Real Boxing™

Real Boxing™

After 19hr of gameplay.

Hi all.

Here i am after 19hr (and a 10hr long session), really happy with the game (addictive!).

I don’t know the Fight Night series, but this game alone is worth if you like boxing or are interested in fight games, and you enjoy it for what it is (no real boxers, not really an AAA game - the game is a port from mobile devices). Plus it’s the only boxing game in steam that i know.

Combat is more toward simulation than arcade gameplay, where you can’t simply smash buttons to win. You need to think your strategy for the whole round, and the following ones. I found the mechanics equilibrated (although dodging is a little irritating, but adds a random factor to the combat).

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fighting Simulation Games.

Game is worse then i thought when i first played it. i’ve now cleaned up 100% achievements and that was the challenge in itself. The bugs in this game stop certain achievements or at least the way they have been set. the counter-punching one, for me it stopped counting at 76 in game, basically i was trying to get past that little did i know i had already got the achievement but i must of missed the pop up.

Another bugged achievement was the all belts no knockdown, i had done this over and over with no luck the solution was reset all the championships at the same time then go through them in one run without been knocked down, if you have a 100% fighter it should take 30-45 mins to finish

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Real Boxing™ on Steam

Martial Arts: Capoeira

Martial Arts: Capoeira

This game sucks but I enjoyed it. Heads up there is no controler support and the key bindings r “W A S D” to move and the action buttons r “H J B N and SPACE” It takes a little getting used to. I would only recommend getting this game when it’s on sale and if u like martial arts or capoeira cause the reality is there isn’t much appeal to the game.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

First off I actually like the game and enjoy playing, the fighting itself is a bit different from most games like this as in it is more strategy than button mashing. You have no health rather it is it like a tug o' war and you need to balance not getting tired.

The reason for the the thumbs down is the lack of any graphic options even basic resolution. There is also no key remapping or controller support.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Martial Arts: Capoeira on Steam

Brutality club

Brutality club

Good for a quick laugh, maybe a giggle, and if it were a $1 or so game i’d say its alright but not for the $8 price range. You have very little control over your actual dude so you just flail your character around and hope to hit your opponent. Chances are that you’ll play it for maybe half an hour and be bored of it.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fighting 3D Fighter Games.

I thought i’d give it a go because its hard to find a decent fighting/mma game on steam, i knew it was physics rag-doll based but i wasn’t expecting it to be just random flailing with little to no control over your character.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Brutality club on Steam

Knockout League - Arcade VR Boxing

Knockout League - Arcade VR Boxing

This may be my favorite VR game to date! It’s right up there with Rec Room. There’s a number of things that make this game exceptionally good.

Fun atmosphere: The devs put a lot of personality into this game. The graphics are cartoony and light-hearted. The competitors are dressed in outlandish outfits (or are outlandish species!) and are as dramatic as any WWE soap opera. They have some hilarious animations, both in reaction to getting hit and otherwise. And, when in the ring, you won’t be able to resist strutting around for the crowd :)

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

This game is amazing! It has supplanted SwordMasterVR as my favorite physical combat game. And don’t be fooled by the videos - this game might look “cute” but it is intensely physical to play, and feels viscerally violent. If it were too much more realistic it might be too much, really.

Opponent sophistication: I’ve unlocked the second opponent-character so far, and haven’t managed to beat her after several attempts (which doesn’t get old because after every time you manage to hit her enough times in a row to daze her, she adds another set of moves to her repertoire).

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Knockout League - Arcade VR Boxing on Steam

Ultimate MMA

Ultimate MMA

For the price it is a great game. It’s very simple to play. I enjoy creating my own MMA fighter. You can choose body type, hair color and tattoos. You can also choose what kicks and punches your fighter uses. (The more you fight and win, the more moves are unlocked.) There is no ground fighting, just stand up fighting. Which I prefer. If you like simple fighting games, then Ultimate MMA is for you. If you want something more complex or pure MMA with ground fighting, then you will have to get a more expensive game.

Real player with 46.6 hrs in game

This is the only Kickboxing game on pc that resembles the EA ufc games (without grappling) altought the game is pretty unpolished and lacks content it still a very good game in the sense that it has really good basics.

the controls feel weird or stiff but at least is something playable

keep in mind that this is made by one single russian dude. so to make this is very impressive

the alt-atacks are broken in the sense that you can win all tournaments by spamming them but if you are playing with a friend you can decide to not use them.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Ultimate MMA on Steam

Wrestlers Without Boundaries

Wrestlers Without Boundaries


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

not a wrestling game, just a port of a mobile game where you can kick, punch, and do a grapple. runs fine, but it’s a bare bones game that just exists.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Wrestlers Without Boundaries on Steam

WWE 2K19

WWE 2K19


In comparison to the other WWE 2K games available on Steam, 2K19 is the “best” out of the bunch, though that isn’t a very high standard. The game has a large roster of current, past, and legend superstars to play as. You can expect bugs and crashes sprinkled here and there that can potentially ruin your experience (e.g. crash during character creation and losing all progress). If you want to play a wrestling game on PC, your best bets are either WWE 2K19 or Fire Pro Wrestling World. Also, we don’t talk about WWE 2K20.

