Hunt Down The Freeman

Hunt Down The Freeman

Hunt Down the Freeman.

Is it as bad as people say it is? Unfortunately, yes. The majority of this game is not great at all, and that’s with me playing the whole thing after the updates and going in with the mindset that people were probably just hating on it and that I’d like it.

This game is split into four parts. Prologue, Acts I-III, and the Epilogue. Part by part, here’s how I felt. (No spoilers)

Prologue- Actually decent. It has issues like certain things being too loud or too quiet, but I never had a tough time or got lost, at least not for very long at all.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Family Friendly Games.

Dear potential buyer,

Good job for scrolling down to the reviews rather than trusting the developers.

First of all, the trailer doesn’t show actual gameplay footage, it was made in sfm and it’s supposed to show how would the game play out.

If they actually cared to finish it

On launch day, the game was unplayable, full of missing textures, no cutscenes at all and with a massive list of gamebreaking bugs (varying from losing your weapons in between the loading zones, randomly teleporting and sometimes invisible enemies to just straight up crasing for no reason).

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Hunt Down The Freeman on Steam



Teocida is an esoteric experience focused on puzzles, cloning mechanics, platforming challenges and experimental elements. Explore the enigmatic passageways of a twisted microcosm filled with symbolic faith landscapes and erotic nightmares.

  • Dirty and ugly experimental graphics made using different digital and handcrafted techniques.

  • Clairvoyance evaluation with Zener cards!

  • Seven principles to absorb.

  • Multi-layered easter eggs for the most dedicated candidates.

  • Customizable game speed for moments that call for quick reflexes.

  • Content filtering setting for streamers or speedrunners.

  • Not a metroidvania.

After her doctrine falls into oblivion, an infamous seer embarks on a journey to find suitable successors that can keep her philosophy alive.

Classic and straightforward gameplay with simple and intuitive controls. Uncomplicated mechanics with puzzles of increasing difficulty.

We are currently accepting new candidates, apply for the Metaphysical Aptitude Program now!

The program is designed to conduct experiments in extrasensory perception, subliminal effectivity, logic ability (problem solving), and response to audiovisual stimuli.

Content is not recommended for people who suffer from photosensitive epilepsy.

This game deals with some themes that can be considered taboo or uncomfortable for some players, the game is not suitable for children.

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Gothic Games.

TEOCIDA on Steam



Aerannis is a Metroidvania platformer set in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv. With the rest of the world having been more or less destroyed and depopulated, what remains in Plovdiv is a dystopian and authoritarian post-revolutionary society in which all men have been forced to transition to women through hormone replacement therapy, and are for this reason discriminated against by the populace and government at large, being negatively denoted as “Snowflakes” The game sees you take control of Ceyda Fahri, an assassin, and more or less focuses around Cedya’s plight as a hired gun in Plovdiv.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Stealth Games.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

So, funny story. I saw the KS for Aerannis and thinking hey, dystopian metroidvania w/a trans lady protagonist? :allears: ….but I couldn’t back it at the time, so I forgot about it til I stumbled onto a 50% off coupon. Pretty soon I heard vague iffy things and that V ETHICAL BACKER CONTENT got shoved into the game and i suddenly got suuuuper apprehensive about my purchase, but i figured hey, i should at least give it a chance, right?


This is a post-feminist dystopia where “listen and believe” (as in the Anita Sarkeesian quote - ‘one of the most radical things you can do is to actually believe women when they tell you about their experiences’) shows up in the same cycle of wackyyyy turbofeminist dystopian PSAs as “CAREFUL, MEN EXIST” and “zero tolerance, zero thought, it’s so easy” and something about trangst.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Aerannis on Steam

Fatal Twelve

Fatal Twelve

This game kicked my heart in the d***. Every. Single. Time.

With that said, let’s break it down.


There’s a good amount of visuals here, given the number of characters in the game. Some stunning, some sad, but all are good.

Voice Acting:

They have a good pool of talent, I thought until they started crying. I’m not entirely convinced that most of the VAs know how to cry, but that’s the only bad thing I have to say about them. Well, that and pain. They’re not good at that either. Apart from that, they’re believable, and play their roles extremely well.

