Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

I really love this game. It’s very cute without being cutesy most of the time and has an engaging story line.

The game is very reminiscent of Stardew Valley but with enough differences to be worth owning both.

I absolutely LOVE the farming mechanism, which allows for crops to MUTATE depending on chance, terrain type, and time of year as well as mutation boosting agents. It’s a very, very clever addition to a farming simulator and one I’ve never seen before. I also really love how the seasonal planting works, because unlike many other games, if you plant crops in the wrong season, they DO NOT die immediately. Actually, with enough care, fertilizer, and luck, you can grow any crop in any season. And as annoying as I find it sometimes, crops randomly DO wither and die on you, especially if you aren’t taking good care of them, which is aggravating when it happens but also a really nice touch. (My family grows food and our plants do not all suddenly wither at once with the change of season).

Real player with 120.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Farming Sim Life Sim Games.

I liked this game, but the reason I said I would not recommend it is largely because of a few small frustrating aspects of it, that I think add up to it just not being worth quite as much as $20. I’d value it at $8 maybe. The things I mean by frustrations:

  • I had to look up how to use Soleil, and guess what, if you’re playing the PC version of the game, you can’t! You have to play multiplayer with a console and 2 controllers for that. Stupid.

  • The controls are not that well explained inside the game. It took me forever to figure out how to actually use upgraded tools. All they tell you is “hold the Action button”, but that’s not what you actually have to do. What you actually have to do, that the game doesn’t tell you, is hold the action button and drag it across the squares you want to use it on. It was a pain in the ass to learn that bc like I said, the in-game exposition wasn’t adequate.

Real player with 95.1 hrs in game

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition on Steam

Gleaner Heights

Gleaner Heights

Don’t mistake this for Stardew Valley

Well, it needed to be said. Gleaner Heights is a farming-rpg that does share a few common elements with Stardew Valley and other games inspired by Harvest Moon. But it has an unique style, charm and in short is a game you really want to experience. It isn’t without its flaws, but the developer keeps an ear to the community and has expressed a desire to keep working on the game. Even as is, it is a damn good game, well worth the asking price. That’s the short of things.

Real player with 76.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Farming Sim Indie Games.

This review will not be short, but I’ll preface it with the colloquial ‘short of it’. This game is mostly a positive experience, with a couple solid, avoidable gripes- and one which I’d say needs to be fixed on principle.

Gleaner Heights is a farming sim that, at least in my experience, lies just outside the expected norms of it’s genre- this is not a bad thing. In an extremely short forty hours it has forced me to confront particular habits and reliances that have embedded themself into my psyche, and to bash them against the rocks until they’ve cracked wide open, allowing me access to the tender meat within. It’s been an admittedly love-hate relationship, as a consequence of how it’s made me rethink what it is I value in the games I play, and reminded me why I started to love this genre in the first place.

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Gleaner Heights on Steam



monster taming homesteading RPG

first off; the monster taming: monsters in this game are called ‘magnus’ which isnt a name that rolls off the tongue; theyre seemingly called magnus after the developers

every magnus you come across (except bosses) can be tamed; to tame them you need to feed them something they like (land crops, aqua crops, meat, fish, ore, lumber… and theres a couple of odd ones; like nerlicts are cannibals); whilst every magnus has a favourite food you dont need that to tame them (shroomies favourite food is rubrum logs; but you can feed it any logs to tame it)… once theyve been fed enough you can interract with them and a minigame occurs (theres some scaling to this to try and prevent you from getting high level magnus too early)

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Farming Sim Indie Games.


I have played this game for a little under a week. While the game is still in early access, the devs have posted news about getting the game to a release soon thus, this review is mainly for their use and hopefully will allow them to fix some issues that I have found.

1. Gardening: The seed-plant pricing ratio becomes ridiculous immediately after the first spring in the game. The cost for the seed is almost equal to or significantly greater than the cost of the fully grown fruit yield. The gardening mechanic is effectively broken, as seeds often only give 1 fruit per grown seed, and then you have to buy more seeds. Half of the seeds are priced significantly more than the cost of the grown fruit, these are seeds that give fruit regularly(~3 days) per grown plant seed, but the cost is often greater than 10:1 and the entire season’s growth will just cover the cost of the seed in the first place. There seems to be no other method of acquiring seed other than the shop, as grown plants do not yield seeds for garden expansion or selling.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Re:Legend on Steam

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons was a fun experience. At a glance, it appears to be another piece of rpgmaker shovelware, but it further investigation will show that this game has time and effort put into it.

