Fury Unleashed

Fury Unleashed

I don’t do a lot of reviews, but I felt compelled to a proper one because this game is really, really fun.


First of all, I’m on the wrong side of 45 and still gaming strong, but it presents a quandry: I love “old school” games, but - I am too old and can’t game as well as I used too. The secondary problem I run into is “loving the idea” of old school games but after the novelty of pixilated graphics wears off, I can’t see them as anything but ugly. Fury Unleashed effectively beat the hell out of those problems. It has an AMAZING amount of customization of difficulty allowing for old people like myself to really enjoy it as well as the crazy kids hat love games being 25 viagra hard. The graphics are really sharp and not extravagant, in short it’s pretty and runs butter smooth. It really seems like they thought of everything up to and including a pet peeve of mine where games that use the Steam Workshop make you download the workshop stuff outside of the game, but this integrates it into the character select screen so you literally see the cosmetics you can dl from the workshop and simply select it in-game.

Real player with 159.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Difficult Games.

TL;DR 10/10 Xom howls with laughter!

What would the product be if you mixed together the creativity of Comix Zone, the unrelenting action of Metal Slug, and the audacity of action flicks from the 80’s? Probably this. Fury Unleashed is the first game I want to review, and rightly so.

To begin with, the Hero starts off with one SMG, one choppy blade, grenades, and boots of stomping. Throughout the course of the story, you get all the silly loot you could want and more. Freezing shrapnel grenades? Got ‘em. Rocket launcher with poison warheads? Sure! Unholy blade? No problem. Triple jump boots? Go wild! In addition to this arsenal of fun, the enemies you face are varied and challenging in distinctive ways. In fact, the same deadly shenanigans you pull on them can just as easily apply to you. This is most noticeable in the second comic book, where enemy soldiers can (and will) use the same weapons you do.

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Fury Unleashed on Steam



[FR] Par ou commencer ? Ce jeu… Une petite pépite. Je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre quand j’ai commencé à y jouer, et j’ai adoré découvrir ce platformer assez atypique, avec un gameplay que je n’avais jamais expérimenté avant. Un jeu qui teste les réflexes (on m’avait pourtant prévenu !), mais qui a une capacité à transmettre des émotions assez incroyables. Des personnages intrigants et attachants (coucou Chester), une BO à tomber par terre qui crée une ambiance incroyable, une DA magnifique… Juste trop bien. Et puis le mieux, c’est que ce jeu nous pousse à nous dépasser toujours plus, toujours plus loin, et c’est très difficile de s’arrêter. Et même quand on pense que c’est fini… Ça ne l’est pas ! C’est un jeu qui est fait pour être fait plusieurs fois, afin de faire des choix différents, pour découvrir de nouveaux personnages, des morceaux de l’histoire, et surtout, les 28 fins différentes ! Petit plus pour les stats avec le compteur de morts, qui s’élève à 1 019 pour ma première run… Mais 6 758 sauts ! Impressionnant pour 8 ou 9h de jeu, non ?

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Indie Games.

Don’t be late in this race against time runner-plateformer game ! You can make your own choices and write your own story. The game got pretty intense and deep rather quickly and without noticing it you will be drown in the storyline. I would say the storytelling is clearly inspired by the cryptic Dark souls games so I would suggest you to be prepared to explore this world if you want to piece the whole story together and finally have the full picture. I can assure you it totally worths it !

Concerning the gameplay, I can only say one thing : Prepare yourself to split your brain into two parts, you will need it ! Sometimes you will feel like you want to rage and give up because you cannot get through a level, but the amazing soundtracks just won’t let you. When you will finally succeed, HELL YEAH it is so satisfying !

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Intemporel on Steam

Things That Bounce and Explode

Things That Bounce and Explode

I know now that I can’t handle that many B.A.L.L.s 😔✊

I love the progression and the skill depth!

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Action RPG Games.

This game is awesome!! Once you start to play, it’s hard to stop playing it! Lots of power ups, upgrades, random stages, everything that guarantees a high replayabilty. As a fan of both brick breaker and shmup genres, I absolutely LOVE this game and 100% recommend it!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Things That Bounce and Explode on Steam

Serious Scramblers

Serious Scramblers

After almost 20 hours of playing this game, I find it in 3 words to describe it.

Marvellous, Exciting, Enjoyable.

Oh, you read that right. Those 3 words summed it up.


Okay, thing is, this game is really enjoyable. But how it is enjoyable? First the retro vibe and simple graphics are already mesmerizing. I mean, in this age now, how many of us can still enjoy some good old-school style game. This one does, so it’s great!



Music wise, absolutely catchy and melodic. Sure, it’s a bit repetitive but old-school games are like that. Plus, it’s not some dull and boring musics but rather, it fits the gameplay very well. Personally, I like it. And importantly, it brings me back to my younger days when I was playing those NES games. So yeah, it’s cool, good and memorable.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

first impressions (updated with new info):

  • great pixel art and music.

  • gets you on the edge of your seat in the way a good arcade-type game would.

  • fast-paced, no waiting around to restart your next fall.

