Truck Driver

Truck Driver

*Update: May 30th 2021 (21 Game Hours)

📌 Truck Driver Program is on a good, on the right way. Some Sound Bugs (Engine Sound is minimized after spawn back to garage and when u switch between different camera positions / views). A few AI Bugs like Traffic Crashes and Traffic Stops, but they will reset at self. Also sometimes when u tab the Map during driving and u go back to the Truck, the Steering will not work. (Back to Main Menu and reload the savegame). Remember SCS also started with unliicensed Trucks in the early 2000´s ; ) and look now what the have build with ETS2 and ATS.

Real player with 232.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Family Friendly Singleplayer Games.

I have no idea why this game currently is getting mixed reviews. It looks and plays great on my PC, and it’s alot of fun. I remember playing the demo a couple of years ago and it needed alot of improvement. They really came thru, IMHO. Solid game, a nice alternative to ATS. Highly recommended.

Edit: I will add a couple of annoyances that I hope can be fixed at some point. Traffic is about as stupid as I’ve ever seen in any game. They seem to just stop at times for no reason. Also, I run triple screens and it would be nice to have the HUD in my middle screen.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Truck Driver on Steam



Extremely Fun game with a unique and well designed card game mechanics. While there are a few things I think that could be improved, overall they really pale in comparison to the fun I’ve had from this game.


  • Fresh new card game mechanics with well designed factions that are both unique and synergistic

  • great story

  • Very replayable

  • Fun Gauntlet mode make your own deck each win with difference Champs

  • Great sound track and voicelines


  • animations and walking can get a little tedious on multiple playthroughs

Real player with 88.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Family Friendly Funny Games.

This game could have been AMAZING but has some design and balance shortcomings. I’ll list them briefly then go into more detail below.

  1. No way to collect all the cards or undo certain permanent changes

  2. No real post game or new game+ to try out different deck types. Unskippable cutscenes ruin the thought of replaying the game.

  3. Some balance shortcomings can make a couple parts almost impossible in some cases, this game is otherwise extremely easy.

I still had fun with this game and not a lot of people make games like this anymore. The story and writing is charming and the art grew on me. The complaints only hurt so hard because the rest of the game shows so much promise. I still had fun with my 14ish hours of it but I wouldn’t recommend paying full price unless you really love these types of games.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Cardpocalypse on Steam

Disney•Pixar Finding Nemo

Disney•Pixar Finding Nemo

This game is OK if you’re buying this for a child as an educational game, though the movie it is based on is fairly old at this point. Unfortunately for me, the nostalgia does not outweigh the painfully childish gameplay experience. Don’t buy unless you’re DESPERATE for the slightest sense of nostalgia, or buying for a child. That’s the only reason I bought this game anyway, the nostalgia. I sincerely doubt this game was £7 when I bought it.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Family Friendly Blood Games.


GRAPHICS - ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Cutscenes shows original movie-scenes - VERY NICE!

The game itself on the other hand looks really ugly. No real animations and everything looks kind of pixelated. It’s not the ugliest experience of a Pixar Game but you will not enjoy the Graphic.

MUSIC - ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Original Soundtrack! Very good like it was back than.

STORY - ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

You’re playing the original Story of ‘‘Finding Nemo’’. Story is tolded via little Cutscenes which are real Movie-Scenes - Very Nice!. But the Campaign only take one hour and is only a summarized version of the movie. Still - the nostalgia for the story is the biggest +Point for this game.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Disney•Pixar Finding Nemo on Steam




You are Ernest, the last Hemingwhale still residing inside of Fin, an enormous mechanical whale. One Day, rather unpleasant Squiddies show up and start making a mess. Use your magnet-like powers to manipulate your environment and find out how to get rid of them again.

Use your Magnegloves to settle your score with them!

Throw pushy pearls to clear your way or attract attention by levitating objects in mid air.

Or get up close to Push and Pull Objects to the hearts content!

A whale-tastic Adventure awaits!

Explore the Whale from the Inside to find out how to help your friend! Use your Environment to reach new places! But don’t get caught up in all this wonky machinery!

