I played this game when I was a kid and found it again on here years later. It’s still as fun as I remember it being, and I would definitely recommend checking this one out.

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Dungeon Crawler Games.

If I had realized that half this game was a fishing simulator, I would have been a lot better at it when I was a kid

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

FATE on Steam

Rune Factory 4 Special

Rune Factory 4 Special

The Peak of Farming RPG Game

Having played the game for countless hours in 3DS and the Switch, RF 4S is easily the best in the series and is the best RPG Farming sim out there, rivaling even Stardew Valley and easily outclassing the series this game is based on: Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons.

Besides as a Farming sim, the game is a great JRPG with nice and fluid combat, there are several weapon type which has different gameplay each such as short sword which is decently fast and will have 100% of your shield effect but it’s range is limited or dual knife which is extremely fast and have lots of DPS but the range is very short and you cannot have the shield benefit at all, my fav is great sword since it has a lot of damage and great reach but it’s slow and only have 50% of the shield effect, but you can use other weapon skill while benefiting the greatsword’s range and damage, yes you can use different weapon skill even if you’re not equiping the corresponding weapon but you’ll get double the MP cost penalty which is annoying early on but once you have lots of food to restore your MP it is not a big deal.

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Combat Games.

Full video review: https://youtu.be/9EKIHS4j-tI

Written review below!

I was a bit iffy going into this one. Harvest Moon type games have always been a bit hit or miss for me, but with Rune Factory 5 coming out soon, I figured I’d give this one a shot.


Despite the simple graphics here - RF4S is a bit of a beast in terms of content. Not only is there the farming stuff, but you’ve got dungeon exploring, this extensive crafting system, a large map to explore, and a dating and marriage system on top of that. Up front, it seemed like I would get lost in all of this, but the game actually does a really good job easing you into it through its request system.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

Rune Factory 4 Special on Steam

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tales of the Fatebounds is a wasted potential, but overall still comes out as decent and enjoyable experience made by developers who listen to the community.

RATING: 6/10.

I’ll start off with what I dislike:

  • Sub-par narrative. - WARNING spoiler potential

    The game started off nicely. Party members were interesting with their own distinct personalities, backgrounds, and personal issues. Along the way, they found themselves in disagreements, having trust issues, while they needed to face trials to test their “worth”. With this scenario, you would expect each character to have a personal development throughout the game, right? BUT THE GAME SAYS HELL NO. You are going to see this pattern very often: At first, let’s be friends! - A moment later, fck you I don’t trust you! - And then a moment later, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, my bad - aaand a moment later, fck you all I’m done with this shit!. Some party member have either bipolar disorder, or they are just a bunch of idiots who do not learn from their mistakes.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Open World Games.

My review on this game, POSSIBLE SPOILERS.

Story: 6/10

The story was interesting, big war going on, chosen ones coming together to put a stop to it. Characters developing overtime as experience shape them up to be the heroes fate chose them to be. Sadly that is not really seen here. The story is interesting and the concept is cool but without developing characters to push the story to be interesting I found myself being beyond bored with the story. I love fantasy elements in RPGs and a in depth story to boot. However, I just couldn’t get behind the characters in the story because of the constant issues that kept arising throughout the journey. The plot empathizes that the Fatebound must work together and share a common purpose yet whenever there is a secret behind each character (which of course there is), the whole party loses their focus and doubts everything over and over. Even after finishing the trials that test the party to find common ground and work together, the characters in this party is purely glass and shatters at the mention of a “secret.” The concept of the story was really cool and could have been expanded upon but I just got bored, sometimes it picks up and gets interesting but then oh no this guy was secretly super evil “How could you not tell us?.”

Real player with 40.6 hrs in game

LEGRAND LEGACY: Tale of the Fatebounds on Steam



Travel back to a Britain full of mirth, myth and magic, in this top-down, fantasy adventure RPG from the creator of Lumo.

The wheel of seasons has stopped turning as a dark force moves across the land. It’s down to you, a true adventurer, to uncover the secrets of the Ley Lines and power-up Stone Henge!

Maenhîr’s beautiful, but deadly, open world lets you explore at your own pace!

  • 9 distinct map areas, each with unique NPCs and stories

  • 8 dungeons to conquer, in any order

  • 6 unique equipment items, to aid you as you travel

  • Numerous side-quests and achievements, many a secret to uncover!

  • And most importantly, fishing!

Maenhîr on Steam

Nautical Life

Nautical Life

Ok for 1 day nothing more.

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

Don’t listen to the reviews on the discussion page, this game is fantastic, simple casual style gameplay your not racing any timers or must have done by this time drama, take your time. If your low on in game currency buy a few fishing boats wait a day you’ll have more money instantly. Then buy more boats level up repeat.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

Nautical Life on Steam

100 hidden mushrooms

100 hidden mushrooms

Reviewing the 100 Hidden Objects series, and this is the best one so far; by that I mean it has a good art style with the fine lines, and also is one of the harder ones to complete. Still won’t take you an ungodly amount of time, but it’s actually going to require some looking

The achievements all work, and look nice

I wouldn’t recommend it at a dollar, I got them all on sale for like $3 which was worth it. On top of this be warned this game is currently listed as Limited on profile features. Meaning it won’t count towards total achievements; however you can still collect all of them and can feature them individually later on

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Release #9 in the “series” and, as always, love the graphics. I get them and play them the day they come out. Not the hardest of the series as there isn’t any interactivity… you just need to spot them, and it takes me a few scans before finding all 100. This time around, 1 eluded me for over 15 minutes, so I decided to take a break and return with a pair of fresh eyes. Lots of details in the drawing, and it’s interesting to look at all the details placed into it (like the caterpillar!), whether or not there are mushrooms there! This is replayable after a while and I already look forward to (hopefully!) its follow-up.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

100 hidden mushrooms on Steam



Game has gotten lot better in these past few years. those of you who haven’t played this game yet, I would definitely recommend them to play it especially the windows edition if you have a good pc to back graphics (better than ps4).


