Imprisoned Hyperion

Imprisoned Hyperion


Inside the Imprisoned Hyperion, you will find yourself in a dark and mysterious dungeon after the end of the world. Now life on the surface is no longer possible and people have gone beneath the ground. But it didn’t go as planned… People had to start a war with the underground inhabitants. People lose it and are gonna die eventually. Though you are not their savior and not a hero. Because you have your own more important goal in this world, and most of its inhabitants will never understand you. No matter what comes next, but you will achieve your aim.


In the dark dungeons of Hyperion, there are many dangerous creatures that will drain your powers. Steel and spells are a good helper, but there are no magic potions that will restore your powers. So, act wisely, look for food and safe places to recover.

Play your way

There are different ways to succeed. Poison the food in the kitchen to avoid battle or kill the mage who gave you the task to get your reward without completing the task. Your adventure has a specific goal and no matter how you will achieve it. Use your wits and ability to improvise..

Read More: Best First-Person Magic Games.

Imprisoned Hyperion on Steam

Don’t Be Afraid

Don’t Be Afraid

Trigger Warning: This game features violence against children. I know that seems obvious, but let’s be clear. You’re so obviously a child, and there are mentions to your age, the voice acting sounds like a child, and if you have any sensitivity to violence against children please be aware that this game may not be for you.

Secondly: If you are afraid of clowns, there is a fair amount of clown content. You’ve been warned.

True crime, horror, murder mysteries, I can usually handle them all. Yeah, I’ll scream sometimes, but usually that’s what I’m here for! The more twisted the more fun so long as there is a good reason for why I’m experiencing the horror. Give me story with my horror please. I want to an excuse to enjoy the darkness. That said, Don’t Be Afraid made me very afraid. It’s one game that, while I wasn’t afraid to traverse the actual levels as much the scares are reliant on jump scares (expect that one chase that…. oh God. Never again please!), the ever present fact that I am a child caused me enough psychological terror that it carried me through. Also I have a legit therapist wanted fear of clowns so that section of the game had me on edge quite a bit. I do recommend it overall for anyone looking for some good spooks and a little puzzles along the way, but will always throw out the warning that please be aware this is obviously violence against children and that may impact some of y’all in ways you don’t expect.

Real player with 52.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Walking Simulator Games.

The concept of the game is so delightful. For whatever reason I’ve never seen another game really go down this specific path and i’m dumbfounded as to why, its the perfect frame for a horror game. I really hope a universe/word is continued to be crafted out of this. As for the game I was only frustrated at one part and it was only because I missed a note I needed for a scripted sequence to happen. And I personally think the game wasn’t quite brutal enough. It could get so much more graphic and be enjoyable.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Don't Be Afraid on Steam



My uncle is a friend of the dev, so I got the chance to try the game during its development.

I enjoyed this game and the graphics are really nice. But unfortunately, I have to bring down the settings to play it, since I have an 8 year old computer.

As for the game play, this is not your standard FPS. You must be more tactical. Especially when you reach the sewers. If you try to go in, and Rambo everything, you might find it difficult.

Play around the strats that are available to you.

That’s what I think makes this game unique.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Singleplayer Games.

I’m usually more of a console type of player, but when I saw this game, I wanted it to give it a shot.

I must agree with the reviews, that the game can be challenging at first, but it does get easier as you learn the ropes.

So don’t get discouraged, you’ll get a ton of hints along the way.

I also love the fact that this indie game has achievements.

The game looks dark in the trailer, but the actual game play looks brighter.

I did find the game fun and entertaining.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game


Bone Mayhem

Bone Mayhem

It’s fairly rare that I don’t recommend a game, but I can’t really say I recommend this one - FOR NOW. I know this is early access, but I’m not sure it was ready for play testing yet. It has a ton of promise and seems like it has some good bones, but the ammo is incredibly limited, it’s too easy to get cornered, there’s no real explanation of the game or mechanics, and it’s just sort of… confusing? I feel rather silly saying this, but I wanted to like it so much because the style and look is kinda adorable! But it was just too little explanation and to little real gameplay for me. That said, I do think that it’s got the right idea - it’s just not there yet. It will be. It just needs more time. Put some flesh on those bones and let us come back!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Ammo is EXTREMELY limited.

