Things That Bounce and Explode

Things That Bounce and Explode

I know now that I can’t handle that many B.A.L.L.s 😔✊

I love the progression and the skill depth!

– Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Replay Value Games.

This game is awesome!! Once you start to play, it’s hard to stop playing it! Lots of power ups, upgrades, random stages, everything that guarantees a high replayabilty. As a fan of both brick breaker and shmup genres, I absolutely LOVE this game and 100% recommend it!

– Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Things That Bounce and Explode on Steam

Warlocks vs Shadows

Warlocks vs Shadows

Quick update: game is dead, developers MIA.

Warlocks: a fast-paced action RPG platformer with online co-op, competition, and all-around fun gameplay, unique visuals (characters and levels) and atmosphere.

6.5/10 in current state (Q1, 2015), but would recommend as the developers have shown dedication to development, and there is much more content in the works. I backed during the Kickstarter phase and haven’t regretted my decision! I anticipate that 6.5 to reach an 8/10 or higher given what I have seen so far, and based on the fact that review is for the current early-access game.

– Real player with 25.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Indie Games.

Playing through Warlocks while it was in development was a lot like being a parent. It seems like it was only yesterday that I had high hopes for this fantasy take on Risk of Rain called Warlocks (who goes by Warlocks vs Shadows now because he is an edgy teenager), but hoped for better item variety, more content and better enemy balancing. But now, just a few months later Warlocks vs. Shadows is all grown up and ready to disappoint me!

The characters in WvS all look very different, but whatever difference they had in playstyle gets lost quickly in the middle of mindless battles. There might be some stats and abilities that are different but none of the characters' abilities really stuck out to me. The pyromancer’s channeling dance spell was neat, but other than that I just remember the characters shooting different colors and dashing around. In the opening tutorial the game explains the mechanics of each character and their four abilities, except for one character who can change forms and has 6 abilities, but none of the little tips seemed to matter because enemies just swarm you and your only concern is dealing damage. There are hardly any scenarios where I needed to use the angel’s double jump, or watch the robot’s overheating meter because there was no need. Overall combat lacked variety and a learning curve: everytime I started the game as a new character the tutorial walked me through every character’s abilites assuring me that I would need to pay attention to all of this, but really I didn’t because the enemies are weak, cooldowns are a joke, and there are no items that change up how you play.

– Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Warlocks vs Shadows on Steam

STLD Redux: Episode 02

STLD Redux: Episode 02

Survivor: The Living Dead is an incomplete game with too high a price (at least for what it offers today …)

NO Options , no support for the gamepad, no resolution or even full HD (16:9)

In terms of gameplay I found it a bit slow .. In short, today I have to give him a vote NEGATIVE, but I’m curious to see the full game so he can re-evaluate the review.

(Below is the Italian full review)

Survivor: The Living Dead è un gioco di sopravvivenza, dove bisogna utilizzare la propria astuzia e inteliggenti, riuscendo a sopravvivere il piÚ possibile, facendo una carneficina di zombie!.

– Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fast-Paced Zombies Games.

A very well rounded action game that gets better as you learn your way around.

Your first playthrough will be confusing. You will die quickly. But you will pick up the game again and again and after numerous tries master the house and feel the joy of surviving the 7 minute mode…only to find out you have to beat 12 minutes now.

This is an “old school” game in the sense that it is unforgiving, difficult, but very fun to master. You will die because of one slip up, you will die because of unlucky timing, you will die because you lost focus. But you will also feel great after executing an awesome combo, you will feel great after setting fire to dozen zombies at once, you will feel great when you get an S-rank on all levels.

– Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

STLD Redux: Episode 02 on Steam

Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming

Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming

“Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming” is the sequel to Marvelous’s Half Minute Hero, which I strongly suggest playing first. The first game is shorter, lighter, and a good indicator of how you’ll feel about the sequel. If you liked the first game, you’ll also like the sequel. If you didn’t like the first one because it didn’t feel enough like a JRPG, you should try this one. If you simply didn’t like the first game, you won’t like this one either.

I’m going to write this review as though you’re familiar with the first game.

