3rd eye

3rd eye

The first thing you need to know about 3rd Eye is that its illustrator is Koto Inari. Whereas most Touhou artists try to make ZUN’s girls cuter, lovelier and more stylish, Koto Inari gives them uncanny, twisted, often morbid or even mutilated forms.

You won’t be drooling over your favourite Gensoukyans in this one!

But that’s not why you’d play 3rd Eye anyway. It’s a gloomy, psychological horror adventure game with fairly simple puzzles. Solutions are usually found quickly so long as you investigate all objects you come across. Sometimes you’ll get different results or find invisible points of interest if you activate your Third Eye mode first. Not that much logical thinking is required, as the majority of items you pick up are used automatically once you interact with the object or person they are intended for.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Female Protagonist Games.


  • Diet fran bow with touhou characters.

  • If you are a touhou fan and you are on the mood for a scary game. Go for it. You gonna love it.

  • if you like this artstyle and atmosphere: you gonna love it.

  • If you come looking for more fran bow just keep in mind this is a way smaller game in scale but I bet you will love it. Like a small delicious snack.

  • if you know nothing about touhou you may not recognize or make sense of a lot locations, behaviours or jokes but you don’t need to know that. The game gives enough hints on what to do. You will enjoy it.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

3rd eye on Steam

Pristiq: Tash’s Trilogy

Pristiq: Tash’s Trilogy

great game great story great design you can tell the developer put a lot of work into the smallest details and made an indie gem i highy recommended playing this game and replaying it to discover all the lore

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith 2D Games.



















Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Pristiq: Tash's Trilogy on Steam

Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs

Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs

Now one may be wondering how I could be reviewing this after 1175 hours of playtime. I realize this is simply not enough to fully appreciate this masterpiece, but at the very least it is now my most played game on steam. This is the least one can do to truly have delved deep enough into this game, to experience all it has to offer, to savor every last drop of this ambrosia. To say it was soul-changing is an insult, and is woefully inadequate in describing the magnificence of what can no longer be described as a mere game. My act of even attempting to use such inaccurate and insufficient terms to convey this unparalleled brilliance is wholly unacceptable and utterly blasphemous. This is easily humanity’s magnum opus.

Real player with 1302.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Faith Anime Games.

This game has undoubtedly changed my life for the better.

A few months ago I was struck by the loss of my grandma whom I loved very much. She used take me down to the park near where I lived and watch me play. We always used to get ice cream right after too, our favorite flavor was sweet strawberry. As someone who has dealt with loss in the past I would assume this would be something I could get over easily. I was proved wrong

My mental and physical health was slowly deteriorating as I was mourning the loss of my grandma, my family tried to help me but their efforts where deemed futile. I was lost, no where to run to, nowhere to speak out, so out of desperation, I looked to the one person I could trust. The one that would always be there for me. The one who believes in me…

Real player with 69.1 hrs in game

Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs on Steam

Divine Favor

Divine Favor

Spooky, cause like i’m afraid of literally every bug that ever existed.

I don’t understand why the first like hour was just black though.

The game seemed long at the start but faster when things started going.

I don’t know if this is going to get updates or more story but overall pretty spooky man.

The story is pretty good and the art is too.

For what is I don’t feel that it would be worth $1 as the story is kinda short.

But if you like this sorta spooky text story then I definitely recommend, but this game just ain’t my cup of tea.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

In hindsight, I should have known this, but there is absolutely zero gameplay. However, it is a very interesting story which is thoroughly enhanced by the sound effects. It does what it does well, but it really doesn’t do much. A little bit overpriced even with the low price of .99.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Divine Favor on Steam

CBT With Yuuka Kazami

CBT With Yuuka Kazami

This is a great game! Whenever you are feeling down, or scared, Maybe even frighten. Yuuka Kazami will be here to help you with that! For my 1000 hours, I found this game to be amazing! I would play this a lot when I was sad or depressed. This game is great if you want to be cheered up by someone you like! For a long amount of my life, I haven’t been happy a lot of time. However, ever since I got this game, (along with other games made by the Dev). I have really been enjoying my life, in a nice way! I really enjoy this game alot! Thanks to the Developer for making this game! These games are always interesting and funny! With also being very helpful at advice! Cognitive Behavoral Therapy with Yuuka Kazami is the way to go! 10/10 Best CBT game of 2020.

