Air Attack 3.0, Aerial Firefighting Game

Air Attack 3.0, Aerial Firefighting Game

junk junk junkl

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

The controls are terrible. There is nothing intuitive about the mechanics of this game. I can’t even find the turn right rudder button in the instructions or on the keyboard. Request an immediate refund as it is definitely not worth the $21 dollars I paid for it. Thanks.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Air Attack 3.0, Aerial Firefighting Game on Steam

Helicopter Simulator 2014: Search and Rescue

Helicopter Simulator 2014: Search and Rescue

Update 2 - Sep 30, 2016

More on physics - There’s strong wind effect during stormy weather which makes landing hazardous. Heavier chopper mitigates it but reduces room to manoeuver.

Difficulty - Hard when landing spots are located in tight spaces although plenty of space is available nearby. Easy when trees aren’t solid.

Update 2 - Sep 19, 2016 - editing and some additional info


IMO this game is awesome! BUT mission design shows lack of careful planning. Maps have interesting landmarks worthy of some sighseeing trips.

Real player with 56.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Great Soundtrack Games.

Search and Rescue may not be for the hardcore flight simulaton gamer. It is not fully realistic, but still you’d better have a Joystick with some axles for it. It is somewhere in between of Simulation and Arcade.

Compared to Sim copter this title is more simulation and more serious. Where in Sim copter you flew around in a city and things happened which you had to clear, in this game you can fly around on different Island maps and things only happen, when you start a mission with a specific objective each. For each mission you can choose one of the helicopters that can do the job (not every Helicopter is available in every mission). There is no career mode where you get better Helicopters after some time of playing. At least there is no career mode, yet.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Helicopter Simulator 2014: Search and Rescue on Steam

Flyland Wars: 0 Ball Game [Trainer]

Flyland Wars: 0 Ball Game [Trainer]

The introductory part of the Flyland Wars Series tells the backstory of the Flyland Universe. The story is the strongest point of the game. It’s worth reading all seven pages of it, not just because it’s quite an entertaining sci-fi story, but because it explains mechanics that are crucial to beat the other games in the series. The main weak point is that the UI and HUDs are confusing and in-your-face at first until you’ve read the story and figured out what everything does. The level is included to get comfortable with the mechanics before introducing enemies. I’m interested too see how the developer continues the story through the series.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Action-Adventure Games.

When will multiplayer be added? I need help from friends to defeat the sphere.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Flyland Wars: 0 Ball Game [Trainer] on Steam

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine

Episode 2 of the Flyland Wars improves on the formula set by its predecessor. It is still a combat game with an emphasis on strategt. Like the last game, the level is difficult until you’ve practiced and figured out tricks to win it. This episode is more fleshed out than the previous one; more opportunities for combat and an interesting puzzle element, with some surprises waiting for you. The game’s best quality is its dark atmosphere. I was genuinely creeped out at points when I was exploring the mine. The story in the game of how Not Yours Mine came to be is well-written and funny. I recommend Flyland Wars Ep 2 if you’re looking for a quick, gritty, unique combat game with puzzle and horror elements.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Flyland Wars: 2 Not Yours Mine on Steam

Space Adventures

Space Adventures

Space Adventure is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, Neki4 Electronics. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams several times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

This time they’ve ripped off a basic template for a 2D retro pixel SpaceWar!/Asteroids ripoff. GameMaker Studio itself is a terrible game construction kit, and this asset flip shows just how bad things can get when templates/tutorials/demos from that construction kit get dumped on Steam as complete games.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

$10 for THIS?!!? …ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR $%### *&%$#% MIND?!?!?!?

This is either a total asset flip that I can’t find, ‘nor do I care to spend the time to scour the internet to find it… OR It’s made by a novice or lazy developer with the coding skill of a 3 year old chimpanzee that got hit in the head with a rock as a baby.