For years, I thought that a dungeon-crawling farm simulator would be amazing! The closest I have found to such a game is the Rune Factory series, which is really fantastic, but not quite what I have searched for. When I found this game, I decided to give it a shot.


  • The Dungeon is well balanced and fun to explore.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Short and sweet Indie made with RPG Maker MV -

There’s farming, cooking, pets, and item crafting (through merchants) and repeatable bosses which is a nice spin on the traditional JRPG fare.

Bonus points for allowing The Dog to not only join the party, but lead it (if you put them first in the roster). You will gain multiple party members and can swap them at the beginning of a round without sacrificing an action; combined with auto battle (basic attacks only) this meant a minimal grind while also making the back benchers relevant to buff or debuff.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Farm Dungeons on Steam

Forest Farm

Forest Farm

This is entirely playable without a VR headset and has full mouse and keyboard support.

Forest Farm is the perfect answer if you want a game that has zero stress and tons of truly hands-on things to do. Your primary goal at this point in development is basically to plan out and create the perfect farm, all the while working around an oft-growing rabbit infestation. Essentially, it goes something like this: chop down tree mill lumber while growing new trees from recovered seeds craft fences/raised garden beds from lumber safely grow lots of produce profit off crop sales to villagers reinvest coin into further expansion. You also have your faithful cart horse Pedro to aid you in quickly shifting large amounts of produce from field to market, complete with first-person reins which actually work. As well, there are side activities of fishing and mining to turn a profit via fish and gem/potion sales.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read the board for quests - Plant crops, go fishing, mine some diamonds and other rocks, grow crops, pat a horse, explore, harvest crops, throw bunnies, sell crops and relax in VR!


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Forest Farm on Steam

I Am Future

I Am Future

Many years has passed since the civilization collapsed. A city, once modern and alive, is now flooded and overgrown. Only the roofpoints stand above the water like small islands, and the billboards are overgrown with grass and trees. The nature took its toll: wild animals and birds are the new citizens. But when the night falls, the unseen fantastic creatures come, and bring the threat.

One lovely day you find yourself on the roof of one the skyscrapers. It looks like there’s not a living soul around. But who said that the post apocalypse has got to be a dire place where you only fight for survival? Why don’t you start a new life, arranging yourself a home with the most fantastic view you can imagine?


Turn the abandoned roof into your a big and cozy home

Starting from the scratch on an empty roof, explore the surroundings, find the necessary resources, tools and gadgets. Step by step, build yourself a complicated multi-purpose base for work and for recreation - a custom place that would suit personally you and and your needs!

Create the necessary gadgets out of ancient home appliance

Old microwaves, rusty cars and antique computers - all will be handy! Carefully disassemble the devices to get the necessary details and put them to use for creating futuristic gadgets according to the blueprints you’ll get you hands on. By the way, have we mentioned that you will get to have a cyborg hand? Upgrade it too!

Build the automated helpers and turn your buildings into sentient beings

Make some friends so you won’t get too lonely! Upload the AI to your buildings, talk to them, listen to their thoughts, concerns and advices, and develop the relationships! Or build yourself some pet drones - besides everything, they will be useful to automate the routine tasks.

Go fishing, pick up farming and cooking

The benefits of the collapse of human civilization? There’s now enough time to pick up new hobbies! The roof is very well suited for building a garden, and the surrounding sea is full of tasty fish for the tastiest Mediterranean dishes to cook!

Protect your base

It seems that the nature has changed significantly after all, and there are new dangers not known to humans before. Build your defense structures and be catious!

Explore the sunken city and its mysteries

What exactly happened with the civilization and how did you end up on the roof? The answers lay somewhere in the city ruins - would you try to get to the bottom of it?

I Am Future on Steam

Lifeflame Compendium

Lifeflame Compendium

Lifeflame Compendium is a WarBreedFarm RPG. These 3 main aspects of the game co-exist in an equilibrium that revolves around Lifeflame.

Lifeflame is a resource that enables entities to live, and is therefore the main driver for all creatures that want to stay alive. Players and NPCs alike gain Lifeflame by eating and drinking, herbivores start by foraging while carnivores must rely on hunting.

