Lichdom: Battlemage

Lichdom: Battlemage

I admire this concept. I was excited by it when I first read the description of Lichdom somewhere on the Internet. World certainly lacked a game where you could really feel like a mage, casting endless spells and wreaking mayhem around yourself.

You even feel wrong while playing it, because until now, in any other game, this kind of gameplay has only been available through cheating. You are basically immortal (in case of “death” you actually just despawn and spawn back at the nearest checkpoint), you have an abyss of magical energy that never exhausts, and you can just keep throwing orbs of fire at your enemy until it dies. Overall, it’s all you could only dream of if you ever chose to be a mage in an RPG. Do you remember how you had to sleep in order to restore your mana after killing every_single_enemy in Morrowind? Feels like nightmare now.

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Fantasy Games.

Gameplay / combat

Lichdom: Battlemage is an action RPG where you control a single character from a first person perspective. You are a badass mage on a personal revenge quest and you’ve got a wide range of spells to choose from.

You’ve got traditional fireballs and AoEs as well as grenade like “lobs” and “rays” that are short range constant beams. You don’t have any melee weapons but you can block, and if timed correctly, this will trigger a “nova” which damages everything in a radius around you. There’s also a very useful dodge move. There is no mana limit or cooldowns so you can cast as frequently as you desire.

Real player with 41.5 hrs in game

Lichdom: Battlemage on Steam

Imprisoned Hyperion

Imprisoned Hyperion


Inside the Imprisoned Hyperion, you will find yourself in a dark and mysterious dungeon after the end of the world. Now life on the surface is no longer possible and people have gone beneath the ground. But it didn’t go as planned… People had to start a war with the underground inhabitants. People lose it and are gonna die eventually. Though you are not their savior and not a hero. Because you have your own more important goal in this world, and most of its inhabitants will never understand you. No matter what comes next, but you will achieve your aim.


In the dark dungeons of Hyperion, there are many dangerous creatures that will drain your powers. Steel and spells are a good helper, but there are no magic potions that will restore your powers. So, act wisely, look for food and safe places to recover.

Play your way

There are different ways to succeed. Poison the food in the kitchen to avoid battle or kill the mage who gave you the task to get your reward without completing the task. Your adventure has a specific goal and no matter how you will achieve it. Use your wits and ability to improvise..

Read More: Best First-Person Survival Games.

Imprisoned Hyperion on Steam

Through the Helios

Through the Helios

This game is sadly not in a working condition yet.

  • Mouse Cursor doesn’t go away ingame

  • No customization options whatsoever

  • Getting stuck during tutorial and can’t progress

That’s pretty much it.

But keep working on it developers, your project has potential!

I admire every indie developer for their work and you have put too

much effort into the game to give it up now!

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Singleplayer Games.

Through the Helios on Steam



A re-imagining of the classic game Magestorm, fight in an all-magic battle arena as an archon pulled from time and imbued with fantastical powers in an eternal struggle between the 3 Primal Forces - Order, Balance, and Chaos. Fueled by increasingly powerful magic, defeat your foes and their shrines in this three team FPS battle arena.

All Magic

This is the ultimate mage battle fantasy. Push the front lines as an elemental Magician, ambush foes with lightning as the Tempest, defend your shrine with a storm of swords as the Paladin, or deny your enemies by harnessing mana and the void as the Arcanist.

Well Tuned Gameplay

Each class has a distinct playstyle and feel allowing all four to make game-winning plays.

Unique Combat

This is not a Crowd Control Simulator. Combat is aggressive, tactical, and merciless.

Spellstorm on Steam

In Verbis Virtus

In Verbis Virtus


This game has great atmosphere with an immersive spellcasting system and nonlinear level design that also at times has really clever and hard to figure out puzzles!


  • Fun and a really Great way of doing spellcasting that makes the game so much immersive!

  • Also if for some reason you’re having trouble casing some of the spells, make your own voice recognition model (it’s a feature implemented in the game, just go into the options menu).

    This actually, for me at least, nullifies the ‘con’ I’d otherwise have since I found it a bit tricky to cast the ‘mark of fire’ spell.

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

In Verbis Virtus is a terrible game that you probably should not play, but not for half of the reasons I’ve seen in other negative reviews for which I’d like to clarify here.

Bad points that actually were not bad:

Like you, I was lured to this game by the voice command spells. I believe the people saying that this does not work do not have it configured well or do not have a mic. The store page warns you to have a mic, and outside of a very few moments in game I found the voice commands to work very well even when speaking quietly, and I have a voice that mumbles, so that piece impressed me.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

In Verbis Virtus on Steam



This is without a doubt, the greatest game that has ever been, and possibly will ever be, made… Definitely buy it and then buy it for your friends. And also the developer is a g


I’m calling out Filibert and his absolutely fucking trash review of this golden game that will be remembered for all eternity. Filibert is clearly salty that I hit em with that lit chain spell and flung him the fuck into a new dimension.


Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

As a Darkfall player i picked the combat up fast and its really fun.

Go through the tutorial get your bindings sorted and be patient to be competitive there will be a learner curve for new players.

Props for the combat feel makes a nice change to alot of the other indie games out there where its just non existent.

