Balsa Model Flight Simulator

Balsa Model Flight Simulator

(Also put 230 hours into the public playtest prior to EA, quite confident this will become my most played game by quite a lot)

Haven’t even touched career yet, or done much with the scenario editor. I’ve just been completely captivated by making and flying planes. If you can think of something or find an existing design that seems feasible you can probably make it, and you can even come with new ideas that no one has thought about before and make them work.

This has replaced all other flight sims for me, MSFS may be beautiful and have great wind simulation etc, but I can’t fly and build my own designs which I’d much rather do. The community aspect of this is great too, seeing all the weird and wonderful designs that people come up with is always entertaining to me, and the mix of friendly dogfighting and chill flying around together is just great.

Real player with 285.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Sandbox Games.

Balsa is one of those games that is up and coming with afterburners lit. Ignore the fact there are no afterburners (yet).

Multiplayer - Check

Weapons - Check

Creative Design Options - Check

Modding - Check

A Dev Team that LISTENS - Check

Keep in mind, this game is in Early Access. This means the game is developing, growing and has potential ONLY limited by feedback provided to the developers. The team even released a modding kit that allows for building mods already. I have been able to create several custom designed propellers, fuselages, and fuel\battery tanks and used them in game.

Real player with 154.7 hrs in game

Balsa Model Flight Simulator on Steam

Jetpack Vacation

Jetpack Vacation

👍Come play with us!

The racing is my favorite. Click my name and enter the text/voice chat to ask, and me and others will jump in game with ya. I hope they add an “infection tag” game mode soon. Even without that this game is a good bunch of fun with friends.

🔥►Meet people PLAYING now (in group CHAT link below)

💬►Initially voted in ' fun with friends '

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Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Sports Games.

Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2

You can view my review & gameplay here:

Jetpack Vacation currently has a main hub area that you can explore and collect coins from, it has a soccer-themed (Rocket League inspired) multiplayer only game, a target practice mini-game, and an experimental WIP obstacle course racing mini-game (Fall Guys inspired). The problem currently with Jetpack Vacation is that it lacks a playerbase and it needs more content as well.

However, I did have fun playing the Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout inspired mini-game. It was fun to play solo, but i can only imagine it would be a lot more fun racing against other players online. I really think this is where Jetpack Vacation could have a killer app mini-game to bring in more players if they focused on this WIP. Why they released the game without this mini-game being fully fleshed out is puzzling to me, as it is the best mini-game currently.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Jetpack Vacation on Steam

Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator

Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator

Very Highly Recommended. As a retired real world pilot that spends most of the day with flight sims I have now found the best of the best. Sure, it is still growing and has a long ways to go but, for now, nothing else does what Aerofly FS 2 does for me.

I have two full hardware setups. My original triple monitor / Saitek hardware 6th gen rig that I have used for the last 12 months and a Volair Flight Sim cockpit with a brand new Alienware 8th gen Intel processor with a 1080 Ti card. This was purchased during the Christmas holidays along with a Oculus Rift VR.

Real player with 8629.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Racing Games.

I have an embarrassing amount of time in flight simulators, dating all the way back to sublogic’s product in the early 80s. I am a real convert to Aerofly, and I bought my VR gear specifically to handle it - and it was absolutely worth the investment.

I’ve been using this sim now for months, and let me begin by saying what this is… and isn’t (at least yet).

For me, this sim has achieved what I’ve wanted all these years; the actual illusion of flight. I wanted the chance to feel the size and layout of the cockpit and to feel that pull in your guy when you dive through mountains, or make a daring landing. I love the fact that in the P-38 I have to look around the control column to see some of the gauges. I love the feel of the airplanes and how each has a unique character to flight. Of course, any of you using FSX,P4D, or Xplane have had these features for a long time. Aerofly and VR really recreates the feeling of flight. I’ve had a bunch of people try out my rig of course, and the reaction is always the same; incredible excitement, followed by the freedom that comes from flying anywhere you want. In short, it’s what I always wanted flight simming to be.

Real player with 307.1 hrs in game

Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator on Steam

Elastic Fantastic

Elastic Fantastic

LOVE LOVE LOVE Elastic Fantastic! This game has me hooked. It is not just a matter of bouncing from dot to dot, the mastering of the stretch of the elastic and the movement of the man make this game a challenge you don’t want to miss! I have passed level 17 and continue to try to master the skills needed for future levels! I play everyday and I rage every time and I retry over and over and I love every minute of it! GIVE THIS GAME A TRY!!!

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

Cute game! The graphics are simple and clean, the mechanics are a lot of fun, very challenging!

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Elastic Fantastic on Steam

Gravity in Space

Gravity in Space

I played it in alpha already, it’s a really good, sometimes tricky game. Fun to play with friends :)

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Great game! the physics are amazing, graphics look good, just not that many features. as of now, there aren’t many people playing the multi player, but it’s a blast when there are.

would recommend

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Gravity in Space on Steam



Easily one of my top 5 games of all time.

There is so much I like about this game, and for the price, its a great deal.


Building planes - It takes practice to build good planes, but they are not too hard

Flight Physics- Except for the occasional bug, the Physics work reletivaly well, and have enjoyable flying

Damage Model- Its pretty basic, but it gets the job done. It is fun to go blast your creation out of the sky with a missle

Mods- There are some incredible mods out there, from adding in custom missions, to making the game actually look cinimatic.