Uncover a complicated Past!

Where do these Squiddies come from? Where is your Family? And what is it with all those cans of tuna?

WHALIEN on Steam

Hanako’s flower shop

Hanako’s flower shop

Hanako’s flower shop is a story about a girl Hanako who runs a flower shop. Inspired by her grandfather, who is an outstanding florist himself, she is putting all her efforts to bring a smile to faces of her customers. She listens to their stories and tries to understand what is happening in their hearts in order to express these feelings via yet another intricate bouquet.


  • A unique mechanic of composing a bouquet based on flowers language;

  • An eye-catching anime-like bright and pleasant visuals;

  • A non-linear story shaped by your choices;

  • A variety of characters of different ages, social positions, goals, problems and ways of overcoming them.

Hanako's flower shop on Steam

Stories of Blossom

Stories of Blossom

Stories of Blossom is a series of wholesome adventures, brought to life by the imagination of a young girl.

Embody the personas she plays in each story, interact with silly characters in odd situations, and help her learn the lessons her Grandfather is trying to teach.

A Series of Colourful Worlds

Brought to life with hand animated storybook illustrations, voiced characters, and an excellent soundtrack.

A Wholesome Narrative

Featuring lessons that help us take control of our own stories and improve the lives of those around us.

An Accessible Experience

Designed and tested to ensure there are little to no barriers for those with disabilities. For a full list of accessibility features please visit our website.

Stories of Blossom on Steam




you are wrong to assume this is just a ‘good game’

the purity and essence of this is far superior than anything i have ever experienced in my entire life.

b can leave you completely clueless of the world, for one my entire family and wife have left me, but to that I say,


you may find yourself jobless, without a home, but that corner internet cafe is capable of fulfilling your every single need. What need is that you may ask? Well, its


your parents get concerned, they may not understand that your overall health isn’t of importance anymore, they won’t realise what this marvel of technology is to you and those who play it, so you simply have to ignore them, and find your way back to

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

This experience was life-changing.

From the homefield where the game starts, the home of b. The fields green of hope for something to be out there, perhaps in this universe, you could meet another of your kind, maybe this, will fill the emptiness inside. You start by searching around the tall grass and flowers, no trace of life. You then make your way to the tall tree, you look around, still no luck… Perhaps, you could go elsewhere, somewhere beyond… You start to race for space, in your run, you encounter the JPEG moon, the most amazing thing about this grass field. Beyond that, you start to see space, maybe, just maybe someone is waiting for you in space… Perhaps on these meteors heading your way… No, still no luck… Maybe somewhere BEYOND, you start to race even farther, to something more… immense… something hotter… THE SUN… On your journey, you encounter spinning galaxies, luminous objects. Your mind starts to go wild, and you hear music, intense music. You know what you want and you are fixated on it, the farther you go, the more intense the music gets. After such a long time, you see it! The moon AND the sun! You go wild, you go full speed towards it, but little do you know, it’s much father away than you thought. The anxiety is killing you. “Will I find who I am looking for or not? Will I ever be capable of going back? When will I reach it? Oh God, should I go back?” All these questions and more, but you keep your head straight. You know what you want and you won’t let anything let you down! Half way there, you realize it. The music in your head, it gives you motivation, you listen on to the music again, it’s louder than ever, and better than ever! You take your courage and go even faster than before, you go so fast, you don’t even know if you’re moving or not anymore. Then you reach it, the moon. It’s so calm and cool here, the best destination for a b. Looking up at space, you see the sun, smiling upon you. Maybe, just maybe, that emptiness inside was just because you didn’t feel at home anymore, this is your new home, and you feel fantastic.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

b on Steam

Beast Quest

Beast Quest

The Game is good in all but the price is just too crazy! The price just makes the game look like a (CASH GRAB) and the game is only like 3 hours and a half long. I got this game on a winter sale for £8.00 but i found out that normally the game is £30.00 Which is just stupid. I would reccomend the game to people who like RPGs but for hardcore gamers well this game is just a no no. The game has got some good graphics but if you are going to buy this i reccomend you wait for a sale.