..I strongly suspect this is just another zero effort asset flip however, and the initial 40% launch discount screams that it’s an asset flip as well.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Space Adventures on Steam

Airplane Sky Voyage

Airplane Sky Voyage

My advice don’t do it. The graphics are horrible and there are only a couple of planes. You have to do training that you cant even finish with the plane that they give you. I am happy though that you don’t have to pay to buy planes. There aren’t other planes to fly around. The airport is in the mountains and if you fly the 787 they put you IN THE MIDDLE where you can’t reverse and you almost run into the mountains. The landscape stays the same and there are no more airports. There are no maps so you get lost and there isn’t much to do after. A play store game is better than this don’t waste your money.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

One of those games that makes me wish there was a “kinda” option for recommendation. As it is, it’s not that bad if you can get it on sales and you like to fly. Graphics and animations are good. Controls are keyboard only so you need to use something like X-padder to use a controller, which makes it way more enjoyable. As far as gaming goes though, the level design is just bad. First mission is so easy a kid could do it (and you need to grind it like crazy to be able to buy a plane that can go through mission 2) but the second mission is way harder so if you never played flying sims and you don’t know how to maneuver a plane, forget it.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Airplane Sky Voyage on Steam

Aquanox Deep Descent

Aquanox Deep Descent

Aquanox Deep Descent is the attempt to revive an older franchise. It began with a game named Archimedean Dynasty, released in 1996. 2 Sequels followed, under the new brand name of Aquanox.

All of those games were quite similar to the “three degrees of freedom” space simulation games that came up roughtly at the same time, but tried to put themselves apart by not going up, but rather down. All three might be considered aaa titles considering the amount of work and effort, as well as content they provided at the time. Even though their success probably fell short of that.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game


Aquanox Deep Descent (ADD) is a semi-open world shooter set underwater, after the world endured the “Last Day” - an apocalyptic event where most of humanity perished and the rest was forced into oceanic depths. Players impersonate Kaelen, one of the chosen few to be preserved in stasis for centuries, now woken up by unclear circumstances. After a dangerous escape, he and his companions - left without most memories - decide to embark on a quest to find the answers about their past, forging alliances and facing many dangers along the way.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Aquanox Deep Descent on Steam

ATC Infinite

ATC Infinite

This game is amazing, its great fun for when your bored or when you want to test your brain and being focused and organised.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

This game really has a lot problems; some of which are probably unsolvable due to the game design.

First, some pros:

1. The command line design is actually the simplest I have ever seen; this makes controlling a lot easier.

2. The game runs smoothly and has a clean interface.

Now the cons:

Let’s start with something that can be fixed:

1. Graphics error: I see a “discord” button on the airport selection page. (Fixed)

2. Gameplay Bugs: I have experienced problems like collision, even with vertical separation. I have also experienced bugs that planes fail to intercept the localizer even I have guided the plane to the orange line. (Fixed)

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

ATC Infinite on Steam



Another short charmer from the Deity Driving dev; the same good vibe of aesthetic absurdity in the environments and comedic sincerity from the characters, now with a mix of 3D environments and… whatever you call first-person 2D exploration.

When people say “I want shorter games with worse graphics”, this is what I’m hoping for more of (although let’s say “simpler graphics”, for anyone who conflates ‘graphics’ with ‘visuals’.)

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

The game is good especially the music and the text to speech voice acting add to the atmosphere. The story is quite obscure, you explore the world with your Beautycopter, do some missions, and help some guests. The aesthetics add to the weirdness with the use of fake 3d.

The game is short and simple, you cannot save progress so you need to play the game in one go. There are a lot of funny achievements. This is definitely in the veins of Deity Driving in terms of style.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Beautycopter on Steam

Danger Forever

Danger Forever

Danger Forever is hardcore 3D scroll-shooter with rogue-lite elements.

_                                                Lone human rides her mecha-dragon

                          through hostile alien world of mechanoids and techno-demons_

Unlike most scrolling shooters, you actually fly through 3D environment — use it to your advantage, and beware bumping into walls or ground.

Also, instead of traditional showering enemies with bullets, you have to think ahead a bit — fuel/heat system adds some more depth to combat.

Levels are procedurally generated — each level is slightly different every time you play it

(but it’s not totally random of course).

Energy and materials obtained during level playthrough can be used to upgrade and customize you dragon.

You also need those materials and energy to build a spaceship to fight your way out of that hostile planet.

     F E A T U R E S

Explore over 100 levels in 6 distinct regions

World map is procedurally generated too, you can ’re-roll’ your world.

Utilize elaborate scoring system to earn energy and materials needed for upgrades

The better you score the better gear you can afford.

Unlock new difficulty modes

On higher difficulty levels you’ll encounter enemies and hazards not present on ‘normal’ or ‘easy’.

Upgrade and customize your dragon

Abilities and weapon-modes are unlocked and upgraded for Azure and materials earned on levels.

Challenge yourself on specially designed infinite ‘survival’ levels

Survival levels are ranked on leaderboards.

Danger Forever on Steam