First Person Shooter Kit Showcase

First Person Shooter Kit Showcase

does need some fixing does need crossplay over all good game i still play it still love it guna keep playing it the creator had good intetions ik its a copy of blacl ops but still good choice of gameplay plz make it crossplay and fix some bugs

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person FPS Games.

This game is good if you like FPS and are looking for a general game. I think the zombie mode is great.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

First Person Shooter Kit Showcase on Steam

Heavy Fire: Afghanistan

Heavy Fire: Afghanistan

Summary: Don’t let the low price fool you, this game is ok; I’d give it a B-. If you ever want a break from the usual modern FPS format, this is an option that’s just as entertaining, but in its own way. This game challenges the player; not always fairly, but usually so. The health meter is a welcome change from being able to recharge health by waiting under cover. Your weapons will sound a bit silly, but they get the job done. This is a game with a realistic setting, non-stop action (except for the shooting ranges) and despite its low price, it’s visuals are as breathtaking as any modern game.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person On-Rails Shooter Games.

I guess the concept is kind of interesting… many people (myself included) quite enjoy rail shooters in arcades. So… why not take the concept, but allow people to play in the comfort of their own home. Unfortunately, without the virtual gun, and with a not-quite-as-intuitive cover system, this rail shooter falls flat. Whether you play with a gamepad or keyboard and mouse - the controls are slow and sluggish, and the movements and animations just don’t feel right. This is exacerbated by the Quick Time Events… probably one of my least favourite mechanics or gimmicks in any game - there is just no need for them, and they don’t add anything to the gameplay experience except annoyance.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Heavy Fire: Afghanistan on Steam

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

a fun old game with flaws. it has a lot of crazy features like animal attacks. on levels where you’re in africa for instance there are alligators/crocodiles that swim around in the water and lay on the banks of rivers. if you come too near them or aggravate them they might attack you, even while youre already fighting other humans. i dont think you can drive any vehicles in this game, but you can use the gunner’s position on humvees, blackhawks and rhibs. the levels are all pretty linear but you usually have a decent amount of room to maneuver. this game is somewhat realistic in that on the higher difficulties you die in one or two shots and most enemies die with the same number. there are also civilians in this game. some cry and hide, some throw rocks at you, some yell insults. theyre pretty hard to distinguish from the enemies. usually the only way you can tell a civilian from an enemy is by what theyre carrying. one cool thing about the delta force games is that the helicopters are done similar to certain counter-strike maps in that you can walk around inside the helicopter while its flying and you arent strapped into a seat like in a battlefield game. the delta force games also have the coolest scope system ive ever seen in any game.

Real player with 37.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person FPS Games.

You’re probably familiar with the budget tactical shooter series called Delta Force. Black Hawk Down is the 6th installment of the series and inherits all the good things about the previous titles and executes them pretty well. Unlike the previous titles all your campaign missions take place in one country: Somalia.

The Visuals.

BHD has it’s own engine and runs at DirectX8, 4:3 aspect ratio resolution. I managed to get it up to 1200p, it refused to go above. All widescreen solutions stretch / cut off the screen. Considering that it’s budget titles made in 2003 the visuals are fine. Decent textures, fine poly count and nice drawing distance (like in every other DF title). Framerate is unlimited. Game is compatible with pretty much all Windows versions.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down on Steam

Gunsmith Simulator

Gunsmith Simulator

There’s nothing like the smell of coffee blended with the metallic aroma of repaired guns in the morning… Become a virtual gunsmith, and it will become a part of your everyday reality.

You’ve already prepared your workshop and equipped it, and learning the profession just came naturally. Now you are left with finding your first customer. Fire up that computer, go to the “GunStock” website and browse through available auctions and ads. Who knows, maybe you will find someone who is in great need of your skills!

The first order is just in! Time to get to work. Order parts or craft them yourself using specialized tools such as a lathe or CNC machine tool. “Inspect” your patient and decide which elements need to be replaced and which you can repair yourself. Gain new skills, learn, and enhance your workshop!

