InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror

InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror

I’ll admit; I like the simplicity of the game and while I do want to continue it, it stops reacting to inputs (glitching, enemies not dying, a bossfight that never ends because there is no way to actually END the fight). The DLC is also glitched out, meaning it won’t run at all. If there was more work pumped into the game, I’m sure it would be lots of fun. Imaging co-op, that would be interesting and could save this game.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Arcade Games.

As the game stands now, it still needs quite a bit of work. It looks really dodgy and it is on many occasions. If you can make your way past the first 20 minutes, it really picks up with a menagerie of bizarrely textured guns and a colourful cast of monsters. Monsters such as Imps, Ogres, Midget Lizard Men, charred gas mask clad soldiers that dance when you kill them, and even skeletons that throw….“rocks”.

FINAL OPINION: Not quite worth $9.99, but it’s fun to play overall.

EDIT: The latest patch has broken the game. I can no longer recommend it until the problem is solved.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

InsanZ - Retro Survival Horror on Steam

Orion: The Eternal Punishment

Orion: The Eternal Punishment

Not a bad game has a nice retro feel to it,Controls are spot on,aiming and movement are very responsive. There are somethings i felt could use some improvement like when coming off of the hook shots it feels like you’re going to fall off the cliff side and in some cases i did indeed fall off,the enemy AI could use some major tweaking witch in turn would make the gun play more fun and last but certainly not least when you shoot your crossbow sometimes it shoots and sometimes not. In closing it’s fun,it’s free and if you like Fps games Retro or otherwise then it’s worth checking out.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person FPS Games.

this game isn’t bad, but it is a bit of a hassle to play. there is only one level as of my play time and that one level is designed in a way that makes sure you don’t know where to go. it’s easy to feel stuck or like you’ve done something wrong when playing. the end is very abrupt and just replays the same level without any satisfying conclusion to your half hour effort to find the exit

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Orion: The Eternal Punishment on Steam



It’s the original Bloodwych! The devs should better explain how the startup options in DOS effect the game load, but otherwise nostalgia at its finest. Happy to donate $7 in the hopes that a remake is on the way.

Real player with 35.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Adventure Games.

Absolute must have! If you like to find your path in a giant maze, draw maps to stop being lost, fight monsters and make your party stronger you will love it!

I like how you learn new spells: by sleeping and being visited by some magic faery who makes you choose for your new spells.

An option to remove the (annoying) music would be great but the game is fully enjoyable with no sound (or you can use the “internal beeper” mode to have sfx with no music, but not sure it’s the same sound quality as “Ad lib” mode.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Bloodwych on Steam



I recommend this game for people who like classic fast-paced shooters like old Doom or Duke Nukem, or even Serious Sam. It’s rough and very annoying at times, but it’s made by a solo developer so I can give some slack on that. It’s fun and gets your heart racing, I’ll definitely be playing this game whenever i want some quick exciting gameplay, I hope for a lot more updates in the future, this game has potential to be a ton better.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Super interesting and highly annoying game, damage is extremely high on what seems to be the second to third level, the mechanics are really good and the game looks really nice, reminds me of an odd Doom or Duke Nuke Em', really enjoyable.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Hatchpunk on Steam

Hollow Head: Director’s Cut

Hollow Head: Director’s Cut

Really nice, creepy, atmospheric PS1 styled horror game that has very well placed jump scares and a nerve-wracking end sequence.

The only crappy thing are the two endings. They don’t make any sense and the game just ends.

Totally worth playing considering the price and everything up until the end.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

“I’m not your friend. You have no real friends.”

The man backs away from the door. He doesn’t know why his neighbor would say something like that. Just a few hours ago, he didn’t think he had any enemies. But that was before he heard the screaming coming from the garbage room. Before he was met with amused hostility when he tried to report it to the proper authorities. Before he started getting mysterious messages warning him not to return to his apartment, lest “they” be waiting for him there.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Hollow Head: Director's Cut on Steam



A great retro shooter with all the elements of the classics; moody atmosphere, bleak color palette, disturbing enemies, a well rounded array of weaponry, WELL HIDDEN secrets, spooky music, hell yeah. I spent years playing quake and doom, as well as unreal. This game is highly reminiscent of the late nineties and is quite replayable as I need to find more secrets. Well worth 15 bucks.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Lenin, comrade lenin. eternal lenin lived, lenin lives, lenin is to live forever.














Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

HROT on Steam



I honestly really enjoyed this game. I found it by accident while looking for another game, and added it to my wish list. I am very happy I did. If you are a fan of horror and/or puzzle games, I would highly recommend Kalidazkoph. It had a very unique style that I found interesting since the first time I watched the trailer. The extremely distorted old-fashion video camera look to the game had me hooked. The scares in this game, while there are not very many, got me better than most horror games have. This game lets you feel comfortable only to completely brake your trust time and again. The story of this game is interesting, though it is certainly not a lore heavy experience. All and all, this game was great and gets a 10/10 from me.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Oof. If you do buy this, I recommend that you get it when it’s on sale. $6.99 is too much.

This is more of a ‘Meh’ rating since steam’s tragically binary rating system only seems to allow for a yes or no. If you are highly sensitive to motion or film effects, stay away. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve had to bring this to a Developer’s attention, but ‘headbob’ and ‘film grain effect’ NEEDS to be a toggle for f*cks sake. Headbob stopped being a novelty when the Doom engine was popular. That was almost thirty years ago. Sheesh!

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Kalidazkoph on Steam



A mysterious group of cultists is protecting a creature from beyond who wants nothing but chaos.

  • PLAY 3 distinct episodes (each containing 10 levels) in this fast-paced action game inspired by early 90’s FPS.

  • MOVE fast like before.

  • EXPLORE an abstract labyrinthian level-design full of secrets in lovecraftian environments.

  • SWITCH between 7 weapons inspired by the XIXth century.

  • WASTE your ammos without the need of reloading.

  • CUSTOMIZE your game to suit your play style.

  • LISTEN to the badass dynamic music.

  • KILL them all!

KARM on Steam

Operation Body Count

Operation Body Count

This game:

-Have real weapons

-Have a contemporary topic: Terrorist Attack

-You could shoot bullet holes in the wall

-You had Coop teammates

-You could give orders to teammates

-Has Booby traps!

-Glass physics which you could shatter or just make holes in it

-Has destructible Walls

-You can set objects on fire

-Blood / Gunk splat on the screen

-Have a friggin FLAMETHROWER!

And no! It’s not CoD! It’s a game from 1994!

Some features you would only see it in other games almost half decade later!

Real player with 47.5 hrs in game

a really sweet gem from capstone like corridor 7 alien invation this is a game you really want =) if you love cool retro fps games

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Operation Body Count on Steam

Couch Party Game Night

Couch Party Game Night

The developer has been working hard on this game to rekindle the good times people shared playing split screen with their friends and family. Since it was $1 at the time and I could play locally with my friends, I was curious and bought this game. It was bugged out at first, but the developer worked hard to fix those bugs and added content like new maps, guns, options, visual effects, and game modes. The game has been improved in many ways since day one, and if the developer continues to add content like he has, then this game has lots of potential to grow and become a great couch party game to play with friends. This game requires other people to play with and an interest for seeing smaller games grow, but if you have both, then I personally recommend buying this game and supporting the developer while seeing all of the new features that are added with each update. The game might not seem to have a lot right now, but with enough support and feedback the developer can tend to the game and improve this experience one update at a time.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

The first and most crucial point of Couch Party Game Night is that it’s a game that is being independently developed on the side. The second and other crucial point is that it’s geared towards split-screen multiplayer, which sadly, almost seems like a distant past-time activity nowadays. If you were to approach this game with these two things in mind, then you’re more likely to get some enjoyment out of it.

The game supports up to four players, all on one screen; thus, external controllers are almost a must, but workarounds can be made for mouse or keyboard players. An older controller such as a jury-rigged PS3 one worked, eventually. You choose the amount of players, the map, and a few adjustments of the in-game options. There’s a small amount of different weapons, ranging from a few replicas of real guns to laser tag pistols, and more. Each one basically has the same purpose, and besides its rate-of-fire and visual or audio representation, they will all do the same damage. There’s also an option to manually aim and zoom for each one, too. The screens, split into two or three or four ways, is cut up just right. It’s a bit discouraging that each player spawns in the same spot after death, though.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Couch Party Game Night on Steam