

All I need now is a telegraph Morse key gaming mouse…

Submorse is a very good game to casually learn Morse code. It’s pretty addictive too once you start doing the time trials. Walking around in the sub is a nice touch for atmosphere. There’s a basketball and goal to mess around with. There is also a radio you can choose various songs on, although I would suggest you turn off the radio (and turn off success audio) before you try to do Morse code. You will find 3 interactive monitors in the sub. The monitor closest to the basketball goal is the one you do Morse code on. You will also see the internet high scores of the Submorse time trials on one of the other monitors in the sub once you’ve completed a time trial. Another monitor will let you adjust the game settings.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Singleplayer Games.

Full article with images and formatting:


If you want to learn morse code, or really just want to challenge yourself and pick up some cool knowledge along the way, then this game is definitely for you. Even people who might not be interested in morse code, will have a great time playing this game. I know I definitely did.

The only thing I personally felt that was missing from this game was more content. Though it certainly didn’t take away from the fun experience I had with the game.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Submorse on Steam

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill

To start, I’ll answer the question I don’t see many reviews covering: Yes, this game can help you improve your typing, assuming you know your fundamentals (homerow concept, finger placement, etc.). I don’t see it going over very well if you don’t know the basics, but if you do it can be a pretty effective tool, even if it wasn’t exactly designed for this purpose.

I wasn’t a very good typist when I started. I tested myself online after my first game session and was around 18 wpm with frequent glances at the keyboard. I’ve treated playing the game like lessons, set periods on a schedule. I usually play 3 chapters a weeknight, which equals about an hour to an hour and a half long sessions. I started on the lowest difficulty and worked my way up. As I said, this game isn’t exactly designed as a teaching tool. If you suck at typing, you die a lot. I was dying as much as a dozen times a stage early on. You’ll pretty much have to ignore scoring at this point and just focus on progressing.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person On-Rails Shooter Games.

“WHAT THE FUNK” had to start the review with that phrase from the game it just sum’s it all up really.

OMG I really cant explain in word’s just how funny this game actually is and all the grind house reference’s are easy to see from the grainy camera and bad voice acting to the terrible script its all part of what make’s this game what it is and that put simply in one word is……….AWESOME!!

House of the Dead : Overkill - Story Trailer - YouTube

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

The Typing of The Dead: Overkill on Steam

Dead Letter Dept.

Dead Letter Dept.

After moving to the big city, you got yourself an apartment, and secured a temp data entry job- just to keep you afloat till something better comes along. Your official title is a Data Conversion Operator, but you’re really more like a warm body who types up all the junk computers still can’t read.

DAY TO DAY, you go to work & process the images displayed on your terminal, and type up whatever text is in front of you. Whatever can be made out, that is. Letters and lost mail, some mangled and twisted, that have travelled from place to place with nowhere else to go. Sometimes the mail you receive is a little strange. Sometimes, it feels like it’s talking to you directly through the screen.

DEAD LETTER DEPT. is a short horror game mystery experience, where you use your computer keyboard to type in various prompts, and attempt to decipher damaged images as oddities begin to appear.

Mouse & Keyboard are REQUIRED.

A keyboard with Function Keys and Control Keys (Insert, Page Up/Page Down) is strongly recommended.

M̶O̶R̶E̶ ̶T̶O̶ ̶C̶O̶M̶E̶…

Read More: Best First-Person Stylized Games.

Dead Letter Dept. on Steam




MATH ZOMBIES are getting close to you!

Solving MATH to defeat them all!!





and more…?


Leaderbords to compete your score with world players all over the world!


Not olly children, parents also will be excited defeating ZOMBIES!!

For Parents:

This application is intellectual training game.

Playing this app can make your child learning math.

ZOMBIE MATHters on Steam



Solve puzzles by reprogramming your environment!

DreamScript provides completely new and immersive way to learn programming concepts.

You will be able to take control of the game logic and change the rules of the game.

Increase your speed and scale, modify object properties, create bugs, spawn stuff - use your creativity!

DreamScript is an easy and fun way to start your journey to become a programmer.

Game is designed for puzzle game fans and anyone interested about programming.

DreamScript on Steam

Hacker Simulator

Hacker Simulator

The game is fine. There are a lot of features I was expecting that are simply missing. Tab completion in the terminal is missing. A place to sell accounts a “darknet” if you will. Finding bank accounts to steal money from. Currently the only way to make money is to do contracts.

These don’t pay much and feel grindy. You will quickly get bored because there is not enough variation in mission types. Making money takes a while most missions (in the first 10 hours at least) pay out 10 “shellcoins” which are bitcoins in the universe. The more “advanced” missions require you to compile a custom exploit which costs money (you can’t sell this exploit to the darknet). You need to buy 3 different files which will cost you ~12 shellcoins and you’ll end up making maybe 15 coins from the mission.

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

First, I like this game. It fun. BUT devs listen… it’s slow and grindy. I hear there are cool things in the late game. I want to get there, but right now, I’m bored.

