Robot Fighting

Robot Fighting

Very basic robot combat game. Controls are WASD and left click to operate the weapon system. The basic tactics are evasive driving using terrain and other opponents to weaken other robots then going in for the kill.

As you gain Silver and gold you can unlock better Armour and weapons.

Strikes me as a very basic fun game that you either get bored with pretty quickly or get drawn into if you are interested in unlocking upgrades.

Only bugbear is the price, got my copy free and its close to what it should be when on sale.

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fighting Robots Games.

don’t touch this game. this has a always online feature and for a crappy single player game this is dumb. why, you may ask? when they close the server this will be unplayable and since it’s not very good i expect that to be sooner than later. the game also has a horrible grind. after a fight you can get about 100s points and maybe 4g points though S points are given at an ok rate G points are not and seem to be a left over from the app store to force you to buy them. then of all the good stuff want’s G point.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Robot Fighting on Steam

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble!

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble!

In short it’s really fun!

The controls are simple yet complex at the same time due to many strategies you can apply against your opponent/opponents. It reminds me a little bit of Mound and Blade multiplayer in that sense.

The game also has a simple yet imersing ranking system which adds to a competitive aspect to the game.

Also as a sidenote developers seem like really nice people from what I’ve seen on their discord.

Real player with 37.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fighting Competitive Games.

A super-fun multiplayer game, easy to learn but more tactical than it seems at a first glance. E.g. positioning is crucial (especially in FFA) and sometimes you can get away with a win even not touching anyone :D

You know a multiplayer game is good when you can see different players employing different tactics in order to be the last wrestler standing.

BY ALL MEANS at least try the free version: even that ensures hours of fun!

Netcode looked solid to me. Animations are very good and the action is always clear to follow (albeith a bit chaotic in FFA).

Real player with 31.7 hrs in game

Circle of Sumo: Online Rumble! on Steam

Endless Knight

Endless Knight

I bought this game with my money

I played it all night long

I like the knights I like the swords

I like the nice bard’s song

You choose your knight and their colour

It does not matter which

You fight a bunch of other knights

You scratch you knightly itch

I recommend this awesome game

To live the knighlty life

I played it single player and

I played it with my wife

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fighting Swordplay Games.

Endless Knight is a unique little fighting game with a great sense of humour. If you fancy a real challenge then this game is for you. The combat is tight and focused on accurate blocking and countering. One hit can kill or leave you missing a limb - but importantly, still in the fight. Don’t expect to get away with button bashing, you need to time your strikes and pick them wisely. Endless Knight is a must buy for fighting game fans that want to try something a little different.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Endless Knight on Steam



Pros / What’s good?


The Egyptian theme is an eye-pleasing hook, and consistent throughout most of the game. The Serket armor set looks like something from monster hunter and the Ishtar set has this silly blue-pink paint job going on.

Combat is challenging, tactical almost. To Some attacks cannot be blocked, only dodged. Some cannot be dodged, only blocked. These attacks have ‘colored trails’ on them: red is unblockable, blue is undodgeable. Parrying - I found it new that you could parry enemies blocking with their shield in order to get them to drop their guard.

Real player with 116.1 hrs in game

Pharaonic is a game that has drawn many comparisons to the Dark Souls series with its action RPG features and the hacking and slashing. Honestly, I have not played one game of the Dark Souls series. I wanted to give Pharaonic, an indie game, a try because I was captivated by the art direction, the stunning environmental design, and the stunning background design. It is a side scrolling game with a steep learning curve, tough enemies, and a fantastic setting in Ancient Egypt.

