Space Adventures

Space Adventures

Space Adventure is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, Neki4 Electronics. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams several times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

This time they’ve ripped off a basic template for a 2D retro pixel SpaceWar!/Asteroids ripoff. GameMaker Studio itself is a terrible game construction kit, and this asset flip shows just how bad things can get when templates/tutorials/demos from that construction kit get dumped on Steam as complete games.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Singleplayer Games.

$10 for THIS?!!? …ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR $%### *&%$#% MIND?!?!?!?

This is either a total asset flip that I can’t find, ‘nor do I care to spend the time to scour the internet to find it… OR It’s made by a novice or lazy developer with the coding skill of a 3 year old chimpanzee that got hit in the head with a rock as a baby.

..I strongly suspect this is just another zero effort asset flip however, and the initial 40% launch discount screams that it’s an asset flip as well.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Space Adventures on Steam