Islet Online

Islet Online

Still playing yes, Game, itself is fascinating where you can hunt animals, for food an raw materials, you can even flood the world at one point, PVP is option too. I haven’t tried it yet. I did have events like bunnies bunnies everywhere…not bunny to drop. If you get that.(died by kamikaze bunny) believe for one exception you could build towering mazes and mazes,

I did see castles and cathereadals somewhere people are building amazing structures.

You can upload your latest creation to steam where they showcase it,

Real player with 122.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fishing Massively Multiplayer Games.

This review is for the current version of the game(2/7/16)

What is Islet Online? Islet Online is a creative open world sandbox, similar to Minecraft. This game features an experience system that allows you to level up in pretty much everything like jumping, crafting, fighting and much more. These can directly effect your play experience, for example, you may be able to eventually jump up to 4 times in the air. It actually reminds me of McMMO from the old Minecraft Bukkit days….

Real player with 70.3 hrs in game

Islet Online on Steam