Physical Exorcism: Case 01

Physical Exorcism: Case 01

Amazing game to bad there isn’t any more of these kinda games I loved the game so much

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Multiple Endings Games.

This game is quite short but intense. English translation is fine. Sounding Stone showed good potential from this project. It is worth playing. The final completeness of this game depends on the sequels. We look forward to them too. Recommended!

  • Nyanco Channel (Steam Curator) ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Physical Exorcism: Case 01 on Steam

Agatha Knife

Agatha Knife

“Agatha Knife” is a indie point & click game from the developers behind the similar game “MechaNika”. Compared to other games, “Agatha Knife” is a very unique game with a very interesting story and gameplay. I would describe it as an addictive game from just playing 10 minutes in, the music is very pleasant and suits the game very well. “Agatha Knife” also have fun puzzles that you need to solve, some a bit harder than another. You will defenetily find yourself stuck in the game with a “must” to continue til' you finish the game.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Indie Games.

Agatha Knife is absolutely wonderful. The art is beautiful and the music is really pleasing to listen too. I think the things that really stands out about this game is the puzzles, characters, and story.

The puzzles aren’t insanely simple or annoying long like in a lot of point and click adventures. I always knew what my goal was though out the game, but there was a few times I really had to stop and think how to work a puzzle out. There is a hint system in the game, but it’s not the normal ‘go here and do this’ hints. The hints are in the form of tarot cards that you need to work out the meaning to get the full hint. They’re not super difficult to work out, but it’s nice to not have the game completely hold your hand.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Agatha Knife on Steam

Hotel Tutwin

Hotel Tutwin

This game is truly one of the highest caliber visual-novels that I have read. It has a way of drawing you in with its attractive character designs and dragging you deeper into it’s intense character depth and lore. This game can only be compared to a game that I consider to be one of the greatest of all time, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. The deep gameplay and visual elements created an experience that was truly one of a kind. The subtle hints of romance between the character was not only seductive and alluring, but made me extremely horny. My journey through this masterpiece reminded me of why I started playing video games, to get lost in a world full of mystery of wonder, to have my boring life enriched by sexy anime vampire boys wanting to fuck me in my sleep, to have my titties titillated by the pure erotic fantasies that this game teases.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Female Protagonist Multiple Endings Games.















Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Hotel Tutwin on Steam



Nika Allen is a seven year old child genius in world that she despises. Being a genius she has the capability to do what we can’t do when we are disillusioned about the way we live: Destroy it if course! I thought children were supposed to be untouched by the cynicism and bitterness we feel about the world today from our teenage years…

This is a point and click game where you will help sweet little Nika gather the items she needs. In case you miss this if you double click on Nika she will run like her life depended on it. The art is not anything to write home about. Despite the simple, drawn childlike style this is a game designed with adults in mind. In fact the choice of art style is good choice for MechaNika because it lightens the dark undertones and humour in the game. Give this plot to another developer and we would be reviewing a horror game not a short point and click.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

MechaNika initially presents itself as a cute children’s adventure game but quickly turns dark, as pervasive adult themes slowly permeate the game to an absurd extent. This is a point and click style game with simple puzzles and basic conversation trees. The art style and soundtrack play a stark contrast to the premise of the story; the protagonist, Nika, is a 7 year old girl with dreams of taking over the world due to her internalised conflict - that she tries to hide with a smile - for being neglected by all of the important people in her life.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

MechaNika on Steam

Anna’s Quest

Anna’s Quest

A faithful, old fashioned fairytale, with all its merits and its flaws. An enjoyable game, though some aspects are not on Daedelics usual level.

Anna’s Quest

When her grandfather gets ill, Anna has to find a cure out in the world. She has lived isolated on their farm all of her life, and her grampa always warned her of all the dangers out there. So when she ventures out, she immediately gets captured by an evil witch!

The story is told in six chapters, of which the first is an introduction. Every chapter has a new scene, with many new dangers and characters. We witness Anna to grow in her ability to cope with the world in her own way, and discover her magic power of telekinesis, which she inherited from her grandfather!

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

It’s not review-writing time…it’s escaping time!

I adored this game so much…the characters are engaging, the story is enjoyable with light-hearted humour shining through what would normally be seen as very dark and grim plot themes, the art style is very charming and whimsical, and the puzzles are for the most part very intuitive–with a couple of challenging ones included, requiring some out-of-the-box thinking at times.


  • Wonderful art style and character designs.

  • Well-written story, with Grimm-brothers-fairy-tale inspired themes and tropes, but with a modern spin on elements.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

Anna's Quest on Steam



I received this game as a part of some bundle I bought way back.

I want to like this game. I wish the development team the best. But unfortunately I cannot recommend it, not even for $8 USD.

There are good, or at least decent, things here. There is some humor, including physical humor, that works. The actual voice lines are mostly fine, and what faults there are there in this audio itself are much more likely on the VA director and/or scriptwriters. Barring one jarring segment of lines I noticed in the 2nd episode where something obviously went wrong in recording or compression or something, but the team decided to use it anyway, which… fits with some of my suspicions about how out-of-time/energy/money they were feeling at the time.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

AR-K may be a study in how to have an okay story, okay graphics and good voice-acting and still come out with a bad game - soo manyy problems.

