Iron Conflict

Iron Conflict

Iron Conflict is a Real Time Strategy game which is solely focused on multiplayer. Fighting in 10 vs 10 battles, you and your teammates each take 3 types of units with you and battle it out. Either wipe the enemy out, or win Victory Points by holding points.

With Wargame / Steel Division vibes, with a hint of Men of War, wrapped up in an XP / Gold grind of War Thunder, you start with a limited selection of units to choose from, but eventually upgrade and unlock new units for your pleasure. You can spend in game currency earned from battles to equip your units to make them stronger, faster or more lethal.

Real player with 47.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Realistic Games.

Ok let it be said, at the time of writeing this review this game is in a early access Beta test you buy into for 15 bucks in exchange for a founders pack of goodies. However dont let that put you off. This game combinds elements from several games, World of Tanks, War Thunder, Total War Arena, iv seen people make comparisons to men of conflict.

Iron Conflict is a Real Time Tactics game where you control 3 units on a team of 30 untis with 9 other people on your team. At the time of writeing the game currently has 2 maps and 2 game modes and will most likely have more in the future. The 2 game modes are capture the enemy base, and for those that play world of warships or war thunder, capture flag points on the map, first 1000 points wins. Matches are Quick and getting back into the actions quickly is as simple as spending a small fee on repairing you vehicles after the match (yes this game has repair times like war thunder, but they are cheep and quick if you dont want to pay.)

Real player with 38.8 hrs in game

Iron Conflict on Steam

Aircraft Evolution

Aircraft Evolution

Control a plane that flies towards your pointer, drops bombs and fires missiles so you can wipe out hordes of enemies.

Its a close one here, the controls work fine, its quite neat getting new planes and upgrading them, and the variety of bombs and missions is pretty solid.

but it feels a lot like a mobile game that had microtransactions and wasnt balanced quite correctly when it was ported back to PC. Things go at a fair clip through the first part of the game, but around chapter 2 the difficulty ramps up faster than your money does and you end up in a sort of grind, particularly because even with the best plane in the game your bombs never do that much damage and there are a lot of enemies.

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Shoot 'Em Up Games.

Aircraft Evolution is a casual indie sidescrolling shooter that follows in the footsteps of the 1987 classic Wings of Fury. In my opinion fans of WOF game most likely wont be disapointed acquiring Aircraft Evolution as it does a great job at it. The gameplay of Aircraft Evolution is pretty much about bombing the living hell out of the enemies of differnt eras of the history of airplanes and fending off attacking airplanes in different missions while upgrading and buying new planes. In the current early access build the plane is controlled with the mouse and 3 keyboard keys (z,repair -x,fuel-space,speed) and its rather simple to master. The graphics are hand-drawn and really nice to behold. I bought the game for 3.99 euros and feel i got great value for the money. I’ll rate the game 8/10.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Aircraft Evolution on Steam

War Thunder

War Thunder

Oh how I wish i could call an arty strike on Gaijin’s head office.

Let me list the most frustrating aspects of this game:

A bit of a lengthy review but if you are really interested in this game then you should at least skim this review to get an idea of what you’re signing up for. Also the first serious review I’ve done of a game but I have been playing this for 4 years now and it’s about time I told (warned) people about it.

The devs:

Has never listened to it’s community’s suggestions or bug reports. The closest we ever got was when everyone, including the largest Youtuber Phlydaily was pushing to have parts and fire extinguishers to come for free with every vehicle, instead of making it a module to research (or spend money on). So if you get shot in the transmission, yup you cant move the rest of the match, or get shot in the barrel? Yup, you are completely useless unless you can make it to a cap point which sometimes there is only 1. Guess what… they said “no” and have since never acknowledged community suggestions since then due to the horrible PR fallout. They balance the game based off players stats in that particular vehicle. Leaving some vehicles completely broken or overpowered for months while data comes in for them to actually do something about it. Easily the most frustrating of these cases was the fact that the battle rating spread is so compressed from power creep that they couldn’t figure out what level to put the Maus at to make it competitive and balanced so they just removed it from the game. LOL yeah they barred new players from being able to research it cause they were too lazy to fix their game. They also will gladly make up stats or armor values about tanks to fit their view of what they think it should be capable of.

Real player with 2618.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Realistic Games.

Okay listen.

I’ve got 2,222 hours in this game while I’m writing this. I get that it’s confusing that I’m making a negative review.

Tl;dr: This is a good game, but one of the worst, most scummy products I’ve ever seen. One that preys on people with addictive personalities in a wide spectrum of ways.