Some say that looks don’t matter… it’s hard to blame them, they’ve probably never seen a perfectly preserved 7.92mm Gewehr assault rifle. Renovation of old shooters is also part of your duties. Get rid of rust from old elements by treating their surfaces by hand or use appropriate chemical treatments. Renew the protective layer of metal surfaces to keep them in good shape. And after a hard day’s work, it’s time for the most pleasant part – painting! Do you think the red accents will match?

Get creative! Upgrade equipment with modern accessories. Check optical sight, pistol grips, grenade launchers and lasers. Throw in a flashlight, rangefinder or collimators and create a unique weapon. The sky is the limit. After all, you are the gunsmith here. It’s up to you to decide on the design of weapons signed with your name.

After hours, it’s time to relax. What better rest is there for a gunsmith than a trip to your favorite shooting range? Put your pieces of art to a test by shooting at mannequins or go to the contaminated zone to shoot zombies!

All done? The further fate of your shooter is up to you. You can give it back to your client or buy it back and feature it in your collection. But hurry up, the next orders are waiting!

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Gunsmith Simulator on Steam

Iron Front: Digital War Edition

Iron Front: Digital War Edition

Better then Arma but since the game spy shut down multiplayer is kinda hard to play now. Which was one of the best things on this game. Anyone that has a massive server and group still add me! The games singalplayer can be fun if you know how to make maps. Making a simple map is not that hard at all really. I do like it more then Arma. Deaths arnt so crapy looking. Just look up senarios online or use your imagenation to make a small simple map or a huge lag fest battle and have fun. This gmae should get more credit, but I will say it can be a time consumer when making a nice map. However its pays off most of the time.

Real player with 140.3 hrs in game

Iron Front : Liberation 1944 tactical war simulator based on arma 2 engine so If you like

Arma iron front might be an interesting game for you

so now i’m gonna say a couple words bout story mode firstly as i think single really sucks moreover be sure that you’ll get bored

playing that piece of shit there’re so many buggs you can stuck in textures for instanse or just fall down through the damn earth right into the hell e.t.c yet some old animations from arma ruin the picture even multiplayer doesn’t work anymore

Real player with 107.1 hrs in game

Iron Front: Digital War Edition on Steam

Shadow Ops: Red Mercury

Shadow Ops: Red Mercury

I remember playing this game when it was released back in the 2000’s. Back then I looked at it as a really cool game, it was one of the first military FPS games set in the modern times preceding even the original Call of Duty Modern Warfare. At first I was happy when saw that the game was released on Steam and bought it for less than a Euro on a sale. After two playtroughs, one in 2015 and one in 2021 I thougt why not write a review for it.

The story is a classic action movie script. You and your team of soldiers are chasing a bad guy who has a nuke, The Red Mercury and want to blow it up somewhere. The four main locations are Syria, Kongo, Chechnya and Paris with a few other detours. Once you start the game you are almost instantly put into the action and it won’t stop until you beat the game except on the only stealth level of the game early in the story.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

The Short and Sweet

Shadow Ops: Red Mercury didn’t make much of a splash when it came out for the original X-Box. I remembered enjoying the demo when it came on an Xbox Magazine Demo Disc long ago, and was quite surprised to see it on Steam. After all these years, it’s still got a thing or two going for it. It’s the Michael Bay-esque military shooter of the early 2000’s you probably haven’t played.

