disc party

disc party

Lots of fun. Definitely worth the price. Would love to see more variety and detail in the maps in the future. Walking to the next hole gets tiresome because of the mini map. i wish there was a better way to indicate where the next hole is or where your current hole is. Maybe a larger top-down view you could toggle in and out of?

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Sports Games.

Honestly, here’s my guide to Sokpop, if you see something neat or interesting.. you’ll be glad you gave it a shot. The games are fun, & allow you to unwind very comfortably. They don’t expect you to go out of your way, you won’t feel like you’ve wasted time, & again for the price of half a meal, it’s worth it.

Oh & in case you weren’t looking hard enough a lot of these games offer multiplayer, which really blows my mind!!

“Sokpop Collective” makes valuable games!


Sokpop, you’ve successfully made the first Disc Golf game that isn’t lame. Most in this genre focus heavily on the disc, having this world to play in is a blast. If a part 2 were to ever come out, I’ll buy that one too!! :)

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

disc party on Steam

Perfect Round Disc Golf

Perfect Round Disc Golf

If you like disc golf, this game will hook you up. The courses are beautiful. The discs fly realistically. Gameplay is fun, easy to learn, yet challenging enough to make you continuously want more. More skill gains, course unlocks, character unlocks, and more! Your first round, you may be turned off by the “goofy game characters”. In response, the author added regular humans, but the game characters are unquestionably more fun to play! And now with easily attainable new Skins, the game characters have even more character! NO Pay to Play, all game unlocks are FREE to earn! This adds an interesting video game aspect to an already great golf sim.

Real player with 291.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Flight Sports Games.

One Man development “team”. Rough Around the edges, extremely playable.

While there are some minor flaws, from reading up many of them are on the road map to be addressed. Personally the biggest “flaw” Ive found are the downhill flight physics; a disc can keep going for 1200 feet almost as if the disc is “falling down a hill” if that makes sense. Again, an early access title still in development.

I feel as if this game captures disc golf almost perfectly. I havent been able to play for a year and a half, when previously it was 3x a week, so this game is filling a hole for me.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Perfect Round Disc Golf on Steam