Tess Elated

Tess Elated

Inspired by Minesweeper but unlike anything you’ve tried, Tess Elated is fresh and inspiring.

The vibrant and diverse cast of characters makes the story both interesting and rewarding with plenty of laughs.

With a colorful and fun art style and a joyful soundtrack, the game is sure to keep your interest.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Cartoony Games.

“Tess Elated” is nothing new. In fact, it’s a direct copy of “Cavesweeper”. Also it’s NOT a logic puzzle as they claim, because it requires guesswork. A logic puzzle never requires any guessing, only logic. The game has no instructions or a way to skip the long repetitious dialogues between levels. The Medium and Hard modes use three and four colors, so you will spend most of your time guessing, unlike Minesweeper which inspired it. Also, the Achievements are broken.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Tess Elated on Steam

Along the Edge

Along the Edge


A few hours ago a friend of mine logged to tell me about this visual novel. I checked the game title, I never heard of it. I checked the development company, I never heard of them. I looked at the trailer, and the art style intrigued me enough to try it out.

Along the Edge is a visual novel that tells the story of a Ph.D. student that due to certain circumstances is forced to give up on her research and move from the city to a town. It is a fairly interesting story of self-discovery, of family grudges - possible ways to solve them (Stabby! Stabby! Or other more boring venues of conflict resolution…) and between scientific reasoning and the occult.

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Indie Games.

So Along the Edge is interesting but the characters fall a bit flat and I don’t really find the romances compelling. The art style is nice and you are capable of taking many branching paths. One of the things that I find interesting is that you can take the skeptical route and never see confirmation of anything occult or magic. You get different' alignment choices but none are considered evil or good inherently, which is a nice detail. However the “60 endings” is misleading. In a way, yes, you do get that many but it plays it off like they are all very different. They are not. There’s only a handful of majorly different endings and then the DETAILS of each of those major endings can be varied. But they are not full stop completely different, most of those details are easily forgettable and not very impactful.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Along the Edge on Steam

Finding Teddy

Finding Teddy

Have you ever met a really pretty girl that you wanted to get to know better, but once you actually started talking to her you realised she was in fact bloody awful and all you wanted to do was get as far away from her as possible and never talk to her again? That’s almost exactly what playing this game is like. I had really high hopes for it as I loved the art style and the trailers made it look fun and interesting, but playing it turned into a massive disappointment.

You play as a little girl whose teddy has been kidnapped by a scary monster in the closest. You follow it through and find yourself transported to a strange world with odd creatures that will either help you or kill you depending on your interaction with them. Half of this interaction is done merely by giving them an item you’ve found at some point, while the other half comes in musical form as you sing notes to them. There are 26 notes in all, each corresponding to a letter of the alphabet which, when played in the right order, will spell out a word or phrase pertinent to the situation and allow you pass. The trouble is, getting to grips with the musical aspects of the game is such an infuriating chore that it grinds any fun to a complete halt and kills any enthusiasm you may have otherwise had.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Indie Games.

Finding Teddy is one of those games in which I walked in not expecting anything at all, and came out completely awed by what the developers were able to accomplish with this little adventure title. There’s a saying that simplicity is the key to brilliance, and that completely applies here. Everything from the story and gameplay to graphics and music is very minimal, but all come together to create something more magical than flashier games are able to achieve.

Our story is fairly basic, a little girl sleeps soundly in her room when a monstrous spider sneaks in through the wardrobe and steals her teddy bear. Venturing into the wardrobe to a dream-like world full of dangerous creatures and beautiful landscapes, she must find the spider and rescue teddy. That’s all we are given to lead us through the game, and despite the very simple premise, it works.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Finding Teddy on Steam

Across the Grooves

Across the Grooves

This game has a really interesting and suspenseful story, and very beautiful art. Very similar mechanics to Along the Edge, but the game was more polished. I have a few things negative things to say about the game play, but found the game to be highly enjoyable regardless, so overall the pros overshadow the cons.

Cons - I played through several times. You can hold down the space bar to fast forward, but I’m not sure if there was a skip option? Maybe there was and maybe not. Choices do matter some, but I wish it mattered more, like it did in Along the Edge. Mild spoiler,

! the general ending is somewhat similar no matter what you choose. The person you end up with is different, your job is different depending on your choices, and there’s two special scenes that can be unlocked, but otherwise the endings felt very similar . Some of the gameplay was good concept, but not the best execution (but not poor execution either, just meh). Your choices influence your wardrobe and hair style.