The story of Pharaonic is set in Ancient Egypt and you play Dagi, a prisoner who tries to escape from prison to find out what happened to The Red Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt in the year 440. You get to escape with the assistance of a mysterious woman. This is where your journey truly begins, as you are almost fully naked and armed with a basic sword. The plot is not very deep, but the focus of the game is on combat. There are many enemies and the battles are very difficult. I died many times but was rarely frustrated. I quickly realized that getting killed was mainly my fault and it was a matter of understanding my strengths and weaknesses as well as understanding the strengths and weaknesses of my enemies. Your defense, like dodge roll, block, and parry, is just as important as your offense because taking a few too many hits will result in certain death.

Real player with 47.5 hrs in game

Pharaonic on Steam

Project Umbra

Project Umbra

You play as a soldier from the future equipped with an armor containing an entity discovered in ancient ruins. It is called the “Shadow”. It was scattered throughout the historical eras, you are sent back in time to learn more about this entity.

Armed with this technology, kill many enemies who seem to be possessed by this entity.

The “Shadow” that accompanies you will feed on the souls released by the enemies you kill, thus making you stronger.

Your enemies will be many and varied, whether it’s a knight in armor or a sniper.

Be prepared to take a beating. If you die, you will be replaced by a new soldier.

However, the “Shadow” of the soldier you are replacing has become uncontrollable, and will be waiting for you…

Face her and try to recover her energy!

Demo is now out !!!

What’s in it ?

Prehistory √

Antiquity √

Online leaderboard

Powerfull Weapons

What’s next ?

Middle Age √

World War √

Future √

Infinite wave game mod

Project Umbra on Steam

Fat Prisoner Simulator

Fat Prisoner Simulator

Fat Prisoner Simulator is not a game.

Fat Prisoner Simulator is a masterpiece, a work of art, beautifully crafted and perfectly executed. This game has transcended the bounds of reality, blurring the line between what is real and what is the game. I had never truly felt immersed in a game before I played this for the first time. When you’re playing this game, you ARE a fat prisoner.

On the topic of the graphics, this game once again excels. With the ability to run at a stunning 1920x1080 resolution, you will not be able to discern it from reality.

Real player with 2411.5 hrs in game

This game is an absolute masterpiece. “Masterpiece” can’t even begin to describe it. This is the type of quality that Cyberpunk 2077 should’ve been aiming for. Cyberpunk couldn’t imagine of comparing to this game. CD Projekt licks the dirt that Kiddy walks on. Rockstar fantasizes about this kind of quality. As of now, this is the best, most beautiful game I’ve ever played. I could play this for hours, days, weeks maybe, and just not get bored. The animations of the NPCs are so perfect and realistic, even the way that the ball moves, it’s all so perfect that if this was put in VR, you wouldn’t be able to tell apart reality from the game. It’s such a beautiful game, despite how grotesque the title may sound. It’s beauty is heartwarming, even tear bringing. I was brought to tears even after only starting it up. I opened a whole new reality, a “paradise”, if you will. I couldn’t recommend this game more. If you are looking for a beautiful, life changing experience, you must play this. This is better than anything else, it’s more than an escape. It’s love, it’s life, it’s perfection. This is truly the best game in existence, and nothing can compare to it.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Fat Prisoner Simulator on Steam

Soccer Player Simulator

Soccer Player Simulator

This game is good and bad:

+The AI, despite their color, is neutral (kick whoever gets in your way with no consequences!)

-The AI is neutral (they will kick the ball into their own goal if they are facing it)

+The ball knocks down whoever it touches (kick it at someone for some ragdolls)

-The ball knocks down whoever it touches (you can walk into it and fall over)

+The game is simple, dumb, and fun.

-Very, very occasionally, the ball will find itself outside of the field, forcing you to close and restart the game.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

This guy is fokin GOAT, he can do:

AWB´s chop

Phil Jones´s Slip

Zidane´s Headbutt

Müller´s ball control and head striking

Aubameyang´s shooting

And MUN tendency of scoring OG

69/10 more realistic and better than FIFA

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Soccer Player Simulator on Steam

Wigged Out

Wigged Out

Wigged Out takes place in a historically inaccurate past where two rival schools go head-to-head in a hilariously chaotic ball game that’s won by moving the Big Ol' Ball(BOB) into the opponent’s goal. Moving the BOB is simple; just throw everything you find at it! Get to one of the many item crates on the field, which will contain anything from a rubber turkey to The Ballzooka, let loose and watch the BOB fly! Unless you end up hitting one of your opponents. Or a teammate. In that case, watch them fly!

