The Dwarves

The Dwarves

The Dwarves (also known as “Die Zwerge”) is a tactical-based RPG based on the novel series written by German author, Markus Heitz.

Story and plot premise:

The series takes place in the fictional fantasy realm of Girdlegard. The humans, whose primary deity is the goddess Palandiell, have seven kingdoms in the land, some of which house enclaves of magi who train famuli apprentices. The elves, who revere Sitalia, hide their kingdom of Alandur between the borders of two human kingdoms, Gauragar and Tabain. The dwarves, however, built their kingdoms around the mountain barriers of Girdlegard. Vraccas, their deity, ordered the dwarves to defend Girdlegard from orcs, ogres, and alfar (dark elves), all of which worship the dark god, Tion.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Story Rich Games.

I’ll give this a thumbs-up, but only under the following conditions:

a) do not buy it at full price. 40€ after 5 years is overpriced! I bought at full price - I regret.

b) you should love~ 3 Games based around Dwarves

c) you should not be afraid of a lot of text - and if you are not afraid of a lot of text you should not expect a deep CRPG.

Why I love the Game:


It is a bunch of fun to guide the Dwarves (not those other dudes!) through combat. Build a line, crush the Orcs with Hammers and Axes. Even when they run and when enemies are close the Dwarves auto-attack, which is a bunch of to just push through the Hordes.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

The Dwarves on Steam



A party based RPG with great potential but quite unfinished and unpolished. Some people compare it to DA:O, NWN, BG, etc…(that being the reason I bought it) but that’s a big overstatement.

The bad:

1. The story/main quest - linear, blurry and uninteresting - does little to motivate the player to save the world.

2. The side quests are scarce, petty, uncomplicated and unrewarding.

3. The companions are plain, stereotyped and boring. They have no personal quests (except one), don’t develop with the progress in the game, rarely have something to say about quests/environment. Puppets with no personality, no conflicts, no banters, no life. The majority of them can be recruited too late in the game, so, for the first half, you will probably be stuck with the barking amazon and the cliché dwarf.

Real player with 178.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy CRPG Games.

Ah, so this is where Dragon age origins stole all their ideas.. Of course that most likely isnt true. Judging by the release dates, the guys and gals over at Bioware were almost certainly unaware of the osbcure German title Drakensang, even tho Drakensang did come out first.

After beating Drakensang and enjoying it greatly, I couldnt help but notice similarities. Four member party- check. Pause and play tactical combat- check. Mages have magical skills and fighters get erm, fightery skills. Your archers stand back and sling arrows, you’ll need a rogue to open locks, disable traps and even smooth talk out of a situation or two. Its all done well, and made with obvious care, so if your into that sort of thing, your gonna like this.

Real player with 138.8 hrs in game

Drakensang on Steam

Drakensang: The River of Time

Drakensang: The River of Time

It started really well and I really began to enjoy this game, then the awful combat system kicked in during critical times, which can be a real pain. Though I like the pause and ensuing tactical planning elements, it does not always work. For example, I could be hit by ranged weapons and despite having high level ranged combat, I could not fire back despite pause, select targeting, etc. I could set the attack up and… waited… and… waited… Nothing happened, all the while I was getting hit until my party was decimated by three low level dwarfs with crossbows. No matter what I did or where I stood I could not fire back, yet they were in clear line of sight and within range. Whether or not I was being a numpty, I don’t know - it just seemed to spoil what is a good game from being a great game.

Real player with 80.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Character Customization Games.

Like Drakensang the Dark Eye, this is a totally underrated RPG imo, and almost all the bad reviews refer to it being “unplayable” on newer versions of Windows, although it only takes a few min online to find a fix. I have Win 10 and I typed -windowed and -novideo in the Steam preferences (rightclick on the game in Steam Library and select Properties - Set launch options) and it didn’t crash a single time, which is more than one can say for a lot of older games by non-defunct companies, so so much for that. The -novideo did actually disappear later, so idk if it did anything; so as is clear I have no real idea what I’m doing but still managed to get the game to run with next to no effort. There are few loading screens in spite of large areas and the loading times are fast, unlike some other games I could mention where I end up going online all the time as I get bored waiting.

