StellaGale: The Trials Of Faith

StellaGale: The Trials Of Faith

Once in a lifetime, an opportunity appears that nobody can turn away from. For the warriors across the lands, this came in the form of an offer from The Prince; let us have a massive gladiatorial battle, and the winner may ask for anything they wish. And they will get it. Brigands, thieves, generals, swordsman, rogues, and soldiers all heard the call and headed to the arena. Riches and fame awaited them.

For one young woman and her brother, fame and riches did not matter. Years before, Stella and her brother Gale were abandoned suddenly as their parents vanished. Growing up on the streets and lost, Stella grew skilled in a fight and her brother handy with a forge. They decided Stella had to enter with a most unusual wish - to have their parents returned to them. If The Prince is even capable of such a thing.

Multi-faceted characters with heart, depth, and drives you’ll have to play to discover.

The storyline will take us to incredible highs and tearful lows, with gameplay anyone can jump into and learn.

Multiple types of weapons with multiple types of add-ons means an incredible number of options to take out the equally diverse warriors trying to get their own wish brought to life!

Carefully choose where Gale spends his effort - these weapons are the only ones Stella will have to battle in the Arena each round.

As if the greatest warriors in the kingdom weren’t enough, the Arena is filled with traps and dangers just waiting for Stella to drop her guard!

Even the best warriors can’t just jump from battle to battle and hope to win - we have multiple modes of practice, success, and challenges that will make you a true champion!

Read More: Best Fighting Action RPG Games.

StellaGale: The Trials Of Faith on Steam

Stickman Fighting

Stickman Fighting

Unfinished game with broken achievements.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fighting 2D Games.


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Stickman Fighting on Steam

Unbroken Warrior

Unbroken Warrior

Unless some massive updates are made, it’s really not worth the money, not even at that price.


  • None (I would say the price but you’re not getting what you paid for)


  • Bad AI. Either slow and lame in Easy and Normal modes. Clairvoyant in Hard mode. No balance whatsoever.

  • Clunky animation that makes fighting quite impossible in hard mode because your character gets stuck in the middle of a movement and gets blocked;

  • NO controller support. For a combat game that’s pretty much a deal breaker.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fighting Fantasy Games.

Unbroken Warrior is a comically bad arcade versus fighting game. There’s a wide array of combos available. There’s no real interest in the various characters and the story is undeveloped.

Controls are fixed and can’t be changed, and they are terribly done, requiring weird positions for your hands on the keyboard. Graphics are mediocre, can’t be altered, and resolution is also fixed. They slapped a $7.50 price tag on the game, perhaps hoping someone would confuse this with a Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat game, which are sometimes selling at the same price. And there’s the point… these guys are trying to compete with AAA versus games, and it comes across as a joke.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Unbroken Warrior on Steam

Injustice™ 2

Injustice™ 2

General Information

Injustice 2 is my second fighting game ever, the first being MKX. The game plays very similar, with some slight differences such as the clashing system replacing the breaker system, and the blocking system all together. You’ll like Injustice 2 if you enjoy other NRS fighters.


Since microtransactions are currently a hot topic in the gaming community, I thought I would mention how microtransactions impact Injustice 2, and the gameplay.

Real player with 1214.3 hrs in game

You like DC characters? You like fighting games with deep mechanics? Then this is the game for you.

Injustice 2 is an EXCELLENT fighting game. The mechanics are quite similar to Injustice: Gods Among Us but definetly have been improved. I like to think of Injustice 2 as an alternative updated version of Mortal Kombat X just with new additions. Speaking of that Injustice 2 does offer some new things such as, the gear system, a loot box system, (which is actually done really damn well) multiverses, and having the AI to play battles for you.

Real player with 161.8 hrs in game

Injustice™ 2 on Steam

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid

As a fighting game, Battle for the Grid has a solid tag-team 2D fighter akin to that of Marvel vs Capcom, Skullgirls and Dragonball FighterZ. It has a lot of love and effort poured into it, a variety of mechanics pooling from other fighters to enjoy all the while interlaced with fast and frenetic gameplay. The online, which is a huge necessity of fighting games in this age, is better than most juggernauts. The community is lively and you can feel a pulse emanating throughout your matches. Who would have thought that having a solid game with good online support would lead to your community playing more often?