Real player with 846.0 hrs in game

Do not buy this game. Oh, it’s on sale? It’s still not worth it. Specifically if you enjoy creating content in-game. The video editor crashes frequently, royal rumbles crash more often than not halfway through. Changes you make to characters don’t save. Audio tracks fail to load. Custom Arena settings don’t work. Music will play over itself during cut-scenes. Created content fails to save correctly and will corrupt your entire save file. The game will crash at a load screens and corrupt your save file. Deleting content will corrupt your save file. I spent over 200 hours creating content for this game. Lost it all because I attempted to copy a created MITB briefcase, which crashed the game and corrupted my save. Had to start over from scratch. Maybe a month later attempted to save a created video. It went through the saving process but stayed in the video editor. I exit out to desktop and the preview is listed as empty. Close the game, reload, everything is gone again. This happened on two different gaming PCs, both which have a GTX 1080. Oh but there’s a BIG HEAD mode now…………….. cool.

Real player with 573.6 hrs in game

WWE 2K19 on Steam

WWE 2K20

WWE 2K20

plz update to many bug

Real player with 175.1 hrs in game

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

~William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun

Good God, y’all… Good… God… I mean, this game? It sure brings back memories. And not in a good way. Remember the old ports from gaming consoles? Since fifth generation and until seventh one, those used to be a complete disaster. If the game was made specifically for consoles, back in the days, playing it on consoles was the only way most of the time. And unfortunately… that’s the story of WWE 2K20. Believe it or not. And it’s kinda sad, you know? Because as an old wrestling fan, I must say, I enjoyed this game very much. Even more than it actually deserved, really.

Real player with 129.6 hrs in game

WWE 2K20 on Steam

Creed: Rise to Glory™

Creed: Rise to Glory™

Well its been a year since this game was released now and I’ve put in about 400hrs. Im sad to say that what started out with such great promise has been abandoned and forgotten by the devs. It really is a shame as this game could have easily been among everyones favourites if they had only fixed the bugs. Ill say something positive first though. This is still one of my most regularly played games despite its short comings and I’ve even lost 50kg/110lbs playing this. So big thankyou to the devs for that. If you would like to try PVP I suggest you have a look at this tutorial first

Real player with 596.8 hrs in game

I beat the career mode on this game and had a pretty good time with it, I wanted to leave a negative review for the same reason 99% of the others did, but changed it to positive since I still find myself coming back to this game. But please for the love of god create an option to turn off the stamina feature. It seems like they have no plans to ever do it though.

This is a statement from Survios regarding an option to toggle off the stamina feature:

“Creed: Rise to Glory’s stamina system was designed as part of our larger initiative to make a VR boxing game that wasn’t just about wildly punching, but incorporated new mechanics made possible by its inherently cinematic setting. One of the biggest challenges we faced was translating the sensation and effect of delivering punches to a solid human when you’re only swinging at air. Hitting a person is a lot more tiring than punching air–our devs took (and many continue to take) weekly boxing classes to understand how boxing feels in real life to best translate that into VR. We created the stamina system to combat against the player tendency to charge forward and rapidly flail or waggle their arms; instead, you have to conserve your energy, watch your opponent, plan your moves, and practice strategic defense. We feel that this makes for a much more intense experience that keeps you on your toes.”

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Creed: Rise to Glory™ on Steam

MMA Arena

MMA Arena

Initially I loved this game but lately I have stalled out big time. I cant progress to a new fight until I have 3 blue belts. I cant get my blue belts because apparently I cant click my mouse fast enough, or make it through training dealing 15 damage with the limited combo cards I am given, or make it through sparring taking 5 damage or less, or drag the correct symbols to the center of the circle fast enough with my laptop mouse in an exercise better suited for a touch screen. What is the point of all this? Why lock fights/belts at all? The training has nothing to do with the fighting outside of sparring which is kinda useful in teaching how to implement some different strategies. The incentive should be to unlock new moves and stay competitive while progressing through the game. Instead I appear to have been pigeon holed into trying to get good at tedious activities that do nothing to improve how good I actually am at this game. I just reached level 20. I think it will be a long time before I get to level 21. I will say that the actual fighting in the game is quite entertaining and I have enjoyed the matches. If PVP were added that would definitely be exciting. This game is inexpensive and maybe worth a look on sale but I can not recommend it after having stalled out halfway through the game.

Real player with 66.6 hrs in game

I’m really on the verge and really don’t know if I can recommend it or not.

TL;DR It’s a free to play, multiplayer game without free to play elements or multiplayer. Some of the design decisions feels pointless, but at the end of the day, I enjoy playing it.

Don’t get me wrong. I really don’t like multiplayer for this type of games, and I don’t usually like free to play games. So this game being single player and pay once to get all content is a huge advantage for me.

I bet that this game has been developed with multiplayer in mind until the very last minute, so many gameplay decisions that are taken are with multiplayer in mind. One example of this is 15 sek turn limit. There is no reason whatsoever why you would want turn limits in a singleplayer game. Turn limits are necessary evil so players won’t leave in the middle of the match leaving the opponent. The whole idea behind turns is to let people think about their choices. Disadvantage to that is that the game feels slow. Turn limits does not remove the slowness-feeling of the game while removing the advantage of being able to thing for as long as you want.

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

MMA Arena on Steam