Real player with 3544.2 hrs in game

When I found this game randomly at a forum months ago I thought it was just a joke. Just a quick money grab with no real unique CBT help, but I was wrong. This game has changed the way I view my life and relations.

I’ve been depressed for a long time. I’ll have short periods of times where I’ll lose hope or the meaning of things and it has affected my personal such as; school, friends, workout etc. After reading and 100%ing this I feel like something inside of me awakened, a feeling I didn’t have before perhaps. First off, Yuuka’s interactions feel very real. The way she presents her CBT tips is as if she’s there right next to you in real life. Her tips also helped me a lot. After finishing this game, I tried the journal writing and it truly does work. I no longer feel sad, depressed or dejected, and I feel like I can finally be myself again. If you’re struggling and want someone to comfort you then look no further my friend. The dialogue, her sprite, the interactions, they all made this into a wonderful game.

Real player with 2070.1 hrs in game

CBT With Yuuka Kazami on Steam

永远消失的幻想乡 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo

永远消失的幻想乡 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo


If you are looking for a good game, read more below and after that ask yourself if you still want to buy it.

TL;DR: Unpolished, badly translated game with very shallow depth on the story and baffling gameplay design decisions that make the game unfun.

The game features itself as a “ARPG” with bullet hell aspect which is prevalent on touhou themed games. There are a lot of flaws in this game, but the biggest problem in this game is it becomes unfair at the later stage. Touhou bullet hell games always has been hard but fair to me, if you die then it’s your fault. Unfortunately Halfway through the game, the game starts to throw more bullshit, at least give dodging I-frames(invulnerability) to at least to counter it (oh yeah, DLC characters might have I-frames with them LUL). It also changes the camera angle on boss fight to make the fight “harder” since it warps your perspective that you think you’re going to dodge a projectile.

Real player with 49.6 hrs in game

Fun touhou fan game although the whole “fan based” style story is cringy at times. Dungeons and bosses can be cheesed with certain character even on Lunatic -coughnotReisenandMarisacough-


-Decent cast of playable heroes that can be unlocked via Story/unlock requirments

-It is translated into english just change language in the options off main menu

-mix of bullet hell and meleeish

-boss fights are very fun and requires pattern memorization and HP management (certain bosses can mix their next stage attack with a current attack causing mayhem to the players tempo)

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

永远消失的幻想乡 ~ The Disappearing of Gensokyo on Steam

GENSOU Skydrift

GENSOU Skydrift

Fans of Touhou, Sonic Riders and/or Mario Kart Double Dash (or 8 if you think about it another way) rejoice: you have a game that, while small and a tad light on content, tries to accommodate these diverse qualities into one package. You have your Touhous. You have your anti-gravity track-design. And you have a tag-team mechanic - albeit one that doesn’t seem quite intuitive and might’ve done better with more explanations about some of the finer mechanics that underpin it. The way items are attained and gotten also is a little unorthodox and takes getting used to if you are used to fixed item box placement on tracks like I was.

Real player with 682.2 hrs in game

Before I knew it, I racked up over 400 hours in this game. If that’s not the sign of a good game, I don’t know what is, so I figure it’s high time I give it thumbs up.

Starting off, it’s a simple but solid fun racer, 2 story mode campaigns to play through with a 3rd currently in development. If you want to go deeper, though, the online races and time attack modes coupled with this game’s surprising level of technical depth are what have really kept me with it for hundreds of hours.