Real player with 77.2 hrs in game

Drakensang: The River of Time on Steam

Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition

Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition

Baldur’s Gate is truly a masterpiece. Despite it’s beauty, tactical depth and great story, the game does not take itself too seriously. This cannot be said of many other leading RPG titles, which I soon begin to find rather corny. If you like RPGs and have not played Baldur’s Gate, then this is an absolute must, you do not even need to waste your time reading this review but of course you are welcome to. If you have played the original BG and are curious about Beamdog’s boob job, I share with you my opinion.

Real player with 425.6 hrs in game

Classics are often thought to be timeless for future generations to enjoy, but the same cannot be said for Baldur’s Gate—and it’s not because CRPGs are uncommon. To go blind into BG in 2016 is practically impossible because how modern expectations are at odds with the brutal accessibility of ’90s computer games.

Baldur’s Gate, simply put, is an sarcophagus; it is a coffin of a bygone time of design philosophies and of late ’90s player expectations, immersed in the counter-culture of D&D and of fantasy-fiction that is written in its code like hieroglyphics to modern eyes. The game’s reverence is both a nostalgic call-back as well as an appreciation of BG’s systems as a traditional role-playing experience.

Real player with 203.9 hrs in game

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition on Steam

King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame

King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame

Reminiscent of Total War, King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame does in fact include elements found role-playing games. Throughout your conquest of Brittania you will assemble a round table of various meta-human warriors with incredible ability referred to simply as ‘knights.’ These knights will represent you on missions of diplomacy, lead your armies into battle, govern your fiefdoms and even partake on text-based adventures called ‘quests’ in which the statistics of the knight, your choices and a little bit of luck will determine the outcome, potentially granting the player great rewards and even aditional knights.

Real player with 197.2 hrs in game

I really like this game, although I need to admit I am a fan of just about most things related to King Arthur. I’ve been playing the game a lot recently, and am currently on my third time going through it (Played it on Easy and then Normal, and now on Hard). Before I go on though, let me explain that when I play a game with as many options or adventure/story arcs that this game has to offer, I will milk it for all it’s worth, and play the living H**L out of it, exhausting my options completely. That being said, I’ve found a lot of enjoyment in this game, particularly since it revolves around King Arthur.

Real player with 168.5 hrs in game

King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame on Steam

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition

Dragon Age: Origins is a God-Tier RPG. However I like to elaborate on my reviews, and so let me elaborate. I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but please note that I might let a couple things slip.

Now as a prelude, I’ll cover the gameplay, graphics and mechanics. Personally in RPGs this matters so little to me. I still play Fallout 2 and enjoy the hell out of KOTOR and Mass Effect. But…lets be real here. They suck. The graphics are…okay-ish? The gameplay has the pacing of tetris and the mechanics are just…old. None of it is fast paced nor are there any really cool abilities looks-wise. None of this is important to me, in fact, its clunkiness brings out a personal enjoyment. But yeah…its definitely really aged. It would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that the game is ancient, and therefore crashes on newer PCs. About once an hour for me personally. Now I was able to fix it by way of a guide a while back, but going into it expect performance to be less than stellar. Now onto the meat.

Real player with 182.8 hrs in game

❤ Audience ❤

☑ Beginner

☑ Casual

☑ Hardcore

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad

☑ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☐ Fantastic

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☐ Beautiful

☑ Fantastic

☠ Difficulty ☠

☐ Easy

☑ Average

☐ Challenging

☐ Hard

☐ Brutal

§ Bugs §

☐ Bugs make the game almost unplayable

☐ Lots of bugs

☑ Few bugs

☐ Insignificant or contains humorous glitches

☐ None encountered during normal gameplay

☯ Story ☯

☐ There is none

☐ Bad

☐ Alright

☐ Good

☑ Fantastic

⚔ Gameplay ⚔

☐ Frustrating

☐ Repetitive

☐ Boring

Real player with 170.9 hrs in game

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition on Steam

Divine Divinity

Divine Divinity

After finally finishing this gem of a game I can only but recommend this game to any RPG lover out there. Beneath the now dated graphics lies a sound game with a complex world, rich lore and funny little gameplay gimmicks that made me smile a lot.

