The Empire has fallen, what remains has become vile and corrupted, sacrificing to gods that should remain forgotten, they have awakened them and claimed unholy powers, however in their arrogance they have awakened something more, they have awakened you.

  • Shoot them with a variety of powerful weapons to reduce them to chunks

  • Cut and Bash them with your enchanted weapons to regain health and replenish their alt-fire ammo

  • Discover the secrets of this decaying world and become unstoppable

  • Move like the wrath of heaven and send them to hell

Read More: Best Fast-Paced FPS Games.

ACHERON on Steam



Nice twin stick shooter, with different map types. good although short sound track. tries to have rogue lite elements like ship upgrades, and while they are cool, i was able to unlock all of them right away (with the exception of 1 tier3 unlock). it almost feels as if those unlocks should just be like PowerUp drops during the game. but overall so far i have had a #Funtime

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Space Games.

Great game; this game gets more and more dynamic as you progress through the levels. It can get quite intense but the relaxing sound-track adds a nice balance. It seems to be well optimized for PC because it runs smooth and takes little storage. My favorite level so far is 10; maneuvering around the asteroids is good fun and makes a great scenery. I look forward to exploring the rest of the levels and arcade mode.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

#Funtime on Steam



Christ! I’m not sure how to respond to this game. I’m iin my 30’s and i grew up on fps games. DUSK is possibly the best game I have ever played. I feel that the creator grew up playing, doom, quake, half-life and the like. The game is so perfectly created by someone who wished that he could create a shooter that took small parts from all of those games and put them together in a way that i would never expect. It is retro in a way that isnt jokey, but it incorporates all the best elements from every 90’s shooter. In conclusion, its not half-life, but it’s better than every other shooter that came before that. Honestly, one of the best shooters of all time.

Real player with 72.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced FPS Games.

Fantastic shooter and had me gripped from start to finish. If you like the retro style then this game is for you. Loads of secrets similar to doom etc. Gameplay is smooth and fluid. Runs like a dream at 120fps+.Such a simple game to play, it’s a no nonsense shooter. Updated on a regular basis and great value for money. Loving it.

Highly recommended. A++

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

DUSK on Steam

Guns N' Runs

Guns N' Runs

Orgulhoso demais!!!!

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Guns N' Runs é um jogo bem longo para estilo. Normalmente outros do mesmo gênero tem entre uma ou duas horas de jogo, esse aqui te presenteia com dês logo de cara, isso para jogadores de primeira viagem, claro. Sem contar a quantidade de personagens que o jogo possui, elevando facilmente esse número.

Os controles são precisos e responsivos, a quantidade de estágios é bem alta se você considerar todas salas cada level possui, a variedade de armas e personagens é um ponto a se considerar e a musica sem duvidas é um dos pontos fortes do jogo.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Guns N' Runs on Steam

Speed Limit

Speed Limit

Speed Limit is a fun arcade action game, where the perspective of the gameplay and the gameplay style itself changes every 2 levels. It’s framed as what is essentially a non-stop action movie setpiece, where if you die, then the footage is rewound, and you are placed at the last checkpoint. The controls for each gameplay style are very responsive, and the different gameplay styles are all fun to play. I think the Pseudo-3D motorcycle sections are my favorite, because of the sense of speed, and the music during those parts is great. All the pixel art in the game is well done, and very detailed. The death animations and Pseudo-3D effects are of especial note. The sound effects are good, and the music is fast paced and fits the fast gameplay very well. The game is $12CDN, and I think that’s a fair price for what you get. You get the game of course, the artbook which has some really interesting insights and tidbits into the game’s development, as well as the soundtrack. There are quite a few achievements, and some of them are really challenging. It took me roughly 7 hours to 100% the game and get all the achievements. You can tell this game was made with care, and the developers really appreciated the games of the era that the game pays homage to.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #106 [/url] -- [i]New review every Weekend[/i]

“Crash. Test… DUMMY!”

Here’s The Thing:

You are Bruce Willis but err, due to budget constraints…!! Hmm. Ahhh, you’re a washed-up action star who- no, that ain’t it either… You’re an untrained passenger on your way to going about your hipster life.

