Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin

Came here as a gamer… left as a professional rice farmer degree

The realistic, in depth elements of rice farming combined with honing fighting skills plus surprising character revelations and development make Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin a magnificent game. Beside its beautiful story‚ Sakuna’s personal growth is a pleasure to watch. Her reason for living is tested to the limit. The balanced emphasis on farming and fighting provides a great variety of tasks to undertake, providing dozens of hours of fun.

Real player with 114.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Farming Sim Action Games.

I’ll leave a TLDR at the bottom.

I was hesitant yet curious coming into Sakuna. A game that’s half side-scroller beat’m up, and half in-depth rice farming is something unique and interesting to me.

We are introduced to Sakuna, a daughter of harvest goddesss Toyohana and war god Takeribi. Sakuna is a goddess who resides in the capital indulging herself on all sorts of expensive luxuries until one day she meets a certain group of humans and gets involved in an unfortunate event that has her and the group exiled to an isle of demons called Hinoe. It is on this isle that Sakuna will grow rice, hunt demons, and come to learn more about the humans that were exiled along with her.

Real player with 83.4 hrs in game

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin on Steam

Mini Crafty

Mini Crafty

This game is very basic but has a lot of potential. There are definitely a few bugs, and for how short the game is it does feel strange to have to sit there and wait for the right materials to spawn before you can progress. It is also infuriating when you die to a swarm of enemies and have to restart the entire game. I think the crafting and inventory system is interesting but there is only a few crafting recipes, and I have yet to figure out the purpose of the minions. The audio and screenshake left me with a headache and there is no menu that I have seen to tweak any game settings. I would love to recommend this game but in its current state I cannot say I would spend more than a couple of dollars on it.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Farming Sim Roguelike Games.

At first, I have no idea about what the game want me to do. After I unlock 3 maps and die 3 times, I still have no idea. Why don’t you set save points ?

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Mini Crafty on Steam

Glittermitten Grove

Glittermitten Grove

Okay, since this is not the “normal” game we are getting here, so i am gonna first talk about the “Main game”, the one we are sold with, the one with the game title - Grittermitten Grove. Especially for those who didn’t know the “dark secret” behind this game at the time they hit the buy button.

This game reminds me a lot of the PC98 Pixy Garden (ピクシーガーデン 妖精伝説) back in 1995. Such nostalgia! Haven’t really seen a similar genre of that type since, I’ve played Creatures and other monster breeding/town management games but none of them gives me that special feeling from Pixy Garden, until i find this game. This game is like a combination of Pixy Garden with Terraria’s suvival and terraforming touch, making it much more difficult and intriguing.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Farming Sim Comedy Games.

Glittermitten grove is, in and of itself, a very simply fun game with a shallow learning curve and an immediately apparent reward for learning the game’s fairly simple mechanics. It’s nice to look at, it’s original, and it’s a worthwhile time-waster if you’re into building bases and managing resources. There’s not really an endgame and the depth leaves quite a bit to be desired, but we all know that’s not the game you want to hear about.

Frog Fractions 2, or TXT World as it’s called in-game, does not measure up to its predecessor. I’ll admit, it’s got a very unique sort of charm, and the minigames that are unlocked are funny enough; the glaring issue is that the game utterly lacks the spirit and sense of absurdism and unpredictable over-the-top progression that, in my opinion, made the original Frog Fractions great. The game is interesting and engaging to a point, the difficulty is tough but fair and easy to adjust to, but rather than an imaginative journey from humble beginnings through a goofy and nonsensical plot that retains cohesion with interesting – if consistently silly – writing; TXT World serves as a sort of ascii hub through which to access games that feel like in-jokes and collectibles that reward you with cheap nonsense meant to make one laugh through its randomness and reference to pop culture. The entire time I was playing, I was left wondering, “When does the real game start?” to which the game replied, “Never.” If you’re a die-hard Frog Fractions fan and want to see what the developers did with the kickstarter money they raised, then you can spend $20 on a nifty resource manager and a collection of game jam titles, and hopefully prove my feelings about this game wrong. As it stands, however; I cannot reccomend this game. I was disappointed and saddened by this title, and while I don’t regret purchasing it, I couldn’t encourage any of my friends to spend their money on this end product. Maybe wait for it to go on sale? I don’t know.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Glittermitten Grove on Steam