Good Job

Dave Bizzle

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Lightrise™ on Steam

Aefen Fall

Aefen Fall


  • The game is buggy and glitches. A LOT! And the devs will not (be able to) fix it.

  • The game is short. I have no idea how you can spend 45 minutes in a playthrough as stated on the store page. Realistically it will take you around 30 for your first run with failing a lot of jumps and not knowing where to go. Subsequent runs should scratch on the speed run goal time of 15 minutes.

  • You can get Mirror’s Edge and its sequel on sale for the full price of this game. (At least in Euro.)

That being said, I still recommend it. The developers were pretty upfront about the state of the game, its shortcomings and their lack of support. It’s a student project by graduates. Would have been nice if they released it for free, sure, but the price is cheap enough to forgive the lack of polish and content, especially on sale.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

This game has a lot of pros and cons, but I still recommend at least on sale. But even at full price, it’s cheap, and has replay value, especially when the cons get addressed.


  • FANTASTIC visuals and art design!

  • Fun gameplay design, that allows opportunities to mix things up if you want to.

  • Many routes, for high replay value, and to challenge yourself with the fastest shortcuts.


  • MANY moments of bugs with clipping, getting stuck, and inputs not working very well.

  • VERY abrupt and unclear ending, though it was expected for a student project with a time limit.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Aefen Fall on Steam

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

I am genuinely afraid to reinstall this game again… I keep playing it and beating it again and again and again. It is just THAT good. The storyline and the gameplay are both amazing.

You play as a young apprentice to a mysterious wizard, who sends you to retreive a magical crystal, during which you get a basic tutorial in the basics of gameplay, including the combat, spellcasting, and stealth, and receive the first skill points used to specialize in different abilities (unlocking combat moves, spells, stealth ability… increasing health or mana levels…). Then your mentor binds you to a demoness to be your sultry companion and guide and sends you to deliver the crystal… at which point things immediately get INTENSE. There’s an immediate and somewhat excessive increase in difficulty right off the bat, which can be a little offputting. But if you stick through it you get to enjoy more and more of the gameplay elements.

Real player with 174.5 hrs in game

I first played Dark Messiah way back when it first came out and it’s a game I have constantly revisited over the years.

While I’ve sunk more hours total into any given Elder Scrolls game I’ve played, Dark Messiah by far holds my personal record of total completed playthroughs at too many to count but at least several dozen.

I keep coming back to it to try out new skill/weapon combos and novelty character builds and keep finding new little hidden stuff even after years of replaying and knowing the game essentially by heart at this point.

Real player with 104.1 hrs in game

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic on Steam

The Wizards - Enhanced Edition

The Wizards - Enhanced Edition

What is this game, currently?

This game focuses on gesture-based spellcasting. In order to use your spells, you make the appropriate hand motions. It is a solo campaign that progresses you through a simple storyline of stopping a war via time travel. There are currently two types of levels in the campaign: A tower defense type level (enemies trying to travel preset paths and you have to kill them before they complete it) where you stay in one spot and defend or a mostly linear descent into caves where you will be on the attack, able to teleport between nodes (trackpad movement is currently being added), and getting regularly ambushed. The general pace of the combat is frantic, with the player teleporting around every few seconds (in the attack levels) and casting spells as fast as possible to avoid getting overwhelmed. In between fights is the opposite, calm and laid back with a chance to appreciate the scenery.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Full fledged single player campaign with a story, and you have to make gestures to throw spells!? Hell yeah!.

I tried this game a looong time ago before the enhanced edition and im finally finishing it because i wanted to play the sequel… truth be told i was a bit dreading it because i played this before the Enhanced edition was a thing… and i can gladly say most of the issues i had way back then have been fixed or very much improved.

I honestly enjoyed my ~4hrs playthrough i didnt move any graphical settings on my gtx1080 and i pretty much stable 90fps.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

The Wizards - Enhanced Edition on Steam



Covenanted is a hand-drawn rogue-like with RPG elements and an original turn-based combat system

A contract with the devil is always a bad idea [/]

The heroine of Covenanted, bound by a contract with the Devil, is on a journey through the magical world. Pursued by the Inquisition and blackmailed by the Devil, she has to balance between light and darkness in order to gain the support of powerful allies and break the endless cycle of rebirth

Combat Alchemy [/]

The journey is full of dangers! As the game progresses, the witch collects recipes for unique potions and gathers ingredients to make her magic even more powerful. Each recipe has its own unique effect

Procedural generation [/]

The global map of Covenanted is generated for each session. The variety of locations, the number of opponents and the available rewards are selected in such a way that each race is different from the previous one

Visual style [/]

We pride ourselves on the visual style of the game. All the main elements were drawn with ink on paper and digitized. The world of Covenanted is growing, our artists are working on new characters and locations

Random events and story quests [/]

We want players to feel the impact of the decisions made in story quests throughout the game. Despite one true ending, the fate of the Covenanted side heroes remains in the hands of the player

Fairy Middle Ages [/]

When creating the world, we were inspired by the worlds of the fantasy genre, world folklore, myths and legends. In Covenanted, elves and werewolves live in the same world with the characters of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales and ancient myths

Covenanted on Steam