Pathfinders: Mini Words

Pathfinders: Mini Words

Stars received: 2.7/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.4] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.4] Sound & Music

[0.4] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0.2] Game Story

[0.2] Game Content

[0.4] Completion time (level/game)?

[0.3] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: letter joiner to create a worf

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Family Friendly Puzzle Games.

With a very attractive theme and following the same line as the mechanics of the developer’s MINI WORD series, it is a necessary purchase to give the children of the family a playful and engaging way to become literate or learn another language for those who do not have the English language as native. I recommend!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Pathfinders: Mini Words on Steam



NagiQ is a family-friendly word game. In NagiQ you think of English words and place them on a board, vertically or horizontally, trying to connect your words with some special, mystic letters already placed on the board. There are more than 100 levels grouped into 5 islands, and each island introduces variations to the basic gameplay:

  • Mindia Island: For completing Mindia’s boards we only have to conquer all of the mystic letters already placed on the board.

  • Vulcania Island: Vulcania’s boards contain bugs! Hopefully, not “programming bugs,” but little creatures on cells of the board. We have to surround those bugs with letters, and also catch all of the mystic letters.

  • Nuntel Island: These boards have a timer! Don’t worry, though, as the timer fully restarts with each word you place on the board.

  • Raspit Island: This island introduces an additional requirement, as any new word you place on the board will have to include orange tiles. Each time you play a new word on the board some of its letters will have their tiles colored orange. And your next words will have to include at least one of such letters in orange tiles.

  • Partok Island: An island whose boards combine challenges from previous islands.


  • Type a word with your keyboard. If the word is accepted by the game’s dictionary then use your mouse to place the word on free cells of the board. Your word can overlap cells which are already occupied by a letter, but only if letters match. You can also use your mouse to type your word with the on-screen keyboard, but using a real keyboard is much faster.

  • Press the space bar to switch the orientation of your word (vertically or horizontally). Alternatively, do a right click with your mouse inside the board.

  • Press the backspace key to delete the last letter of the word you’re currently typing. Alternatively, do a right click with your mouse outside the board.

  • Press the escape key to clear the word you’re currently typing.

  • Press the enter key to place a word on the board. Or simply do a left click on the board.

The game has a little on screen keyboard which also has special buttons for some of these actions, such as changing the orientation of a word.

Read More: Best Family Friendly Cartoony Games.

NagiQ on Steam



At this point, I’ve lost track of how long ago I got this game and how long I’ve played it. I mean, yes, Steam tells me a number of hours, but that’s been spread out over almost every day for the last… two years? Maybe more? I’ve actually lost count.

The reason for that is, this game is a great way to wind down at the end of the day, by way of a clever idea for the kind of puzzle that wouldn’t be out of place in a newspaper– and I mean that as a compliment.

If you want to chill with some intelligent word-puzzles, then I can only sing this game’s praises.

Real player with 140.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Family Friendly Logic Games.

The in-game puzzles themselves take about 8-10 hours to completely exhaust. The themed sets are great, and I would definitely love to see more of them added in. There’s nothing extremely difficult, the hardest puzzles take about 10 minutes to put together. Right now, the puzzles are designed to be relaxing, but it’d be cool to have additional optional goals like using as few words as possible. That way, there’s incentive to play older puzzles.

The dailies are fun, and with 3 different board sizes everyday, it makes sure anyone can go into this game anytime and always have something new.

Real player with 74.8 hrs in game

Sidewords on Steam

ACT IT OUT XL! A Game of Charades - Designed for Twitch

ACT IT OUT XL! A Game of Charades - Designed for Twitch

I originally bought this on the Wii U and one feature that was missing there (but is here and in the PS4 version) is the connectivity to Twitch, Mixer and YouTube.

Let me just say first of all. This is great fun with friends and family and works as a brilliant couch-play / party game.

But for me, the real fun is being able to stream it. Casually making a fool of yourself is what the internet is all about and I’m pleased to say that I had a great first stream with this. The viewers were engaged and having a good time, and playing the game is easy, easy, easy.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

connecting through settings doesnt work so you wont get notification problems but you can still play live with chat. It was awesome. I was having issues so I reached out to the team that made this on facebook they responded quickly honestly and helped me figure it out!