To preface this; The overwhelmingly positive rating the game has is justified, and it is worth every cent of full retail price. Do not wait for a sale, buy it now. (Especially fellow Linux users. They gave us Tux, give em bux.) – However, when something is so desperately close to perfection, the more cutting you find its flaws. With this particular game they ascend to being truly egregious. In the beginning I wanted to love the game, but I couldn’t. By the end, I wanted to hate the game, but also couldn’t.

Real player with 91.7 hrs in game

Spiritfarer is what I would categorize as a game that shouldn’t exist, but it does.

This is not a negative category, to clarify; “a game that shouldn’t exist” is meant convey a sort of bewilderment, a sense of “how is this possible?”, a real struggle to maintain one’s generally pessimistic worldview in the shadow of an surprisingly positive gameplay experience (especially ironic given that this pessimism nearly prevented me from playing entirely, my working assumption being that all the positivity in the steam reviews was a sort of emotional naivety, akin to the devotion people seem to have to the Ori series [there are reviews that describe having experienced tears within the first ten minutes of Ori and The Blind Forest; the first ten minutes of Ori brought me nothing but an exhausted sense of overt manipulation {this is just to give you a sense of my preferences, my argument is not “The Ori Series is bad”, but rather “If Ori didn’t really work for you, this isn’t in the same vein, and is not worth writing off in the way that I would have initially”.}.].). The bewilderment comes down to methodology, as this is a product that gambles everything on being both deeply sincere and incredibly transparent; you guide characters to their deaths, that is your job, it’s what this game wears on its sleeve, you will do things for these characters and naturally get attached to them via a completely transparent gameplay loop of tending to these characters' needs and whims (as they tend to yours), and then the game will delete them, over and over. This is a game whose central gameplay loop is playing with Old Yeller, then watching Old Yeller die, over and over again, and it tells you this, from the beginning. There are no plot twists, there isn’t even much of an overarching plot at all; the closest you’ll get to a traditional “narrative reveal” is a late game scene that provides some context for the main character’s life, but this changes little about your interaction with the spirits.

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

Spiritfarer® on Steam

marriedbook 💍

marriedbook 💍

About marriedbook:

Marriedbook is a digital book of memories, a self help interactive platform, community and marital content source for married, engaged or newly wedded couples. Marriedbook includes Self Help programs for married couples such as Love: Interactive Therapy and Love Boot Camp that can be launched from any web browser to access. Future interactive programs and games will be included at no additional cost.

Build your own private book filled with your memories and experiences. Utilize marriedbook’s self help therapy tools for couples to help in the areas of communication, relationship and love.

*All applications are browser based and can be launched from any web browser.

Access Includes:

Love Boot Camp (Coming Soon)

Features Include:

  • Interactive: Self Help Programs, Therapy and Games for married couples.

  • Love: Interactive Therapy and Love Boot Camp comes included.

  • Your Personal Profile Book: You can build your memories and special moments over time, post memories on your wall and timeline, upload photos, build albums, post videos and create a catalog of your special moments.

  • Award Progress: Gain experience points, level up your progress and gain award badges as you add content to your book and/or community.

  • Public Pages: Create pages for particular or specific memories, events or occasions.

  • marriedbook magazine: Articles including Married Tips and Helpful Content.

  • Community: Fun Activities, Community Groups and Polls.

  • Privacy Settings: Make settings on your Profile Book private, public or for friends to view only. You can also engage the community anonymously by selecting the “anonymous” option if you would like to remain private.

marriedbook 💍 on Steam