Real player with 34.4 hrs in game

FATAL TWELVE is a Visual Novel lasting around 20 hours. You basically play as Shishimai Rinka, who gets its fate of being killed altered and lands in a battle between 12 people called “Divine Selection”, in which only 1 will ultimately survive.

tl;dr: A nice round up VN, where you can make a couple of choices leading to 7 different endings in total. The character depth is what this game is about.


The deadly survival game is explained right at the beginning. Though not all of its mechanics are very clear then, but you get to know them throughout the game. Each of the 12 participants of Divine Selection comes with 3 cards: Name - Cause of Death - Regret. Since only 3 at random are given to each participant and their causes of death undone, they have to learn these 3 cards from others to be able to eliminate them for good. You learn about this game lasting merely 12 weeks, so you always know exactly at which point you are through the entirety of the game. The mindset of our protagonist greatly depends of its relation to others, which will be the main point of making choices. You realise very early where the main story arcs will lead you, so the outcomes aren´t very surprising, though a narration style, beautiful artworks and character depths make up for it. The actual outcome might be known, but the details make this VN very thrilling nonetheless.

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Fatal Twelve on Steam

Disney High School Musical 3: Senior Year Dance

Disney High School Musical 3: Senior Year Dance

I am terrible at games like this but i decided to get this because High School Musical was a huge part of my childhood. I thought I would hate it but once I started I ended up liking it. The character’s look horrible but I think that’s what gives this game it’s charm. It’s the type of game that’s so bad it’s good.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game


A lot of songs from every movie, tests, levels of difficulty, and my handsome boy Troy 3

This take me to 10 years ago.

PS: this could be better with lyrics, because I’m playing just to sing :c anyway I’m loving it 3 3 3

PS2: while I was playing and singing my cat got crazy and bit my mom. 100% real.


Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Disney High School Musical 3: Senior Year Dance on Steam

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy

My 3rd cousin used to be atheist, in hopes to get him to see the other side I showed him the game, Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy, which is this game. At first he didn’t want to play, refusing the offer. I eventually coaxed him to go into a closet with a laptop with only a steam account, with no money and only a copy of Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy with no internet connection. The closet was wet, dark, with nothing else except the laptop, that was charged by being attached to the wall, the outside of the closet soundproofed, 6 cans of Spaghettios, 12 Caprison Packets of limeaid flavour, 1 packet of unbranded candy, a copy of the holy bibel, and a framed picture of obama that was held onto the wall by tunsten nails. after he went inside the closet, I quickly confiscated his phone and electronics and locked the closet door. After that I went to the local Gamestone and bought myself a copy of Shrek’s Carnival Craze Party Games and some Windex Cleaner Solution. I went back home and played some games. 3 Months later I went back to check on my cousin to see that my cousin had converted to Hinduism.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game


This is a fully functioning RPG with 3 games: you can play as Baby Jesus, Adult Jesus, or Jesus after the rising. I’ve only tried playing as Baby Jesus so far and have found the experience surprisingly fun - way more than I expected it to be! The game is very easy to understand and grasp - you’ll get the hang of how things work after some trial and error, even if RPGs aren’t your thing.

Playing the Baby Jesus game

  • You get to control Mary and Joseph first, and lead them through to the birth of Christ. After Jesus is born, the game then switches you over to the 3 wise men, which you control. You must lead them from their kingdom through the desert and other locations until you reach Christ in Bethlehem. After visiting Christ and giving him their gifts, you then switch back to playing Mary, Joseph and now Baby Jesus as well.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Jesus Christ RPG Trilogy on Steam

Uriel’s Chasm

Uriel’s Chasm

(The description for this game flat out lies. There’s no metaphysics here, and VERY little “rich context” that in NO WAY can be investigated.)

I greatly enjoyed this game, but I would not reccomend it to most people. You have to have a very specific taste in these kinds of psychedelic games in order to appreciate it. Oh, and it takes 15-30 minutes to complete the game.

Uriel’s Chasm is a very complex enigma. First off, I would like to say that there is no “Shovelware Queens” as the description would have you beleive. I wanted to see their playthrough, so I googled it and searched for around 4 hours, and literally nothing even mentioning them popped up. This game is not based off an unliscened bible game, this is a game entirely handmade, not a revamp of a game from the 90’s.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

I bought this game just to see how bad it was. I mean, ‘overwhelmingly negative’ is not a rating I see very often. Here are my thoughts.