Both plants and animals age and then breed, passing on their traits to their descendants and giving way for the next generation.

With time, farming becomes the most efficient way to produce food, and together with crafting, civilization begins to develop to more advanced stages.

Prosperity, however, always precedes times of war, especially when resources grow plenty on one side and scarce on the other, giving rise to great clashes of swords and magic.

You will come to life onto this interconnected world, learn how to harness its resources and thrive in moments of peace, war, passion, mystery, adventure and romance!

Lifeflame Compendium on Steam

Mech Farmer

Mech Farmer

Mech Farmer is a story driven farming RPG set on a terraformed world where you must provide the colonists with food, help them achieve their life goals and protect them from hostile alien monsters - amongst other things…

Howdy! Soon your ship will land in Moonshine Gulch and you’ll assume the exciting role of MECH FARMER. The colony was established to extract precious minerals from below the planet’s surface - some people say the heavy machinery used is aggravating the local fauna and causing attacks but that’s not gonna get in the way of profits! Besides, you’ll have a mini-gun on your left arm, a flamethrower on your right and rocket launchers sitting on top of that 20 ton mech of yours, so quit ya belly achin'! Just keep the colonists fed and alive, OK? And don’t be putting crazy notions in their heads, like the company is only interested in money and doesn’t care about them - we don’t want a rebellion on our hands, do we?!



Full day/night seasonal cycle with over a dozen crops with different requirements. Deliver basic crops to each settlement or use them to create hearty meals that will be greatly appreciated.


Pilot a customisable mech. Quickly switch between the tools needed for farming (Plow, Seeder, Harvester etc.) and equip your weapon systems if necessary. Change mech components for greater speed, armour or power - and throw a splash of paint on whilst you’re at it.


The colony of Moonshine Gulch consists of five settlements, each home to a variety of colonists that will require your help in various ways. Perhaps a recent widower will ask you to take her son fishing? The saloon owner may need you to help in the production of her patented NovaCorn moonshine? The scientist may require you to capture a large, ferocious alien bug? The more you help the people, the more they will trust you and bestow certain benefits upon you - perhaps you may even find love…


Your actions will have consequences. Some may be fairly minor, perhaps somebody may be a little upset. Others will have major ramifications. Families may be torn apart, people may leave the colony - some may even die. Your choices matter.


You have a job to do, sure - but that doesn’t mean you won’t have time for fun! Equip your laser harpoon for some fast paced fishing, take pictures of the more docile local fauna as you fill out your collection and if you’re lucky enough to be given a FarmBoy - collect and play arcade classics at anytime!

Mech Farmer on Steam

Peachleaf Pirates

Peachleaf Pirates

Playing status: 51/52 achievement, finished the game (I don’t know how to get the last achievement)

Grindy Achievement(s): Yes (~10 achievements which can take ~20.6h to finish).

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (~41 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


The farming sim genre has been on the rise recently. They usually have similar mechanics as Harvest Moon, although other games try to mix it with other genres. Seeing that Peachleaf Pirates is a combination of point and click and farming sim elements, I become curious about how the result will be, especially since both don’t seem to be similar in the control scheme.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game


Thanks to the developer for letting me know about the information, i now finished the game.

I really enjoyed the farming side of the game, the combat was also fun, but i found the click and point side of the game a bit repeditive, just like the last part of the game i had to criss cross the map i think 4 times just to finish in 1 day.

Overall 6/10

after 20 hours i give up on this “point and click RPG” parts of the game, its not clear at all what to do , i see multiple side quests but they aren’t logged on the journal , i spend 40 minutes to complete a quest to save a parrot only to find out it didn’t continue the story at all and only gave me a discount at a shop i no longer need to use. Another i found a “winning ticket” to a casino which wouldn’t let you into the casino and i assume its for voodoo but the voodoo woman has dissappeared. Once this game has a properly designed walkthrough to help you when you get stuck this game is a big thumbs down. I really was enjoying all of the other elements of the game but the “point and click problem solving” needs a lot more “problem solving” from the developer. A hint system or something and ad all the minor things to quests and let us know what actually moves the story forward and what is a side quest like the parrot mission.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Peachleaf Pirates on Steam

最后一搏 The last fight

最后一搏 The last fight

Cannot recommend game crashes, menu has bugs, won’t stay on English language setting and the controls are complete garbage. Real shame liked the art style.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

最后一搏 The last fight on Steam