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

This visual novel is certainly an interesting ‘slice of life’, but it is quite different from Along the Edge. I have only done one completion so far, though I intend to revisit it soon, probably better to make another run shortly after a first. Because to be fair, unlike ‘Along the Edge’, where it is a little more clear which answers will be for which type of answering rationale, there is perhaps a little more guess work with this VN, though that is totally fine, if anything it more reinforces a more ‘answer how you feel’, though the downside is you might not fully remember which choice you made on a next run (I guess if you have a great memory you probably could), so you might end up choosing the same choice again. But, that’s sort of small thing.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Across the Grooves on Steam

Seers Isle

Seers Isle

To sum this wall of text up: this is not a “every choice matters” game, it’s a “none of your choices truly matter, here have some cheap drama instead.”

This had looked so promising and then it all fell apart because we’re drowning in fake choices and that mass effect-y “whatever color you choose, your ending still explodes in a steaming pile of manure” thing.

First off, there are 7 characters in total, but one of them does not matter at all, one is there to help justify one of the ending variations of your sad unfulfilling outcome, and one is the reason you can’t have nice things and always get your life ruined, and you can’t do anything to stop it. Out of the remaining four who can be your “soulmate”, 2 are friendship-only (Connor, Freya), so don’t get your hopes up. The game does not care whom you, the player, like or want to succeed (or romance – what meager amount of interaction is supposed to pass for romance here before boom, let’s have sex since we’re running out of screentime). It cares about the number of answers chosen in four rather non-transparent categories (I’ve played through all 4 paths and I still sometimes don’t get why a choice gives you points in something). Each two-stat combo correlates with one of the main 4 characters – and the path you get is determined by the 2 highest numbers, not your choices. Even if you want to connect with a chosen someone, unless you pander to their assigned answers set, you WILL be booted to another path no matter how many times you try to indicate you want this other companion during special events. You think you can determine who among the rest of the group accompanies you to the endgame point? Wrong again, it is always a one male, one female exact combo depending on your “chosen one”: Arlyn-Duncan or Freya-Connor. And then the lower numbers person literally vanishes into thin air before they can make any impact on anything, because screw your attempts to save the group or use extra companions to change the ending.

Real player with 27.9 hrs in game


1.) Variety of characters. Most of the characters in the game came from different backgrounds and have different motives on why they are here.

2.) Multiple endings. I like how an ending of the game was based on all the decisions you have made and how it showed you the payoffs and the consequences of those decisions.

3.) Choices. Compared to “Along the Edge”, “Seers Isle” had more choices to choose from and how the characters interact with one another.

4.) Artwork. The visual designs consisting the environment, the characters, and the choices placements felt fitting and not out of place.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Seers Isle on Steam

Braveland Wizard

Braveland Wizard

Braveland Wizard is a turn-based strategy game with three difficulty levels, in which you have to manage your units (moves, abilities…), your equipment, spells and skill tree. The game is linear but entertaining with a cartoon style design and a nice background music.

Wizard is the second game of the Braveland trilogy. The three storylines are not related, so you can play them in any order. However, I would recommend to start with the first Braveland , which is better than the second one in my opinion, so you can familiarize with the game system and the different types of units. Plus, you’ll be able to answer some questions in game at some point.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

I found the first Braveland as passable, so given how I love to punish myself, I actually gave part II a shot as well. Unfortunately I think it is even worst than the original. 3/10 (some repeats from my original review since it appears as though they kept the engine and just swapped in some new units)

Pros: nice graphics and pretty easy to pick out, this game reviews well so I won’t elaborate too much here.


  1. The PC price discrimination: Pricing in this game is especially egregious - It is $1 on google/apple store and $7 on Steam. Oh wait, right now it is “on sale” for $3. Wow. Price gouging to the max. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS AS A PC GAMER.

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Braveland Wizard on Steam

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

When I started playing Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller in 2016 the game’s unusually brutal and violent nature caught me unaware and scared me away (the fact that the pace of the game slowed down after the opening events was also one of the reasons why I stopped playing it). When giving it a second chance more than 2 years later, I was positively disappointed. After having finished it I must say this is the goriest adventure game I have ever seen - many characters ended up getting killed/mutilated by the time the credits started to roll. This unexpectedly serious tone of course has nothing (or at least little) to do with Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller being a great point and click adventure game, if we can overlook some of its shortcomings (and the base concept of the use of psychic abilities).

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game


When I first encountered Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller, it was in a bundle -It looked interesting but I put it on the back burner since I was busy with other games. Fast forward a few years, I asked my friends on Steam what game I should play as a break from my usual things, and this title came up. After looking into I realized this seemed like a great idea! I had not played a point-and-click adventure game in a while, the other reviews seemed positive and it was recommended by friends as well. Drawn in by the comic book art style and the opportunity to play a female protagonist I booted the game up and instantly became addicted. This title offers a solid story, good gameplay and hours of fun for any gamer.