Real player with 1335.6 hrs in game

I will definately recommend this game. It may look like one of those smaller games that is fit for a phone, but it is not. It has so much to offer, that is, if you have creativity in your mind. It is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. I bought it at a discount one day, thought to myself, “ehh, ill try it.” I’m so glad I did. In my opinion it has the best customization tools in any game. With a few simple mods, the customization in the editor is endless. You can create an exact copy of any real-life plane if you spend enough time, albeit it is time consuming when building. But in the end, it is worth it. The feeling is great when you spend three weeks perfecting a plane and it takes off for the first time. Also, the ability for us to share planes is AWESOME! I love checking out other people’s planes, it gives me ideas for what to build next. It is an ALMOST perfect game. why almost? there are just a few things that I would love to see:

Real player with 339.7 hrs in game

SimplePlanes on Steam

aerofly RC 8

aerofly RC 8

Aerofly RC8 is a very good RC simulator with superb graphics that runs well on low-end GPUs. The aerodynamics are noticeably better than the previous version (RC7), and the aerobatic aircraft now spin and snap roll realistically.

The graphics quality is superb, including the detailed aircraft models and extensive 3D scenery for FPV flying (complete with ripples in the sea). However my favourites are the panoramas, which seamlessly blend foreground 3D objects (including functional windsocks) with background photography, allowing you to fly in front of, or behind (or crash into) nearby objects whilst retaining an incredibly lifelike appearance. And you don’t require much in the way of graphics hardware - it consistently achieves over 60 fps on my laptop’s puny MX150 graphics card with graphics quality set to High, using Vulkan with high quality anti-aliasing enabled.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

  • This simulator taught me to fly and land successfully. Never again will I be tossing about erratically.

  • Good visuals, panoramic scenery looks great, 3D scenery is sufficient.

  • Interesting features (multiplayer) and game options (spot landing, etc.) Enough variety in aircraft and scenery to learn what you need to.

  • Possible to play with a game controller in a pinch or with a USB-connected RC radio.

  • High AAA game price for fair visual quality / shallow game loop.

  • Simulation issues, like gears tearing off as soon as they hit grass (see artwork tab to see what I mean). Still haven’t managed a tip stall, so unconvinced about the absolute realism of control laws, which is what I paid for after all (however, this is not a definite criticism, just something I observed made me crash in real life and has not happened in-game; perhaps due to the models available, see below).

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

aerofly RC 8 on Steam

Aster Fpv Drone Simulator

Aster Fpv Drone Simulator


Real player with 22.6 hrs in game

Really fun to fly in this sim, its like a bare bones version of Velocidrone, you can change your rates and play with physics. There are a few bugs. E.g. OSD settings reset every time you change maps and if you get stuck in colission like tree leaves theres no reset button so you have to exit the map then redo your osd settings and reenter the map. But other then that I love this sim!

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Aster Fpv Drone Simulator on Steam

Detached: Non-VR Edition

Detached: Non-VR Edition

Beautiful game placed in space, originally created for VR and now available in nonVR version. It’s FPX game where we want to survive and find a way to get back home safely from malfunctioned space station. This will require a skill to control your spacesuit powered with fuel. We also need a oxygen and both of these can by found around by exploring an open world of the damaged space station. Some puzzle needs to be solved in the game to complete some of the tasks like opening the doors or activate various systems. Great looking and well optimized graphics and nice sounds well making a feeling of loneliness in empty space. Game has cross-platform PvP mode. Detached is a fantastic game that I’m hoping to play in VR mode some day.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

I would love to recommend this game, it’s quite a nice, short FPS story. Flying around in an authentic zero-g experience on Realistic mode was amazing, it’s the kind of game I like most. There’s not much shooting, just floating through space finding the path out, with enough light puzzles to not be boring.

Unfortunately, finding the small progression MacGuffins in level 2 was awful. They were hidden away and difficult to find when trying to progress the story. It took me a few hours flying around looking for them. I found a few, but they were placed near another progression point later down the line, so taking them earlier than I’m supposed to means I have to look for others in the more difficult places anyway.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Detached: Non-VR Edition on Steam

Dustoff Z

Dustoff Z

Nice little snack-size blast-em-up to enjoy between bigger gaming jaunts. I’m surprised this has so few reviews on steam as it’s perfectly functional and cheap game to pick up and gun through on a lazy weekend afternoon. Ignore the time played, I probably took about 4 hours to complete this fully.

The basic premise is you fly a helicopter about on a 2.5D plain after a zombie apocalypse has occurred, strafing zombies down below, all the while performing convoy escorts, base defense, cargo delivery, and survivor rescues. You upgrade the helicopter and onboard gunners with coins and parts/supplies that you collect/earn for completing missions. There is quite a variety of zombie types arrayed against you with plenty of damage they can bring to bear on you (and even the unarmed walkers have a serious jump you need to dodge or you’ll be pulled out of control into a horde). You have to manage your fuel, health and ammo meters throughout each mission which you top up from collectibles that spring from killing zombies or landing or recharge helipads, which also double as in-mission save spots.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Hi everyone I am the bkbossman, you can find me on youTube and publishing videos here on steam. First off I’d like to thank Alf and Marie from Zordix publishing for putting me in touch with this little gem.

I’ve played a few hours of Dustoff Z now and I’m enjoying it thoroughly, it has definitely taken the great aspects of the original Dustoff Heli rescue and enhanced them with a better tech tree, graphical enhancements and a fun and engaging story line.

The original was simple involving just 4 upgrades (2 choppers and 2 guns) and focusing on great game play, something which has transferred well into this latest iteration. The tech tree has been expanded so you now have not only more helicopters to choose from but you can upgrade them individually. You can also now choose to have gunners on your chopper and the type you bring with you can affect your progression in the game.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Dustoff Z on Steam