Giant Bear Rampage! ☢️🐻

Giant Bear Rampage! ☢️🐻

I have more good things to say than bad things about this game so let’s get the one bad thing out of the way real quick first.

The controls. There’s sadly no controller support; which would really help. It is playable with a mouse and keyboard but (at least for me) took a lot of key rebinds to find something that;s comfortable for me.

If you can get past that, the game is pretty fun. It’s silly, it’s straightforward and there’s something about senselessly smashing buildings, stomping on people and wrecking rocks, trees and cars that helps me kill an hour or so when I don’t feel like playing much else.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Destruction Games.

Ever wondered, “I wonder what it would be like to be Godzailla?” This is the game for you.

Destroy buildings, cars, streetlights, telephone booths, dumpsters, park benches and bollards with a swipe of your left and right paw. Cackle with glee as you use your mutengenic powers to level city blocks or turn hapless citizens, police and members of the national guard into puffs of confetti, grow large before exploding or into cute rubber ducks.

This game is great to kill an hour or two.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Giant Bear Rampage! ☢️🐻 on Steam

Police Simulator: Patrol Duty

Police Simulator: Patrol Duty

Disclaimer: I was a closed beta tester for this game starting from October 9, 2018-June 18, 2019, so some information might be outdated. No compensation of any sort (other than a beta key) was provided to me.

Updates: I just got off of a shift after a traffic duty mission where I frisked a suspect and found a switchblade. He was arrested shortly after. Was not taking an emergency call, just doing proactive beat work. Also, the plate information for illegally parked vehicles in traffic duty show up on the PDA, but not on the computer. Also received word that others have arrested those with warrants outside of missions and calls.

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Multiplayer Games.

Quite an entertaining game. There is a ton of repeats with missions which can get a little boring over a longer period of time, but it’s a good thing they have Multiplayer. I’ll state the pro’s and con’s as well as what could/should be added in the future. I will state some things that may confuse people, but I will try and explain them in brackets. This is of course because I am an Officer in real life and I like to point out things that would be obvious to other officers.


  • Has a realistic form of Conduct

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

Police Simulator: Patrol Duty on Steam

Paper Sorcerer

Paper Sorcerer

If you’re a fan of turn-based RPGs at all, you owe it to yourself to give this game a try.

The most obivous difference between this game and most others is the quite unusual art style. The team making this game is obviously on a budget, and you can see some oddball errors (like inky shadows that are actually 2d planes you can see behind if you jump into the corner) but they decided to use their limited resources to make the most visually striking game they could, regardless.

The same can be said of combat, which is the real meat of the game. The game uses pre-generated character archetypes that you add to your party in a team of your choosing. The array of choices are unfortunately not overwhelming, and you don’t get a very clear sense of who can do what until after you get them in your party, but if you save before the choice, and experiment a little, you can figure things out.

Real player with 114.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Indie Games.

I was interested in this game for a while, though I didn’t pick it up right away because though the artwork was beautiful, I’m also a sucker for colorful games, and I wasn’t sure I’d get along well with Paper Sorcerer’s mostly black and white atmosphere. I finally picked up the game in a bundle, and when I felt like some dungeoning, I started playing this.

First of all, without even getting into gameplay, the music is awesome. This is easily a game I could see myself opening up just to listen to the music when I felt like hearing something upbeat, somewhat retro, and just…unique. From the battle music to simple background music, this game has some serious tunes, and that is not to be underestimated. The music keeps you pumped up through hours of playtime, easily.

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Paper Sorcerer on Steam



Sunset is a game that will either bore you, or move you deeply. Personally, it has become one of my favourite games, thanks to the subtlety and beauty it displays.

Sunset encapsulates one year of the life of Angela Burnes, an educated and ingenious African-American woman who emigrated from the US to the imaginary South American country of Anchuria in hopes of finding another, different if not better, life, and got trapped in a civil war. She now has has to work as a housekeeper in the apartment of Gabriel Ortega, a rich citizen and lover of the arts. For the player, this translates as having to accomplish some mundane tasks, such as dusting statues or setting the table for dinner. However, it is barely the focus of the game, which is based upon a narrative that can be accessed through Angela’s thoughts (namely the diary she keeps, her reflexions in the elevator and her remarks when she interacts with some objects in the apartment).