Real player with 88.1 hrs in game

I got this game for PS4 figuring if it was bad, it was only $20. It has very quickly become one of the best fighting games in the last 10 years, and every month it gets better and better. It’s an entry level fighting game done correctly. No goofy autocombos that continue on whiff, no free ways out of zoning, and rushing someone down effectively takes real effort thanks to every character having a true anti-air. Without an assist, if someone is jumping at you, just anti-air them and get a free combo. Any con I have right now, such as a lack of Trials, is something that will likely be addressed in the near future thanks to an intelligent dev team who knows how to filter objective feedback from incessant whining. And yes, as a Power Rangers fan, I am more than pleased to see the characters shown thus far be represented so lovingly. You want to make Power Rangers “Cool and Edgy?” Don’t let goofballs like Adi Shankar tell you it needs sex and drugs. Let the enlightened ones at nWay show you it just needs a touch of FGC hype!

Real player with 82.1 hrs in game

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid on Steam

Project Senko

Project Senko

⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡠⣴⣶⣶⣶⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄it’s good

⠄⠄⠄⣴⣿⣿⣫⣭⣭⣭⣭⣥⢹⣟⣛⣛⣛⣃⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄Play it









Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Project Senko

fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on,

good game.

Personal Suggested Purchase Price: $0.49 Or Less During Sale

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Project Senko on Steam



This is honestly one of my favorite fighting games. If there’s any game I’d say it’s similar to, probably KOF or other SNK games, but it has a lot that makes it different obviously. It has great system and character balance with no one mechanic seeming overwhelming, and each character has their fair share of pros and cons that they have to work around with all of them still being on an even playing field, and especially with the extra selectable moves, this game properly avoids falling into the problem of some match ups feeling WAY too one sided, with every character having a good amount of variety to their move set without everyone being too similar. Fun character designs with cthulhu magical girls, muscly grappler chefs, edgelords and of course, my big boy Ray. There’s so much freedom to every character with combos and tech, especially with the extra selectable specials and supers. I spend many hours in training mode trying to find new tech. Matches can vary a lot in how they play out based on what hits you land, so there’s room for you to end a match in two combos (or even one in rare situations), but other matches will carry on much longer if you don’t get your harder to land combo starters and counter hits or manage your resources towards big damage, and some characters often rely on meter to help them in neutral play and set ups. I really like that there’s room for those kind of big combos to happen while also having it be very nuanced in how it’s approached so that you don’t just do the same stuff each match. Neutral plays just as big a role as learning big combos. Some characters can annihilate you through solid neutral alone if you can’t adapt, so you gotta be strong on multiple fronts. There’s many strong offensive and defensive mechanics with neither being overwhelming. No comeback mechanics or combo breakers (I personally hate that stuff). Meter is handled super well in terms of how much importance it holds and how each character interacts with it in their own way. Adds a nice bit of weight to resource management while still not being the only thing that determines who wins. I’m just kinda gushing, but god I love this game. A bit of a smaller player base, but we’re still here and we’re growing over time. Especially on discord. If you want to play this game, join Tenryo’s discord server and there’s plenty of people there to answer your questions and play you in matches, including myself. So yeah. Big glowing recommendation for this game.