It doesn’t do anything particularly spectacularly, but it does MOST things well enough. If you’re looking for a simple fast-paced run-and-gun to feel like a hero and kill a few hours, where your reflexes are tested more than your mind, you could do a whole lot worse. I’d definitely wait for a sale though, as you could do better for the current asking price of $7.00. Overall I had a great time until the later missions of the game, where enemy placement seems rushed and cheap.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Shadow Ops: Red Mercury on Steam

Arma 3

Arma 3

i have around 4500 hours in this game over around 2 year ( yesss, i got addicted over lockdown ) and have had both good and, well, bad times, however no matter what this game has been alot of fun, from spending 2000+ hours learning how to fly a hummingbird to spending alot of hours learning how to CQC in altis life.

this is not a game you can just play and understand in a few mins, you’ve got to put time and effort into it.

theres a variety of modes to play and alot of downloadable mods that can make the experience best for everyone depending on what you want.

Real player with 4562.5 hrs in game

One of the best purchases for video games i ever made. While yes the engine is a little bit buggy at times, this game is by far one the best wartime simulators around. Arma 3 has provided me with many hours of enjoyment either playing single player or multiplayer. The editor is a fun, great and enjoyable tool with many possibilities. This game has pretty much infinite play ability due to the modding community and the Steam Workshop. I can go on forever with many positives…

In Short:

Buy Arma 3

Real player with 1245.2 hrs in game

Arma 3 on Steam

Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre

Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre

Let me start by saying I remember playing regular DFBHD (without team sabre) as a kid, it was my first FPS ever. I loved BHD then and still do to this day. I would give that game a 9/10, however this expansion sucks. First of all the missions are really hard, and I beat the original BHD on Operator difficulty. These missions just seem to put an absurd amount of enemies to shoot at you, there are so many standing around it just looks stupid. In addition the maps look terrible. For some of the grassy areas instead of creating grass textures for the ground it looks like they just changed the dirt and rocks ground texture to green. Now we have green dirt and rocks. Also the glitches…like I said I played the original BHD and that was not glitch free…but these are ridiculous. On an oil rig mission where the goal was to rescue hostages and blow up SAM sites on the rig. The game was supposed to pick up the hostages with a helicopter and didn’t but the game still told me to blow up the SAM sites, in turn blowing up the oil rig…with the hostages still on it, and it still said mission sucess! Mind you this wasn’t after 20 playthroughs of this mission. This was one playthrough, my first of this mission. Then in another mission I got out of a humvee and kept the 50 cal…I thought “this is an awesome glitch” but when I shot the gun…the shooting sound and animation played but no bullets came out…I now had a worthless noisemaker. Unless this game is on sale I would not recommend it at all, especially considering you can get custom missions made by the community that are better. Oh and another thing the voice acting is horrible (and yes I know the original BHD didn’t have the best either but this is just aweful) one of the lines is something along the lines of “Do not blow up the trucks…do you understand 5-1?” WHat? The cringee…..

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Delta Force is an oldschool budget tactical shooter franchise and Black Hawk Down is the 6th installment. Team Sabre is a big expansion pack set in Colombia and Iran. The core gameplay stays the same, but the locations and the difficulty has increased.

The Visuals.

Same as in BHD. BHD has it’s own engine and runs at DirectX8, 4:3 aspect ratio resolution. I managed to get it up to 1200p, it refused to go above. All widescreen solutions stretch / cut off the screen. Considering that it’s budget titles made in 2003 the visuals are fine. Decent textures, fine poly count and nice drawing distance (like in every other DF title). Framerate is unlimited. Game is compatible with pretty much all Windows versions.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre on Steam

Delta Force

Delta Force

არ მოვიტყუები და Delta Force შემთხვევით ვნახე, ანუ რაღაცაზე გამახსენდა და დამაინტერესა, გავიფიქრე სასაცილო იქნება ეს ძველი თამაში თუ არიის მეთქი სტიმზე და ერთი კი არა ყველა ყოფილა XD მთელი ნოვალოგიკის თეკა.

ყველას ვინც 90-ებში ვგეიმერობდით გვაქვს მოგონება თამაშებზე: Doom, Dune 2000, Age of Empires 2, Half-Life და ა.შ. Delta Force-ც ერთ ერთი მათგანია, თითქმის ყველას ქონდა მგონი ნათამაშები რომელიმე ნაწილი. მიზეზი მარტივია, დღევანდელი სტანდარტებით თამაში AAA კლასისაა თავისუფლად.

