Dawn of the Falkonir

Dawn of the Falkonir

Someone dropped the money to put this on Steam so I could clap my wings as a birb & kill skellies. That’s more than I expected and all I needed.

thx :)

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Fantasy Action-Adventure Games.

It’s a school project yo, lighten up. Had fun playing as Horu with a friend and I hope the developers take pride in their hard work on this game.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Dawn of the Falkonir on Steam

Shy Eye Labyrinth: The Incredible Mystery

Shy Eye Labyrinth: The Incredible Mystery

As a new unlucky soul trapped in the labyrinth of The Shy Eye, you are trying to find your way out.

You have to collect runes to unlock new parts of the labyrinth by solving various puzzles and if you are lucky, you might eventually discover a way out of this prison.

Interact with the world, find all the hidden secrets and get to the top of the labyrinth.

While exploring, you will encounter the souls of adventurers who entered the labyrinth before you, but weren’t successful in escaping its dangers. They might offer you interesting tips and insights.

Completing levels grants you the option to try your best in time challenges, which will prove if you are worthy of ascension.

Are you capable of solving the incredible mystery of The Shy Eye and escape the labyrinth?

Read More: Best Fantasy Mystery Games.

Shy Eye Labyrinth: The Incredible Mystery on Steam



Brightness is an extensive single-player game that takes him to the cruel ruins of ancient temples.

The main character has to recover stolen souls hidden among dangerous traps. The stolen spirits of the unfortunates levitate helplessly in the darkness of the ruins, waiting to be saved.

Brave adventurers will have to avoid hidden traps and jump over treacherous gaps to retrieve what has been taken.

Be warned, you only get one attempt and failure will cast you to previous location.

Unlock Even More Difficult Levels

Complete the available levels and open even deeper and more dangerous corners of temples, where more exploration areas are located.

Return to the Past

Go back to completed levels to improve your achievements and become a dexterity master. Improve your time and the number of points you have earned.

Discover Undiscovered

Take the gameplay to new biomes by completing the previous stages. Along with the new terrains comes new challenges. Get ready to be surprised!

Read More: Best Fantasy 2.5D Games.

Brightness on Steam

Diorama Dungeoncrawl

Diorama Dungeoncrawl

Designed to be “NES Hard”, this game does indeed feel like an homage to NES Castlevanias. Occasionally, depth perception was tricky due to the perspective, but overall, I like what the diorama-like presentation adds to the formula. I’m not quite done yet, but I’m a fan of the way the challenges progresses. I’d recommend this if you have the patience for some challenging rooms with potentially “cheap” deaths (depending on your perspective).

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

One of the more challenging games by the developer. I can’t really think of another game like this on Steam that combines platforming and the sort of action here, but it was decent to play.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Diorama Dungeoncrawl on Steam

Green Phoenix

Green Phoenix

  • Informational review

On rails shooter + good graphics - a bit slow = Narrative experience in futuristic world. Avoid obstacles and collect crystals. Could use more enemies or obstacles to shoot.

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Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Green Phoenix on Steam

TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight

TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight

Wandering in Eastern Paradise

Tasomachi is a short story of a lone traveler named Yukumo on the way to To-en, eastern continent. Unfortunately, the twilight fog causes serious damage to her airship as she is forced to land on nearby town. She is requested by feline-like inhabitant to search for “Source of Earth” to recover the town and repair her airship.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Reflections on the Aesthetics of Tasomachi

Ever since I first saw Nocras’s concept art for his game, Tasomachi: Behind the Twilight, I felt excited by his vision of a cityscape set in a fictional Far Eastern world. After much anticipation of the game’s release, I am glad to say that Tasomachi aesthetically does not disappoint. His aesthetic vision is realized in the world of Tasomachi, a beautiful, mysterious world to explore and behold. Set in a town enveloped by a strange fog and abandoned by its human inhabitants, Tasomachi introduces a lone girl who finds herself stranded when she crash-lands in her hot-air balloon. She then sets out to discover the town and uncover its mysteries. The story is extremely minimal at best, but it provides the setup to freely roam the urban environment and appreciate the cityscape without the bustle of human life.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight on Steam



This is again more of a neutral rating than a definite positive one. But let me get more into the details to explain.