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

ACT IT OUT XL! A Game of Charades - Designed for Twitch on Steam

Happy Words

Happy Words

Thank you! For a few years, I’ve been let down by not finding a decent Scrabble-like game. This is..pretty good. What would really improve it a lot, is if there could be a nonfamily-friendly setting; if you misspell a word, it gets thrown out & you lose your turn. That would make the game much more intense – then you actually have to know words. Still, for the price, it’s nice and much better than the free online scrabble & literati; the graphics, the choices of boards & tiles, and the music makes it much more fun. A real steal for 5 bucks.

Real player with 65.0 hrs in game

It’s certifiably scuffed.

I’ve yet to have a game where it’s not bugged out and denied me a turn. The bots in offline play are absolute monsters that occasionally decide to skip like 4 turns in a row for no discernible reason. The dictionary has some truly ridiculous words in it and excludes many terms that are included in other dictionaries. However it’s dirt cheap for the only Scrabble variant on the platform, and it doesn’t throw a tantrum and crash when you’re in a game which is always a key factor in longer games like this.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game

Happy Words on Steam

Scribble It!

Scribble It!

So. Lemme begin by saying that I absolutely love this game.

The Gameplay

It has Both a singleplayer and multiplayer mode. The singleplayer is… well. not very fun. You just draw stuff to your creativity; BUT you can invite your friends and draw whatever you want in the same canvas, and it is necessary for the competitions with amazing rewards that take place in the Discord Server . The multiplayer has 3 different gamemodes, which are:

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game


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Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

Scribble It! on Steam

Word Wise

Word Wise

Fun game a little strange on exiting

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Very chill, low pressure game.

The kind of thing that’s fun and easy to mess around with while watching YouTube, listening to a podcast or whatever.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Word Wise on Steam



infiniwordslide (nee word cascade) is a simple endless word game with elements of tetris in one of the game modes. various english and french dictionaries are available out of the box, and you can add or remove words if you want.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

InfiniWordSlide on Steam

Let’s Learn Japanese: Deluxe

Let’s Learn Japanese: Deluxe


Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Nice flashcard game/app. Didn’t run into any issues or errors from what I played.

Had stroke order, pronunciation, and a meaning for each character. Obviously this means it’s not overly comprehensive (you can’t practice speaking or writing in app either) but it works.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Let's Learn Japanese: Deluxe on Steam

Photo Quiz - Animals

Photo Quiz - Animals

this game is so good i can play this for hours and hours, im about to list my reasons why i love this game

1. so many animals

2. engaging gameplay

3. perfect balance between easy and hard

4. learning experience

5. great for the price

if still think you should not get this game then you clearly do not know how much of a banger this game is and, i want all my friends to play this game my mind is set and i am giving this game a 10/10 on ign

the visuals are great, the soundtrack is amazing and, the feeling i get when i solve any question is no doubt in my mind the best feeling in all of my life.

Real player with 120.2 hrs in game

HelLo STEma yousers my deer boyfrind “MANNY ABRaANTE!!!” GOT THis fanta-tastic video game por yo, It was kinda scarie Butt he heald my hand so i didnt tuch the computeR muose :)) I coUln’t sepll turtLe correctly, but luckly I called my deer freind Toby “PEREZ” Jr. to help me. (Thi;s is rgiht befoer he overdoseds ;() jthast was bery sade whene she (he( wast a trensgnder*) diead :(((((((( burt itss okuy case he (hse is in im evan (hevan)!!1! Teh scariieiest part (fart) waaz wen tere was a scare aminal, and i felt Like if i didntnt tipe the ledders, i wuld doie X.X (thats me ded) but tankfully, all of my friens were tere to halp me out (THANKS GUYS YOU"RE THE BEST) so anywanes thats the msot bestest time “ive” evern had at “ikeA”. nOw I win at The test(s) taht my taecher Mss.Pkissa in thr3e dys and GET a etter grade thean OliVer SpECTO kiiid. ::–-0. Butt –(funy) I thiks the games is boken becuase the caterpillarer WAS CALLNED A ant. Like seousy was is ant??2?. Wiat I jst noticesd the 5 is an bakwards 2!!. HMMMMM raely makes yuo thik. IN one off tha animalls i spelted thea ASS wurd ansd iuts was fuhny! 🤣🤣🤣😐

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Photo Quiz - Animals on Steam