Heavy Metal Machines

Heavy Metal Machines

Don’t know how did it happen but I played 650+ hours in this game.

With that been said I decided to write my first ever review. For starters, I have to say that I haven’t played much for the last half of the year, but several rounds I played yesterday reminded me why I don’t really want to continue.

I played on European server, so all I say is related to that. Because I belive situation on South American server is very different.

The first good, then bad impressions. The gameplay is very good, machines are well balanced and have distinct features. Even after mastering your skill with a certain machine, you have dozen of other machines which will give you totally different game experiences. It’s interesting to play solo (those games when you play with bots in your team :) ) and in the team. Team play is very important and brings the most fun. So there is so much to learn to become a good player and it seems that you could have spend a very long time with this game, but it doesn’t happen and below I continue why…

Real player with 665.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Indie Games.

the devs make heavy metal machines

people actuallly like the game

youtube video of someone actually enjoying the game

the player base starts growing

community driven championships

the devs make a change on gameplay or removes some content

a few players get salty


the devs make a different version of heavy metal machines

Real player with 565.3 hrs in game

Heavy Metal Machines on Steam



An Extremely Solid AG Racer

Very worth the wait


While the title leaves me scratching my head, nearly everything else about Formula Fusion’s re-incarnation as Pacer has left me very impressed. With an aesthetic somewhere between the PS1 and PS3 era Wipeout games and dripping with detail, the environments here are a sight to behold. The physics model is more traditional to the genre than, say, Redout - leaning more towards the later Wipout games with just a touch of later F-Zero as well. Put another way, the racing model is approachable, intuitive, and smooth - a far cry from the formerly awkward, stilted iterations past. The craft are fun to pilot and have lots of room for customizing to suit your personal style.

Real player with 63.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Futuristic Games.


  • Fantastic visuals

  • Physics which scratch that Wipeout itch

  • Good performance; great performance after the first patch

  • Good multiplayer when you can find it

  • Confusing UI

  • OK music

  • If you can’t progress in the campaign, use the garage!

  • There are multiple weapons & items. Again, use the garage.

  • If you suddenly notice your shield/health steadily dropping for “no reason”, it’s probably not a bug; you’re probably in an endurance event

  • If your position jumps suddenly at the end of a lap, having been static the whole way round, that is probably also not a bug; you’re in a “speed lap” event

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

Pacer on Steam

Extreme-G 2

Extreme-G 2

This is a game that requires patience in learning its quirks, the sometimes wonky bike physics and controls, but rewards you immensely if you persevere. And this is coming from someone who plays using a keyboard and is fundamentally bad at racing games.

There are a few bugs here and there (nothing game-breaking: just don’t decline a save when you’re offered one, or the game might stop offering), and I should elaborate on the wonkiness. The bikes are very fond of turning sideways or even backwards upon collision with a badly shaped wall or other bikes. Sometimes you might grind along a wall no problem, and sometimes you might snag on something and get turned around. The controls for left and right like reversing themselves at this point, as well as the gas pedal just kinda breaking, but you learn to deal with this very quickly (hint: it’s good to let go of all buttons briefly and then try moving again).

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Futuristic Games.

For the 2.50€ I paid for it is probably worth it. Mind that the controller support is still the worst of any steam games that I own and took some digging through the forums to find an acceptable solution. Not a decent one, but an acceptable one.

Well, I suppose that on the plus side the game actually works with decent frame rates and the WHOLE soundtrack catalogue from XG1 - 3 and both N64 and PC versions of the soundtrack is present. The soundtrack alone may justify the price tag.

