Horny Sekai

Horny Sekai

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A fascinating casual hentai game!

欢迎加入黄油大师 色情游戏 ,一同挖掘好玩的黄油吧~

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Sexual Content Games.

when i got to 4 hearts it just stopped. no more dialogue, nothing to do.

i legit bought every item from the store multiple times and nothing happened.

please help me if this is just me being dumb

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Horny Sekai on Steam

Treasure of a Blizzard

Treasure of a Blizzard

The game is not as kitschy as it might look like. It directly/indirectly mentions pretty serious subjects including, but not limited to: dictatorship, xenophobia, uprisings in times of hardship and iron-fisted supression of the uprisings, alcoholism, gambling, betrayal, lies, fear of the unknown, law of the strongest, being forced to do things against your will (including risking of your life and outright slavery) and of course romance.

I didn’t expect it, but I actually ended up enjoying the story. (You get to see most of the story from the 3rd person perspective, but you still hear the story including the protagonist’s thoughts from the 1st person perspective.) The art and the music also deserve praise. The game has

! 10 possible endings and a nice collection of CGs. The

! four main characters are interesting and each one of them is crazy in his own unique way (One is

! an alcoholic, one is obsessed with

! money, one

! seems to be nice but might end up enslaving you due to jealousy, one acts

! by the law of the strongest and orders you around while threatening to kill you if you don’t obey). I played the game until I unlocked everything and understood the whole structure of decisions, which took approximately 40 hours.

Real player with 37.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Visual Novel Games.

Recommended at sale price.

My thoghts with some semblence of order.

Its H “scenes” are just to inform the narrative, functional in that sense and little else. If that’s what you’re here for look else where.

One H Scenes kinda strikes me out of left field as if they had a quota so decided to just insert it there (LOL), seeming out of context and character to me, in what otherwise has fine if usually casual set ups.

There are 10 endings though 4 of them are bad and 2/4 those are generic you died bad, another he winds up a slave for terribly bad judgement, and lastly and most interestingly to me.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Treasure of a Blizzard on Steam

Forest Fortress

Forest Fortress

ForestFortress is a really good adventure romance with a really nice storytheme.

The story goes about a human boy, setting on on search for a medecine to cure his village from an unknown illness, until he met a squirrelgirl which saved his life from a Vine plant. After this we meet a dryad girl which are considered after the squirrels warning as evil and have to be avoided.

These warings thoughs couldnt be cnfirmed by him and the dryad seemed t be actually really caring.

Later on after encountering again the squirrel he got informed that the forest the dryad are obscured by a dark god s powwer thank tothe dryadd Lady and therefore it is known that the humans in the village felll ill thanks to this dark presence. Soon he found himself encountering another squirrel which ended up bringing him alongin her village and to be the princess of the village and therewe meet again Rika the first squirrel we met.From there on we are ordered to do all kind of things as to purify, to do, to entertain and to go on mission, do participate in a sacred ance etc…. From there on we also build relationships and with each event event if chosing the right option we are likely rewarded with a scene of some adult content.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Visual Novel Games.

This was a surprisingly entertaining game. At the time of this writing, I’ve finished all three routes in a little more than seven hours (using some fast forwarding when going through the story the second and third times) and thought it was great.

The graphics are better than Treasure of a Blizzard—both the backgrounds and the character sprites. Except for Olly, the characters in this story are somewhat combative (similar to Treasure of a Blizzard). The plot is straightforward. During the course of the game, you meet three girls. Choose one and stay loyal to her and things should work out. The story lines of each of the girls was satisfying enough that if theirs was the only route, I would be OK with the game. While playing, I selected my potential decisions first and then consulted the guide by derailed_omega_male to confirm what my choices did to avoid misinterpreting the somewhat awkward wording. Most of you should know what I am talking about.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Forest Fortress on Steam

Lands of Sorcery

Lands of Sorcery

Fun if your a fan of swords and sorcery and the old deathstalker movies from the 80’s/90/s. bit grindey, but looking to support the developer and maybe they get future funding with a more advanced engine for a sequal

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

This game definitely has a solid foundation. I like the turn-based, Darkest Dungeon style combat.

The beginning roster selection screen is a little hard to understand, since all you really get is the class names, but not particular strengths or weaknesses. Some of the NPCs that sell items or services might be slightly overpriced, and the upgrades dont seem to scale well on some abilities(especially the rage abilities). Rage abilities on most characters are almost the same. Definitely need some variety there- maybe the healers can get a large single target heal, revive, or decent aoe heal with some dispels attached? Not every rage attack should be a blanket damaging ability, especially since by the time you get your rage attack, usually one or two of the enemies are dead already. Some of the camping abilities are terrible, and some seem mandatory. I think some rebalancing would help. Bleed and blight seem ok- not sure if they stack or not, but the damage seems low on the DoTs. The intimidation mechanic seems like a cool alternative to the stress mechanic in Darkest Dungeon, but after a few hours in the game, I haven’t been able to successfullly intimidate anyone before killing them first. Overall, I like the game so far. I hope to see some updates soon. Oh, and 10 sets of 3 battles per area is excessive.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Lands of Sorcery on Steam



From my time playing the game I found quite a few bugs in the menus.