Next, just an observation about most simulator games, this one included, what do I do with all this money? I beg of you, give me something to do with this money! Can I buy a new apartment? Decorate this one? Leave my house, like… ever? Go shopping? If there is nothing to do with the money, except make more money, then the game will quickly die in our libraries. Having money is only fun if you can spend it. Otherwise, it’s just pretty paper.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Hacker Simulator on Steam




Start off as playing a janitor (Cooper) on a ship in space and wake up from being unconcious to only find out somthing terrible has happened to the ship and why everybody is gone. There is one other person on the ship and you must follow his insturcutions to make your way through areas, solving puzzles to descover more of the story of what truly happend.


The graphics are amazing and easy to learn controls. However dialog beggins early, and you cant do anything but walk around until the dialog is over, and most of the time the dialog is quite long. after you get past that the puzzles are pretty hard with your choice of getting help at anytime (only with the terminal puzzles). Navigating around is confusing at times seeing theres no real good indication of what direction you should go in. The terminal puzzles are difficult even though is does help you know what to type to navigate your way thought the system, however theres so many folders, you must know which ones to go in, so in summary you will be blindly searching through folders and dead ends for a while until you finally type in the write combination, and seems like some of the keys, passwords, ect. are randomly generated with each game so you cant look it up which could be a good thing but makes for a long difficult time consuming effort. There is a great story to this game and the enviroment gives you an feeling of being alone despite the other person here and there on the comm system. In my opinion the “action” button is hard to locate on the things you need to interact with, you will either pass somthing up because you wont know its interactable or you will be wiggling your mouse around for a bit trying to make your action.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game


Easy peasy lemon squeezy! What, you thought I’m talking about the game? TARTARUS can be summarized by a few words, sure, but “easy” ain’t among them. And that is perfectly fine. It’s been far too long since I’ve had a game that pushed me so close to rage quitting. But no, I couldn’t give up and I didn’t stop until I finished TARTARUS, even if it took me longer than expected. I guess that’s the beauty of some Steam indie games. You take a good look over the Store’s official screenshots for it and you still can’t guess what aces lie under their sleeves. For a Steam debutante, Abyss Gameworks has left quite an impression on yours truly.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game




Best game on Steam for if you want to, for example: Be Ben.

I have played this game thoroughly and I have come to the conclusion that this game is indeed the best game on steam if

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game















Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Chesnakisnak on Steam

Quadrilateral Cowboy

Quadrilateral Cowboy

Quadrilateral Cowboy is a story about having those youthful, exciting, and often dangerous experiences with a really tight-knit group of friends as you journey through life together, and then growing old to reflect fondly on those memories.

It is all very beautiful to experience.

Half the game is a story that unfolds, and the other half is puzzle solving. The tale is quite moving, and the puzzles are very reasonably difficult, and quite rewarding. If you know Chung’s work, you know what to expect as far as the ‘experience’ or flavor. Otherwise, here is a test to gauge if you will like this game. If two of the three apply to you, then I highly recommend you buy it:

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

The game has some great ideas and nice attention to detail, but I felt like it never came together.

A lot of mechanics get introduced and then forgotten. New mechanics replace the old ones instead of building on them. There’s hardly any increase in complexity as you go along.

All the levels are simple and focused on 1 to 2 of the avialable mechanics. The rest is either not used at all or simply taken away from the player, sometimes for 1 mission and other times forever.

Because of all this, the game became way too easy later on. Instead of having puzzles to solve, you just go through the motions. Click this, click that, go here, go there. Some timer here and there. No challenge whatsoever. Not to mention you can ‘cheat’ your way though a lot of the levels.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Quadrilateral Cowboy on Steam



I’ll admit it: I fully bought the hype for Event[0]. It ticked off so many boxes for me: a (potentially) malevolent AI, a derelict spacecraft, beautiful graphics and design, a well written, alternate-history plot, and the ship AI responds coherently to things that you ask of it? By typing things to it? Does this game really have a semi-unscripted dialogue tree? I was sold.

In the end I did get all of these things with my purchase, but each to a lesser degree than I was hoping for. Things started off really well: the opening sequence of the game sets the stage, hinting at the world you’re about to enter and infusing your character with a bit of backstory. I was excited to start, and my first interaction with the AI was amazing: I typed something out into a terminal, and the world responded accordingly! Wonderful.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

I have won a giveaway contest with US$ 20 in steam credits, so I chose this game which was on my wishlist. Original idea with an AI interface, gorgeous graphics, and it had a Linux version! Bottom line though, it disappointed me on all these points.

Before I explain it, the summary:


  • Gorgeous graphics

  • Good soundtrack

  • Original idea

  • Spacewalking is quite good

  • Comfortable typing interface

  • Moderately interesting puzzles

  • Good time-saving feature where the game writes down the passwords and important strings for you.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Event[0] on Steam