Suddenly, some SWAT team and or Secret Servicemen (because come on…) bust in on you and you’re a patsy of some sort!! So, like any reasonable law-abiding citizen, you come into a fully stocked pistol, and thus begins your unwilling joyride of awesome stunts and equally epic on-screen (and off) deaths~

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Speed Limit on Steam



[0.5] Controls & Training & Help

[0.2] Menu & Settings

[0.3] Sound & Music

[0.3] Graphics

[0.2] Game Design

[0.2] Game Story

[0.2] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0.2] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Stars received: 2.1/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: sin some-way a survival game

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

This game is so perfect, it made me buy the bundle with all games by this developer. It’s small and consists just of one extremely well executed idea. The sound track consists of a perfectly fitting droning sludge metal riff, which changes pitch in each room. The gameplay feels claustrophobic and is fast paced. You just have to keep trying and trying until you reach the next completion achievement. Games like this are the reason why I keep buying these cheap games, always hoping to just get the perfect hour of gameplay out of them.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

TTV2 on Steam



The absolute worst Walter Machado game by far

Game’s on a tight timer, meaning if you underperform even in the first level, the whole run is doomed

There’s no exit button, so if you realize the run is doomed, killing yourself is the only way to restart

Things don’t even reliably kill you and I still haven’t figured out exactly what the logic is, so restarting is a pain

Things don’t reliably kill you, so you can actually ruin a good run by doing things you might have survived before

The levels are completely random, including the presence of a bonus that essentially cuts the time a level takes in half

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

I fucking hated it.

Not because of the hard-to-handle drifting mechanics, which would otherwise be fun to get better at. It’s everything surrounding the core gameplay that makes the experience miserable.

For one, dying to the tentacles felt extremely random - you can never quite tell what interaction might kill you. Sometimes I could be crashing through three tentacles back and forth and still be okay; others, I would die from a single touch in passing with a random, usually non-lethal part of a single tentacle, thus ending promising runs.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game


Dread Templar

Dread Templar

(Don’t Fear) The Templar

It took playing the recent Quake remaster, but now I get it.

It’s good. Nay, ace. No doubt about it. If it wasn’t up against the stiff competition that is the years upon years of high quality ‘boomer’ shooters, this would be a completely unqualified early access recommendation.

Ultrakill, Ion Fury, Post Void, Project Warlock 1 + II, Amid Evil, DUSK, HROT, Maximum Action, GTTOD, Prodeus, Cultic, etc - be they full games, early access, or just demos, the retro, ‘boomer’ shooter genre really is booming. I also cannot wait for the likes of Into the Pit, Fortune’s Run, and Forgive Me Father. In fact, there are so many that even when I say that I’d place this firmly mid-list it’s not even that damning.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

TLDR; If you like retro shooter gameplay, and would like to have fun, buy it now!

I will just start listing what comes to mind, that makes me love this game, then write some experiences from my first 8 hours of playing on the hardest difficulty so far. Smooth movement with air controll using the mouse, running feels similar to classic doom (taking a short time to reach full speed), satisfying meaty gun sounds and very good feedback with lots of gore, build variety that actually changes gameplay, bullet time, stylish awesome visuals, amazing soundtrack, atmosphere, very good enemy and level design, exploration with rewarding secrets to find, weapon swapping combos combined with positioning during combat.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

Dread Templar on Steam



*updated after completion

This game does a lot right but does suffer from some minor bugs and glitches. Please keep in mind that at the time of my review, the game has been out for about 2 days and the game is in early access. I’m sure most of the bugs and glitches I mention here will be fixed down the road.

The pros in no order -

  • The music is really damn good.

  • The level design (or at least the levels I have played so far) are really well done, varied, and well thought out. So many nook and crannies to dig through and really pushes you to try your best to find the secrets. Pro tip - the secrets are worth looking for, except one.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Just beat this game, and I gotta say, this was one unique and fun experience. The game is a little clunky here and there but theres really not all that much jank. The developers are still patching and updating it.

The gunplay and movement is where this game shines and excels. You got your basic arsenal of weapons for a FPS but the developers really went above and beyond making each weapon have its own Kur twist. I think the voiceacting was great. The story, I kinda get. The ending came suddenly, and that was kinda surprising in a bad way.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

KUR on Steam



I played this game for quite a while hours how could I not like it? Here comes the weird part I did for a bit. However, I am not recommending this game because quite frankly there seems to be a gross lack of effort by the dev of this game leading to the point of it being borderline unethical… also the bugs and oversights. So long story short just get a different game, it will play better and you won’t have to deal with this mess.


So starting with parts the people just looking to play a game would be concerned about the bugs

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Slab is a rather mediocre 50 level Arkanoid clone offering nothing new whatsoever. The objective is to use a paddle and ricochet a ball around the screen until you demolish all the destructible bricks on that said level and then move onto the next and do the same.

There are a handful of power ups that will help you in that task by granting either multi ball, the ability to shoot bricks, speed decrease, paddle enlarger, ball enlarger, score increase and extra life. The extra lives seem to be capped at 5 and to get another you will need to lose a life first. On the flip side there are negative power-ups that you will also need to avoid obtaining. Mainly paddle shrink, score decrease and instant death.

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Slab on Steam