Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World

Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World

Just finish the game and loved it. Other than bugs like how we can’t go in the power castle I haven’t seen any other bugs it’s fun if you give it a chance. oh the Reincarnation Requirements after 3rd Gen i can’t see it for some reason. I found another bug where I can’t reincarnate as a wolf.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Action RPG Games.

There has been a patch since my review that will likely invalidate it. However I haven’t had time to go through and try the game again. I will still leave this here for comparison to the current game and see what’s changed and what still needs polish/refinement

Only reason I currently recommend the game is because I’m a sucker for monster MC and can see some potential here.

However, that’s all it has going for it, and it barely even does that, let’s break down what the game has.


Reincarnation system- unique from other rpgs I’ve played, offers the promise of different playstyles and advancement.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Isekai: Reincarnation in a New World on Steam

Survival RPG: The Lost Treasure

Survival RPG: The Lost Treasure

This is a nice simplistic adventure and survival game. I enjoyed it very much. It is rough or simple, but I like it very much. Actually I have played the two sequels, too. I hope for more in the future!

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Exploration Games.

Quite good crafting adventure. Lots of crafting materials to gather and plenty of secrets to find. The game doesn’t look like much from the screenshots but it’s pretty good. Fighting mechanics could have been a bit better but it’s not bad. It is not a farming sim like stardew valley. It’s a crafting RPG. You pretty much get all the crafting materials instantly .. just lying around and respawning quickly. You kill enemies by swinging your sword. You can craft better weapons and armor as you get deeper into the game. Does not have hunger or similar mechanics for survival so the game allows you to take your time exploring. Looks like a mobile game ported to PC but keyboard or even controller should work ok with something like Joy2Key. Not bad for it’s price. I’m looking forward to the other games in this series that the developers have lined up for 2021.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Survival RPG: The Lost Treasure on Steam

The Dwarves of Glistenveld

The Dwarves of Glistenveld

It has been a while since I posted this review and much has changed since then. Having played the game now for a total of 300+ hours (and there was me saying I don’t get much time to play games), I have explored many of the game modes. My favourite right now is the Skirmish mode where you can hand-craft your map options, such as the number of enemies, their initial strength, the map size and style, etc. I am currently working my way up to more and more difficult settings to see how good I really am. My other favourite mode is the cavern mode (the game’s sandbox mode ) where I have also spend many hours. In this mode you can slowly build your base to ever increasing size while improving your tech tree. The current tech tree is already in place for the upcoming next chapter of the game and it allows you to build a railway network so that your miners don’t have to carry everything back to your base, improve and automate your defences, build automated farms for farming roots and mushrooms, light up your neighbour hood with lanterns, build cooking stations and much more. I have also played with the map editor and will be uploading my own hand-crafted map very soon. ‘hwill’ has uploaded a new map to the workshop which I enjoyed very much. I must add a comment.

Real player with 638.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Early Access Games.

This game, is absolutely fantastic! This RTS adventure strategy game is about leading a tribe of Dwarves trying to take back their homeland from the goblins that have ran them down underground. There are so many things that you find out during every level, there are nice challenges such as the achievements and the schematics that you have to find to advance with technology, there are song hidden choices through your first play through (such as when you meet Fishbeard’s first guard) it’s amazing, it’s so replayable and enjoyable for sooooooooooo many hours even when there is only 6 levels at the time of writing this. Along with the mechanics in this game are so nice and fluid such as the base building part, and the class switching system, the AI is pretty on-point, it’s not one of those games where the AI struggles with some of the commands that you try to give it, in this game, it just does it immediately!

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

The Dwarves of Glistenveld on Steam

Gem Rush

Gem Rush

This is the digital version of the best selling board game…Gem Rush.

I highly recommend this game for all ages as not only a challenging enough casual game, but one with enough complexity to make it incredibly fun and enjoyable. You can pick it up and leave it anytime, and resume whenever you like. It is multiplayer, and you can play up to 7 players, of which all can be yourself or you can assign bots with 4 differing strength levels. This game has much grown on me, become my weekly gameplay. I admire the “Labor of Love” in the sense that the developer continues to update, polish and refine the overall game as years pass. I would give it a try, as it is well worth $10. 😊

Real player with 79.7 hrs in game

Good Game

This is a board game that has made a faithful reiplementation into a digital form. As a board game, I’m going to say it is not something for people who don’t particuarlly like board games. This game avoids many of the fiddily bigts of setup and tear down and rules checking

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Gem Rush on Steam



EDIT: When I recommended this game I was unaware of the weapon achievement that grants you a nice weapon unlock in Killing Floor. That alone makes the game worth the small price you’ll pay for it. Seriously, give it a shot if you play Killing Floor. You may decide you hate it, but I don’t think you’ll regret unlocking that axe one bit.

EDIT EDIT: Look, playing the game does not unlock the achievement for some reason, but they claim that owning the full version that you paid for in Steam and having your profile set to public so the servers can pick up the fact that you own it should unlock it automatically in Killing Floor. If you get it, it will appear right beneath DLC on your Killing Floor page as Dwarfs!? Promotional DLC. Good Luck. BUT if you have the free version, I think you have to unlock the achievement–which seems not to work for a lot of people. Check the forums. Good luck.

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

A fun, cute, casual game. At its core this game is like a very basic version of pacman meets minecraft. Dwarfs spawn continously and move about the mine map on their own. You guide them and coax them to do your bidding to explore, gain money/increase score. As more dwarfs spawn the harder it is to control them.

There are no complicated elements to distract you from the main aim of the game which is to guide your dwarfs as they mine the map uncovering resources or caves with rewards or dangers. You can build outposts with guards to fight off monsters, use dynamite to cut-off dangerous traps or turn earth to concetre to block of sections you dont want your miners to explore. These simple mechanics mean you can get into the game very, very quickly. However just because it is simple to play does not mean it is easy to master…

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Dwarfs!? on Steam

Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King

Hard to be a King ( Realm Guardian ) is a voxel strategy game.