This title consists of the first two episodes of the game, “Gone with the Sphere” and “The Girl Who Wasn’t There”, and the second feels way better than the first. Still, we see a lot of beginner’s mistakes in the handiwork. Basically every aspect of the game is flawed in some way or another.

Note: Review was rewritten to fit Steam’s transparent character limit.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

AR-K on Steam

Gods of the Twilight

Gods of the Twilight

Gods of the Twilight is a multi-season episodic visual novel that places you in a dystopian near-future where old magic is reemerging in a world on the brink of Norse mythology’s apocalypse. Play as two protagonists—one male, one female. Explore government conspiracies and attempt to navigate your social and romantic lives while a decaying future world faces Ragnarök, and ancient truths about you and your companions start to resurface.

  • Your choices determine the protagonists' relationships with their companions, and with each other.

  • A range of possible endings, for your characters and for the world.

  • Choose which romance(s) each protagonist will pursue, or choose none at all!

  • An episodic story released over time, where choices carry over between volumes.

  • At least 3 volumes, with over 95,000 words (10-15 hours of gameplay) currently planned for the first volume alone.

Both player characters have romance options of multiple genders, including each other! But the romance arcs are completely optional, and you can enjoy the game’s core story and all endings even if you opt to romance no one.

Althea Mishra - A scholarly but sheltered daughter of two high-achieving parents, she’s an intellectual who nonetheless loves dirty jokes.

Farkas Heklason - Under the hardened exterior of a guy who survived rough streets growing up, he’s a scarred introvert whose emotions run very deep.

Sara Grímsdóttir - Sensitivity and strength combined, this mostly soft-spoken girl is just as full of bravery as she is compassion for anyone she encounters.

Hector Koskinen - A shameless dork, he’s involuntarily wealthy thanks to his CEO father, but nonetheless straightforward and honest to a fault.

Lieutenant Cebisa Komani - A duty-driven Icelandic special forces police officer, she’s now an operative for the highly classified international operation dealing with recent supernatural occurrences.

Mikael Pulkkinen - Hector’s valet, who has become more like an older brother to him through the years they’ve spent together. Easily sees through bullshit and has zero tolerance for it.

And more as the story unfolds!

Gods of the Twilight on Steam

Portal 2

Portal 2

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Real player with 5633.8 hrs in game

This review is long past due, I don’t know how I didn’t write a review for this game over so many years. But by far! The best game Valve has made. Portal 2 is the definition of a perfect puzzle game. It really makes you think in a different aspect with portals, it’s so extraordinary. The story is absolutely outstanding and heartwarming, with comedic and lighthearted moments to cinematic scenes all while trying to escape Aperture Science. The visuals are nothing too captivating but very memorable. The audio is fantastic, Portal 2 has some of the best soundtracks I’ve heard out of any game it’s perfect for trying to think while going through test chambers. Everything about the main game is perfect I could play it a hundred times, come back to it years later and play it again, and it would be still just as great as the first time I experienced it.

Real player with 207.8 hrs in game

Portal 2 on Steam

The St Christopher’s School Lockdown

The St Christopher’s School Lockdown

It’s awesome! I love it! The ending I got went out with a BANG! It scared the shit outta me lol.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game


A classic-style point-and-click adventure with a unique and eye-catching graphic novel art style. The characters are well written, dialogue is believable and well acted, and the environment feels very well lived-in, with a great use of flavour text to maximize humour and character by describing the world through the character’s eyes and personality. The only flaw I can think to mention is a few interface issues that can get annoying but should definitely not stop you from playing this little gem.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

The St Christopher's School Lockdown on Steam

Edna & Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes

Edna & Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes

I didn’t much enjoy Edna & Harvey: The Breakout but I did enjoy Edna & Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes at least for the most part.

The graphics of this game fall somewhere between E&H: The Breakout and Deponia. I didn’t care for either of those styles to be honest but Deponia’s style grew on me. E&H’s style… well it never did. This game is only slightly better in that it’s a slight modification to the style of The Breakout and that it’s a much higher resolution. In terms of animating, backgrounds, and transitions… everything is great. Animations were smooth and simple, backgrounds were interesting and surprisingly detailed, and transitions were smooth. There were however a few instances of characters or parts of characters disappearing despite still being active hotspots. Such as Capu (the boy who stands in the hall near the gargoyles) being completely invisible most of the time till he gave me the love letter to deliver. There was also the bartender’s head disappearing after drinking the volcano drink. Other than having to pixel hunt the hotspot a little bit to interact this didn’t effect gameplay.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

A great continuation to the first game.

Despite the line above giving you a bit of a hint, I thought it worth mentioning that despite Steam saying that “Edna & Harvey: The Breakout” was released after “Edna & Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes”, this is infact wrong and resulted in me playing the two in the wrong order. This game is the sequel. They follow each other very loosely in terms of story but I think playing them in order would be more enjoyable.

First of all, compared to the previous game, there was a big improvement between the two. You can really tell that Daedalic Entertainment had the means to step their game up. There was a bit of a time gap between the two and it shows.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes on Steam