the established norm' here, Smile For Me, which I will refer to as S4M for the rest of this review, takes a radically different approach to this type of interaction in gaming. One that so many people take for granted.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Smile For Me on Steam