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

Glad I played it - but also now glad I’ve finished it.

I’ll try to keep it short, as others have covered many of the points I wanted to make below.

Some positives I took away from it:

  1. You play the entire game in a flat. By yourself. And it makes you feel part of something.

No cut scenes, no narrative, you’re just in the flat - but manages to give a fantastic sense of ‘world’ outside.

  1. I’ve no idea if what I did mattered. Normally in a game you’re popped into a world and told to change it.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Sunset on Steam

Renditions of the Awakening

Renditions of the Awakening

In active development since 2016, this is a first-person strategy game about summoning demons and toppling a civilization one castle at a time in order to re-live the story of the man who already did that. Gain the trust of that man - your jailor - by embellishing the details if you wish but the one thing you must do is become the new king while taking no lives with your own hands.

Some demons are stealthy; others not so much. Summon an army, manage them well and control the flow of information across the battlefield to catch Keeps and Castles unawares or poorly defended. But beware, the summoning process compels them to follow you around but that’s all - they still retain their own fickle personalities and will quit your service in the worst way possible if ever they stop having enough fun.

Renditions of the Awakening on Steam

John, The Zombie

John, The Zombie

Picked this game up in a sale. I like zombie games, and liked the idea of playing as a zombie. Reminded me of Stubbs the Zombie. Saw a lot of reviews mentioned a lot of bugs. Saw that the developer acknowledges the bugs, even jokes that some of them add to the fun of the game.

I’m glad I took the risk. I’m not having game breaking problems with bugs. The camera can be awkward at times, zooming up close and then away again, or fixing behind walls. And there are no options to invert the y-axis, which I personally prefer.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

I wanted to like this and I do, it’s fun and a great concept and could be such a great game, the problem is too many bugs just feels unfinished and poorly put together, what a shame, it’s way too expensive for low gfx and stodgy game play.

You have to keep restarting it as vomit and attack do nothing after a while, the riding side game to collect 3 rings does nothing but a plain field and countdown timer? WTF!

The menu items disappear making it impossible to save the game or quit……….alt + F4 to quit then……..

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

John, The Zombie on Steam

Fallen Times

Fallen Times

I have such a grudge against this game, I couldn’t stop thinking about it 2 years after I played through the entire thing. This is the worst game I have ever played on Steam.

I bought this game for the meme, thinking I’d somehow enjoy it. I WAS WRONG.

The store page claims that you can play this methodically or speedrun style. I tried speedrun style and got killed almost right away. The platforming was awful. Items and keys were placed in areas that were very inconvenient to grab. Opening gates were way more difficult than it should. Enemies chase you down so if you mess up with something else, they’ll kill you quickly, forcing you to pick them off from far away.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

TL;DR Yes, I enjoyed sticking my F***ing Ancient Magical Spear into those goats.

And now back to my review:

If you have ANY expectations about graphics, desing, plot and hell know what else, forget about it.

This game is all about not giving a crap, shooting some bad(or at least worse than you?) guys and having fun with it.

It’s a fast paced shooter. You run and shoot at Sonic speed. Guns are ridiculous yet fun to play with. Bosses are hard. Generaly skill based and enjoyful if you don’t think too hard about how ridiculous it is.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Fallen Times on Steam

Catlateral Damage

Catlateral Damage

I have found this game to be simple, but very addicting. You cause destruction as one of several different cats, most of which you have to unlock through gameplay.

You can play in two modes, objective mode and “litterbox” mode. Objective mode is where you are given a set of objectives to complete. You do this by knocking down or destroying the indicated items. You have a time limit in which to complete the objectives. You get bonuses for certain items, as indicated in your objectives. If you complete your objectives, you get to move on to another level, up to four levels. There are special items you can knock down to unlock bonus levels which are added in to your four basic levels.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

My paw swipes a dinner plate off the table and I peek over the edge to watch it shatter to pieces on the floor below. The humans will pay for keeping me cooped up all day!

