Soul Saber 2

Soul Saber 2

There are three good things about this game: boob physics, costume damage and optimization. Those minimum requirements are spot on, it’s hard to find a PC that won’t run it.

But the camera view is so disorienting during melee combat! Combat goes from slowish from afar to “what the hell is going on” when you’re close to the enemy. Maps feel really bland and generic. The gameplay itself only feels fun when you’re playing with larger teams. The menu interface keeps spinning around, which is very bad on the brain.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Nudity Games.

There is no manual camera control, but jumps around automatically from one enemy to the other as they die or as you move in and out of their range. The firing is interesting with the requirement to let go of the trigger to improve accuracy, but enemies respawn so quickly and combat occurs from such a far distance that I don’t really get a sense of satisfaction. The melee combat is fun to use while being able to be defended against, and I also like how the clothing damage appears on different places in different games, as opposed to just exposing the privates only every time. But even with these positives (along with the character selection), the negatives I mentioned make it so that I don’t really enjoy playing this game. I really gave it a chance.r

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Soul Saber 2 on Steam



This game is an absolute delight. It is a cheap game though and I would only recommend it at a price point of around 10 bucks. I paid 13.50 CAD and feel it was money well spent.

You need a particular mindset going in, however. Things you should know about the game.

It’s comprehensible, but it’s not super well translated.

Movement and control are very tricky, and take a while to get used to.

There is almost no animation in the game. Characters will rotate, but there’s very little moving of limbs and stuff.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Nudity Games.


+Learning to correctly orientate your character and effectively using the different poses is fun for a bit.

-There is not much in terms of a story.

-Be prepared for this playing the exact same song over and over till you are sick of it.

-Certain levels will be frustrating in difficulty.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Otokomizu~漢水~ on Steam