

I wake disoriented. Where am I? Looking out a window, I see the light reflected off the planet below. Clearly, I’m in orbit, but over a planet I don’t recognize. How did I get here? Why can’t I remember anything? Where is everyone?

Cradle-18 is a 3D walking simulator aboard an orbital space station. Explore from one compartment to the next to unravel the mystery of this deserted craft. What was the mission? And what has become of the crew? Am I truly alone?

No enemies. Seems there is nobody to fight with.

Search for clues and collect information to piece together the answers. But space is a harsh environment, and the systems on this craft are showing signs of stress. Survival is not guaranteed.

Notes of horror. It feels uncomfortable on the uninhabited station in space.

Space ambient music. Enjoy space views to the beautiful space music. While you can.

Read More: Best First-Person Walking Simulator Games.

Cradle-18 on Steam

Haunted Space

Haunted Space


Battle capital ships and Lovecraftian creatures amongst the stars in a horror-laced space simulation. Experience the horrors of the void alone in this single player, narrative driven experience.


Overcome the odds in fierce multi-stage boss battles against ancient God-like creatures composed of organic matter and space debris


Take on quests across multiple systems or strike out on your own to fight, explore and scavenge resources and credits. Trade, craft, customise your ship and fight to survive as you uncover the mystery of a galaxy haunted by an ancient civilisation.


In HAUNTED SPACE, the innovative co-pilot system allows you to choose the level of control you prefer, from a complete space simulation, through to a more arcade style experience. At its maximum level, the co-pilot makes the game accessible for blind and visually impaired users, and it also supports eye-tracking

Read More: Best First-Person Combat Games.

Haunted Space on Steam

Loading Human: Chapter 1

Loading Human: Chapter 1

Despite the negative comments from other Vive owners, I decided to take a gamble and bought it. Personally, I love the intriguing story a lot and graphically it’s very beautiful. Voice acting and music are good too. This is clearly a very well-made production. On the other hand, it’s obvious that the developers have chosen for a one-size-fits-all solution for PSVR, Oculus and Vive, and this means : a seated vr game with less refined control and movement than Vive owners are used to. A seated game has its advantage though : you can perfectly play it when you feel lazy or tired. But, to be honest, you own this incredible room-scale capable piece of technology with these advanced controllers, and yet, while playing this game, you feel like you are forced to use a primitive system of moving, and of picking up and using things, and this doesn’t feel quite right. On the other hand, it’s not all that bad : once you get used to the interface and start focusing on the story and the game itself you can enjoy it a lot. Like someone else wrote : maybe we should stop complaining and be glad that it was released for Vive as well, instead of being a PSVR exclusive for example. :) Anyway, bottomline : game and story are really great, I’m going to keep playing this one, no doubt, I’m far too curious of what’s going to happen during this game and how the story will evolve, but… potential buyers that own a VIve will have to be sure that they can overcome that feeling of having to use a limited system of movement and control. But for me, being able to play a beautiful full-blown adventure, is a welcome change from the many simple demos and wave shooters for Vive.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Adventure Games.

Experienced on the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality

You can view my full gameplay here (part 1):

and here (part 2):

This is one of the best walking simulators in VR. It’s got a really good story with very nice VOs. My first playthrough took 3.5-4 hours to complete. On my second playthrough, it took a little under 2 hours.

Most of the negative reviews have to do with the default locomotion method, which admittedly is terrible. However, the game did add full locomotion with smooth turning a while back, so those reviews are now no longer accurate.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Loading Human: Chapter 1 on Steam



Not recommended for: People who enjoyed Firewatch, Gone Home, and other narrative driven first person exploration games. The narrative is missable, unimportant, and underdeveloped.

Recommended for: People who fantasize about being isolated in space, and possibly have VR. I played without VR, I imagine it’s quite immersive. People who like meditative busy work games that have very little challenge.

Review: There is a charm to this game, if you like games to be a sort of meditation, for all it’s problems I still kept playing it till the end. Maybe it was just listening to someone else breathe for five hours. But ultimately, it just didn’t really go any where. It’s for that reason, and a multitude of game design blunders, that I have given it a negative on the recommend.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game


Adr1ft was a game that I practically didn’t see much positives in after finishing it in its entirety. I believe the idea of how poorly the game handled certain features was outrageous. “Walking” simulator or not, the exploration wasn’t worth the hassle and ultimately its only outstanding feature (being it atmospheric setting) isn’t enough to excuse the game for being more notably boring rather than interesting. There were times where it would fascinate me, and others where it turned out increasingly hard to pay attention due to how progressively dull this game was becoming.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

ADR1FT on Steam



This game was not my favorite

It has a lot of potential though, with more development time it could be a really great game.


  • I enjoyed the choice of minimalist sound effects. Throughout the game the only sounds are of your footsteps, machines/computers running, and wind.

  • I am a math nerd,

    ! so having the first password be a reference to pi was cool.


