Hats Are Not Allowed

Hats Are Not Allowed

“Hats are forbidden. Any Bot found wearing a hat will be destroyed on sight. Any bot found not destroying a Bot found wearing a hat will be destroyed on sight.” - RulerBot

The illegal hat in your possession has an unprecedented level of style which will inspire others to join your rebellion. Fight with sword, spear and shield to survive against those who would destroy you. As your power grows you must determine where your true ambitions lie.

  • DUEL

    The dueling system is easy to learn but hard to master. There is no need to memorize long combos. Instead the focus is on quick reflexes, timing and tactics. Beware feints, be strategic with your distance and don’t run out of steam.


    Bot combat modules restrict fighting to duels only. This means battles are conducted via 1v1 duels until one squad has been completely defeated. Strategically select your fighters and either simulate, spectate or take control of the duels yourself!


    Discover and equip new bot parts and items to increase your attributes that best suit your fighting style.


    As “The Hat Wearer” you will lead the Hat Rebellion. Do you seek to start a political revolution aiming for total hat freedom? Do you want to claim power for yourself? Or do you seek to discover the truth behind this world and the authoritarian Genu Corp?

Read More: Best Fighting Action RPG Games.

Hats Are Not Allowed on Steam

Pocket Bravery

Pocket Bravery

Pocket Bravery is inspired by classics from the 90s, such as Street Fighter, Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters. And its SD aesthetic had an influence on games like Pocket Fighter and other fighting games from Neo Geo Pocket Color.

But make no mistake, Pocket Bravery was created to be a new and unique fighting game, with original characters, vibrant colors and a combat system that will impress you, since the game was designed with the focus on high level players. Even so, it has features that will teach beginning players how to develop and evolve in the game.

The game uses the digital pad and four buttons, two for punches and two for kicks. You can execute the traditional commands from the fighting games using the directional pad plus the button to make special moves, super specials or even the final attack. Each character has an element that represents his strength, can be physical or supernatural. You can accumulate up to 2 attacks on the elemental bar. Through this system, it is possible to execute elemental attacks that have different characteristics from the others and bring new offensive or defensive possibilities for the player.

Read More: Best Fighting Competitive Games.

Pocket Bravery on Steam

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues

It sure is nice to have a new beat em up to play. They don’t make too many of these anymore. I particularly like the tie in to the excellent Cobra Kai netflix series. Unlike the show, don’t expect this to have any good writing (save for the genuinely funny one liners that the characters have after winning a fight). This is purely a fighting game, one that is clearly a loving homage specifically to the Streets of Rage series. It’s both better and worse than Streets of Rage 4, which I’ll get in to later. Everyone you run across in the street from hippies to mothers to emo kids are all inexplicably out for your blood, which is funny in its own regard. Sometimes characters will provide humorous meta commentary on this. Every character of note in the netflix series is either playable or is a boss in some level. Cobra Kai has fire powers while Miyagi Do has ice powers. Tone wise, it’s far more light and irreverent than the show; it does not take itself seriously in the slightest. Some might find this off-putting, but subjectively this works quite well.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fighting Action-Adventure Games.

Loved the Karate Kid movies when I was young, I did not really follow the Cobra Kai series but I’m guessing it’s as cheesy as the movies, if not more. There is no lack of cheesiness in this game, that’s for sure.

Beat ‘em Up games also give me those nostalgic feelings of back in the day when I used to play games like; Golden Axe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV, Fighting Force, Double Dragon and Streets Of Rage to name a few.

Graphically, I can’t say the game is gorgeous but it also didn’t really bother me that much. It actually made me think of another Beat ‘Em up “Double Dragon Neon” , a game which I couldn’t get into.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues on Steam




The development of civilization accelerated with the discovery of Astra metal, but the light emitted from the mysterious ruins led mankind to the destruction.

The Human Alliance succeeded in sealing the ruins, and the world seemed to slowly become stabilized. But…

Features of the game

‘Tiny Crack’ is a story-based, stage-breaking action game in which you must defeat all enemies within the time limit.

  • In a world of confusion, you start the game by selecting one of the two characters, Kassel and Aska.

  • Use each character’s skill and switch characters in time in order to break through the stage.

  • Within the set time, you must deal with all enemies in the block. Don’t be vigilant. It can be difficult to handle.

  • Organize a team and set potions.

  • Get additional companions and upgrade them during the battle process.