But the controller support is bad, euphemistically speaking. There is no controller support in the menus, so no relaxed gaming on your TV. To get my XBone controller working, I had to set all executables to “run as admin”, then select the controller in the pre-game menu (which I have to start around 3 times on win 10 to actually start the game), then navigate to bike selection, press space bar and config my controller buttons. Shoulder Triggers are not being recognized. It’s a hassle that reeks of a lazy port. Like, every N64 emulator does this better and the only reason this version may continue to exist is stable framerates.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Extreme-G 2 on Steam

Battle Riders

Battle Riders

German poet Hanns Johst once said: “When I hear the word culture, I reach for my gun”. That’s exactly how I feel when I see that UNITY engine startup picture. The one that offers you to choose resolution and picture quality. I see it – I’m starting to expect the worst. Surprisingly, this time it isn’t the worst. Not even close. Even though this game was made by a single guy – Valentin Ciampuru, with soundtrack by Kevin MacLeod, it turned out to be a very solid product. I mean, come on. We’ve all seen a lot of cheap indie racing games on UNITY. Most of those are complete crap, very close to scam. You buy those – you feel robbed. But this game? It’s a real deal.

Real player with 71.9 hrs in game

What is Battle Riders

Battle Riders is a re-mastered version of the Battle Riders mobile game and is a car racing game developed and published by indie developer ‘OneManTeam’. Who and what ‘OneManTeam’ is, I couldn’t tell you, but if I were to channel my inner Sherlock Holmes I would guess ‘OneManTeam’ is a single person.

Battle Riders features seven race modes, seven different cars with multiple upgrades, five different guns in three tiers each, and six unique tracks all of which also has a reverse version. Currently there is no multiplayer mode in any form, so all races are you against zero to seven AI drivers. If this game was indeed developed and published by a single person, I must say I am very impressed with the product being delivered.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Battle Riders on Steam

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage

PLEASE READ: The store claims this game has split screen, but it doesn’t, meaning it also doesn’t support remote play together. However, the devs haven’t fixed the issue yet. This is a warning to not buy this game if you just want it for split screen! Secondly, the ram requirements are wrong. They should be in GB rather than MB. Keep that in mind!

My review down below:

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage is in a weird place with the release of Gas Guzzlers Extreme . Who would want a older version of the Extreme, especially when I’ve seen Extreme discounted to as low as the price this game is listed for. Yet, I picked it up because I was curious, and to my surprise, the game is actually different in many ways.

Real player with 45.3 hrs in game

Although this a great game AND IT IS BLOODY FUN!

                             it is="" not="" split="" screen!=""                                            



Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage on Steam

Speed Limit

Speed Limit

Speed Limit is a fun arcade action game, where the perspective of the gameplay and the gameplay style itself changes every 2 levels. It’s framed as what is essentially a non-stop action movie setpiece, where if you die, then the footage is rewound, and you are placed at the last checkpoint. The controls for each gameplay style are very responsive, and the different gameplay styles are all fun to play. I think the Pseudo-3D motorcycle sections are my favorite, because of the sense of speed, and the music during those parts is great. All the pixel art in the game is well done, and very detailed. The death animations and Pseudo-3D effects are of especial note. The sound effects are good, and the music is fast paced and fits the fast gameplay very well. The game is $12CDN, and I think that’s a fair price for what you get. You get the game of course, the artbook which has some really interesting insights and tidbits into the game’s development, as well as the soundtrack. There are quite a few achievements, and some of them are really challenging. It took me roughly 7 hours to 100% the game and get all the achievements. You can tell this game was made with care, and the developers really appreciated the games of the era that the game pays homage to.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #106 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“Crash. Test… DUMMY!”


Here’s The Thing:

You are Bruce Willis but err, due to budget constraints…!! Hmm. Ahhh, you’re a washed-up action star who- no, that ain’t it either… You’re an untrained passenger on your way to going about your hipster life.

Suddenly, some SWAT team and or Secret Servicemen (because come on…) bust in on you and you’re a patsy of some sort!! So, like any reasonable law-abiding citizen, you come into a fully stocked pistol, and thus begins your unwilling joyride of awesome stunts and equally epic on-screen (and off) deaths~

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Speed Limit on Steam

Light Trail Rush

Light Trail Rush


Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

A rushed title that needs a lot more development time


Light Trail Rush is a racing game where players fly in anti-gravitational spaceships, trying to get the lead. The leader of the race is called “tracer”, because it traces the path where are all other contestant race on. This is the main twist of Light Trail Rush: point-based matches where points are usually gained by being the tracer or launching other players off the track. This interesting idea also makes for different circuits every match, an interesting feature that, if implemented correctly, could give an incredible boost to the game replayability.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Light Trail Rush on Steam