– Real player with 62.2 hrs in game

This is a game series about saving the world in 30 seconds… sort of. Actually anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes in practice but it still has the “Wario Ware roleplaying game” feel about it.

What’s kind of interesting and ambitious is that the nature of the parody is naturally running a little dry, so the game doesn’t sell itself strictly on its core gimmick anymore. That was a very smart move on the developer’s part, in my opinion. It doesn’t strictly feel like a series of action levels emulating an RPG this time around. This game is actually a true RPG as well. You explore, grind on enemies, search for collectables, all that good stuff. Just that the original game’s arcadey gameplay is the meat of the story segments and are replayable in much the same way (with the ability to turn off the advantage the RPG-side of the game offers). The story is a bit more substantial and the characters have a more coherent and central role, with the ability to set your own party and no restrictions on equipment. It’s not quite as overtly silly as the original game, it takes itself a bit more seriously – but not by a whole lot. A defining silly moment for me is when one of the protagonists goes inside a virtual boy game and inside the game you have to use a controller to clear a path. Trippy.

– Real player with 49.9 hrs in game

Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming on Steam



This game offers a unique, almost puzzle-like aspect of combat that is simple yet effective. There is a very steep learning curve, but once you have crested that hill, the game becomes incredibly addictive and rewarding. While the combat itself is very simple, the bosses present new and unique challenges such that no two fights will play out the same; each one requires you to adapt. While the replay value may be limited, there are plenty of secrets and extras to be found. Overall, this game is incredibly difficult yet incredibly rewarding, so if those games are up your alley like myself, you will greatly enjoy this game.

– Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Good game, replay value is a bit meh

The game offers some interesting gameplay: standard rpg team but in a fast paced boss fight format. I have played this game for 4 hours, and i enjoyed all of it. However the game doesn’t have much more to offer me i believe. As of writing this i have beaten 14 bosses, with 2 unlocked after the big bad guy. I don’t know where the presumably last boss is as i can’t reread the story. So now i have to replay the game again.

Is it a fun game? Yes. Is it worth the 10 Euro’s i spend on? maybe.

– Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

HTD on Steam

Pagan: Absent Gods

Pagan: Absent Gods

My hours on the game are only for Steam, my actual hours are somewhere in the hundreds if not close to 1000. Been playing since the first alpha phase. So let me talk about the game from there. The first 3 points of this review is formatted like “most people say X, but actually Y” so I hope you’ll read it all.

1. People complain about the WASD. Many of these complaints suggest that there is no use of the mouse. This is heavily misleading. WASD + Mouse allows for directional movement while aiming skills and dodges simultaneously. Adding click to move would mean that directional skills would have to be aimed only with the direction a character is facing, or with WASD, and you wouldn’t want that would you? Embrace the WASD + Mouse Aim! Try something new!

– Real player with 212.6 hrs in game

I don’t usually write reviews but I think I needed to take time off and post a review for this game. WALL OF TEXT incoming.


After playing this game for approximately 100hrs I believe that Steam needs to have a policy in place to refund gamers when a Game company does not make good on their promises. This game has glaring issues and bugs and should have NEVER made it out of early access/beta. The fact this game was launched is an insult to gamers who have invested their money on this.

Cooperative Game Play

– Real player with 153.9 hrs in game

Pagan: Absent Gods on Steam

Sherwood Extreme

Sherwood Extreme

Sherwood Extreme is a gem in a sea of countless games. I have had the pleasure of being in the closed beta as a QA tester. Sherwood Extreme has a simple yet complex variety of game-play mechanics. The average player will always have fun and the dedicated will always be coming back for more. This game has great potential as it grows in Early Access. In the future, I believe the speed running community will enjoy this game. The developers at CageStudios are people who are passionate about their game. They listen to community feedback and want to make a great game. The developers have built an awesome community on their discord.