Game has good story, good challenges, lots of exploration and lots of content.


Rarely crashes sometimes (so save frequently), bad camera angle during fights sometimes.

Real player with 137.8 hrs in game

I actually dont recommend this game, i went through the pain of playing this game because i really liked the story…

Even though the story is not finished and prematurely closed because of the cancellation of many DLC’s i consider that its a really cool one if you actually follow the order.

It is interesting how you start playing as the most powerful character in the story and then finish it as just a simple pawn (a kingsglaive)

The music is really really good, its terribly underrated but so far one of the greatest ost’s ever

Real player with 127.4 hrs in game


Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Battle Chasers: Nightwar

TLDR: If you are a fan of turn-based RPGs, especially those from the golden age of PSX/PS2, this is right up your alley. The polish is top-notch and there are very few games made like this nowadays. This is certainly worth your time and money.

Originally I planned to write this after I poured a few more hours into the game, but given the price for the summer sale I wanted to get this out for people who might be wondering if they should buy it. In short, please do.

Games like Battle Chasers: Nightwar are rare these days, a game so supremely polished, addicting, and engrossing that it’s hard to put down. This game is a straight up love letter to folks like myself, the late twenties/early thirties crowd who grew up playing some of the PSX era giants. I’m not just talking about the Final Fantasy games, but some of the lesser known gems like Lunar, Thousand Arms, Grandia, and Vandal Hearts. Nothing against the JRPG titles in the genre (I have played many) but it’s also really cool to see something with this sort of vibrant “western” art style that just pops out of the screen like the comic book off which it’s based. It really is a joy to look at and it never gets old watching the animations on screen.

Real player with 96.4 hrs in game

“Compelling comic Turn-based RPG throwback with fresh mechanics and experience”

This analysis is based on latest version which tweaks some issues. So you might expect different criticism from early review or if you’re uncomfortable with the length, you can skip to other brief review.


BC: Nightwar is turn-based RPG game from Kickstarter campaign in 2015. Developed by Airship Syndicate using Unity engine. The game represents world of ’90 Joe Madureira’s comic with refreshed JRPG turn-based combat and interesting features. The design is diverse from the comic dialogue and 2D multi-layered world map, shifted into isometric view in dungeon and fully-animated turn based section. It’s subjective design if you enjoy arcanepunk, but well-polished production.

Real player with 89.8 hrs in game

Battle Chasers: Nightwar on Steam

Phoenotopia: Awakening

Phoenotopia: Awakening

To put it bluntly, I’m not the type of gamer who has much affinity for releases that make frustration a calling card; with a backlog like mine spending considerable time bashing my head against a digital wall just doesn’t hold much appeal. So here I am, writing about a game that made me curse at my screen more than any other I can immediately recall…which, not only did I finish, but logged 70-plus hours on the game’s clock and racked up a 97 percent completion rate to boot. Moreover, afterwards I immediately searched out and played through the original Flash-based Phoenotopia, just to get a better sense of where Awakening came from…oh, and also double-dipped when a DRM-free version came out.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

This game is polarizing.

On the one hand, ‘Phoenotopia: Awakening’ has a lot of character. On your journey you will travel through a wide selection of incredibly vibrant and unique locations and areas, filled with lovable, funny and sometimes touching characters. The type of story it tells isn’t anything new, but the execution makes it feel fresh. Writing, art, tech and music are all amazing at best and still good at worst, so there’s a lot on offer here.


This game is fundamentally flawed in terms of game design. Almost every element of the game’s core design is busted in a way that makes the exploration/combat sections feel like a frustrating slog to get through. The only reason I (and many others) stuck with this game was because all the exceptional elements I mentioned before kept me pushing forward.

Real player with 62.4 hrs in game

Phoenotopia: Awakening on Steam

Brothers Apart

Brothers Apart

Sometimes solitude isn’t a choice, and the past is hidden in a cruel twist of fate.

Brothers Apart is an action adventure RPG where the protagonist Leiyn has no recollection of his past. Adventure through the wilds with your wolf companion “Monster” and piece together the events that led you where you are.

Be ready to get pulled in by the 16 bit scenery, and a cast of characters that will keep you on your toes. Visit 4 different towns, cook, fish, eat, drink, and try not to fall victim to what hides in the woods… especially when night falls. Discover secret places, secret enemies, and try to collect 15 unique fish. Delve even deeper and you might discover where it all began.

Check out the Composer Tomas Palazzi and the demo sountrack for the game!


Development Trailer Music by:


Keep in mind that this is still in development and is getting better visually and functionally every day! Be sure to check my twitter for all the latest updates.

Brothers Apart on Steam