Football Bus Battle 2021

Football Bus Battle 2021

The concept for the game is hilarious. It’s what you would expect from a Unity game, though it is fun once you get in and try taking out your opponents' buses. One major issue I have is that when the turn is over, you get a summary screen with no way to get out of it other than hit ESC, which quits the game. That needs to be fixed or made clear how you get back to the main menu from the summary. Also, “Top Speed” is never populated.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Football Bus Battle 2021 on Steam



Franz Fury and his best-friend-cat Hans, lived a peaceful life full of gasoline, looting and parties.

After a hard night of booze and gambling, Hans was cat-napped and Franz car Betty was completely stripped down.


Join this bloody meltdown party and

  • Upgrade your car and make it the fastest and toughest piece of killer-steel in the wasteland

  • Apply your own style, make the car truly unique!

  • Meet friends and enemies on your revenge trip

  • Use your car as a weapon. Equip it with guns, flamethrowers or just no-mirror-reverse-boost-360-facesmear-roadkill your enemies

  • Upgrade all the items you unlock to make them even more powerful

  • Enjoy the old-school top-down graphics!

Roadkill your path to Hans


Brutal Car Combat

Meet lovely Weirdos

Turn up your speakers to get blasted by the brutal metal soundtrack and paint the road with blood and guts of your enemies!


Badland Envoys

Badland Envoys

In a broken world of desolated wastelands, chaos, rage and destruction dictate the rules of survival. Far stretches of the ruined land are ruled by self-acclaimed warlords and bandits that roam the roads with their diesel-fueled war machines, delivering the cruelty to anyone that dares to enter their domain. In all of this madness, pockets of a new civilization start to shimmer. That’s where you come in. As a member of the Badland Envoy’s, and elite guild of skilled drivers, you’ll be tasked with leading the expeditions between towns and newly created settlements, establishing safe routs, protecting the cargo, and eliminating any encountered threat. You’ll be a messenger, a porter, a warrior, and most of all, a new hope for those that try to rebuild humanity.

Do you have what it takes?

If you’re get stopped out there, you’ll die. Think fast, drive faster, react instantly. Remember, it’s not always about the speed of your car – sometimes it’s about the speed of your trigger.

Spending some of that hard-earned buck on your rides is always a good idea. Installing new armor plating, homing missiles launcher or a high tech nitro system can make a difference between life and death out there on the road. Be good to your chariots and they’ll repay you with the same. Trust me.

So you’ve got a few extra wheels and hired some new crew members? Good. You can trust them to have your back, but when things get really tough, don’t hesitate to give them commands from a more tactical point of view. It can save your life, and more importantly – your cargo.

If it wasn’t about the job, we’ll be no different than the bandits. The orders placed through the Guild give us goals, meaning and hope for a better feature. Remember that all orders have different sets of requirements. Delivering medicine through hills requires more vehicles, different gear and more specialized crew than a recon mission deep into marshlands. Plan ahead and you’ll be fine.

See you on the road.


  • Experience fast-paced, action-oriented vehicular combat.

  • Use Tactical mode for more top-down approach.

  • Unlock deadly vehicles to ride, upgrade and shine with style.

  • Gather unique vehicle customizations, including armor plating, weapons, and tuning parts.

  • Encounter savage enemies, each witch different strengths, weaknesses and combat tactics.

  • Challenge world bosses, including armored train and mechanized desert fortress.

  • Complete dozens of orders spread through the far reaches of Badlands.

  • Recruit additional crew members, each with a different set of unique skills and traits.

  • Traverse various environments – from town ruins, through desert wastelands, all to the bogged wetlands.

  • Experience a day and night cycle that affects gameplay – It’s harder to aim at night, but remember - it works both ways.

  • Witness various environmental conditions and dangers, like corrosive acid rain or deadly desert storm.

Badland Envoys on Steam