

All I need now is a telegraph Morse key gaming mouse…

Submorse is a very good game to casually learn Morse code. It’s pretty addictive too once you start doing the time trials. Walking around in the sub is a nice touch for atmosphere. There’s a basketball and goal to mess around with. There is also a radio you can choose various songs on, although I would suggest you turn off the radio (and turn off success audio) before you try to do Morse code. You will find 3 interactive monitors in the sub. The monitor closest to the basketball goal is the one you do Morse code on. You will also see the internet high scores of the Submorse time trials on one of the other monitors in the sub once you’ve completed a time trial. Another monitor will let you adjust the game settings.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Singleplayer Games.

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If you want to learn morse code, or really just want to challenge yourself and pick up some cool knowledge along the way, then this game is definitely for you. Even people who might not be interested in morse code, will have a great time playing this game. I know I definitely did.

The only thing I personally felt that was missing from this game was more content. Though it certainly didn’t take away from the fun experience I had with the game.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Submorse on Steam