Effie is a typical Unreal 3D-platformer made by a small team, and this shows, in both good and bad ways. On the positive side you can definitely see the dedication and work that was put into the environments of some levels (like the Vineyard or Windmills City), the platforming sequences are decent, too, and the many runes to collect give some good incentive to explore. Difficulty stays in a casual to easy range, yet doesn’t get too boring. Music was quite fitting as well, not too much variation, but also alright on the whole. So I have to admit I had fun regarding those aspects all in all. I didn’t mind the sometimes a bit clunky movements, or the narration style (a voiced narrator tells the game like a story to his grandchild). But the design and technical flaws sadly always pulled my experience down in between.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

TL;DR at the end.

When you start the game, right off the bat, first thing I noticed is how unpolished the game is, the animations for opening chests for example seem half-assed, the combat basically consists of just mashing heavy attack and later on when you unlock the boomerang move (which for some reason is even stronger than the heavy attack while also being a huge AoE) and you spam that instead you have to watch that animation in slow-motion EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

On the narrative side, the story is very basic but that’s not why I’m here for, and the voice acting is pretty lame and you’d keep hearing the same voice lines over and over again for example every time you open a blue chest you get one of two voice lines, and you open quite a lot of them.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Effie on Steam

Hollow Mind: The Lost Puppy

Hollow Mind: The Lost Puppy

While this game doesn’t do anything especially bad, it simply doesn’t offer any reason to play it. It looks pretty, but the gameplay is too simplistic to offer any intrinsic entertainment, and there’s no narrative or other such reward to make it worth sitting through. Add in the bugs and general lack of polish and you get a game that simply isn’t worth the time in its current state.

The core of an interesting game is certainly here, but it’s barebones enough that it feels more like a project the developer used to play around with ideas than an actual game. The biggest issue in my opinion is a lack of reward or positive feedback for the player. For example, the stated goal given at the beginning of the game is to collect the “three” stuffed animals in every level. However, not only are there more than three of them in many levels, but there’s no actual incentive to collect most of them. A few of them have achievements tied to them, but it’s fully possible to gather all the achievements without collecting them, leaving most of them utterly pointless.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

little glitchy no point of the game just jumping

little fun

worthy for 2 dollar or something like that no more.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Hollow Mind: The Lost Puppy on Steam

Souls of the Wind

Souls of the Wind

This game isn’t ready for a public release yet, there are too many bugs, some which break the game. It seems like the game wasn’t properly tested before a release.


  • It took me less than 5 minutes to get stuck in a wall.

  • You can’t back track, if you’ve progressed past a certain part of the game you can’t go back and explore/collect things you might have missed.

  • Relics re-appear, you can collect the same ones over and over. I don’t know if that progresses towards the total nuber of relics collected, but it does make it harder to track which ones you’ve already collected.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Update: I’m sorry, but after trying for a week to get past the first temple, I am fed up. It is much too difficult to try and use the WASD keys, and the mouse and right click to control the windbox, and simultaneously hit the spacebar to jump and the shift key to dash, all at the same time! For those who have excellent coordination skills, kudos to you. But I am not one of those kinds of people. I need controls and functions to be SIMPLE so that I can progress in a game, not start swearing like a sailor because I can’t do the minute precision required to advance to the next platform. So, I’m no longer recommending this game, and if I had to rate the game, I’d give it a 1/5 because it’s just too hard to coordinate. I’m not a teenager anymore. My reflexes are not so quick anymore. I give up.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Souls of the Wind on Steam

The Secret Blue Forest

The Secret Blue Forest

It’s one of the most traumatizing and surreal experiences I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

The Secret Blue Forest on Steam