Thank for Reading

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Good Ideas Marred by Horrific Technical Issues

Beast Quest is a short High Fantasy game with some very solid gameplay features, but the bugs, glitches, and numerous other technical issues really overshadow any good this title has to offer. While it is by no means a horrible game, it is definitely not something I would recommend (not even to children) because it is so unfathomably broken. As my friend put it, the game is essentially held together by “sweat and duct tape.” After 100%ing the game, here are my final thoughts:

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Beast Quest on Steam

Disney G-Force

Disney G-Force

G-Force has changed the way I think about life, before purchasing this game I was a hard-core racist, I never found myself going outside to see grass, I had never felt the warm embrace of a woman, after purchasing this life-changing game, it made me think deeply. This game has revolutionized my thoughts, I am no longer a raging racist. I attribute this to the character Mooch. The character Mooch is an open-minded loveable character, Mooch’s character provokes so much emotion, during my 3rd speedrun attempt, I broke into tears, seeing such a small creature have a massive impact on the game like that, makes me so happy, it shows that the little man still has a shot at making it big. It shows that no matter who you are you can do anything you put your mind to. Mooch has inspired me in so many ways, sometimes at night, I will sit at my desk, staring at pictures of Mooch he gives me inspiration he gives me the willpower to do what I want to do. Mooch has been there for me when no one else was. When I first purchased this game, I hated the thought of touching the grass, I hated the thought of an outside world. This game has shown me that there is more to life than just games, there is a whole new life outside. Although since buying this game I have been diagnosed with Insomnia, Bi-Polar Depression 2, Schizophrenia, as well as a host of physical illnesses, like partial paralysis in my lower body. Aside from that, my mind has never felt better, I feel mentally aware and feel as if I am ready to take on the world. Sometimes at night, I think about how I can achieve greatness and how I can leave my mark on this world, and that is by playing this game that is by finishing this amazing game. As one of my good friends once said “The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.”, This game showed me that I don’t have to suppress my thoughts I don’t have to act like a normal person I can be who I am. This game has changed my life for the better, I still hope one day I will be able to feel the warm embrace of a woman.

Real player with 1028.5 hrs in game



☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it

☐ Paint.exe


☑ Very good

☐ Good

☐ It‘s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Starring at walls is better

☐ Just don‘t


☑ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☐ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ Earrape


☑ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☐ Human

—{PC Requirements}—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boiiiiii

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

Real player with 93.4 hrs in game

Disney G-Force on Steam

Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure

Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure

This is the best game ever!!! Its so fun because there is no violence and has helpful features to make it through easier. The dialougue is real snazzy becuase it makes me feel like i am actually talking to my favorite princesses!!!! The cutscenes even include my character with voice acting too!! The magic commands are simple, they have pleasant animations like the twirl one thats my favvvv ^w^ I like how the tasks dont demand any rush and leaves you to explore all you want. Turning the poor little imps back into sprites is so uplifting and so is helping out all of my bffs throughout the story. Plus running around the locations makes me really very happy because i get to twirl around with the wand and look at all the sparkles, I could do it all day!!

Real player with 200.8 hrs in game

Obvioulsy I bought this for my daughter. She’s 4 and has grown up in a world with ipads and media on demand and wireless internet isn’t a luxury but rather almost a legal right. This game is atrocious on every aspect. Even though I bought it on a deeply discounted Steam sale, I still feel ripped off. My 4 year old immediately complained about the low quality of graphics. There is no resolution settings. At all. It’s defaulot resolution will essentially just scale to your native. My native resolution is 7860x1600 (triple 30" lcds). Reducing the resolution down to 2560x1600, the game still looks like crap. Secondary, the controls are some retarded arrow key and spacebar combo with M and N as action keys. There is no default recognition of the Microsoft Xbox/PC remote controller, and I was unable to reprogram it ato the game, since the game seems to override controller recognition upon start. Your kids are stuck with the keyboard and mouse. Just learn like I’ve learned…when you see the “Disney” logo, it always means “FAMILY FOCUSED (soccer mom minivan, stepford wives, corporate whored out shit show applications and movies and themeparks.”

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure on Steam