ახლა თვითონ თამაშზე, როგორც ყოველთვის მაღალ სირთულეზე დავხურე, ზოგიერთი ტური ადვილად გავიარე მაგრამ ზოგიერთმა უბრალოდ სისიხლი გამიშრო, განსაკუთრებით დიდ გაშლილ სივრცეებში რომლებიც ვითარდება, 600 მეტრზე ზევით სნაიპერით რამდენიმე გასროლა მიხდება რომ ტყვიის ტრაექტორია დავიჭირო და მიზანში გავარტყა და მტერი ხანდახან ერთ ტყვიაში მკლავს ხოლმე კილომეტრიდან. ხო, ტყვიის ტრაექტორია, თამაში 98 წელს გამოვიდა და ტყვიის ტრაექტორია გააჩნია, წვრილმანი დეტალია მარა ძალიან სერიოზულად (და დადებითად) მოქმედებს თამაშზე. ზოგიერთი იარაღი მეტწილად უსარგებლოა სპეციფიური მისიების იქით. ასევე არ მუშაობს მოძრაობის სენსორიანი ნაღმი და ასაფეთქებელი, როგორც გავარკვიე ადრეულ პატჩებში ამოიღეს დეველოპერებმა რადგან ხალხი მულტიფლეიერში სპამავდა და რუქას ჭედავდა, მაგრამ რატომღაც მისიების საწყის აღჭურვილობად დარჩა და ასევე არჩევაც შეიძლება რაც რა თქმა უნდა უსარგებლოა. მაგრამ გამომდინარე იქიდან რომ ამ აღჭურვილობით სულ რამოდენიმე მისიას იწყებ, მაინც და მაინც არაა პრობლემური, ყუმბარებიც კარგად აფეთქებენ. არ გამოვტოვოთ რუქის ელემენტიც, კარგია დიდია მაგრამ თუ დააკვირდებით რელიები მეორდება რაც საკმაოდ აკნინებს ჩართულობას და ასევე ზოგიერთი დავალება ერთი და იმავე რუქაზე მეორდება (არა იგივე ლოკაციაზე თეოორიაში).

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Delta Force, the game which revolutionised the FPS shooters and started the entire military shooter genre.

Delta Force is an old military simulator from 1998, developed by Novalogic, a company which was developing simulators for US Military. The game has clearly aged quite well graphically, but the AI is quite good and the capabilities of the engine are stunning even for modern standards. The engine supported huge, infinite maps thanks to voxels. They may look a bit blocky for modern gamers, but it still looks good.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Delta Force on Steam

Poly Squad

Poly Squad

PolySquad Review

First of all, I have to mention that the game looks really nice. The map and character designs are good, but they need to improve their weapon designs a bit. Since it is an early access game yet I think it can improve better than many games. Let me talk about the good aspects of gameplay:

- Level System (from 1 to 78): I think it is really important to have a level system in online games. Because the player will try to move himself to a higher level and will play more.

Real player with 100.8 hrs in game


For the first time, I am happy that we have seen a quality game from a Turkish company. To explain the game briefly and briefly, the game can be called a mini battlefield. Although the game is really fun, it would be better if the tanks and helicopters with many players have a slightly higher health. I wish success to the game and the developers.


İlk defa bir türk firmasından kaliteli bir oyun görebildik mutluyum oyunu anlatmak kısa ve öz bir şekilde anlatmak gerekirse oyun mini bir battlefield diyebiliriz. Oyun gerçekten eğlenceli yeni çıkmasına rağmen bir çok oyuncuya sahip tank ve helikopterlerin canları biraz daha yüksek olsa daha iyi olur. Oyuna ve geliştiricilere başarılar dilerim..

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Poly Squad on Steam