All I really need to do is explain the monetization tbh:

-Silver Lions: Silver lions are the non-premium currency for War Thunder. They are achieved passively just by played, and playing well gives a nice bonus. Winning matches massively multiplies silver lion gains (ie, if you kill 1 person in a match you lose in the planes mode you’ll get a small amount of silver lions, but even just one kill in a match you win is worth a fair amount, and to a degree this gets better the better you play). But here’s the… well… “but”. Silver lions are precisely designed so that when you first start playing the game, no matter what (ie, whether you are completely free to play, just have a premium vehicle, or have premium vehicles and a premium account) you will be getting enough silver lions to more than cover the silver lion costs of the vehicles you will have access too. Low tier vehicles cost basically nothing to repair, as do almost all premiums (and premium accounts and vehicles both massively boost silver lion income while using them). You might be seeing the problem already, but if not stick with me here. As you progress through the game, if you’re free to play you will at first quickly unlock cheap vehicles before reaching more expensive ones, then things will be slower and slower to unlock and more expensive. To be clear, all of this so far isn’t a big deal. The issue comes when you reach about 7.0 (battle rating, which is basically just a “level” for matchmaking balance) for ground forces or about 8.0 for air forces, in my experience. At this point vehicles are sluggish to unlock and extremely expensive. Buying them, training a crew slot to play them, and every modification all costs SL, but also repairing and rearming the aircraft after the battle. At the lower tiers you might not even notice this. By about 6.0 you’ll almost certainly notice this but unless you play very poorly it won’t be a major issue. You might have to take it easy right after buying a newly unlocked vehicle, but other than that you’re fine. But beyond that, certain vehicles (seemingly arbitrarily, though there’s always a long winded explanation that boils down to “balance”) cost bafflingly, ridiculously, hilariously high amounts of silver lions. If you have about 2-3 million silver lions at lower tiers, you’re golden. You can lose some of it if you have some rough matches, but you’ll be fine. At the higher tiers, you could burn through that in a day just by being unlucky. Half the time you unlock a new jet or main battle tank it’s so expensive you either can’t buy it, or can but then can’t play it because if you die before getting a kill you lose massive amounts.

Real player with 2313.7 hrs in game

War Thunder on Steam

Winter War 1939

Winter War 1939

I have played Thoriums games for a while now. Even tested some games including this one. For those who don’t know, this game was originally a mobile game. So the graphics might look a bit bad to you but the reason it looks bad is due to performance. I do think his games need actual texturing, so I hope that gets added soon. Winter War is my favorite game made by Thorium. It’s the least buggy one he has made. I think the game is really good, but it needs regular updates fixing bugs and adding features. The build system in this game is really cool, but I find myself almost never using it other than to spawn vehicles like planes or tanks. This system does need reworked a bit to make it more useful. One thing that also needs reworked is the AI. The AI is really stupid because they have no pathfinding. A lot of times the enemies just walk around allowing me to clear them easily. There are also a lot of bugs that need fixed, but other than that I think the game is really fun and you should try it out. You can join the Discord here:

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

I like my heritage, this is the only game you can play as a finnish soldier besides Ravenfield or the Talvisota but talvisota doesnt work me and ravenfield wasnt meant to like be about the winter war so this works for me i like the whole concept

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Winter War 1939 on Steam

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad

Where do I start?

I have always played the Il2 Sturmovik series - that is no exaggeration - I picked up my first installment at age 10, which means I have played for half my life.

To talk about the series as a whole would take up so much time that you’d probably die of old age by the time I finished, so I’ll keep it simple. It’s had it’s ups and downs.

This installment though? What a bloody masterpiece. If you’re here then I’m guessing you already have some Idea of what the IL2 series is, and that is a Combat flight simulator with a heavy emphasis on realism, through its flight and damage models. In all of these aspects Il2 Sturmovik Excels, aircraft are painstakingly researched and their flightmodels studied in order to bring them as close to life as possible.

Real player with 382.9 hrs in game

Must fly in VR. My gunner bailed after our Stuka’s right tank was shot and began to leak over the Kuban. You didn’t trust me, bud? I landed safely at a friendly airfield. Hope the water showed him no mercy. 10/10 would recommend to every flight sim/WW2 enthusiast.

Real player with 201.7 hrs in game

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad on Steam

Super Chopper

Super Chopper

THIS GAME is more arcade like than simulator and is like Steel Talons rather than Gunship or Super Huey. Whats nice is there’s a mission editor. There’s more to be desired but its worth the price I suppose

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

I wouldn’t buy this game unless you have a good computer. I couldn’t run the game on the lowest settings. It seems fun but I just can’t play with like 10 frames.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Super Chopper on Steam

Dieselpunk Wars

Dieselpunk Wars

I think I am the player who has been playing this game for the longest time ever (most of them spent on building stuff in creative), and I did enjoy it and had high hopes. But still…


Several serious bugs exist, including one that makes airships pretty much unplayable.

The Devs have been informed of those bugs for months but no action was ever taken.

They also stated on Discord that the May update is going to be the last update, so consider it officially abandoned.

Severe Lack of Content

Real player with 466.8 hrs in game

A very good game.

Important notes:


Movement on the ground for wheeled/tracked vehicles is generally pretty good, the only issue i tend to have is the velocity being canceled completely by trees/random geometry such as rocks. Movement also feels very slow/tanky however i think that fits the game just fine. Sea/Air movement works perfectly well, though i couldn’t get a walker to work.