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller on Steam

喵可莉的兔玩偶 - Nyakori’s Rabbit Doll

喵可莉的兔玩偶 - Nyakori’s Rabbit Doll

I love this game and I’m so happy I found it from the unsettling atmosphere to the endearing main character. She’s my favorite! 3

Story: (No spoilers) Nyakori’s Rabbit Doll starts off with our cute catgirl protagonist Nyarutoru or “Toru” as she is nicknamed awaking to find her younger sister Nyakori or “Kori,” missing along with her special rabbit doll. Before long Toru leaves her house in search of her sister in the woods only to stumble upon a seemingly abandoned Western-style chateau across the lake. It’s here Toru reunites with Kori only to discover that time doesn’t function properly within the mansion whose history is marred by violent jealousy, grief, and a bygone plague. As unexplained phenomena, suspense and death slowly creep along the various rooms and hallways Toru can’t help but notice that her sister’s behavior doesn’t quite match up with the person Toru knows her to be as the two search for the missing doll together. Along the way puzzles, curses, mirrors and a particular black cat slowly unravel an eerie connection between the sisters and this eerie manor. The story has four different unique endings, but only the true ending will uncover the full mystery behind the horror and past that awaits.

Real player with 100.8 hrs in game

My honestly review about Nyakori’s Rabbit Doll (and After Story DLC)

Positive, Negative, Neutral, Likes, Dislikes


  • Interesting story.

  • Character design and CG art.

  • Puzzle Gameplay and Mystery.


  • Few Game Issue such as can’t take screenshot or can’t open a Steam Overlay (I don’t know if this happen with someone else), and some weird grammar.

  • AI and NPC can move even you have interact with cutscene, dialog or choice.

! Which can ruin some ending.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

喵可莉的兔玩偶 - Nyakori's Rabbit Doll on Steam

Defender’s Quest: Valley of the Forgotten (DX edition)

Defender’s Quest: Valley of the Forgotten (DX edition)

This is my favourite game in years.

It’s a tower defense game where each of what would normally be a tower is actually a character that levels up, like in an RPG, complete with a customizable skill tree, equipment, etc. These levels are earned from level to level, so you’re constantly improving your party.

This superficially simple gameplay concept is backed up on all sides by a great story, deep strategy elements and amazing replayability.


Azra (or the name you choose) is the royal librarian that ends up in The Pit, a wretched place full of zombie-like creatures called Revenant. Using mysterious special powers (that excellently explain the tower defense gameplay) and the help of a band of ragtag adventures you’ll pick up it is your job to guide her out of the pit. There is more at stake, and the plot has plenty of developments to keep you interested, but what surprised me the most were the story’s pacing and its humour.

Real player with 78.7 hrs in game

An art in making a RPG grind fun.

Imagine the game where your typical RPG party become towers in the typical Tower Defense game and you have Defender’s Quest in a nutshell. The game consists mostly of mowing down a conga line of various enemies that constantly move towards your main character as an end goal. Place your Knights, Berserkers, Druids and Ice Mages like buildings beside the highway and enjoy the fireworks, swords and arrows flowing. Recruit more units and upgrade them while spending experience points or buy them better equipment.

Real player with 51.0 hrs in game

Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten (DX edition) on Steam

Reflection of Mine

Reflection of Mine

I was just skimming through my Steam library trying to find something new to play when I stumbled upon this interesting-looking game.

You play as a girl with multiple personality disorder who is trying to piece together her broken memories.

I expected this game to be an adventure game where you fight enemies and solve riddles, but this is a pure puzzle game. The screen is usually divided into two (or more) sections with one personality (character) in each section. Both personalities will (usually) move in the same direction. You press up, they both go up. You press right, they both go right.

Real player with 43.8 hrs in game

In short: DON’T BUY THIS GAME! It’s not worth 8.00 at all, if you want my summarized synopsis-keep reading.

The puzzles are interesting enough to keep you going, the music is nice…but the development and overall depiction of DID is both irresponsible and completely tone deaf.

Not only does the game put forth a common misconception regarding DID and how people who have it handle it, it’s also not properly rated. There are several triggering topics discussed in the game including but not limited to self-h@rm and telling someone outright to go k!ll themselves. There are also no warnings for photosensitive/epileptic players and we are completely blindsided by the jump scares, annoying screeching and irritating glitching effects.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

Reflection of Mine on Steam