Dirty Wars: September 11

Dirty Wars: September 11

Chile, September 11, 1973

The Military Coup of Pinochet’s army overthrows President Salvador Allende’s democratically elected government, marking the beginning of 17 years of horror and genocide. Exile, censorship, torture and the forced disappearance of people who oppose the new regime are performed on a daily basis.

Maximiliano and Abigaíl, a young couple who decide to stay in Chile, join the resistance against the dictatorship, sacrificing everything to enter a life of secrecy in which they must face multiple challenges.

Dirty Wars is a video game that combines stealth mechanics, puzzles and interactive dialogues in a closed and immersive world with defined objectives.

You play as Maximiliano and Abigail, who must overcome difficult objectives in order to opose the regime, in a time where only one side had all the weapons and the use of information and counter-intelligence are much more valuable.

There are no inventory systems or acquired skills, in the resistance the only weapon to survive is your intelligence and your ability to understand the security rules that will keep you going in the fight against the dictatorship, an unequal fight that will take years.

The compartmentalization is the iron law of resistance. No member can know personal information about an other, or anything that the dictatorship can use. Anyone could be captured, tortured and forced to give out information at any time.

In moments of great tension and danger, armed confrontation is not an option. Use the elements of the environment to hide and avoid being heard by the repressive forces.

Dirty Wars is a Chilean video game for the world. Introducing a completely Chilean and Latin American story that shows part of the culture, art, music and aesthetics from this corner of the world.

Read More: Best First-Person Stealth Games.

Dirty Wars: September 11 on Steam

I Expect You To Die 2

I Expect You To Die 2

I Expect You To Die 2 is the second game in a VR escape room, puzzle game with an action twist. In the game you play as spy who is on a mission to defeat the evil, Dr. Zor. The game is played seated, and contains 6 levels, and a speedrun challenge and secret achievements for each level.

The game has 6 extremely well designed levels, each with their own piece of the story, and different puzzels that can be very difficult to figure out. In each level you need help stop one of Zor’s plans, without dying to the many traps. Each of the 6 levels this game offers include a unique setting, unique mechanics, and unique achievements. These achievements always include a speed run, and a bunch of secret ones which range from picking up hidden items, to beating the levels in a completely different way. The speedruns are very cool, as a level that takes 15 minutes the first couple times, could have a speedrun of 2 minutes. This is because some items have multiple uses, and some puzzles have multiple ways to complete them.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Stylized Games.

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Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

I Expect You To Die 2 on Steam

1953 - KGB Unleashed

1953 - KGB Unleashed

I don’t recall ever buying this game but it seemed interesting at least from the pictures the store page had to offer. After playing it I can say that it was not what I was expecting at all.

First off, I strongly believe that the description should include that this title is a “Point and Click” game because it just states it is a “First Person Adventure” game which is very misleading. After a bit of digging I found out that one of the tags was “Point & Click” but it was hidden in the additional tags area which I had to manually click to check. For new buyers who seem mislead by the game’s description, just be aware that this title is in fact point and click and not what the description might make you perceive it to be. You will not move around with keys, but move from screen to screen with clicks.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best First-Person Adventure Games.

I’ll be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of point-and-click games, but I do enjoy them on occasion. In KGB Unleashed it’s the usual journey of solving various puzzles and figuring out the meaning of various objects in each room. This game features more of the latter rather than the former. More often than not, I struggled to progress due to the obscurity of some elements, and despite the fact that I agree with the logic of each puzzle and the idea behind it, I believe it could have been far better designed. Many elements were misleading, or failed to emphasise the reason for its use. There are several examples I could give, one of which was a simple switch in a safe which gave no indication of what it did, yet it unlocked a door in another corridor that I did not realise until I had backtracked through most of the game to try and discover its purpose. In another part of the game, you have to descend a trap hole and there is a crate in the hole. Your cursor highlights to indicate there is something you need to do with the crate, but while I spent almost 10 minutes trying to open it, turns out it was actually where you had to put the tape recorder. Confusion like this could have been easily avoided by making the object anything other than a crate; a crate I had to break open not two rooms before.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