The enemies march in lockstep at the player.

The maps are cool but basically have zero effect on the combat.

Definitely not a fan.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Bone Mayhem on Steam




  • The environments are quite pretty at times and I often find myself stopping to take in the scenery.

  • The day/night cycle is good. Seeing sunrays filter through the trees after a tense night of sneaking around in the dark feels good man.

  • A reasonably enjoyable main questline.

  • A good assortment of weapons and melee weapon modifications.

  • The ambient audio seems well done, e.g. floorboards creaking/hearing your character panting during a stressful encounter all helps to build tension.

Real player with 72.3 hrs in game

So many bad reviews for a day 1 alpha release. Give them at least 24 hours to work out the first wave of kinks before bringing the hammer down.

Edited after additional gameplay (2-14-18)

The game so far is creepy, fun with friends, challenging, has an interesting and fresh story, and is inviting to explore. The world that I have seen so far is detailed and full of points of interest. This game already runs better than some ea titles that have been out for ages, the combat is basic but works, and the multiplayer worked without a hitch.

Real player with 48.7 hrs in game




A game with a lot of potential, currently still early in its development cycle… and it shows at times.


I was really drawn to the sort of ‘mass effect’ feel in a survival game. Even the tool you use to mine, craft, build or fight reminded me of an ‘omni-tool’, as do the weapons. Survival games are so frequently based around the sword and board ages or… gah… zombies, this game presented a much welcomed alternative to those flavors.

The game looks beautiful and the mechanics seem well polished and in fairly good working order, particularly when you take the development point of the game into account.

Real player with 55.1 hrs in game

Eden star is an amazing game. It combines so many strange crazy ideas such as Minecraft, mirrors edge, mass effect and survival and somehow pulls it off but not just that it does it so well. The point of the game is that you are whoever you think your character is future Steve, Commander Shepard, a dog in a space suit, and you must survive as long as you can. Think Minecraft but with a survival mode during the night. During the night monsters will emerge and attempt to attack your base’s heart the Eden Kit. The Eden Kit is important because it is responsible for three things. It allows you to respawn, it creates a shield that blocks out the radiation of the night which will eat away at your shield and it helps you regen health which as far as I can tell cannot be regenerated any other way. Also you die easy. The world is huge and it contains a gorgeous landscape that you could spend hours exploring and admiring. Even now though I have seen a lot of the environment it still makes me go wow as the colours and designs and contrasts are perfect. The render distance also helps as you can see so far and see so much. There are many puzzles comprised of jumps and plat forming however there is a free running mechanic. The free running mechanic is almost as good as mirrors edge the only problem is that the game doesn’t run at 60 fps for me so it is a bit clunky but otherwise reminiscent of mirrors edge (which had one of the best free running system I have ever used that put assassins creed to shame). The crafting though simplistic is still detailed and very creative you have four different types of building shapes. Primitive which are simply cubes that can be crafted out of several materials, panels which is self-explanatory which can be made of many materials as well. Foundations which you use to create a flat area to build your base on and finally ramps which are ramps shocking I know. The game also comes which a weapon system and upgrade system. So far there are few upgrades and only 2 weapons. A pistol and rifle. Yet the aiming feels precise and the weapons powerful while the upgrades feel effective. The respawn system is my favorite out of every game ever as it is good but so devilish. You use this material called tesliuim which is used also to increase the shield radius of your Eden Kit and it is used to respawn however it requires one but since there are no chest or other storage containers if you die you lose all your materials, blocks and ammo. So might as well be carrying 1 tesliuim but happily you keep all your weapons and upgrades. There is some much more to Eden Kit and there is some much is being added for example the developers have considered adding a multiplayer which sounds amazing.This game has so much potential it’s crazy especially because the concept is so strange. It is one of those ideas that if pulled off right will be just the best. Please check this game out at least go on YouTube and watch some gameplay because even if it never gets updated again it is worth the money. Have a great day and never stop gaming ever. Well unless you need a break.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