  • a very important element (that you can go from one edge of the play area to the other a la Pacman) isn’t taught to you except as a loading screen type tip (which I didn’t see until after I’d learned it by myself), so I figured you couldn’t go to the sides at first. this made some jumps that would otherwise have been easy hat frustratingly appear impossible to avoid. I kinda wish that info were relegated to an info tab or something in the menu, rather than as an obscure tip.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Serious Scramblers on Steam



I bet I’ve played about forty of these 2D snake games on Steam over the years.. and THIS snake game is easily one of the better snake games on Steam! ..Well worth the money to any fan of classic retro snake games!



To be the ideal snake game, the developer should make some pretty simple changes:

  • The above game options should provide a sound slider. Needing to adjust your volume manually on your PC is just “icky” even in a two dollar snake game like this.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

An eminently playable version of the classic. Runs really well and has some cool features. needs frame limiting and a volume control.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

Snake on Steam

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

To the prospective player:

As a lifelong fan of ArmorGames, one can imagine my delight when I was meandering down the aisles of the Indie Megabooth at PAX West 2018 and saw a familiar face. No, I don’t mean Tasselfoot, whose helpful video walkthroughs helped me through all of my favorite flash games from 2010.

It couldn’t be! The memories flashed by in mere seconds, reminding me of pain-staking hours spent guiding a blue humanoid through a deadly array of obstacle courses, being tantalized by a sadistic robot reminiscent of some of science fiction’s best antagonists, such as HAL 9000 and GLaDOS.

Real player with 156.4 hrs in game

Let me get straight to the point, is this game fun?

I have 2 answers for that

Yes - if you like hard games that are easy to get into but though to master

No - if the line above doesn’t match

Personally I think this game is pretty fun and it’s worth the time to beat it

My first run was on hard but there is no a shame of going on easy mode

There is a mechanic in this game that I like where if you die 10 times in a level you can give up and go to the next one and then return when you feel ready

(My friend had to give me back 15 dollars for a game that I bought for him and I’m happy that I made him buy me this game)

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Never Give Up on Steam

Scud Frenzy

Scud Frenzy

I really enjoyed my time with Scud Frenzy. I am someone who is happy to repeat a level and get better and discover efficient ways to compelte the levels - it is rewarding when you finally suceed. Also - it helps you learn the important things in the game.

The whole atmosphere and art work is really on point, you get the right vibe from it and the sound track is great. The levels felt interesting and not repetitive, which is an achievement considering how much content is packed into this £5 game!

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Scud Frenzy is a solid over the top, twin-stick shooter, score attack, action game with good systems and fun gameplay mechanics. Super fast pace shooting and massive destruction with time limited exploration makes this a unique experience within the genre.

Each level only lasts about 1 minute which makes replaying them a few times to figure out the best path to victory a unique and interesting gameplay loop. Finding powerful weapons or +10 second time pickups are incredibly rewarding as they allow you to keep racking up the multiplyer and hit that high score.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Scud Frenzy on Steam

Physical Glitch

Physical Glitch


Real player with 197.4 hrs in game

Loved it! Simple premise - difficult to master! Great music that fits the game, quick gameplay loop, one of the more entertaining action puzzle games I’ve played in a while!

When I bought the game I set the goal of getting to 50… Commentary and gameplay: https://youtu.be/JQlrV2MoGKA

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Physical Glitch on Steam

Super Multitasking

Super Multitasking

I played the original on XBLA and this version at conventions. It’s such a simple idea, I wish I had thought of it.

Think Wario Ware meets Alt+Tab, but where the minigames all feel like good ol Atari 2600 games. Very simple one button (or one control) games, but then you have to play two of them at once. Then three. Then four. Then you’re asked a math problem for absolutely no good reason.

Not content with just the arcade game, there are also challenges that have set criteria, as well as a robust practice mode that can help hone your skills for when you go on Twitch and want to show off how awesome you are at multitasking, only to then fail in the first 30 seconds and get all exasperated on camera, and then chat will make fun of you. Point out to chat that they’re not actually watching you, they’re really reading up on something else in another tab.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Super Multitasking takes the “micro” game concept and puts a brilliant twist on it, offering up multiple games all at the same time. What looks very easy becomes very hard as your brain is challenged to do multiple things all at once. Pressing the button in rhythm for tennis balls while you dodge spikes with the controller when– SUDDENLY MATH. It’s harder than it looks, but a whole lot of fun. The short average game length allows you to play in small bursts if that’s more your thing, and the game is rich with features such as built-in challenges, very deep customization, and the ability to play on keyboard or controller (the experience is different- try both). I definitley reccomend, and congratulate yyrGames on the release.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Super Multitasking on Steam

Fragile Box

Fragile Box


Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Arena score attack dodging game

Controlling a ball, your job is to break orange boxes that appear around the level, while avoiding hitting the big red boxes or being hit by the evil red balls and cubes that target you on their own accord.

Using mouse, click sends the ball towards the cursor at high speed. Movement is vaguely physics-based: friction will slow down and eventually bring objects to stop, and enemies hitting the boxes will send them flying or tip them over.

All objects, including enemies and target boxes, will despawn after a while and then respawn again. As the enemies will sometimes anticipate your path a bit, it’s harder than it looks like but after getting the ropes you can do it almost indefinitely.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Fragile Box on Steam