1953 - KGB Unleashed on Steam

Commie Killer 2069

Commie Killer 2069

I started playing this game, and I couldn’t stop. I killed commie after commie. Each kill brought a sense of peaceful serenity I have never known before. Once I started killing, there was nothing else I wanted to do with my life. I am afraid to open the game up again. The first time I ran it, I killed thousands of commies over a two day bloodbath. I know that I will though. There is truly nothing in this life but blood, death, and the murder of pixelated communist soldiers.

I am afraid I am losing myself, and will never exist as anything but a murderous desire for blood.

Real player with 57.6 hrs in game

Greatest game I have ever played, this is the Cyberpunk we were promised.

The FOV is amazing, as well as the graphics, they really give me insight on living with without lenses in my eyes.

and the combat is the real champion for the handicapped, giving intense representations of having to do without any form of fine motor functions.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Commie Killer 2069 on Steam

Men of Valor

Men of Valor

OMG! I’d been hoping to see Men of Valor (MOV) released on Steam for years. I even wrote to Valve several years ago when they started to include classic games from years ago in the Steam store, asking for it to be included because IMO it has a superb set of multiplayer maps that cover large open maps, temples, Jungle, Sniping, indoor and outdoor CQB, Urban, Industrial, Hillside and Valley maps. It’s now 15 11 years old (as of 2019), so as you’d expect, some aspects are a little dated, but the actual maps are excellent and despite its age it still looks great. The original add-on map pack, that included an extra five multiplayer maps has been included with this Steam version expanding the original maps to 21 multiplayer maps (see below for a full list, plus a brief explanation of each map). Every major battle from the American involvement in the Vietnam war is represented in these maps. I do hope we see some servers coming online regularly. Sadly over the last several years, when I have found a server running you’d only see ta few players at any one time, so some of the bigger maps were never included in the map rotations and most of the ones that were felt empty and when joining, you spent more time looking for players to shoot, lol. There were exceptions such as Charlieville and the two temple ruins i.e. Cambodian and Jungle Ruins, all three being small CQB maps, with some sniping.

Real player with 99.8 hrs in game

I actually remembered playing this game on the original Xbox back when it came out in late 2004 and as I am writing down this review, I still have my physical copy of the Xbox version right here in front of me. I absolutely love this game as I played the campaign over and over again that I lost count. You may be wondering: What’s so special about this game? Well, I am going to tell you.

Men of Valor is a 2004 PC (and original Xbox) first-person military shooter that takes place in the earlier stages of the Vietnam War (1965-1968). You play as Dean Shepard, an African-American soldier who took part in the conflict alongside with his squadmates: Greaser, Smooth, Zook, Hodges, and all other characters (Oh my goodness, I even remembered those characters from long ago). The game does not have a legitimate plot but what I love about this game is the presentation. Men of Valor provides a great historical perspective and experience, placing the player to know what is like in that conflict. The campaign is divided into four different areas of the war in 1965-1968: Da Nang Outskirts (rooting out the Vietcong from Da Nang, taking part in Operation Starlite), Iron Triangle (eliminate the Vietcong stronghold that resides in northern Saigon and being part of the joint US-ARVN Offensive), Khe Sanh Hill (push the North Vietnamese Army away from U.S hilltops firebases in 1967), and the Tet Offensive (terminate the North Vietnamese positions out of Hue and breaking the Siege of Khe Sanh).