I have a few nitpicks about it, namely with not enough keybinds/options for keybinds in the building menu, and not being able to press esc to exit out of some menu prompts. There are some bugs here, as you might guess from an early access game, but aside from the occasional incorrect mirroring, it works just fine.

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

Dieselpunk Wars on Steam

DCS World Steam Edition

DCS World Steam Edition

I wish steam had a third recommendation option: “Kinda, but…”

This game, and it’s very much a game, is awesome. I’ve had over a thousand (and likely to grow) hours of fun, with some frustrations in-between. Thing is, at its core, DCS is a giant steaming piece of garbage. Nearly everything with the exception of the aircraft themselves is some flavour of “unfinished,” “half-baked,” and “broken.”

A note on the pricing: I’ve spend more money on DCS than on any other game. Though not as much as it might seem, if you do it smart you can get all important modules for 250 dollars. And it isn’t like you’ll be buying modules more than one at a time, you can get literally hundreds, even thousands of hours of gameplay from just one. I recommend you always buy on sales and choose your modules wisely. Do not buy flaming cliffs, or any of the flaming cliff aircraft, those are extremely outdated and “simplified” (though as you would quickly learn, the shortcut “shift+rctr+home” is much harder to remember than the location of the switch labelled “right engine start”, so “simplified” might not be the best word to use here).

Real player with 1560.4 hrs in game

This game is fantastic, and I’m talking about the 100% free Su-25t simulator you get by downloading this program right here, DCS, for FREE.

The Su-25t isn’t just one plane to fly in a game like War Thunder, it’s a complete old-school single player simulator. You get ten or so training missions covering every important function of the aircraft.

You get another ten or so individual mission scenarios, + again that number of quick missions and on top of all this you get a full campaign.

Along with that full campaign you can also find additional campaigns online, really high quality player made campaigns.

Real player with 1143.4 hrs in game

DCS World Steam Edition on Steam

Furious Angels

Furious Angels

FA is a minimalistic, short and sweet arcade dogfighting shooter that is so much more than what you may think. Somewhat easy to get into, surprisingly hard to master.


Furious Angels (FA in short) is all about… blowing stuff up. While trying not to die. All while babysitting the helpless mothership. And of course, get a good looking score. Oh, and there’s no campaign, no story, no upgrade grinding. Only explosions. And scores.

Your goal - face the endless hordes of enemies that want you and your mothership dead. Losing either is a Game Over. Stay alive as long as you can, get that big big combo, but your fate is sealed before it all begins. You’ll lose. As for how, it’s up to you to decide.

Real player with 307.8 hrs in game

I don’t write many Reviews.

I think most Games do not deserve, or need my opinion.

And I usually don’t feel well as an advertisement writer.

But this one game is different. For me, this is a hidden Gem.

This is the only game i play everyday for 5-10 minutes. Since more then a Year.

No other game got me hooked like this. I think I can say I like it a bit.

Maybe it is just a me-thing. Maybe it appeals just to my personal taste.

It is arcade-y, and in a way that makes it great … I love the Explosions.

Real player with 231.7 hrs in game

Furious Angels on Steam

Battle Command

Battle Command

Before 1990, if you wanted to control an assault tank you either had to sign up to Her Majesty’s Armed Forces, or settle for the basic side-on or top-down computer graphics of the day.

Then there was Battle Command.

The game sees you take command of a futuristic assault tank, dropped by Helicarrier right into the middle of the action on the battlefield. While many other 3D efforts of the time resulted in confusing wireframes or framerates measured in spf instead of fps, Battle Command’s fully-filled polygons were a breath of fresh air… until that air was filled with the acrid smoke from the burning wrecks of enemy buildings and vehicles!

With multiple camera views allowing the player to sit in the belly of the beast or to see the action from a third-person perspective – a real innovation at the time – this much-loved ‘command’ game focused more on outright fighting that the strategic elements of similar titles. Yet it was not all simply ready-aim-fire; the player still has to equip the most suitable ammunition to satisfactorily complete each one of the exciting and varied missions.

According to the original box art:

_Set in the near future of an alternative reality, Battle Command is an arcade/strategy game in which the player controls a single ‘Mauler’ Assault Tank in one of sixteen scenarios in the ultra-war, fought between two dominant races in the New World. The latest phase of this north/south war has been going on for over ten years with a stalemate eventually developing – a stand-off between armies massed over a long dug-in battle front.

Such are the defensive capabilities of each side, full scale assaults are suicidal, so any offensive moves are, by necessity, small behind-the-lines actions performed by elite troops in specially designed vehicles. The Mauler is the latest such machine – capable of being lifted in and out of hostile territory by fast stealth choppers and armed with the most advanced weaponry the northern sides can devise.

First into Battle…

…Last to Leave!_

Battle Command on Steam