TinyCrack on Steam

Escaping Hell

Escaping Hell

It’s a fun indie game that mixes up its presentation and has a unique sense of style. I like the theme of being kind to yourself and how the gameplay supports that.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

This is not a beautiful game but it was created with a lot of heart, is fun and I appreciate that.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Escaping Hell on Steam

Fallen Knight

Fallen Knight

2nd Review

In additional after I have played for very long with a series of updates, I still find bugs which are very critical in my opinion. Because they are not just bugs of false visual or dead pixels, they are bugs that our character or bosses are frozen and we are not able to continue playing. This forces player to restart, and that counts as 1 death. One more thing that irritates me, but not that crucial, is that this game is develop by Thai developers but Thai subtitle/text is bad and confusing. Some are like they are translated by Google Translation from English subtitle/text. What the…!!? Was it supposed to start from Thai and translated to other language? Or even it started from English, you developers should be able to prove-reading it better than this.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

TL;DR: Pretty and has potential in concept, but sloppily done. Get it on sale

Fallen Knight’s initial trailer seems to sell a very nice looking and crisp side scrolling dash n’ slash with a sort of morality system in choosing “the path of violence” or “the honorable path” while the description calls it “Dark-Souls like”. While the visuals are quite nice, the gameplay is actually mediocre side scrolling dash n’ slash with a somewhat janky counter system and absolutely nothing about it could be reasonably considered “souls like”, which might be more reasonable given that this seems like a port of a mobile game.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Fallen Knight on Steam



Avoid control not working! Please fix!

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Disgrâce on Steam



You’re the warden of a prison-arena in a dystopian future.

A mix of strategy, management and fighting game in a cyberpunk 2D pixel art style.

Manage the prison, clone the best fighters, control them using only commands and maximize your profit.

Be the best Warden

As a warden you have 365 days to win the Prison Arena of the Year Award, or face forced resignation.

You will achieve this award by excelling in the management of the prison, hiring employees for each department, researching new technology, and ensuring victories on each stadium!

Have the best fights!

Give real time commands to fighters! They will respond according to their AI and personality which will adjust throughout the battle. Use the arena to influence the outcome of the battle. You will receive multiple bets and challenges as your priority is to entertain and make the most profit.

With the worst Historical Characters

Buy patented formulas, clone historical characters deemed as criminals by the Glorious State, and make them compete in the arena for punishment and entertainment!

Will any of your Gladihaters survive his 100th fight and earn his freedom?

All for the Glorious State!

Gladihaters on Steam



Is this game still being developed? Because it’s sooooooooooo good, if a little short (and lacking in multiplayer co-op, i’d love to go on a hunt with me and 2 other friends, swishing our better-than diamond swords around ;-;). The armoury is a huge assortment of mostly unique weapons each with a potentially unique fighting style.

The weapons are divided up in to 5 main categorys: swords, maces, flails, guns and axes, note: there are a few other things that don’t exactly fit in to any of the categories and also a fair few misc usables and things flails have chains and can deal a massive impact on a direct blow, the chains are normally a fair amount longer than the other weapons, and therefore have more reach, the swords seem to be a little weak as they can not deal a huge stunning crush like the axes and maces and flails, but still have a greater balance which makes it easier to aim when coupled with guns, oh and i forgot to mention, you can combine any 2 weapons together to make a combo weapon thing, quite fun! There are not too many guns (There are 5 guns to be precise) and it’s not easy to just use them as they are, they have an infinite amount of ammo, but the reloads are long and tend to have only 5-20 ammo cap. They are unfortunately over powered when in the AI’s hands as they seem to have aim-hacks and a much faster cooldown etc. The axes are sort of a combo between maces and swords, and can deal a crushing blow like the mace, whilst still capable of the alacrity contained by the sword. The maces are a great way to start of your learning, easy to handle and deal a crushing hit, but not so useful late-game.

Real player with 217.1 hrs in game

Criminally underappreciated! This game is packing more quality pound for pound than most others. It’s a real diamond in the rough, and it certainly is rough, but it offers so much that you can’t find in other games. I don’t think that there’s any other game that uses its thematic style, for one thing. It seems vaguely middle eastern but not really, vaguely steampunk but not really. It’s just endlessly interesting. The engine, too, is astounding considering how little it’s talked about. It’s so robust that it enables crazy things to occur. I once hit a guy so hard that, in the endlessly looping arena, he passed over my head multiple times before he hit the ground. It really is amazing. The game has so much replay value, too. You start out with only the ability to do your story missions as an almost nameless grunt, but you unlock the ability to buy weapons and go on hunts. Eventually you’re decked out in ornate armor and weaponry, with titles so long that they take half a minute to list. It never stops being satisfying. Definitely buy this game. 5 bucks is a steal.

Real player with 64.3 hrs in game

Hammerfight on Steam

Trials of Argolis

Trials of Argolis

I’ve done a lot of testing for this game and nearly every time was a joy (bridge boy frustrates me sometimes!! ;-;). Very fluid and smooth first-person combat with challenging bosses and fast paced action. The handpainted artwork lends a really neat aesthetic and overall it looks gorgeous. A great dynamic in play styles despite the rather simple controls and each boss has a particular gimmick to it. Lots of content and deffo worth a buy! ;_; eek

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Good concept but mechanics and actual gameplay is not polished and ass

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Trials of Argolis on Steam