The good:

  • Rich lore, decent story (if a bit cliché by now)

  • Plenty of content (Took me appr. 70 hours to finish)

  • Pretty extensive and flexible RPG elements (create whatever character you like as you go)

  • Easy to get into, but challenges along the way

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

Divine Divinity

Date of this review: 15 March 2018

Update (25 April 2018): Formatting fixes

DISCLAIMER: I would like to point out that I likely achieved 100% completion in this game. Because it is so old, there are not achivements so I can’t be sure, but I did complete every quest that is listed in online guides, and I fully explored every map.

===Notes About Me===

Graphics/Animation: I usually don’t care about; I still play NES games occasionally.

Real player with 71.7 hrs in game

Divine Divinity on Steam

Dragon Age™: Origins Awakening

Dragon Age™: Origins Awakening

Dragon Age Origins Awakening is in no way an anomaly. It does what is expected from an expansion pack, adds a little here and a little there, rehashes everything that was in the original and doesn’t add anything new or major. And, like most expansion packs, stand alone or otherwise, it is only worth it for fans of the original as taken by it’s own merits, it’s not much of a game.

Awakening starts you off short after the end of the original Dragon Age, you can choose to either import one of your old characters or just from scratch. The latter option gives you an Orlesian Grey Warden background which adds plenty of interesting dialog concerning your heritage throughout the game. Importing a character however, yields almost no interesting dialog throughout the game and even in places and with characters that you original play through should have had a profound effect on you will find that nothing changes regardless of your actions in Origins. This leads to a highly disappointing experience for those of us that have actually played the original and like to think our choices actually mattered, if only in terms of storyline.

Real player with 71.3 hrs in game

If you were a fan of Origins, you would like this, featuring your gray warden and a whole new cast of colourful companions (and Oghren.) This Expansion deals with the aftermath of the war, and you need to quell another darkspawn uprising. I didn’t find the game as compelling as base, but it was entertaining enough.

However, I wouldn’t really recommend getting it as is because it’s as expensive as the main game but with only a quarter of the content. And don’t play this if you haven’t played the main game either.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Dragon Age™: Origins Awakening on Steam

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Can’t express enough, nor can I make this a full review as it would take far too long, how amazing this game is. Still survives more than 18 years after launch through the Enhanced Edition and I’ve been playing since that launch. Roleplaying online for over 15 years, as well. It continues to get amazing improvements as it goes along, and I’m excited to see how much more it can bring.

Real player with 7840.3 hrs in game

You know what you could be playing instead of a MMO?

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition.

Real player with 965.0 hrs in game

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on Steam

Pillars of Eternity

Pillars of Eternity

I’ve always consider the progress of graphics and telling stories with well made CG instead of words are good things for game industry, I thought the stunning graphics could bring the game world closer to us than the classic literature did.

Yet I found myself totally immersed by Eroa ,in this game than I’ve ever been in other games before, the astunning details I read from these words,just makes me questioning if the game industry is on the right path consider all those games with great power of graphics but turn out to be a total nightmare.

Real player with 94.0 hrs in game

The game is just inredibly boring for me, never played it more than couple of hours from the start. Comparing to old BG/IWD series and Planescape:Tormet the only advantage of PoI is the graphic.

Game mechanics like allowing to sleep only when you have camp wood or some enemy beetles opening a door you close a moment earlier to hide from it is just lame.

Real player with 87.4 hrs in game

Pillars of Eternity on Steam