  • The visuals were fairly good. I was running it on the highest graphic settings and it was good enough quality that I was able to loose myself in the game and was comparable to other indie games. The elements did get a little repetitive over time. Having worked in the sort of facilities as the games settings (larger confusing maze like industrial buildings) I can tell you that people would normally designate different areas with colors. The game uses a system of door numbers, but these didn’t seem to have any internal story meaning. Rather, the next door you needed to go through had a higher number than the last door you went through.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

I don’t think this game was incredible, but it wasn’t as bad as some of the other reviews make it sound. Sure, it has issues. Early on you get to look out a window and see a large satellite dish beyond a wind-blown dusty landscape, which was enticing, but it’s just decoration - you never do leave the corridors. There’s also not really that much adventure except for getting killed by the randomly-timed lightning). The locations are also a little bare - a few signs would have been nice, for instance, even if just for decoration.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game


Only Me

Only Me

This is a first-person story suspense independent game

The story is a tense space game

Game content: main stealth, secondary shooting

The goal is to complete the customs according to the prompts

But normal clearance is not the end of the game

Players can observe the details of the scene to ponder the plot, item information, etc.

Do the logical series by yourself, find the hidden truth behind the whole incident, and reach the true ending.

Only Me on Steam

Apollo Lunar Mission

Apollo Lunar Mission

I enjoyed this short experience. It conveys some sense of being on the moon and observing the lunar landing of an Apollo mission, along with the deployment of the various experiments. There is some detailed information on each of the experiments.

You also get to explore the simulated lunar surface in the moon buggy, which is indeed fun. There is a fairly extensive area to drive over before you reach it’s limits with some sizable craters in places. Going too fast and hitting inclines results in the buggy leaving the surface for periods of time including rolling which in low gravity is quiet exhilarating. The vehicle physics is good and it always recovers itself.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Like most games on Steam this does not work with Valve index controllers

Complete waste of money cannot get past the start button

you have been warned

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Apollo Lunar Mission on Steam

Space Pirate Trainer

Space Pirate Trainer

I Cant get enough of this game, No matter what I play for vr I always come back to this game. However I have played this game enough to know its faults;

~ On hardcore mode at least I have noticed after wave 25 the game looses its coding on enemy fire. The droids will fire randomly without a warning sound, as well enemies that have died do not officially die, their firing script is still active, I have been shot by dozens of random lazers that had no drone attached to them and i had just killed them in the same location of the mystery shot.

Real player with 267.1 hrs in game

As a Top 30 Global score holder, with 5 Top 10 scores, I have to say this is my FAVORITE VR game, hands down!

It’s got everything you could want as a single serving VR game to demo to friends and family, but it’s so incredibly deep with its weapon mechanics that you always have improvements to make.

I have a whole youtube series for this game!

I play this game so much and it’s been my absolute favorite game to try and master as well as to show off to VR newbies.

If you wanna learn how to get better at this game, check out my Way of the Laser series on Youtube, with new training runs every Thursday!

Real player with 244.6 hrs in game

Space Pirate Trainer on Steam

Evochron Legacy SE

Evochron Legacy SE

I am a newcomer to 3D space and flight games, so I will start by explaining what I liked about a different space game, which inspired me to seek out Evochron Legacy. In Endless Space, I shoot across a 2D galaxy in custom-built ships, turn by turn, exploring solar systems. Each one is like a Christmas present as I approach, and the red, yellow, blue and white stars are the bows on top. When I get there, a window opens up revealing multiple planets. It is possible to guess beforehand what types of planets are in the system based on the type of star, but there is no accounting for the variety of anomalies, resources and conditions that each planet might reveal. Each one is a present unto itself, filled with envisioned potential. In times like that, I think someone should make a whole game just about this. Well, Evochron Legacy is almost that game.

Real player with 180.9 hrs in game

Edit 10.9.2019

My house is now the rest of my ship. While flying to the Red Circle, I can cook, do laundry, and wash dishes while contemplating how to take over the sector with my fleet.

Been flying for 2 years now, I’ll be in my bunk.

Edit 4.15.2017

After almost 40 hours it felt like time to update this. In short, this game has sunk it’s teeth really deep and it’s still biting hard. None of the wow factor outlined previously is gone…in fact, it has increased the longer I’ve played. Bear in mind I’m in no hurry to complete anything, get the best gear or ships, or become dirty rich - and I’ve stayed away from tutorials as much as possible. I think this is where this game really shines for me - it rewards patient exploration of it’s mechanics, and they run deep…I only just became a good enough pilot to win my first race!

Real player with 127.8 hrs in game

Evochron Legacy SE on Steam

The Turing Test

The Turing Test

The Turing Test is a first person puzzle game. There are 7 chapters, each with 10 puzzles per level. In each chapter, there is also a bonus challenge puzzle. When a new room is entered, a snippet of dialogue will feed the player story in small increments. When the end of a chapter is reached, a non-puzzle room can be explored to get more of the game’s story. Puzzles will scale up in difficulty as the game progresses, and each new chapter will introduce a new mechanic. The character we control is a woman named Ava Turing. With the aide of an AI named T.O.M, we progress through the game and try to find our missing crew members.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

When I first heard of this game, knowing of the concept of The Turing Test, and having an interest in psychology I was really looking forward to where this game could lead. Reluctantly I have to say that I think this game was hyped up too much when it first came out, and when I played it a little while ago now, found it underwhelming. It’s a great game, but the hype created a high expectation. If you want to play this game, don’t expect too much and I feel like you will enjoy it more.

If you read the description for this game before you play, it creates intrigue, and already puts ideas in your head. It gets you thinking and conspiring even before you start the game.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

The Turing Test on Steam