– Real player with 182.6 hrs in game

even though i have 10 hours in this game i can’t recommend this to people which hurts because i loved the time i spent with it. you play as Walmart robin hood in parkour levels killing enemies with various bows you can get through in game currency. you also have a shield but you’ll probably never use that. let me get the pros outta the way first. 1. the game play loop is fun for awhile till you realize the lack of variety and patterns. 2. there’s a decent amount of cosmetics you can get in game for free. 3. you can make chickens explode. now for the cons. 1. the lack of pretty much anything. 2. while i said the game play loop is fun it’s also incredibly repetitive, dull, and slow even though i think the intentions are for it to be fast. 3. the bugs many times my bow wouldn’t shoot this seemed to only happen in certain area but still was annoying. another bug i noticed was the game crashed a fair bit and if i clicked something to fast that would somehow crash the game as well. 4. the rpg system… man at first i loved it but after awhile it felt like a forced attempt to get people to play longer. what i mean by this is the rpg system really don’t help since in order to “level up” and get skill points you need to grind levels A lot and your reward is so small that it won’t matter till way later. on this same topic leveling up weapons was a slow and honestly boring grind since you can just grind the first level over and over(if you go there with a mission for it it’s even faster). 5. the missions. while they seem cool and fun at first they’re actually pretty dumb. they claim to add tons of variety to each level/mission they don’t. they only change a few minor things. for example traps that are easy to avoid, “different” enemies, etc. i can name more but the point is this game if just a slow, boring grind for nothing of value. oh they also have co-op but since almost nobody even plays it’s pointless. i know i said i don’t recommend this game but if you want something that’s fun-ish and relaxing for a bit give it a try.

– Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Sherwood Extreme on Steam

Super Bit Adventure: Paragons of Life

Super Bit Adventure: Paragons of Life

This game is amazing! I just bought it today and spent hours to play it. I think I addictived it. The game is not easy at all but you can practice a lot such as clicky mouse faster, your ability to dodge, just me you guys with love this game. Enjoy!

– Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

1 hour review:

its a pretty cool game until you die,why isnt there any check points between floors?wait,what do you mean this is a rogue-like game?i am pretty sure i am been running though the same dungeon over and over again to the point i can memorize the crystal spawns

imo i dont feel any rogue-like from this game:

meet floor 1 boss 3 times,all 3 times is the same slime boss

no procedure stage generation

i can remember enemy spawns in floor 1

the only thing thats even RNG in this game is well the powers you get and potion drops

– Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Super Bit Adventure: Paragons of Life on Steam



Had a good time, reminded me of Custom Robo quite a bit which I loved as a kid. I didn’t play with anybody, because it’s not online multi, which kinda sucks. But the single player had a lot to do. The guilds are a bit awkward to get through, but playing with a full build on day 6 was pretty sweet, lots of things to think about, pretty complex. Looking forward to future patches!

– Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Fast, fun, satisfying fighting game that incorporates a nice blend of different character progression elements. It’s quick to learn but difficult to master and there’s plenty to experiment with. I’m partial to Ignissa but Vito is a close runner up. Looking forward to future updates!

– Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

WizardPunk on Steam

Space Station Sprint

Space Station Sprint

Aside from the sliding that need to be adjusted in my opinion for more control for cancelling animation and turning while sliding (unless I am missing something) the game is lots of fun. The timer is always on your back so you need to make the best out of it using your utility, drops and shooting skills.

Let’s Play gameplay:

It also promote good replay value for obtaining collectibles and most importantly, permanent upgrades. This motivated me to go in again and again to make sure I get those as they are required if you want to survive higher difficulty levels as you progress.

– Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

I really like the aesthetic of this game!

But the gameplay mechanics, not so much.

The whole premise of the game is that you have to complete every level in a very tight time limit.

On the other hand, the game demands that you check carefully every every nook and cranny to find the hidden objectives and upgrades. And then to fumble with the use key to grab them. The enemies have too many healthpoints in a game where every seconds count. Running past them may seem the better option, except when you find them later all clustered in a door frame on your way back. Grenade and shockwave abilities feel like nothing, both in term of how little damage is dealt and how hardly visible they are. Then there’s the saber dwarf taking away half your hp on touch, without even having to play any hitting animation, making it quite undodgeable. Turrets everywhere, and even moving laser obstacle courses.

– Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Space Station Sprint on Steam