Catlateral Damage is a new game where you play as a bored cat wreaking havoc on the everyday objects inside the house. We all know kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day so this game is a realistic simulation of what it’s like to be a cat running around the house making mischief and taking care of cat business - knocking down items on shelves and tables, opening doors, hiding in boxes and tunnels, crawling above and behind everything and making a huge mess while you’re at it.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Catlateral Damage on Steam

Riot Control Simulator

Riot Control Simulator

Your daily job is to keep the people of this city safe, above all, protests happen now and then. This time, however, something is different. The country is changing, and people are taking to the streets. When frustration grows, the whole country might suffer. Protests are already happening in every major city. Do you think you can stop it? Despite the dictatorship, you still have a job to do. After all, the law is the law.

Taking control of the raging crowd is a difficult task. Aggression leads to more hostility, and if you overdo it, the whole masses will fight back. Molotov cocktails, stones, and batons will be an enormous threat to you, while shield and helmet can save your life. The authorities want to suppress the riots at all costs.

You have heavy vehicles and crowd-breaking gear at your disposal. Nothing seems to stop protesters' zeal more than a stream of water from a water cannon. As a last resort, you can even call in a tank to restore order. Wait a sec! Isn’t it too much?

Be smart and use tactics while planning your next moves. A compact formation can easily restrict the movement of people or capture aggressive ones and arrest them. Use provocation and infiltrate the crowd to catch riot leaders.

Will you be a pawn of the government?


  • many cities to bring peace

  • moral decisions to take

  • extensive selection of crowd pacification equipment

  • ability to control heavy equipment

  • formations and tactics

Riot Control Simulator on Steam

Autobahn Police Simulator 2

Autobahn Police Simulator 2


Did the reader download the first Autobahn Police Simulator game back when it was being given away for free on Steam during the COVID-19 pandemic, and suffer through steering controls so bad that the player found themselves doing more steering corrections in a single patrol shift than Ayrton Senna did in a grand prix weekend so they could keep the car in the same lane at a relatively low speed? The steering aspect of Autobahn Police Simulator 2 has improved so much to the point to where it’s amazing these two games are in the same series. The main differences in games, is that Autobahn Police Simulator 2 features three vehicles instead of two to drive, the game has a short campaign that adds variety to the Autobahn patrolling, the player can choose between male and female main characters, and also sculpt the faces of their officers. However, the partner the main character has this time is only slightly more useful in that he talks, but is otherwise as useless as the partner in the first game.

Real player with 134.4 hrs in game

So far in the time playing this game, it’s pretty enjoyable. It kinda simulates police work and also detective work at the same time. This is a free roam police simulation plus the nice story line in which you do a little detective work on the side. You can upgrade your police station, vehicles, and equipment using your intuition points you receive throughout your police patrols. Some PROS: You are able to customize your character in the beginning of the game. The graphics are pretty good. The driving isn’t that bad. This game does not seem to crash. They have some pretty decent callouts for police work. You can check people’s drivers licenses, inspect vehicles thoroughly, do breathalyzers, give tickets and make arrest during your traffic stops if need be. Very well done campaign. Probably the most realistic police simulator I have ever played in my life. CONS: Not many police cars to choose from. No change in police light/patterns/sirens/etc. You cannot call for backup. You are unable to make traffic stops if you are doing a mission. They have some pretty decent callouts, BUT after doing so many of them, it gets a little old and it could use a little more variety. I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S UP with these med-kits and safety equipment people keep in their car, but apparently in Germany, it’s illegal NOT to carry them at all times, so make sure to ticket them if they don’t have the equipment, or they will dock YOU points. The damage you do with your car is not realistic, almost having no effect whatsoever. ((CON? I dont know) Not sure if it’s just the beginning, but you have a male partner all the time in your car.) Slightly bad cursor moving. It’s a little un-smooth which can get frustrating at times. Overall not a terrible game. Is it worth $20? Absolutely. Give it a shot.

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

Autobahn Police Simulator 2 on Steam