The actual GAME was fine, but with the menu so messed up it was unplayable on my mac laptop (the mini windows just refused to open!)

If it DID manage to get into the game it had sound.

On my PC desktop meanwhile it had the mini-windows but IT had no sound for the dialog!

This was EXTREMELY frustrating and no bug-testing would fix it (not even downloading or undownloading the leweder DLC)

If the game is under a buck and you got both a Mac and a PC- and are willing to re-play it on both (4 times on your mac blindly clicking if you want to hear all the voice-lines for the female path and then male path. But you’ll probably start playing on the desktop where you can actually see the freaking menus and change your difficulty)

Real player with 14.6 hrs in game

I will say, when I saw this pop up in my recommendations for it being a furry game with tentacles, I was very intrigued but didn’t know what to expect. When I saw it’s only $2 and had some positive comments, I figured “Can’t hurt to try it.” After having played it and gotten some experience first, I will say it’s really fun for the puzzle game aspect.

The art is really nice, the characters look good, the dialogue is a nice mix of comical and serious to fit the situation, I do like the clever use of tentacles attacking and matching the puzzle pieces to do damage with your magic attacks. It is a little on the short side, but I’ve already seen mention more content is planned, so I’m glad for that. Patch or otherwise, it’s a nice looking game and pretty fun for what you get.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

OctoFurry on Steam

Realm of Night: The Forbidden Knowledge

Realm of Night: The Forbidden Knowledge

Yeah no, this is a interesting game sure but i keep getting the bad ending on the train, i really hate games that is this strict on choices that you have to get a perfect score to get a good ending. I hope some ones does a guide at some point but until then i cant recommend this.

The worst thing about this game is the card system.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Realm of Night: The Forbidden Knowledge on Steam

The Marauder Chronicles: Curse Over Valdria

The Marauder Chronicles: Curse Over Valdria

Fantasy VN + nice art - short = Adventure as one of the rare surviving males in Valdria and get entangled with powerful woman. This is 1 chapter and about 3-4 hours long. 18+ patch at their website.

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Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

A short VN with great art, an intriguing storyline and cute characters. This is only the first chapter of the story and I hope to see more!

PS I don’t know why there are no reviews for it - the game is so cheap that anyone can afford to try it.

PPS No 18+ sadly(

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

The Marauder Chronicles: Curse Over Valdria on Steam

Ark of Artemis

Ark of Artemis


Type: H-RPG

Developer: Kujirabo

Publisher: Otaku Plan

Price: €14,99

Est. playtime: 4-6 hours

Censorship: yes (patch available at publisher’s website)



Ark of Artemis (AoA) offers straightforward RPG Maker gameplay, with a few twists. The basic mechanics are all there: you control a MC, guiding her through cities where she can interact with NPC’s, or exploring dungeons where she can fight monsters. The latter is either done by turn-based combat, or, once the level difference is high enough, simply by running into them.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Very soulful game right here.

I wasn’t expecting to be THIS good!

Definitely worth playing and I can’t wait for the dev’s next game!!

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Ark of Artemis on Steam

Sakura Fantasy

Sakura Fantasy

Fun game, At first I thought the choices made no difference but as I was play it deeply into the story, I did notice some slight changes. But the most impactful change with your choices is 2 CG arts within the game you can only get by chosing wisely.

The story focuses on a female knight in training named Raelin, There are like 4 girls you can romance in the game ( actually 5 if you count r@pe ).

Raelin has a rare gift known as farseeing, giving her the ability to spy on someone’s most private moments without them knowing it. but because of this rare gift, She not well trusted among her comrades. I would say more but this is a game where you should expierience the story instead of me telling you.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Review with accompanying video on Sinical Network


This 3rd title of the Sakura series from Winged Cloud features Raelin, a young aspiring novice knight with a special gift in farseeing who is training together with her best friend Gwynne, a fellow novice knight and scribe under their instructor Keira. One night, a falling star landed in the Mires. Afterwards, the empress Ardena came to seek out Raelin to find the fallen star together with Gwynne and Keira. Over the course of the story, Raelin with interact with Gwynne, Keira, Ardena, a young native Ethy, an unnamed guardsman, a slime and tentacle monster and a siege monster in a heart-warming tale of friendship, love, courage, resourcefulness, and heroism.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Sakura Fantasy on Steam

Wanko of Marriage ~Welcome to The Dog’s Tail!~

Wanko of Marriage ~Welcome to The Dog’s Tail!~

Wanko of Marriage is a linear, choice-free visual novel about a young successor to a family shrine who wishes to become a pastry chef. With support from 2 childhood friends, he tries to turn his dreams into reality.

The game is fairly short; I finished in less than two hours (but I’m a fast reader). It has very nice artwork and excellent voice acting. The writing is fluffy and lighthearted. The game lacks adult content; I don’t know if it was excluded from the US release on steam. The story is focused on slice-of-life with a twist at the end.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Wanko of Marriage ~Welcome to The Dog's Tail!~ on Steam