Real player with 74.7 hrs in game

Men of Valor on Steam

Beyond Enemy Lines: Operation Arctic Hawk

Beyond Enemy Lines: Operation Arctic Hawk

This lone-wolf based tactical procedurally generated open map based fps is one that pays its dues to past military classics such as Project IGI which first springs to mind. From hindsight its an admirable attempt a true to form action esquire albeit with a few quirks that need a little refinement, ( a few ammo creates would be nice) since ammo is in very short supply for the some of the ARs, SMGs and tactical pistol. Aiming down sights could also do with a little touch-up since its bit sluggish to steady on distance enemies. But aside from these minor indiscretions Polygon Art have a first good impression & I’m tingling with anticipation for the next episode of BELOARW.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

So far the game has been very fun, although there are some features and fixes that would be great to see in the next game.

List of features and fixes (to be added):

  • attachments

  • optimizations

  • fixing the key rebind since space to jump doesn’t work so when I try to rebind it I cant move in game and I have to restart

  • leaning mechanic

  • lowering the price of the game or releasing free dlc since the first game is quite expensive for the amount of content you get (In my opinion)

  • level editor

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Beyond Enemy Lines: Operation Arctic Hawk on Steam

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

The Spy Who Shrunk Me

Last level is a great example “How to make cool game and destroy it with final level”.

Optimization sucks and even though my PC can run game correctly with (at least) stable 30 fps, there are lots of frame drops which is annoying (unless you like playing with 10 fps).

How about setting, maybe that will change something and will make the game run properly.

NOPE. Settings is imo one of the devs joke, cause it doesn’t change anything (despite the fog from tutorial seen just after start and never again). Game looks exactly the same, no matter which variant you’ve chosen.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

UPDATE: After getting past a couple B.S. parts (due to bugs) I’ve changed my mind about the game.

This game isn’t ready for prime time just yet, but it’s still pretty fun.

The good:

1. The shrink ray mechanic is fun! This might be a good cheap game when it’s done and all the problems are ironed out.

2. The artwork and music are good

3. Good voice acting

4. Good humor

The bad:

1. Shrink ray projectiles sometimes will literally go THROUGH the broad side of an enemy’s chest and “miss”. This is made worse by the fact that the reload time for the shrink ray is so long. If your shot goes through an alerted agent, you’re as good as dead. You can’t afford to miss any shots, even once.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

The Spy Who Shrunk Me on Steam



For me this was a very interesting game, for several reasons. This is a game guru game and as such includes all of the downsides of making a game in such a primitive game engine. This includes loading screens that crash rather frequently and take plenty of time to load (even on an SSD). And Lots of in game glitches (one glitch i noticed several times was where the game “deep fried” my screen). But despite these shortcomings, this may just be the best game guru game i have ever played (and that’s taking into consideration i have played hundreds of them)

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

This review is subject to change, so do not take it as a final score.

Story: While far from complete, the notes left around the game write a pretty morbid one. The horror elements are more in these than anything else. Granted, the horror in this is more about the evils within men than the horrors of the monsters. I would go into detail, but that would be major spoilers.

Soundtrack and sound effects: The soundtracks fit the theme of the game well, helping to build on the intended atmosphere, and the soundclips accomplish the goal there were meant to. May need some fine tuning, but they are not bad.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Affliction on Steam

Beyond Enemy Lines - Remastered Edition

Beyond Enemy Lines - Remastered Edition

no save points.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Graphics are much better but still can not save or even checkpoint auto saves. AI could use more work. performance better than before. No ladder climbing ability. It has promise to be a good game but needs more work. For the cost as it is i would recommend catching it on sale. I hope they include sniper scopes with silencers, really needed.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Beyond Enemy Lines - Remastered Edition on Steam

Call of Duty®: Black Ops

Call of Duty®: Black Ops

Everybody buying this: “Im getting this only for zombies.”

Me: “Appreciates the campaign”

One of my favorite campaigns in call of duty and zombies is great!

This game should get more people playing than other call of duty’s out there!

Real player with 387.1 hrs in game

Good nostalgic game, gotta give it a thumbs down for the price. ACTIVISION YOU CHEAP BASTARDS, LOWER THE PRICE OF THE OLD COD GAMES!

Real player with 49.7 hrs in game

Call of Duty®: Black Ops on Steam