The basics are you put two 2hus together (or the same one twice) and one surfs through the tracks on the other with the option to spend a small amount of spell meter to switch to the other at any time for a boost of speed and a change in stats. Spell meter can also be spent to roll for an item. The items you get are usually typical kart racer type things, but with full meter and enough time passed, you can pull a character specific Last Word spell with powerful race changing effects. Strategizing on how to use meter and when to go for and use a LW adds a nice level of depth to races and keeps things feeling fresh as you try and race against different characters.

Real player with 648.2 hrs in game

GENSOU Skydrift on Steam

Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi

Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi

This game is a horizontal scroll action game of sword war system, with fast pace and high difficulty.

In 《Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi》, you will play the Satori monster Komeiji Koishi in Touhou Project, a soldier who is ordered not to quit, returns until the enemy is broken, and an adventurer who runs around in order to hold a witches' Sabbat.

You help the human witch find the precious potion material, and make enemies with the illusory mushroom family and many undeads. As you go deep into the miasma overflowing magic forest, in order to fulfill the agreement, you will lose yourself and embark on a dangerous journey.

Explore the central hinterland of the deserted Gensokyo, feel the cruel law of the jungle, and confront the enemies who kill your sanity in the dark and distorted world. Use the “unconscious” ability to launch various assassination mysteries, show the skills of monsters, cut and shuttle up and down in the fierce bullet battle, and have a fierce confrontation with the enemy.

Battlefield is a place where corpses are piled up. Only with the belief of death can we live. If you want to live, you will die.

【Developer’s Words】

**If《Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi》 is simple, it is absolutely deceptive, but it is not difficult for the sake of difficulty.

The original intention of this game is to let players have a considerable sense of achievement after completing something or discovering something.

High difficulty is one of the sources of sense of achievement.**

【Game Operation】

【Game Features】

The game is a horizontal action game, including enemies of different forms and styles.

Some will release high-intensity barrages;

Some will launch a pressing pursuit step by step;

Some are unfathomable magicians;

Some of them are swordsmen as quiet as water.

Players need to observe the enemy’s actions and get familiar with the enemy’s habits.

Only by defending, dodging and attacking at the right time can we defeat the enemy.

As the game progresses, players will understand all kinds of unique skills and secrets.

It can not only effectively improve the combat effectiveness of players.

Provide all kinds of new methods to defeat the enemy skillfully.

And all skills have their own unique story, contains the unique cultural connotation of the Touhou Project.

It is hoped that players can get the pleasure of defeating strong enemies, the satisfaction of collecting moves, and the enrichment of seeing and hearing.

Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi on Steam



Great game. Short, but definitely worth it. I love that there are multiple chapter points you can choose so you don’t have to play through the whole story again in order to get to the different endings. There are some minor translation errors, but nothing too bothersome. It’s very compelling. I would love to see more detail about the folklore involved. I felt like a lot of legends were referenced but not much was really explained, like it could all be chalked up to one cultish village and their weird traditions. If these references have a more historic root in Slavic tradition, as a slav by ancestry myself, I’d love to hear it. 7/10

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

good little game graphics are well nice real good detail in them well done loved them not a bad game for the price i still not finished it yet want to get the other endings but defo check it out hope top see more from these as this was a decent little game

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Unforgotten on Steam



It just falls flat and isn’t worth the cost. Perhaps the creators will take this and create awesome Indie horror games down the road. But for now I feel that this game has cheap jump scares that don’t make you jump and I wish there was a sprint/run mechanism.

Real player with 192.0 hrs in game

Information / Review English

SALIGIA is a First-person horror / Adventure game developed by ENKA GAMES.

Story / Gameplay

Moses did many wicked and heinous things in the past that he would rather forget and delete from Memory. However, it is precisely these that always haunt him in his sleep, more precisely in Nightmares that plague him every Night and deprive him of his sleep. He is plagued by feelings of guilt and he has only one Goal to finally get rid of them. But he begins to doubt himself and asks himself: Are the beings he sees and the noises he hears really only Dreams or has reality caught up with him. At that time Moses performed one of the 7 deadly sins by sacrificing People for a purpose and this will now be his fate.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

SALIGIA on Steam