Here’s what you’re getting into if you play it:

  • A dystopian space voyage through vaguely H.R. Giger-themed terrain.

  • A loop of 80’s synth that will quickly begin to rot your soul.

  • Neon-colored, hard to read text with very amateurish voice acting.

  • A story of a nun on a mission to uncover the reason behind a galactic monastery’s disappearance.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Uriel's Chasm on Steam

Candice DeBébé’s Incredibly Trick Lifestyle

Candice DeBébé’s Incredibly Trick Lifestyle

Ahh, Candice Debebe’s incredibly trick lifestyle. Has been a long time my darling! How have you bee- dies

Candice debebe’s incredibly trick lifestyle is a very peculiar horror game. It has a unique setting, interesting and terrifying Monsters, and some hilarious bugs and glitches to expl- wait, oh ♥♥♥♥, they fixed those.♥♥♥♥♥♥

What is Candice Debebe’s incredibly trick lifestyle?

Candice debebe’s incredibly trick lifestyle is an indie horror game. It follows the player waking up in a very cramped room on either the upper decks or the lower decks of an abandoned cargo ship. You must find the equipment required to repair one of the three escape routes and get off the ship. There’s just one problem. You’re not alone.

Real player with 613.9 hrs in game

Somehow manages to be genuinely entertaining and one of the few games I’ve ever 100%.

Things to note:

Everything is in character. Store page, community discussions posts by the dev, every line of dialogue/piece of music. I don’t understand why you would do this to yourself and it makes everything so much better to be bewildered by a dev who can obviously pull off something decent (and this game shows it, especially with some of the puzzles) but instead puts out candice debebe.

Main draw is the music. It has no reason to end up being decent 75% of the time. Both games end up having at least one or two tracks that are genuinely really good and I hate that I know lyrics by now.

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Candice DeBébé's Incredibly Trick Lifestyle on Steam

Fallen Times

Fallen Times

I have such a grudge against this game, I couldn’t stop thinking about it 2 years after I played through the entire thing. This is the worst game I have ever played on Steam.

I bought this game for the meme, thinking I’d somehow enjoy it. I WAS WRONG.

The store page claims that you can play this methodically or speedrun style. I tried speedrun style and got killed almost right away. The platforming was awful. Items and keys were placed in areas that were very inconvenient to grab. Opening gates were way more difficult than it should. Enemies chase you down so if you mess up with something else, they’ll kill you quickly, forcing you to pick them off from far away.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

TL;DR Yes, I enjoyed sticking my F***ing Ancient Magical Spear into those goats.

And now back to my review:

If you have ANY expectations about graphics, desing, plot and hell know what else, forget about it.

This game is all about not giving a crap, shooting some bad(or at least worse than you?) guys and having fun with it.

It’s a fast paced shooter. You run and shoot at Sonic speed. Guns are ridiculous yet fun to play with. Bosses are hard. Generaly skill based and enjoyful if you don’t think too hard about how ridiculous it is.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Fallen Times on Steam

Hello Kitty and Sanrio Friends Racing

Hello Kitty and Sanrio Friends Racing

What is there to say about this lovable, hello kitty themed racer. Other than it is an unfinished game?

There are several incomplete maps, with textures jutting out from side to side the water doesnt even touch the walls of the map so there are just gaps, your racer is constantly being drowned by water. They are selling this for $20 keep that in mind. Are you familiar with other games being sold for the same price? like Fallout 3 and New Vegas GOTY for the same price.

Now enough of the textures, we can forgive that, its a kid game, kids dont know quality from crummy. How about the AI, is the game challenging? Well to answer that no. Most of the maps the computers just get stuck to a wall and stop moving.

Real player with 120.3 hrs in game

I recommend this game to all kitten fans and achievement hunters! A great way to spend your time racing against friends while on some awesome kawaii characters! Note the game has NO story just casual racing. The game simply looks adorable and was a lot of fun to 100% =3

click more info to read more about review and check out some screenshots

Maps, Customization and more!

  • You can outfit the characters with different clothing styles!

  • There are different rides (boats/planes/cars) to pick from and you can

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Hello Kitty and Sanrio Friends Racing on Steam