Real player with 669.0 hrs in game

Depends on 3rd party software to run. This would qualify it for no reccomendation already but when the game is working, it’s mediocre at best. The translation was just ripped from the Hong Kong localization (so expect engrish text wherever humanly applicable) The online is a wasteland at this point, so don’t bother if you’re in it for that. The singleplayer is pretty mediocre, and the arcade / story mode is brought down not only by the aformentioned engrish, but also some embarrassing endings. You see that 5th picture in the gallary? Imagine that but for every female character, being explained away by something very along the lines of “oh, well I guess the battle is over now, ho hum what should I do now? Disrobing sounds like a good idea–”. I’ll add that even for a japanese fighting games, most of the female character designs are pretty shameless in their obvious intent (my personal favorite is either the essential equivelent of the daughter of c’thulu having a permanant wedgie or the cyborg ninja having her nipples protrude through metal armor). The customization options are kind of cool on the surface, but you have to unlock colors, and you’re only allowed a certain number of them. You’re better off referring to Blazblue Central Fiction’s modding community if you have a hard on for that sort of thing. The customization for the fights are a pretty okay idea, but the execution is underwhelming, and not as well balanced as one would hope. As for character balance, it’s not the absolute worst, but if there were to be an online scene, you’d probably come to expect the three characters with easy to access “technically not touch of deaths, but may as well be since they also corner carry and end with hard knockdown into 50/50”. It’s alright with friends, but frankly there are just other fighting games which do what this game does but cheaper and / or better.

Real player with 79.1 hrs in game




I recommend this game ONLY to people who love Guilty Gear. If you’re just getting into the series, please for the Love of God start with Xrd or Accent Core.

This game is a 100% port of the original Guilty Gear for the PS1, and being a direct port is both it’s greatest strength and flaw. It’s a tough as nails fighter with mechanics that were questionable even during it’s release back in 1998. For example, you have two health bars per round, once one goes away you can just spam your Overdrive move an unlimited amount of times. Testament has a poison mechanic here that he has in other games, but the poison doesn’t stop at the magic pixel, it flat out KO’s you. The dust and instant kill mechanics that are popular in the series work VERY different here. There isn’t a dedicated dust button but there also isn’t a dedicated way to perform them, like pressing both Slash and Heavy Slash worked on X. Some character moves seem to do it on their own (I’ve seen May’s somersault move hit me with a Dust) In every game after this one, an Instant Kill only gave you a round. If you missed your instant kill, you lost your entire super meter and couldn’t instant kill for the rest of the round This game? You press Punch and Kick at the same time, hit the opponent, then if you input hadouken before the victim breaks free, you win the whole fricken match. If your opponent breaks free you can just freely try throwing out your instant kill to win again. Be warned, you can just as easily lose both rounds. This game is the only one in the franchise in which the AI also throws out Instant Kills. You still have your unlockable Justice, Testament and Baiken, however, just like the original release, you can ONLY use them in 2 player VS matches. This game unlike the future installments, does not feature a free battle mode to fight against a CPU opponents and lacks online multiplayer. The game loads very fast to the point where you can barely see the VS Screen with their movelist, thankfully pausing in this game lets you bring up your character’s move list.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Guilty Gear: The Missing Link (Japan) is the very first game in the series that was on the original PlayStation console around 1998/99. Guilty Gear is an anime fighting game that has a more dark atmosphere to it aside from the cartoony art style and heavy metal music. Now I have played this game before and it’s my favorite one of the series, though the other installments I like as well. Guilty Gears is pretty fun to play against CPUs and with a friend. The game does not have the option to change difficulty. The difficulty is adaptive depending what stage you are on. From Stage 1 being the easiest and to Stage 10 being the most difficult. The game offers 10 playable characters to play as, and picking one of them you will battle against the other 9 in Stages 1-9 and lastly one of three bosses at Stage 10. Each character has their own fighting style, special abilities, as well as their weapons. The game features a Chaos Mode which is activated when a fighter’s health is at half point (Yellow Health). A red aura will surround the character and he/she is able to perform unlimited Chaos Attacks. All character possess an Instant Kill maneuver that will basically kill the opponent resulting an instant win even when the match just started at round 1. Some of these Instant Kills are more violent and brutal than others, with the exception of May’s Instant Kill having a different version of template being more kid friendly. They are the most powerful moves and you must commit quickly before missing the moment, or the opponent defends the attack. Basically press punch+kick at the same time and if it connects Sakkai (red screen) is activated for a moment, then roll the joystick down to right (if facing right) and an attack button to finish the sequence. If done successfully, you will see many cues and visual effects occur on screen. First usually is the attack the character will perform, followed by the Destroyed!! template will appear on screen, an audio cue that will say “Destroyed”, then the opponent’s Health flashes red and black while depleting resulting in a successful kill. Generally, this game has been one of my favorites since a child and it’s super fun. With my most played character as May since she is the youngest fighter and probably one of the difficult fighters to learn. I really recommend this if you missed this game or into fighting games and like to experience this classic.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game


Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

This game has aged well and still stands on its own merits, even with Injustice 2 available. A fun, casual friendly fighter with a decent story and good overall direction. The characters all look and feel great. In truth, I prefer this to the sequel in a lot of ways. That said, this recommend comes with some hefty caveats:

1. S.T.A.R. Labs is a set of hundreds of side-missions added to the game to pad its length. They generally involve either a flash-game quality arcade style minigame or a semi-normal fight with your arms tied behind your back and/or major RNG components. They are godawful, but there’s an achievement tied to completing them all with the best score possible (but only requires completing 240/300 missions since the last 60 are DLC), so they’re unavoidable if you’re an achievement hunter. I can’t express enough how terribly designed and balanced this aspect of the game is and it was almost enough for me to leave a negative review. Grinding them out is a truly awful gameplay experience, which I think the devs realized since the skins we’d normally have to unlock there come pre-unlocked in this version.

Real player with 166.2 hrs in game

“Gods Among Us: Anyone can be a Hero”

Fighting games have long since descended from their all-conquering dizzying heights (in the 80’s and 90’s) to become almost a niche genre, as both games and gamers diversify. Within this evolving landscape, ‘Injustice: Gods Among Us (The Ultimate Edition)’ manages to brawl its way into contention as a polished, well crafted fighter, that despite its issues, is a fine addition to any Fight Game enthusiast’s collection.

Campaign: Released in late 2013, NetherRealm | Warner Bros. follow up on the commercial success of ‘Mortal Kombat: The Komplete Edition’ by essentially replicating that game within the DC Comics universe. The ‘Campaign’ mode follows the story arc from the ‘Injustice’ comic books, wherein a crazed Joker has killed Lois Lane and detonated a nuclear device in Metropolis. The game picks up with an enraged Superman asserting martial law over the planet and slowly turning from protector to oppressor. Narrated through well conceived animated cut-scenes and interspersed with 1-on-1 battles, gamers assume control of all their favorite characters as well as some others they might not have been so inclined to. The usual suspects are all here – from Batman, Superman, The Joker, Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, Green Arrow and Bane to a host of newer faces like Doomsday, Solomon Grundy, Frost, DeathStroke and Aquaman. A variety of Single Player Arcade-style Tournaments, Challenges, and lots of unlockable comic lore round out a content-rich title.

Real player with 33.1 hrs in game

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition on Steam



Strawberry Cheesecake Recipe:

Step 1

Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar, cinnamon, and butter in a bowl. Press onto the bottom of an ungreased 9-inch springform pan. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Step 2

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).

Step 3

Place strawberries and cornstarch into a blender. Cover and puree until smooth. Pour strawberry sauce into a saucepan.

Step 4

Bring to a boil over high heat. Boil and stir until sauce is thick and shiny, about 2 minutes. Set aside 1/3 cup strawberry sauce; cool. Cover and refrigerate remaining sauce for serving.

Real player with 49.9 hrs in game

DO NOT BUY if wanting matchmade PVP.

The last paid DLC for this game came out Feb 1, 2021. The online servers for this game will be shutting down in Aug of 2022. Honestly the life of this game makes it feel like a cash-grab/scam, but it’s published by BANDAI NAMCO so that’s just par for the course. As of now there is speculation that you’ll be able to direct connect to friends but online matchmaking will no longer work August 2022.

The game itself is a 6/10 fighting game without the usual depth and complexity that you find in fighting games. The roster has a lot of fan favorites and will probably check a few boxes for your characters of choice. The Story line is pretty boring and has some long unskippable cutscenes.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game