Be wary though as your opponent isn’t the only threat out there; Watch out for fire hydrants and manholes ready to burst at any moment, or the school mascot goat that found its way onto the pitch and is attacking anything in its path! These and many other environmental hazards could be lurking around the corner.

Your WigOut ability can be activated after your wig reaches full capacity by making good plays. When activated, your character embraces their unique talent and wreak havoc on the pitch!

More than 80 colourful levels across different themed settings, with different sets of items, hazards and goal types!

Tired of your old wig? Want a new one to look more sophisticated? You might be thinking “but madam, I don’t have a penny to spare for one of them fancy wigs” - no worries, in Wigged Out you earn your wigs by playing and doing performing well! So just do that and you’ll be swimming in powdered perukes!

The game offers an over the top experience with hilarious gameplay that can be played both locally and online. Throw in a couple of bots and you will never feel alone again!

Key Features

  • Online and Local 2-4 Players

  • 6 Characters - Each with their own WigOut ability

  • 80+ Arenas - Spanning across 3 unique environments

  • 25+ Items - From rubber turkeys to ballzookas!

  • Unique hazards and interactables for each area

Wigged Out on Steam

Bully Beatdown

Bully Beatdown

Full disclosure - I helped with play testing, bug testing, made some suggestions, etc. on a beta key given by the developer.

It’s been a while since I’ve played a beat ‘em up game.

This game’s art style and smooth play (even on as old of a machine as mine) was very appealing.

Starting on Easy difficulty seemed like a good step - normal is a bit tough without having some skills leveled up.

The game starts with a very short tutorial that also acts as a way to map your keys / buttons.

As soon as you get accustomed to how the game plays, the strategy for each enemy type, level up skills, etc. you’ll find yourself completing the same difficulty faster if you ever need to restart for any reason.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

You are sitting in the school cafeteria eating your lunch, just as you do everyday, when a student starts picking on you about going to the prom. They mock you, saying you should ask out the most popular girl in school, who you really think is just the most dreamy girl in the world. Then the jock comes along; he sees your gaze cast upon her, and as with every other time, he moves in to beat you down. But today is not like every other day; you have had enough of the abuse and you fight back against the entire school that has treated you so poorly. So begins the Fat Kid’s Adventure!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Bully Beatdown on Steam

Fat Prisoner Simulator 2

Fat Prisoner Simulator 2

Come, play Fat Prisoner Simulator 2. We have


  • Fat CJ from GTA: San Adreas

  • Mob of yourself

  • Mob running like titan so you will be scared

  • Mob kicks you like fucking hell so there is action

  • Mob chases you like your student loaner so adventure genre is present

  • Mob cries because of their last breath to live and drama genre is present

  • Mob fucks you over by foot so adult genre is present

  • The sturdy guard

  • Smells like Prison

  • You feel like you are the strongest ever than the strongest man

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

I was brought to this prison at the age of 26 for committing two acts of embezzlement , a racketeering charge and for participating in the Rwandan genocide of 94 and have spent the last 13 and a half years in this prison and have lots of knowledge and if you are sent here this should give you a few pointers.

Do not touch the floors with your bare skin , as if you fall may god have mercy on your soul and he send enough force to pick you back up as once you go down you will most likely stay down on the unwashed prison floors covered in many forms of heart disease , respiratory infection , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , bronchus , diabetes , cirrhosis , and some horseflies. On top of that you will most likely be put on those floors by another one of your neighbors.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Fat Prisoner Simulator 2 on Steam