You will play a role in a fantasy world and become a lord, rule the land, and protect your people. Assign tasks to everyone. Gathering, hunting, farming, keep your people stay away from starving. Crafting, constructing, build a stronghold to resist the dead army.


The terrain of Realm Guardian is voxel based. One kind of cube correspond to one kind of resource. You can DIG a cube to collect its resource ( miner ), or consume resource to BUILD a new cube ( builder ).


Deer will eat plants when they are hungry. If there are no plants to eat, they will starve and die. So do wolves. As the bottom of the food chain, Plants will keep growing in a slow rate. Of course if men kill all the wolves and protect deer, all the plants would be ate, and deer finally die for starving. Besides, water is another problem. Wolves from different packs may fight for the only water source. ( Don’t worry, human beings won’t fell thirsty because the author didn’t finish this function :P ). Just like the true nature, sun raise up and fall down every day ( Seasons are in planning ). Deer are more active in daytime.

The King

The king won’t do most of works. All he has to do are rebalancing resources, assigning works ect. The King can talk to one to assign task for him. Of course it will break their current work ( The author feel unhappy when he worked in a game company, he interrupted by designers very often )


Flag banner to claim regin. Flag more banners to enlarge the realm. Most of works ( e.g. mining, building ) can only do in realm. Banners would also support population limit.


Peasants would sleep when they are sleepy ( If free bed exists ). Peasant who lack of sleep will get low work efficiency. Nighttime also bring bad influence ( So does author, he hate overtime work ).

When peasants in danger, they will run into the safe area the king designed.


  • Chamberlain could report to the king and auto assign tasks to civilians

  • Builder could build blueprints designed by the king

  • Chopper could cut down trees and carry logs into storage

  • Craftsman could craft items or stuffs

  • Forager could gather food or small items like cobblestone in from forest.

  • Hunter could hunt for animals, loot their body

  • Miner could dig redprints marked by the king

  • Smith could forge metal items

  • Tailor could make cotton into complex items

  • Chef could produce processed food

  • Farmer could farm the land and harvest crops.

  • Archer, ranged soldier

  • Infantry, melee soldier


In the early stage of a game, most food come from foraging. But in the middle stage, farming becomes more important. The meaning of chefs are procduce food which support more energy. Especially food would be rotten as time goes by, produce dried food is also a good choice

Hard to be a King on Steam

Enchanted Blacksmith

Enchanted Blacksmith

Enchanted Blacksmith is a casual blacksmith simulation game where you sell weapons made by your own hands.

Take on the role of a blacksmith in the world of the sword and magic. Use your workbench to craft/modify/repair weapons and sell them at your shop.

Craft Weapons

Crafting system allows for creating unique weapons. Customize them by choosing from a variety of Blades, Crossguards, Hilts and Runes. Make blades and other items from materials like copper, steel, etc.

Enchanted Weapons

Use runes with various elements such as fire, poison, lightning, etc. to enchant your weapon with magic.

Upgrades and Quests

Earn experience points and gold by completing quests and orders. Level up your character and workshop to unlock new tools, resources and recipes.

Craft legendary weapons to seek fortune and Forge Your Legend!

Enchanted Blacksmith on Steam

Miasma Caves

Miasma Caves

The gameplay of Miasma Caves is very simple: Explore a cave, find treasure, escape alive to sell said treasure in town, repeat.

The Cons:

  • No Automap (for an exploration game this is a huge drawback)

  • Intermediate cave levels are a bottleneck in difficulty (rocks fall, everybody dies faints)

  • Not much of a story

  • A few minor bugs

The Pros:

  • Over 150 different treasure items of 4 different categories

  • Town can be developed

  • A lot of variety in available tools, which allows for different approaches of exploration.

Real player with 150.1 hrs in game

I have played enough Miasma Caves to recommend it. You play a dragon-lady who spelunks a procedurally-generated cave in search of treasure and you’re a pacifist, so that means that you don’t attack any of the monsters inside. But you still can get hurt (such as from cave-ins, and falls, and the titular miasma), and there’s still a challenge in seeing how far you can go whilst getting out alive! It’s a fun game and I recommend it to anyone, especially those who loved Leila “Woofle” Wilson’s soundtrack in Freedom Planet; some of the greatness in that soundtrack is carried over in this game.

Real player with 41.3 hrs in game

Miasma Caves on Steam

The Curator

The Curator

In The Curator you slip into the role of a curator who is responsible for a collection or exhibition in a museum. Your task is to gather and complete the museum’s collection. In the first chapter, you take care of the Pirate Collection. In disguise, you will be sent back in time to search for the exhibits.

Journey to different areas

Travel with map and shovel to different areas and search for the items for the exhibition. You can use visual and audio feedback to find the excavation site. If you are close enough, the location is marked with an X.

Unlock objects in the museum

Once you have found all the sights and objects, you can travel back to the museum and exhibit them there. Once you have unlocked a room, access to the next room will be unlocked, where new items will be waiting for you.


  • 26 items and 13 sights are waiting for you

  • Minigame after completion of the game.

  • 4 different islands

  • 15 costumes with 12 colors

The Curator on Steam

Weakpoint Delta

Weakpoint Delta

Use the skills of timing, triangulation and precision, that you totally have, to mine asteroids and collect the crystals within. Use said crystals to get upgrades to make it easier to mine and the equipment needed to mine new, dangerous, but valuable asteroids. All while trying to pay off your crippling debt.

(Music in the trailer: cdk - Sunday by Analog By Nature © copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. )

Weakpoint Delta on Steam