EDEN STAR on Steam

Five Steps From Hell

Five Steps From Hell

The game is funny to play with shifting plots but i can not find my way out of the meat prison. my playthrough and realtime review

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

A surprisingly enjoyable indie horror game that has a campy 80’s b-movie vibe to it.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Five Steps From Hell on Steam



You awaken on a tropical island. Your name is Robert Hughes, your hands are bloody, and all you know is that you are an “exile.”

You soon realize that you are in bad shape. You can only run for a short distance before you start huffing and puffing, and you cannot swim at all. If you start moving too quickly downhill and fall, you’ll develop a fever, for which you’ll need to create medication. If you don’t drink enough water, you’ll develop a fever. If you don’t rest enough, you’ll develop a fever. You have The Plague, a disease for which you must find the Cure.

Real player with 60.2 hrs in game

I’m absolutely loving this game. I’ve uncovered just over half the map and it’s been an amazing journey. This is the thinking mans - and womans - kind of game. Plan your trips, watch your terrain, think about what you are doing, if you go wandering blind you’re in for getting seriously lost.

The cartography system is marvelously innovative and once it dawned on me how this actually works I’ve been searching out landmarks to uncover even the smallest piece of the map.

Finding that one plant you’ve been looking for feels like a massive accomplishment - the map is large! And you did it by using your wits and your compass.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

Miasmata on Steam

Retreat To Enen

Retreat To Enen

About The Game

Retreat To Enen is an open world, survival game featuring foraging, gathering, fishing, crafting meditation and exploration. The game is set in 3600 C.E. After humanity had brought itself to the brink of extinction, a new society has formed. This society has a new reverence for nature and the Earth’s environment. As a rite of passage, you are sent to the legendary island of Enen to live off the land, increase your connection to nature, and become more mindful.


We have consulted with multiple mental health professionals throughout the process to ensure that the game is providing the most relaxing and engaging survival experience possible. Throughout the island the player will find meditation points that will take them on guided meditations, and breathing exercises that will unlock new items to craft.

Open World

Enen is a large island that you will need to explore to locate new mediation points and gather enough resources to build their perfect camp. The island includes beautiful tropical beaches, lush forests, and breathtaking underwater environments. The dynamic weather system, day night cycle, and interactive foliage will fully immerse you in the world of Enen.


Everything you need to survive can be found on the island. Start with basic traps and foraging and eventually travel the island by kayak, sleep in a large hut with an indoor fireplace, and even soak in your hand crafted hot tub.

Retreat To Enen on Steam

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

It was a chilly, spring evening in O’Lution Manor when this first came to my attention and I must say, that my interest in gaming had been waning a bit, snatching short plays of casual titles rather than putting in any significant time playing anything of depth. Indeed, with my eldest son having largely commandeered the console, leaving me with the laptop and mobile devices, it seemed I was wandering into the realms of the casual gamer.

And then I came across Sir, You Are Being Hunted. The visual style and sense of humour lulled me in in and when I saw, yes, my word, it will run on my laptop, I decided to take the plunge.

Real player with 44.8 hrs in game

The game is now out of Alpha, which means the developers are considering it more or less finished. In the past I made it clear how disappointed I was with how the game was turning out, and now I’d like to step back and review the game, the developers, and the history of both in their entirety.

The game taken completely by itself, with no consideration of the developers or the Alpha development phase, I feel is a decent but flawed stealth shooter. There’s some fun to be had in sneaking around in the tall grass, but nearly every other aspect of the game has something wrong with it.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Sir, You Are Being Hunted on Steam